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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Well I'm running all of them at 750w currently. From the looks 1k will work with my dimensions I just have a couple lil adjustments training wise and timing clones.
another thing to consider is the intensity. Transition can be a real killer if you are not using hid for veg. That's the main do or die element that Ive noticed.
My plants under the reg old ass 8 run hps look great also to be honest. The best thing about DE is how clean the room is without cables and ducting everywhere. I prefer them I gotta say and my yield is looking on par @ 750w but it is kinda early to say.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Found these pics from day 1 set up

One of The hidden 4x8 nets. All gg4. 5x 2gal coco ......can't lie wish it was 6 containers. There's a few spots where huge spears could still fit but it is still dense with shorter branches in the "thin zone" section of the plot along the wall that didn't hit the top net for support.


Been looking at my weed stash that I never touch. Said wtf why not squish it all before I give it away so it doesn't got to waste.

Grabbed the Irene jar first. Few specs in there but great color. Great flavor


Just Say Grow
ya coulda gave it to me homie ;) hahaha seriously hurry up and get well...I'm really getting sick of smoking nothing but gg4 and ogmango


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Well figured I'd update a lil something. Pic or two tomorrow.

My meter almost ruined everything

Was a point off repeatedly so I bought a blue lab guardian.
Flower room looks decent beside some ugly fan leaves from ph being off most the grow.

My veg was my big concern. I want to start next run off properly for a change
First run with new lights I fried plants, 2nd run meter was broke n ughhhh

Replaced some girls with a trip up north and a friend sent me more

Ogkb 2.0 is new
S dub got back into the harem
JW threw me a motherloaded clone.

Got a couple more coming soon hopefully. Cherry kush n cherry cookies would be cool.

Missed out on linking up with an ic member up north. Had some gg4 for him but guess will have to wait. I babied those things separately for a while , but gave me a proper home to avoid traveling back with them.

Rooms full as fuck and conditions are great besides ugly fan leaves all over.


Active member
I just popped a bunch of marichino from prophet. If something nice comes out it might make it your way.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
I sure hope so JW thanks again. Glue and glue crosses takin shit over around here these days. The s dub X glue and sfv X glue still outta reach for now. Mar got me all hyped on those two when he came over. This motherloaded came outta no where. Nice surprise! I'm gonna go look at your pic again now lol

Another raz kush pic with a gg5 in the back

When the cookies plants need flipped or thrown out! Waste not what not. Add some supplemental lights til the chop of the gg5 under the 5th light then scoot em over.
I chop tue night and beyond. Uggggh I hate and love harvest equally.
The "overflow cookies" are already two weeks in as of Friday

Coming along. Veg is straightening out as expected. Will take some time till its "on fleek" or whatever the kids are sayin but pleased to say the meter is doing its job one day at a time.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Thank hazy
Wish I was @100% this run but hey can't win em all

I'm really considering changing things up yet again. I want to fill the space more effectively. More smaller plants like in the past is going to be the best way to maintain canopy height and fill in the nets with more tops per sq ft. Gg4 can be trained and tamed to Scrog evenly but many of these others will do better crammed, lollipopped and let rip. All my best yields have been achieved running 9x 1gal containers per light. Some hit hard with 6 pots @2gall, but it's always so easy to hit high numbers and keep plants short running 9. I've got some building to do. Gonna make a perminant drip set up to get back to plug and play. Fixed plant count. See how two runs go and reevaluate. Gotta run what's in the veg tent first and plan properly for the November-December flip. I think I'll focus on gg4 gg5 ABF raz under the de and run the random sin the 5th plot. I need to start planning ahead better to get the results I'm wanting. Going with the flow is hurting the yearly yield. And creating more work as well.
Four mono plots and a flavor/tester plot. Fill the walkway with something proven and manageable that I can move in a cage.

paper thorn

Active member
"I need to start planning ahead better to get the results I'm wanting. Going with the flow is hurting the yearly yield. And creating more work as well."

Man, i need to put that in my sig. i need to change the name of my thread to that too. I'm going to put it on a poster and put it in my grow room.

I've really been working on that planning aspect of this game, because that has been my biggest challenge.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Flo X face off
Not to shabby considering the meter catastrophe


Lowers are upside down

Tops are plumping


Figured I'd share a couple before the axe. Decided to let ABF , raz , and lvpk make it to 70 days. Still swelling. Still flushing. No rush.

Man I swear if the whole room put out like those 3 did with the ph being screwy I'd be much happier.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Raz looking ok




Lvpk week 9 still green fading fast

Veg is looking mighty fine. All healthy again. Green soft growth. Very pleased. Thank you blue lab guardian!

Remember kids, calibrate those meters.

Or else