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Med grower
ICMag Donor
I missed the Xmas special :eek: I really like season 2, so far season 3 isn't as good. Season 4 has just finished now so I'll have to get on that. Good to hear you like it Y - I love it cos it reminds me of picking up when I used to live in Bristol.

Hey Jay - shame about the rain eh? NZ looked on to get that total too. Definitely something that sucks about living in England.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
where are the plant pics, crazy tea party goin on in here, someone should start a "pub" thread, where we can just hang out and shoot teh shit


i know right! screw even replying to you all... lol ya'll just gassbaggin anyway! lol

Y: hahahah! colin is one of my fav characters...

Sammet: yeah yeah you jammy brits. blame is on mother nature when ya were about to lose! 1 more over for crying out loud! lol
ive watched all of season 4 now.. and its my 2nd fav season. :D agree with you on season 2 being a good one... and 3.... "meh" the christain idiot ....nah.. that one was kinda.......all over the place... lol

thanx all thanx all thanx all! :D

Seeing as my boy Y requested the update today "just in case" i shall oblige... so come back in another 12 hours, and ill have some updates for ya!
along with a suprise! and a confession!.... lol.

me = dumbass. Sammet will have his Facepalm.org on standby for this one. lol
cyas later
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Ok! lotsa things going on here, so get ready to do some reading.
first up - The confession! lol.

Dumbass me somehow must have taken a clone of the NFU, and labeled it as an Urkle. this "urkle" looked good throughout its veg cycle, so it became a mom. that "urkle" mom... is "urkle number 5".

now, i didnt want to say anything, but i had been suspicious for a a week now, that the smell of #5, starting to smell alot like......strawberrys!

now, i have 0 doubt #5 IS NFU. lol.
that also means some of the others labeled Urkle, are infact NFU!
while this isnt a big deal at all, it does leave me somewhat annoyed at my mistake, no idea how i did this, i swear i only took 2 clones off the first NFU so... i dunno! im lost! lol.
so anyway, in the bed right now, there is infact only 3 Original (from the Cali clones) Purple urkles! lol...
1 of them, being the smallest of the bunch. so... i murdered her! lol.
i took the smallest with the idea she would have more room to continue growing roots.... i just cut her up, and threw her in the veg room.

reasons being A: i wanted to reveg an urkle this round anyway... just for the experiance of doing it. B: the sooner i reveg, the sooner i can get a Urkle cloning machine, so round 4 wil be Urkle stocked.. C: hey, now i got some smoke for a few days! lol.

so... the veg room now has one funny looking revegging Urkle.
wish me luck on that one ;)

reveg suggestions very welcome!

some meds! yay!.. early, but still a good buzz :D

The Suprise: VENOMHEAD!!!!! (the Large yeilding "Blockhead" crossed with
"C99 x Venomberry".
thanx again Shitake! im really looking forward to these beans!
the 3 popped quickly, and are in the veg room under 24/7 light.

i will properly rename all the girls when i can be bothered (possibly after a smoke a Urkle joint, and submit this post)

now, i noticed #5, while is possibly going to be a really nice yeild for me, its starting to yellow a touch. i was thinking hard, wondering how #5 could yellow and not the rest, blaming myself for maybe not putting enough food in the mix, but i realised a very important thing.
Shes been in that pot for MONTHS longer than the rest. she has probably ate all the food that gets premixed by now. hence, a mild N deficiency!
so i whipped out my only N enriched product, and mixed a table spoon in some water, and fed the girl. this should help her for the next 4 weeks...

other than that, the "other" yellowing you might see, are scars from outside buds when they were outside for a night. imnot worried about those anymore, as they are just on the old growth, and have been there for a while.

thats about it!... ima dumbass... but oh well.. still dont know how i did this, but evidently i did.
there is NO mistake in knowing the difference of these 2 phenos when you smell em. #5 is still my favourite sexy girl though. :)

one more thing, my boy Y is off to court tomorrow, so wish him the best of luck, and rep that mofo up. burn a joint, raise it high to the Ganja gods that all goes well for him tomorrow. We be thinking of ya Y!

