That flow cross is a nice phatty, an dont look like it skipped a beat. Nice an chunky girls meng.
Looking nice sir, bum deal on the meter. Did you get the regular Guardian, or did you get the Guardian Connect? I like the idea of the Connect, but without a solution in place to resolve any issues remotely, I'm not totally sure what's the point of the Connect. I have the Guardian, don't know how I lived without it before I had it, for sure don't know how I'd live without it now...
What's the story on that Irene? For some reason, she makes me think Insane Jane, but I'm probably just crossing wires..? How's she grow & how's she smoke?
Oil looking fantabulous! The second shot reminds me of this red liquid LSD we got a bottle of in a lot in WI a zillion years ago. We were super sketched, like "wtf, c'mon the shit's red.." .. ended up being the fuckin' whip! "Big Red," we affectionately called it.
Oh, also. When do you pull the plug on food before harvest? Everyone seems to have their magic date/time, curious abt your voodoo.