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Nevilles Haze X Everything....


Holy Fuck chaco, sounds crazy man. No advice from this guy, just well wishes, I hope your buddy just fucks off. Rippers always scare me but now I'm top secret with only three in the know.
Best of luck to you chaco, you're a fucking great grower. Drop the odd note on yer thread the next few days so we all know you're doing good.


You are doing what you need to be doing...staying in the pocket. I've been through some junkie friends. My sympathy bone for junkies was broken some time ago. They just can not be trusted with anything imo.....too self absorbed.

Hang in there brother.


The best thing is that this guy whos worked for me off and on over the years is very quiet.If his dad died, he wouldn't tell ya'.He's been one of the few people I've known who never says what he just heard at the last house.I work alone, always, but on occaision I need help and I hate everybody and this guy I've known for years.I just know that its a small area and I've been hit before but I ended up on top.I just have this feeling in my gut, strictly instinctual that somebody wants to rob me.I'm good at staying in the shadows out of sight.I have all kinds of ner'do wells in my nieghborhood, its winter people are broke and desperate things happen.Its just the truth.I do not know these other people at all, never met them.My friend keeps us apart but I'm sure he trades them buds for percs and they're just the type to pickup a bad idea.My nieghbors to the south brought in a ton of trouble and thieves and it was many a night I sat and waited, one night of those 10 is enough to screw ya' and I've experienced 3 in a 6 yr period..I just don't want my grow ruined by some boneheads who think they can blow the door down and make off with my plants and boxes on boxes of weed just dried or drying.If I see somebody in my backyard, which is pretty private, I'm jumping on them as hard as possible.I'll at the very least let them know I'm up.I wake up at about 1:30 everyday because of the trouble next door, now thats over.The bars close at 1, half hour later, who knows.Last night I heard a car , a lowrider mitsubishi type with a bad muffler, it was around 2.They pulled in across the street and I heard 2 doors shut in the bike lot.Then I heard them talking on the sidewalk.I called my friend and hes still in town but I don't trust him at all anymore, luckily hes moving away for good and with any luck I'll drift back into the darkness!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I'm smoking on some Neville's Haze crossed with lvpk. It is really good. one pheno is indica leaning and tastes and smells like lime and sugar, and the other one is sativa leaning and smells like bubble gum and citrus pinesol


Hope all works out OK for you Chaco.
Are you saying that the guy has all your Nevs/Larry seeds?
Damn :-(

One thing you might want to consider as an option would be pepper spray. It is quiet, non-lethal, and should be just the ticket to deter junkie scumbags.
Might be just the force multiplier you are looking for.
As a handy do-it-yourself kind of guy, I bet you could also fabricate up your own versions of some systems like this:

What you have to be careful of when installing anti-theft systems is hat they don't accidentally go off on innocent people . . . . lawsuit.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The best thing is that this guy whos worked for me off and on over the years is very quiet.If his dad died, he wouldn't tell ya'.He's been one of the few people I've known who never says what he just heard at the last house.I work alone, always, but on occaision I need help and I hate everybody and this guy I've known for years.I just know that its a small area and I've been hit before but I ended up on top.I just have this feeling in my gut, strictly instinctual that somebody wants to rob me.I'm good at staying in the shadows out of sight.I have all kinds of ner'do wells in my nieghborhood, its winter people are broke and desperate things happen.Its just the truth.I do not know these other people at all, never met them.My friend keeps us apart but I'm sure he trades them buds for percs and they're just the type to pickup a bad idea.My nieghbors to the south brought in a ton of trouble and thieves and it was many a night I sat and waited, one night of those 10 is enough to screw ya' and I've experienced 3 in a 6 yr period..I just don't want my grow ruined by some boneheads who think they can blow the door down and make off with my plants and boxes on boxes of weed just dried or drying.If I see somebody in my backyard, which is pretty private, I'm jumping on them as hard as possible.I'll at the very least let them know I'm up.I wake up at about 1:30 everyday because of the trouble next door, now thats over.The bars close at 1, half hour later, who knows.Last night I heard a car , a lowrider mitsubishi type with a bad muffler, it was around 2.They pulled in across the street and I heard 2 doors shut in the bike lot.Then I heard them talking on the sidewalk.I called my friend and hes still in town but I don't trust him at all anymore, luckily hes moving away for good and with any luck I'll drift back into the darkness!!

you should just move man. gtfo of there.