Ok... enough chat!... PICS!
Peace ya'll. Week 5 complete (well... 1 more day lol)
week 6 here we come!

heres Soylent green still! :) Pod count for this week: 1 removed

another of the Soylent Green

and a close up shot of a top from #5 (thats... NFU, not urkle! lol)

bowl time... :joint:


Registered Pothead
Dont know why i never thought of growing in a bunkbed. Very ingenius idea nzjay. Dont know why i never seen your threads before but now i am hooked. My friend wants to toss a bunkbed but now i will make him grow pot in it. Pretty easy to light proof?


*Stoned User*
Hey nzjay...youre doing a great job with the ladies. That last shot is frosttttieeee!! :yummy: And I bet she smells wonderful! :D
That sucks about the mislabeled clones. :badday: Good luck with the revegged urkle.

Glad to see you have some meds to smoke on. You should make some oil. :D

Peace :wave:


Chubby: yeah, this one was very easy to lightproof mate. its a wooden bunk, so i just sealed the ends first, then one side. then the roof... and then the "large flap" for a door. which, btw, im SOOO glad i did the double zippers for the large door. you realy need that room!.
i would recommend my patented "zipper covers" too... where you weight a long strip of plastic 1 ft wide, that hangs over the zippers. they can light in pretty easily... so i do the zippercover trick ;)
thanx for the kind words...glad you on board. this round 2 of the bed has been somewhat dissapointing for me - what with hermies, dying ballest... but round 3 has put a smile on my face for sure.

Trich: she DOES smell wonderfull! i must admit.. i hope Zeus finds out where this strawberry in the NFU comes from!... its dominating aroma, so sweet, makes me mouth water.
now i know whos who in my zoo, i can also see the difference in buds from the original pheno and mine. she just might be a better yeilder than the Original, but she starts to smell alot sooner, packs on trichs sooner, and has a "reddish" hint to her!...
i think ill be able to take these the whole 10 weeks.... we will have to see! lol...

btw, hope i didnt give them impression the reveg Urkle is the ONLY original urkle i have left... coz its not.
i had no doubt that the round 3 - expecting to be 16 URKLES - is now a mix of both. lol.
i dont care... its all good stuff, and i must admit its kinda cool knowing noone else has this pheno of Urkle... ! :joint:

"jerkle" :D lol


Active member
chubbynugs said:
My friend wants to toss a bunkbed but now i will make him grow pot in it.

that's funny. :muahaha:

Nice to see some good looking buds going there NZ
Whatcha got vegging right now?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Rueters - 20/06/2008 New Zealand.

Officials in Wellington now confirm a bizarre run on used bunkbeds. Formerly held to be of little value, they now command prices beyond the means of most citizens. When pressed for a response, the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, muttered, "Damn hippies." In a "man on the street interview," colorful local personality, NZjay simply said, "Wha ... who ... me?"


Hazy: hehe... thanx bro. in veg right now i got 16 clones of 4? week old clones - mixed assortment of Purple Urkle, and the my strawberry pheno, looking good and sucking up the outside sun.
then i got the 3 seedlings and the revegging Purple Urkle inside vegging...
then the hermies too, in the back garden... 2 Soylent Greens, 3 G13Ds. :)

FreezerBoy: hahahahahhah! dude, thats funny. you smoked yourself retarded! lol...

Everyone: ok, so i gave them all the smell test, and the final count is 3 Purple Urkles (and 1 more in reveg) and 3 NFUs.. :) sounds good to me.
both phenos smell damn yummy i will say that. 5 weeks still to go! rock on.

oh and..........
BRING IT ON! i wanna see more Bunkbed growers! LETS START THE REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!! lol!!!
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pure dynamite
too bad you mislabeled them. but good luck revegging it!
now I realise why I label them mostly when I am sober, and only work with one stain at a time when transplanting or puting them to germination.
This remeinds me I leaved a plant outside my growbox for two days once... but was ok... I was SOO astonished when I saw it outside... :joint:

The flowering plants are looking very healthy and happy. Good luck with them, and also with the venoms! :wave:


Exposiv: yeah... its not really a problem, but i just feel retarded for having done that. lol. goofy mistake.
after reading you mention my girls vegging outside.. thought id take a few pics for yahs of the outside....

show ya whats coming up next...

so we have the largest of the Soylent green:

shes about 1.5ft tall already.

then the smaller Soylent Green: about... 3/4 foot tall.

