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New Cloning Method. Only takes 3 to 5 day.


Active member
Look forward to seeing if this works. Would maybe suggest black duct tape around the bottle. Wonder how much water temps play in success? Good luck.

Amstel Light

They have been doing this method with apples for 2,000 years. Practically every apple you have ever eaten has been propagated this way.

wow why be a dick...I nnever knew about this until now, thanks for at least trying something new zero. wish i woulda read this before taking cuts with these white rhino's they dont look good right now....

Quit dogging on him quest, you know an illiterate cant pick up a woman!! :) Just kidding zero

who the fuck are yoou to say that illitarete folks dont have game ? h0ow the fuck do you think you got here....


wow why be a dick...I nnever knew about this until now, thanks for at least trying something new zero. wish i woulda read this before taking cuts with these white rhino's they dont look good right now....

who the fuck are yoou to say that illitarete folks dont have game ? h0ow the fuck do you think you got here....

props on the kind words brother:eggnog:


In all those posts and the last one I used terms like probably,may,possibly. Umm we are talking about experimenting correct?
ok i get it so your probably an idiot. you may be a retard and its possible your the dumbest fuck ive ever met... ( im only kidding bro. seemed funny in my head.) really tho peace brother nd goodnight


Zero, I dont get why people like to give you so much shit. Thanks for this thread im gonna try it out today on a bunch of cuts. If it works itll be great, and if you came up with this on your own I give you some serious props, ill check out about the light schedule thing too.


Zero, I dont get why people like to give you so much shit. Thanks for this thread im gonna try it out today on a bunch of cuts. If it works itll be great, and if you came up with this on your own I give you some serious props, ill check out about the light schedule thing too.
Thank you pheno...
who the fuck are yoou to say that illitarete folks dont have game ? h0ow the fuck do you think you got here....

Lol, well if you read the entire thread and my post you would have realized it was a joke.

So to return the favor you write a response with 4 incorrectly spelled words (which don't mean shit) just to try and insult my parents?
You should be embarrassed. Maybe you were joking to but its hard to read that way.

I think zero is on to some great ideas, and I love the way he thinks outside the box. Keep up with the experiments zero!


Any one got any new updates.

p.s Im not 100% on this but... from what ive seen if you can graft the root to the right spot and get it held in tight im not sure the cutting ever stops growing it slows down for a bit. ... theres a small amount of shock sumtimes in soil but after that its almost as if it doesnt know its not a healthy plant???

im going to take summore cuttings and pop them right in the dwc.... ill keep ya posted.
I just grafted 2 diffrent kinds of jock horrors together on one plant with 1 root heheheheheh the frankenstrain cutting

That's pretty funny, I'd like to see that.

You know the unique thing here is grafting a single root to a cutting.
The practice of grafting a cutting to an existing rootstock has been done many times.
Some people have even created a mother plant with branches from different varieties. So one mom could provide all your strains.


yes thats right you can graft any part of the plant having one big tree carry many strains of differnt plants all in one bucket

Amstel Light

btw: had to begin to process some seeds and busted out some peat pellets for the seedlings and thought about the mesh that holds it together being used for this somehow?


Doing what we do because we are who we are
any one tried with the super glue yet... ?

im keen as on hearing how that goes... id give it a shot but i don't get back out to my spot till Saturday... that will be 7 days since i started my little trial run with this method... also got a little surprise for the guys that stick around if it works ZERO-KEWL deserves to have this tech named after him... well ill be referring to it as the zero-kewl tech from now on at least :)

and common ppl some more pics please... be a doer and not a gonna


any one tried with the super glue yet... ?

im keen as on hearing how that goes... id give it a shot but i don't get back out to my spot till Saturday... that will be 7 days since i started my little trial run with this method... also got a little surprise for the guys that stick around if it works ZERO-KEWL deserves to have this tech named after him... well ill be referring to it as the zero-kewl tech from now on at least :)

and common ppl some more pics please... be a doer and not a gonna

you made my day man.... :thanks:

yea speakng of hows everyones plants doing?

at 4 days after put this freshly taken cutting in a small dwc bottle


ROOOOOOOOOOOOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theres also alittle tail you cant see coming from the split in the stem thats not apart of the tightly(might i add) grafted root.