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Ripped since 1965
I don't think it is a over water issue...
it's only this one plant that is falling like that I no what over watering looks like I think my nutrients are imbalanced

Don't flood the entire container. Give them between 500-1000ml of liquid at a time and lower the ec of that Floranova to 1.0-1.1. I don't see an imbalance, I see a overdose.
OVer-watering or too high of nutrients (for seedlings) causes slow growth.

I suspect you over watered these guys. They need time to colonize the coco w/ roots before you hit them with water again.

Smaller pots would allows you to water more frequently, but if you're using 5 gallon, you can probably wait two weeks before watering them again.

Ultimately, you were in too big of container, but you could still make it happen, you just need to wait for them to dry a by 75% or so before another watering...which will take weeks, not days, in 5 gal.
Let u explain why I don't believe I over water

First I had them in half gallon pots, once they got some size, the pit's would dry out next day pretty good I was water everyday, or at least toping off the pots with either water or mild nutes,

That's why I tran planted so I wouldn't have to water so much I out them in the large pots and water ONCE really well will a (I thought) a proper nutrient solution tested ph it was ok... about 6.3 at run off, whhattevv r r..

And I let them sit for about 5 days without watwring atall and about 3 or 4 days ago I water and tested run off and noticed what I thought was a ph problem, soooo I was really stressed I flushed and couldn't get it down... soo I left it and startEd reading and posted a thread about it for advice from the gangster gardeners right her at icmag ;)
next day I was stressed and figured if I water more I could get it down, i flushed again with no good resolts
Ohh yeah and at the last flush I did I also lowerd my strength to about 450ppm .6 ec PH 5.6

And it has been like that for about 3 days now
and after every water they really ya liked it I could tell they were very erect


Leaves are getting pretty dark....lower ec like mentioned and everything else looks fine to me.
looks like your in good hands already...so thats all ill add to this.
EDIT..i lied :) ..1 more thing, your plants dont look overwatered but dont water them again till they dry up some. Overwatering would show droopy leaves all around and if staying to wet for too long usually yellow tops start to show.
good luck brudah
Have they gone dry yet, though? Let them lose some solid water weight would help those root recover. It's not the EC or pH (you're not far enough off to cause problem w/ those values).

I realize you gave them time w/o water, but did they go dry? If you slip them out of the cup, have the roots colonized?

Everything I'm reading would tell me you over watered and thus have root-rot. If you got root rot, then downgraded your container size, you'd still have the rot and need some dry cycles to help them recover and grow fresh roots.

Also, if you had to rinse you coco, then it's probably a salty, heat treated coco and doesn't have the trichoderma to protect you from root rot. Product like canna coco do not heat sterilize their coco and thus have the good fungi around to protect you from root rot. I think your roots were sitting ducks, no protective trichoderma around, and you rinsed and over drenched them so whatever molds was in your air took hold to your young plantlings.

They look healthy otherwise, just give them some time to recover from being over wet. Let them lose 75% of their water weight before adding water again.
Fukk I forget the name it was recommended by my hydro shop owner he said it was the cleanest stuff is in a green bag. .. I think it is called NUTRIFEILD


Just let your plants dry up a bit and your golden.
Do not treat for root rot now...seriously just kick back and let them do their thing for a few days.
call it a vacation :)
Haha alright, will do, I can't wait till the next crop. . I'll just write this up as experience, I'm getting a 2x4 t5 veg tent so once these girls get into flower I'll start a new crop in veg and from there it souks be a new crop every 2 months :)


Ripped since 1965
Haha alright, will do, I can't wait till the next crop. . I'll just write this up as experience :)

Don't write this grow off. Keep this thread alive. post piks and list any changes you plan to make so guys on here can talk you out of any lame brained ideas.:biggrin: You can do a killer grow this time.:tiphat:


Also if you put more fan air down low blowing on the pots directly it will help speed up the dry out process.
Haha alright I'll keep it alive,

And I was thinking of blowing air up threw those drain holes, something like sticking a 1/4 inch hose attached to a air pump up the pots drain holes?
I'm not firing up the 1000w because it is expensive to run 24 hours a day,
I keep it on 24 hours because it was getting to cold at night I thought, about 62, 61 degrees, when I turn off the light for 6 hours at night soooo I leave it on all the time for alittle exTra warmth,

And I know someone is going to say "turn it off turning the dayy.." well if I do that it could get warming during the night cycle than the day cycle for a few hours.


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I'm going to water today or tomarro, I plan of letting the solution sit for a few hours maybe over night, so I will take pics before and a couple hours after I water so u can see how much they love it, Im going to lower the amount of N I give them I think they might have got alittle much,