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911 Cell phone call ??? wrong house ??

okay cop knocked on the door, asked if someone made a 911 cell phone call from this house.
There was a 911 cell phone call made i said no and was utterly confused and he called dispatch to get the number again, either way the number he got didnt match any numbers in my address or cell phone, he looked a little confused and left.

He didn't ask to come in.

About 10 years ago my kids made a 911 call accidently and a cop showed up and demanded to search said it was the law when someone makes a call.

It has me freakin out nervous.
Anyone ever heard of anything like that for a possible check up or anything?

He's a cop i don't like the way cops look at you anyways, but what do you guys think ?


Talk about your heart dropping if you have a grow. Thats the main reason i quit growing indoor.


Active member

there is a reason people have a home phone and not just a cell phone, you can pick up a home phone, dial 911, not say a word and the dispachter has your exact address and can send leo instantly.

if you call 911 on a cell phone you have to be able to tell the dispatcher where you are (maybe not if you have a newfandagle smartphone with some fancy gps thingy) They do not have the capabilities to pin point a cell location to that degree of accuracy. especially not THAT FAST

I would SERIOUSLY check the security aspect of any growing, get that smell in check immediately (if any).


Even in Arcadia I exist
Generally I stay far away from "answering" questions in the Security thread unless I know the answer. But I have a little experience here . . . .

About 2 1/2 years ago this happened to me, I was growing indoors at the time in an apartment. My G/F at the time and I had a fight, she left, and I assumed she called 911, don't know what she told them, but they came. Knocked. I opened and stepped into the hall. Told them what happened . . . they asked if they could look around, I said no. They asked why, if I had nothing to hide, I wouldn't let them look around. I said they can get a warrant or leave, and went back into my apartment. The knocked loudly for a few minutes, talking through the door, then left. Nothing came of it.

Now, fast forward 4 months, same girlfriend, grow just finished, shit is drying . . . another fight, another 911, SAME FUCKING COPS (2). Same bullshit, except this time they demanded to enter the premises and threatened to have the apartment place's maintenance let them in. Again same shit, I refused, went back into my apartment, demanded a warrant. Nothing came of it.

Still, I'd never do that shit again.

I have a long history dealing with LEOs, and generally they take things only as far as you let them take them. The more resistance you give, the more likely they are to give up. In my extensive experience it is the subject who gives themselves away . . . not sneaky cops "catching" people. I'm no lawyer, but when around LEOs I keep my f%@king mouth shut, even if doing so implies evasion . . . .
Just to be clear i didn't make the cell phone call.
That's what has me spooked, pure coincidence?

If nothing was going on you wouldn't think twice about it.
What could they possibly gather from knocking on the door?
Then radio back to dispatch and asking what the number was again, then leaving.


Even in Arcadia I exist
You only "Feel" guilty because you are, but they didn't know that.

If they left, and dispatch confirmed it was a wrong number, you clearly have no reason to believe anything but that. Don't be paranoid . . .


i actually had a buddy get fucked over by a cop a few years ago like this. he didnt have a grow at the moment but the cops obviously knew what was going on. small town, really crooked cops. knocked on the door, said "somebody called 911 from this house". my bro denies it and says its a mistake, so the cop shoves him into his house and says "I SMELL MARIJUANA." and proceeds to search his house, finding about 10lbs of dank.

he checked his phone records, definately no 911 call from his place. i dont think he got it completely dropped but he did get off with something like a year or probation. he moved outta town and as far as i know he hasnt startd back up yet


Patient Grower
. . . they asked if they could look around, I said no. They asked why, if I had nothing to hide, I wouldn't let them look around. I said they can get a warrant or leave, and went back into my apartment.

IMO the very best response to the question, 'why won't you let me look if you have nothing to blah blah blah is:

"Because I have an expectation of privacy in my home". It's what the appeals courts love to argue, 'did he have an expectation of privacy'. So the answer is non-committal and uses magic words to an appeals court which just may tilt the debate in your favor, and can easily be said in a polite, non-confrontational manner. I would use the same magic words in my car, but with a much lowered expectation that it could help. But state of mind is important, and stating that you have an expectation of privacy establishes that you have that mindset, and changes things so that the burden is now on the prosecution to prove that you didn't.

If you think that saying no is only for people who are guilty of a crime, think of the closet pervert with an extensive, but secret, collection of dildos and various fucking machines with which to have them inserted at various speeds and angles. None of which is illegal however there are many out there who would rather keep such a thing private.