and the G13D: about... 1/2 ft tall.

i havnt FIMed her at all.. still deciding whether im going to actually keep ANY of these outside, as we all know, they are hermies.
But i think i would like to put 1 or 2 of the Venomheads outside.

so, any breeders feel free to help me here.
these are F2s of venomhead. if i was to put 2 of 3 venonheads outside, side by side, and 1 was a female, and one was a male, the seeds from the male will be viable? and the seeds on the female will be f3s? and viable??...
do you want a higher F number??... like, are F1s better than F3s?....
im not very experianced with breeding, so not overly too sure how it all works (yet!)

so, anyone feel free to chime in about that! you around BR? :D

so anyway, then i got Round 3 vegging, and REALLY loving the sun! wow that have taken off, and even the runt of them all (im pretty sure is a Purple urkle) has also really taken off! In the words of Ronald McDee, "Im Lovin' It".
so here ya go... a couple to know whats coming up in the Bunk of Funk!

The scars from bugs are from her mom. it wasnt the "clone" that took those hits. hehe. ive since got a nice pyrethrin spray. havnt seen whatever it was that did that back anyway.
.....and we rocking now boys!

...and just for the hell of it....
i took some random attempt at some close ups lastnight, learning my camera still... thought i would share: hope yas enjoy

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The Tri Guy
Hey Jay,
I'll add what I believe to be true, but really ya nead G.Head or someone in here. Yes the children from 2 separate F2s will be F3s. The children from any 1 F2 eg a hermie, will be an S1 techincally an F2S1 [Edit] and scientifically speaking, if you want to be really really precise, an F2f1 [/Edit]. Now here's the grey area, The children from a non hermieing female, forced to hermie through the use of chemicals, who has her pollen collected and used to fertilise a different non hermieing female, will create F3 Feminised seed. The pollen collected from a naturally hermieing plant of either sex and used to pollinate the buds of a hermieing plant of either sex may or may not create hermieing offspring. The pollen collected from a non hermieing male and used to pollinate the buds of a non hermieing male who has been forced to hermie, give almost exclusively male offspring.
Hope that's of some accuracy and help.
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
:woohoo: I knew you always updated on Fridays :biglaugh:

Great to see the outdoor in this update too! Absolutely awesome bro :headbange They are looking very healthy and happy in their natural environment.

Indoor buds are shaping up nicely too :canabis: It shouldn't be too long before you're enjoying your smoke again :joint:

Rep applied accordingly :ying:


Yeah, boyyyyeeee!

Don't feel so bad about the mislabelling thing. I don't know if you remember a while back I was repotting some plants grown from seed that hadn't been sexed yet...about 5 or 6. I transplanted them all at once without moving their tags :bashhead: What a dumbass!

Looks like the FunkBunk is settled in and getting ready to pay some dividends.

And here's to true female venomheads! It really is a nice strain, and after reading up some more, FJ lost the breeding stock, so all that's left are seeds that are ungrown and guys like us with F2's or crosses.

And our friend is out of his predicament, it seems!

Happy Weekend, y'all!



wattup NZ lookin like ur pimp hand must be sore yo,the clones are lookin like they ready to put round three on the mizap.the outside shit looks saweet as hell yo even if they are hermies its nice to see them outside like they s'pose to be,you never know yo you might get somethun that makes a nice hash or oil to get you thru those times when the meds are scarce.you know how outside shit blows the hell up you prolly get a shitload of whatever you make with it ,even butter and other goodies.bro you took the time to put it out there you might as well enjoy it when its done some kinda way.
hell yeah bro smokin with ya on this bad ass update,peace yo-Y-


Registered Medical Patient
what up Jay???All is lookin great, those Urkles are beautiful!!!Im glad u have some meds to keep you pain free...I know how much it sucks to be out!!!

I gt JShmoe on the case, and we should know the lineage of the PU in a few days...if he knows!!!!Peace bro

- Z


hell yeah bro i love the stilo and commaradare with the crew man.reppin our neck of the woods pimpin.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
werd NZjay....

werd NZjay....

YwouldntI said:
hell yeah bro i love the stilo and commaradare with the crew man.reppin our neck of the woods pimpin.
PREaTcH^^^NZjay sheit's lookin "tight".....keep pullin' thru broham...........Mm

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