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Nevilles Haze X Everything....



Dude. Knock that dready expression up with the Lucifer genetics. That would be an outstanding union. Props on your patience and ability. I'm a fan.


Here ya' go its in a vase, a Moby Dick one at that.This plant had about 500 pre-rolled joints, the whole thing was dreadlocks right next to plants with normal fat colas.I have a late cutting shooting sprouts.Its the opposite of larf, its strings of flowers. What a crazy makeable phenotype!

thats mental man, in a good way:jump:


Thank you gentlemen.I left some cutting for today and I'm enjoying a casual day cutting the branches from this thing.Some sour d coming in too....Yes, I have a cutting so the 25 Lucifer seeds I have should certainly have a male floppy enough to meet this thing.....I still have the beercup plant, it was the longest flowering of the bunch and still looks great.Starting to set up my summer projects too, Lucifers, Viet/Thais and hazes.Its hard to grow too many of those Lucifers, they grow so big...


ICMag Donor
You definitely got patience my friend! Trimming those pure Haze/Sativas can be absolutely deadly on the fingers! Much :respect:

PS: Seems your pics got some peeps interested in that last pack of StrawberryDurbans posted up on the Bay! Thanks for keeping some of the best threads here on IC! Always KILLER!


I would prefer the term "primitive" and that sir is branch of a crazy purple haze I found.It was very easy to trim actually, it was nearly leafless considering some other plants I've cut.
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How did I miss this thread? :O I quess I have some 50 pages to read now, better get some coffee ready. Outstanding work man, If you ever need testers.. :)


Finally made it to the back wall where the last branches of the Lucifer were mounted in a row of four a bit further from the lamps.These branches were ideal.I should have this thing done today, I must have put 14hrs of trimming into this one plant.It is awesome though, not bad cutting either.My beercup plant is coming down later as well.You can see how thick these branches are, soo stoked!


I found some incredible gems on my chem tree.It grew so big I had almost no idea what was in there because of thye way the garden is shaped.Its 8ft long and 4ft wide with the entrance on the 4ft side and no other access so as I cut my way in I'm finding buds like these curled up around my vert column I run up the middle, the yield is silly with 2 stacked cooltubes and the right plants.Never had so much fun growing, its wierd I'm completely immersed in it and smoking hash like a crack head...


I took the liberty of making another post, my purple haze has a branch popping out.That could be a great summer plant, I had a funny time loading those colas into a ziplock about 2ftx2ft, I found them in the discount isle.The smell alone would sell that thing...and the smell of this will make your wife very mad!!
Damn what a 'gem' to find!

HAHA .. "the smell will make your wife VERY mad." That will never be the case with mine .. She loves all the stankiest diesely, lemon, garbage, fruity, chem smelling plants we've ever grown, smoked or visited at other grow buddies houses

Buddy of mine had a screen full of chem d, blue cheese, 4sd and a few others and I had to drag her out .. She would have lived under that screen if I let her


Active member
Hey Chaco, looking great as always. As far as my wife getting mad she'd just smoke some of the Mango Haze a grew and be happy again. That Mango Haze is far and away the best stuff I've grown so far. It really helps her. I pollinated some Black Widow I popped with Tom Hill Haze and it comes close but not quite and the taste was no good compared to MH. That strawberry you describe sure has my interest.


Active member
DG, your scrog looks fantastic! Hopefully one day I'll get to the level you guys are at.


Indeed, that scrog is perfect DG.I need to work on my tie up technique, I have this giant Casey Jones damn near laying on the floor and I wired her up with 50# wire and nails...:)


Active member

You might want to save her rare genetics buddy..
Good growing,breeding man!!
an old friend..Lg!


Well she's grown a sprout about 2" long so I reckon she's saved!Stoked! That thing has such an awesome smell in the bag, I didn't make her though, that was someone elses doing...:)


Duv' conoisseur^^
ICMag Donor
Hi CHACO:wave:

Wow my mate this purple haze looks sick :yoinks: Rohhhh i am betting the smoke is crazy aswell and very tasty :)

Wonderful Lucifer too, woahhh the amount of resin looks insane on her!!

And very nice scrog yes, this thread is a pure insanity:tiphat:

Best vibes!!


Stoked!! I'm heading out to cut down my beercup challenge entry.The plant didn't finish in time for the contest but she came out really well.She's a Strawberry Hill X Thunk, very hazy on the smell but the buds are chunky and tight.I'm reckoning over 2oz from this baby...the pic is sideways and in the background you can see me grinding the top of the concrete , old school, barefoot...