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New Tent.... New grow: Emerald Traingle Genetics


Yo whats good homies!

bonzo, G81, RIL, 100g & Rudedog thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments :)

Well the tent is now officially overgrown!

Life has got in the way of me trimming up the lower 1/3 of the plants properly, so I may just leave em now :D I've taken a few runty shoots of but don't wanna stunt flowering as they seem to be flying along.

The seedlings, well most of them, have caught up to the height of the clones and are pushing out the flowers as well now. 1 of them is very much a full blooded Indica lady that refused to plat nicely, lol! Pretty much 'zero' stretch from her but maybe the smoke will pack a punch. The others stand about 2-2.5' high with many heads on each. One of the lost coast OG's is looking very nice with quick branchy growth. Also got my eye on a couple of the BBheadbands too, all is looking pretty sweet tbh.

The clones are flying away... I'm sure one of them will be ready by week7 or 8 at the latest as it's moving really quick bloom wise. If so I will pull the blumat and flush by hand to avoid any unflushed taste.

EC is still 1.8 (0.5 tap water EC) pH 6.2 feed is:

plant magic coco bloom, budlink silicone, B'cuzz coco stimulator, headmasta , maxicrop foliar spray once weekly

Heath uses 1.2 EC throughout bloom so I'm trying to keep things on the lower side to see if that helps with taste and smell. Plus if I don't need to feed em high EC why bother?!? The blumats have already saved me a money in nutes as they work well to save water usage.

Should have a few pics tomorrow.


Got quite a few pics to post, the tent is packed full! Most plants are about 2' the tallest 2 are 2.5' high one is the QoD#4 and one is a Lost Coats OG seedling the stretchy feeker! :-D

As I was saying the tent is pretty much packed full, the small BBheadband that didn't stretch is the only one that hasn't gone wild lol!

Here's what it looks like when you open the zippers :-D

Seedlings day 22 bloom



Here's the QoD clones... QOD#1 is a very quick girl! Think I'm gonna have to start pulling some of the leaves of as the lower stuff is gonna be pure pop corn lol! Maybe a dual stage harvest is the way forward here...



Lil Riri in a 1L pot of coco

Couldn't resist a lil Sour D to toke on :D cuttings have been taken for a mom though ;)

Feed is still 1.8EC pH 6.0 - 6.2. They're not drinking loads and are growing nicely, but because the feed is constant the lower EC seems to be working out well. I had a problem with one of the blumat lines and had what's referred to as run away, essentially the whole rez went through 2 pots in 24 hours, this caused some stress I think to about 6 that didn't have any water. Blumats now reset and all's well but there was a tiny bit of pistils that starting dying back, new growth seems spot on so onwards we grow :D


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Lovely even canopy mate.

Really beautiful to look at.

QOD looking lush - if Cheesey's out there I'm sure you're doing him proud


Thanks guys! Appreciate the comments :)

It's a bit of a clusterfuck but it normally is in my grows :D usually turns out OK in the end, lol!

Oh & btw.... Sylvania lamps rock! Growth seems better under this lamp and seems brighter than my sunmaster (although it is a new bulb) we'll see what the buds turn out like but for the minute Sylvania lamps and Plant Magic nutes are doing well. With the PM nutes I use no pH down!! That's right not a single fooking drop! Gotta love it :D


Sup guys...

Got some more pictures from the day of the triffids tent :-D the feckers, well one in particular is threatening to overgrow everything in the tent! Who told me to cram 12 plants in here, lol!

So the seedlings are coming to the end of their stretch hopefully, thought they'd stopped @ day 21 but nope the beast lost coast OG that is growing wildly kept going hard until today (day 26) now she seems to have slowed up a bit (fingers crossed). Gonna have to pull it back against the rear wall of tent to keep her in check I think.

The QoD clones are cracking on nicely, plenty of frost (cheesey you done splendid on these brother!) Stopped their stretch completely and just packing it on nicely... #1 is really putting on the beef, just packing on the weight quickly, I like this one alongside #2 - which is pure grapey... in the end #4 had the fattest buds last run from seed but starts to get fat later.. #4 is not as nice smell wise either but taste is OK.




Well-known member
Looking real healthy mate...Those QoD look frost bitten alright.

I reckon the sides of your tent will be bowing outward when those buds swell.


More QoD's




Cheers for stopping by RD,

they are still on EC 1.8 (0.6 tap water's EC) and loving it... few pistils dying back though, I'm not quite sure why as the feed is very low EC1.2 in nutes + additives. Still they're getting fatter and putting out new pistils were those have died.


Wanted a lil advice guys...

Been reading a few guys threads that are using defoliation techs while in bloom, doesn't seem to shock the plants much.... I'm wondering if you think I'd be better of doing a dual harvest. So cola's off then a week or so for lower stuff to get some colour and harden up a bit or just start defoliation now and continue evry couple of weeks, not bothering with the dual harvest?


large member
ICMag Donor
I have been removing fans progressively, but I also train and clear up the bottoms a fair bit too. Doesn't seem to hurt them, but I haven't done a proper trial using the same cut side by side or anything sorry.

I try and read the de-fol thread sometimes but it's hard work making sense of it to be honest.

My aim has just been to try and reduce any popcorn and make trimming a quicker process.

Dual harvest might be a good option if you have the extra time to wait, used to do that plenty when I ran (too) big plants under CFL.

The one time I did properly strip some plants (AF's) as an experiment they really hated it.

Sorry if that's not much help, Your Qod's look great though, looks like they have some breathing space in the pics.

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