Well, moving is not an option but the guy came over in the afternoon and brought my seeds back and he looked guilty as hell that prick.I left the dogs loose in the yard all night, the heeler just came in she was freezing.I let them hang in my vehicle together.They went mental a few times, my heeler won't let anybody come around.I made the choice to let the dogs handle it and I let my friend know that I knew some shit was going on, he looked like shit, wouldn't look me in the eye, didn't pay me back, didn't have the $ to leave...oh well I'm still here and so is my weed.I'm just going to rely on the dogs and ban this guy for good.I'm pretty sure once they've met my big dog in a bad mood, they'll retreat.These are the type of people who can't get into trouble because they're already in it.I love it when the big one goes crazy, 140lbs of chomping death.They won't shoot the dog for fear of attracting the police, they know I won't call either but I will sit in the house, smoke hash and let the dogs hold the fort. the problem is that these things do happen, esp in the wintertime around here.Ha! My heeler is laying out by the fire.Shes glad to be in. Gonna be a big harvest day today, gotta cut all day.:) Trust me though I've dealt with worse! Thanks for the support, I'm too old to kick ass anymore...not that I ever did!


ghost in training
That's whats up becarefull man.. maybe drop a hint some family is coming? Idk man.. follow your gut and carry a crowbar
Damn dude .. Sorry to hear your troubles

So hard to find a good trustworthy partner .. .. Money and 'drugs' change peoples action generally for the worse

At least he brought back your seeds .. And your not totally in the dark with his situation now

Damn .. 140lbs! What kinda dog? I got a red-nose pit .. He's 6months @60lbs .. Should be close to 100lbs this summer

Id just let the dogs handle it .. And if they work over anyone or you know .. .. You can always toss em in the closest swamp ;)

IDK .. If you do any outdoor or not .. .. But I bet that Larry x Nev would do killer outdoors

Whats the different between Sour Larry and Lemon Larry? My boy rasputin has the lemon larry .. .. Is it just lemon larry x sour or is it larry og x sour? Just curious cause Im looking for something to do well outdoors


damn chaco ...... what you got going on is the one thing that no grower needs.

makes powdery mildew or the borg sound like fun.

i would be buying one more dog and a can of bear mace .....

and like in chess, the best defense can be your offense .......camp out across the street from 1-3 so the next time losers pull up and are looking at your house , you could tap on the window they are not looking through (preferably with something metal) and inquire as to what the fuck they are doing there. if they are coming from the bar ....... well..... they're fucking STUPID! so it would be easy, and they sure as hell don't want the cops there any more than you do.

good luck brother!!!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
http://burglarbomb.com/ dude install one of these in the entrance to your grow room. those fuckers will never make it out your yard before you beat the ever living shit out of them. this mounts into the ceiling then you put motion detectors on the windows, doors any entrance and when they are activated there is a interval of "x" amount of time before the bomb goes off. what it does is load into the ceiling like a fire detector but when senses activity it shoots out pepper spray at a very very fine mist so fine that it will sit in the air for an hour and you WILL NOT be able to enter if it even touches your skin the shit burns like hell. so you would need an exhaust system to take out the pepper spray incase it did go off or you wanted to test it. worth the investment


beautiful sativa chaco!..i have do the doors mr.nice last year,is veryvery similar in smell&taste to soma g13haze, but 120 days of flowering...


This Strawberry Thunk turned out to be some badass weed.Both plants have a heavy strawberry stink in the bag and a nice sativa style bud.Smoked some this morning and really enjoyed it, I must have had about 7oz from the 2 plants.I just cut it up and stashed it.Smoke some more before I close up.Last night I left the cooling fan on into the flower room, damn 45 degrees in there this morning, should make for some purple sour D...:)


Weed Robot
your Nevilles Haze male
LVPK x Nevilles Haze= Asteroid,Asteroid male back cross to LVPK= Gun Powder

here are the trees at 28 days 12/12 2 plants 4k watts 65 gallon smart pots

kush Pheno





Stinky Pheno






Nice work DG, I love a nice tree.Those look unreal.Here's the tops of my Strawberry Thunk curing up in saran wrap.I was cutting all day and took a million blurry pics, my hand isn't what it used to be.I have to find a tripod, my nephew borrowed ours and havn't seen it in yrs...


This is a branch of the Lucifer aka cocaine og.It's the only pic that didn't come out 100% blurred.I wish I could show these buds as they are.They suddenly ripened up at day 77, the older flower tips started dying off and the bud leaves were going yellow.I only managed to whack through about 1/3 of this one and 1/2 of the other, my hands are numb as hell...

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