Ripped since 1965

there is a reason people have a home phone and not just a cell phone, you can pick up a home phone, dial 911, not say a word and the dispachter has your exact address and can send leo instantly.

if you call 911 on a cell phone you have to be able to tell the dispatcher where you are (maybe not if you have a newfandagle smartphone with some fancy gps thingy) They do not have the capabilities to pin point a cell location to that degree of accuracy. especially not THAT FAST

I don't know what state you are living in but in mine not only can they pinpoint the cell phone but we the consumers have to PAY a little more each month so the piggies can do this for 911 calls. This started 3 or 4 years ago, they would not sell new phones that were not 911 capable or renew contracts until your phone was 911 ready. If it ain't in your state already then it's on the way.


Even in Arcadia I exist
If you think that saying no is only for people who are guilty of a crime, think of the closet pervert with an extensive, but secret, collection of dildos and various fucking machines with which to have them inserted at various speeds and angles.

Yah I guess at the time, and even now, I really didn't give a crap what they thought. W/O Probable cause or a warrant, it doesn't matter what they thought . . . suspicion isn't enough to get a judges warrant.


Active member
I don't know what state you are living in but in mine not only can they pinpoint the cell phone but we the consumers have to PAY a little more each month so the piggies can do this for 911 calls. This started 3 or 4 years ago, they would not sell new phones that were not 911 capable or renew contracts until your phone was 911 ready. If it ain't in your state already then it's on the way.

Prepaid go phones are your friends people. Just buy the 10 dollar model and reup that thing when you need to. Keep all of your business on that phone number and never on a different one.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
The cops around here love that caller ID shit. They use it just to let you know they can, and to probably log as much information about anyone they can.

One night ~930pm I was in the neighborhood and almost hit a black guy wearing an all black sweat suit standing in the middle of the road, he wasn't smiling either. I called the cops, we do have thieves in the night around here, and they were more worried about getting my information than confronting this suspicious man. They asked who was calling, I said anonymous, then I heard a guy in the background immediately stating my name and address, F-ing pigs.

Makes me want to go get a pre-paid phone just to call them.

Another time I witnessed a bad wreck and called them, same shit, whats your name? How about where is the wreck? People are bleading to death on the pavement and they act like they don't even give a shit.

Sorry for the rant. I like what Phythagllio had to say about it, thats some useful info.


I would say if you grow in the home where you live, it is best NOT to have a landline phone. Use a cell phone only. Especially if you have other family (kiddos), friends etc that live in your home. Even if a kid makes a bogus 911 call while just messing around, LEO is coming into your home to look around & no warrant will be needed. count on it.



about 14 years ago when i lived in a condo with a roommate i had the cops come and knock on my door one afternoon... they said they had reports of people coming and going all hours of the night
My roommate answered the door and said well i work nights and he works graveyard so two people come and go everyday at 11:30 and 4am... Then they asked if they could come in and look around he said not without a warrant plus the owner of the home is not here and im not letting anyone in without his consent... they said we may be back.

He said we may be here..

He talked through the door the whole time.

that was that.. they never came back.. Come to find out it was some neighbors down below that were mad for some reason... i soon confronted them and they moved shortly afterward.

also when i got home that night i called the police station to see what the hell was going on and they acted like they didn't know what was going on.

I wasn't dealing or having partys or even people over just smoking in my house and walking up the stairs at night to access my house.
I shopped at night and did everything at night as most people would do during the day.. i assume it pissed them off.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Generally I stay far away from "answering" questions in the Security thread unless I know the answer. But I have a little experience here . . . .

About 2 1/2 years ago this happened to me, I was growing indoors at the time in an apartment. My G/F at the time and I had a fight, she left, and I assumed she called 911, don't know what she told them, but they came. Knocked. I opened and stepped into the hall. Told them what happened . . . they asked if they could look around, I said no. They asked why, if I had nothing to hide, I wouldn't let them look around. I said they can get a warrant or leave, and went back into my apartment. The knocked loudly for a few minutes, talking through the door, then left. Nothing came of it.

Now, fast forward 4 months, same girlfriend, grow just finished, shit is drying . . . another fight, another 911, SAME FUCKING COPS (2). Same bullshit, except this time they demanded to enter the premises and threatened to have the apartment place's maintenance let them in. Again same shit, I refused, went back into my apartment, demanded a warrant. Nothing came of it.

Still, I'd never do that shit again.

I have a long history dealing with LEOs, and generally they take things only as far as you let them take them. The more resistance you give, the more likely they are to give up. In my extensive experience it is the subject who gives themselves away . . . not sneaky cops "catching" people. I'm no lawyer, but when around LEOs I keep my f%@king mouth shut, even if doing so implies evasion . . . .

Dude, you need to get that chick in check or drop her. That or quit growing.
You've lucked out twice. 3rd time could be the charm. Or maybe you already did, hence never do that shit again?