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Obama Wants a Bush Crony...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

There ya go. And look at us now. We are debt slaves. Both micro and macro economically bankrupt and pretty soon to be homeless as we have begun the massive deleveraging of the multi decade credit bubble. The final bubble. As Trump put it, "The one where we all go over the falls together."

The FED is the root cause of our pain. They are the puppet masters behind the American Presidency. They are the providers of the illusion of choice for decades. They profit from the Drug War and all the other wars. See my sig "War is a Racket."

Nothing is more of a racket than the War on Drugs. The DEA is the modern Gestapo.

I know it's a bit off topic, but when and if the SHTF it's going to be important for us not to point blame at one man or one party, but to go after the man behind the curtain. The central banks. If we do not do this we will be doomed even further than we already are.

EDIT: One more gem of a quote. "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild
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My dad used to have a saying, "It's the sweat off our asses puts beer in their glasses".

When the topic of being indebted or/and working for a living was being discussed.

Throughout the course of human history the "Select few" imposed their will or control over large groups of other people either through the manipulations in the name of religion, military and economics.

The bottom line is occasionally the large groups of people being exploited occasionally rise up and revolt resulting in new covenants, constitutions and governments.

The only difference in today's game being played, is the date on the calender.

The truth is war whenever prosecuted, has been rationalized by three "R"s.....Religion, Resources and Real estate.

For instance right now in Iraq and Afghanistan our "Troops" read our youth and future are bleeding and dying along with "Insurgents" and civilians there all in order to protect pipelines....pipelines of the world's largest Opium producing region and Oil and Gas pipelines between major production areas and the fastest growing and largest consumption markets.

Until mankind gets completely fed up lining the pockets of those who enslave and murder our children and families, we are stuck on this "Merry-go-round" I'm afraid.

"Is it no wonder the virgin weeps"?



New member
If there is going to be any crackdowns in California they will come AFTER the 2012 election. O'Bama can't afford to piss off half of states registered voters and expect to get re-elected. It's all about getting votes, nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't give a shit about right or wrong, he does care about the VOTES!
A couple of people have recently said to me (in person, not here) that they think that pot has reached the point of no return where a critical mass of activity is going on that makes it increasingly difficult (and eventually impossible) to do anything about it. Like when you go to a concert where the clientele smokes a lot of pot, the lights go down, and the smoke rises, and security gives up and realizes at least everyone is stoned and mellow. I blew it off the first two times I heard about it, then I thought about the concert analogy and I'm starting to think that we've reached critical mass or soon will. Really in this age of shortfalls and budget cuts, where else could they cut? Except education, of course. Just let our kids continue to fail and give less resources to do something about it! :)
That seems to be the prevailing idea where I live and it's rather sad and lazy I think. However effective who knows, certainly time consuming tho. Anyway I wouldn't put it passed our own government. These kids are too smart as it is! just keep them texting sober and on facebook and we'll have nothing to worry about. Every now and again we'll get a smarty out of the herd. Sick really... very fair points from all tho.


A couple of people have recently said to me (in person, not here) that they think that pot has reached the point of no return where a critical mass of activity is going on that makes it increasingly difficult (and eventually impossible) to do anything about it. Like when you go to a concert where the clientele smokes a lot of pot, the lights go down, and the smoke rises, and security gives up and realizes at least everyone is stoned and mellow. I blew it off the first two times I heard about it, then I thought about the concert analogy and I'm starting to think that we've reached critical mass or soon will. Really in this age of shortfalls and budget cuts, where else could they cut? Except education, of course. Just let our kids continue to fail and give less resources to do something about it! :)

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