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Need bong help


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hello all,

I gotta call bullpussy on carbon filters. Thats just too much to believe...further filtering does what? Keeps your bong clean.

Well, I am sorry but I think its just marketing....again, why would you filter your smoke...that which gets you high is just adsorbed. The taste, a product of turpines (sp) and flavonoids (sp), that you so blattently ascribe as being superior are also filtered out.

And while I am at it, and not to blow my own bong, but I am an engineer also and I can tell you that your diffussor mearly aids in further filtering by increasing the total volumatric surface area. That is, 10 1cc bubbles has more sruface area then 1 10cc bubble.

I find these things to be counter intuitive. My bong has water in it simply to filter the ash and cool the smoke. I want to do this without removing that which I am smoking it for in the first place namely the THC.


(Minds_I - did you ever do any kind of chemistry when training to become an engineer? Just wondering. It's cool to assume that all of the constituents of pot smoke might be all filtered out equally, but that is not the case.

Who's to say which molecules are filtered out in which concentrations? Have you heard of a mass spectrometer? I don't know the answer as to the ratio of carbon monoxide and other nasties to THC in their adsorbtion to activated carbon - it could be 50% of THC sticks to the filter vs 10% of the tar/nasties, or it could be the other way around. It depends on the relative molecular mass of the molecule.

So it's not as black and white as it seems. If it turned out to be something like you lose 10% of the THC from a bowl, but 50% of the tar - that could be a good thing and not too bad a sacrifice. But who knows - could be a marketing gimmick - but it has some science behind it.

If you'd like to know more Activated carbon and Chemisorption.

But I digress.)

I really wanted to know what people think of ashcatchers - was thinking of getting one - any designs that are more functional than others?

And what type of bowl is best to use? I've got a bowl shaped like this with a glass landmine thing inside.


What type of bowls do people use for hash?

And also favourite length of bong? Short or long?



the bigger the bong the better!!! :) more room to milk her up b4 smokes in your lungs. Gotta agree witht tony. get an inline a/c hops are really nice. I personaly like bowls with heavier glasss then the one your using cuz lil martini bowls always get all hot and burn my fingers.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Ta Mr. T

The reason I'm asking is because I have one of these:


4mm glass - 40cm ish (er.. 16inches) long. Cost £30 ($42 at current exchange rate - think was closer to $60 before the exchange rate dived)

How would a thicker/thinner glass one differ - or a longer or shorter one? Why aren't all bongs all the same size? :D Is it just preference and style?

And bowls for hash? or use a metal screen and any old bowl?

14mm or 18mm - is one better than the other? or again is it preference?

And anyone light without using a lighter?

(So many questions - be very much obliged if anyone could answer :smoke: keep it green bongsmokers:wave:)

Edit: oh- I broke the diffuser on the downstem whilst cleaning it one day and dropped it in the sink. Now I've got one without and it really makes no discernible difference in my sheltered bong-smoking eyes)

Mr. Tony

Active member
Edit: oh- I broke the diffuser on the downstem whilst cleaning it one day and dropped it in the sink. Now I've got one without and it really makes no discernible difference in my sheltered bong-smoking eyes)

thats because you started off with a shity ass diffuser to begin with buy an ehle if they sell one that fits or buck up and buy the roor model. Sorry don't have the time for the other questions atm.


hey sammet

def worth throwing down for an ehle or roor diffuser. MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE.
as for bong size...
biggger bong = more volume
i like for the bong to be 18 mm but i dont mind if the diffuser is a bushing diffuser and goes from 18mm to 14mm.
there are a few options for hash smoking....oil dome bowls, and then those bowls that are shaped like a bell and you burn the hash under them while your pulling...ill try and get pics if ihave the time....
If your not trying to not spend too much, and just want a good daily bong, I reccommend getting a 1.5 - 2 ft beaker bottom 5-7 mm thick with an 18mm female and a roor diffuser.
for smoking without a lighter, i like to use bee line (hemp string dipped in beeswax) or take solar bowls with a magna page ( 8 x 10 plastic magnifying glass used for projector screens), alot of people like the hakko also

Mr. Tony

Active member
So I was negative rep'd for a post in here and here is what the person said

"Sorry dude, but u have no idea what you're talking about.... wasnt gonna do it but Illa's, phx, blue dot, all the same quality as roor.... like everyone else said you're paying for a name.... like a mercedes C class or BMW 3 series."

Illa - have shoddy joint weld, joint angles so therefor they are the same as roor de that has precise weld and appropriate angle?

phx that uses more restrictive perculators ( ie the dome style) than roor who uses much less restrictive tree style perculators there for phx is the same as roor us

Blue dot uses chinese glass that is lower quality and there for cost less than roor de who uses Schoot brand boro so therefor bluedot is the same as roor de

The only trait roor (us/de), illa, bluedot, toro, phx,perx,amg, shares is that they are name brand ( even those almost none of the names stand for quality)

just because an illa has a label and so does roor DOES NOT MEAN ILLA=ROOR.

thats like saying a ford fiesta is the same thing as a bmw 3 series because they are both name brand car companies.


Well, That is the dumbest thing i have ever heard.

While this glass debate can get a bit silly. BMW and Mercs are great cars, not just names.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I know you find yourself to be an expert on this subject, but you are coming off like a full of shit asswipe...no offense of course, but I hardly see you backing up any of the crap you spew. Your own little world may count for lots, but not much in my book. You want to pop off and call someone else's gear shit, they I say back it up with more than what you have been bringing. Your kung fu is pussy weak, pal.
See, the bong war thing is exactly what I asked not to have, but you insisted on bringing.
Do try to get a grip and mature up a little.


Old School Cottonmouth
I just hope one day these dorks can see they are arguing over the most trivial crap on earth. The length of diffusers? Glass coming from china?

Who cares? And if you do care Please PLEASE get a life and stop caring.

Mr. Tony

Active member
no ones arguing about the length of a diffuser. glass from china? actually it does matter when your spending hundreds of dollars on a bong.

nice post though you added so fucking much to the discussion.


Old School Cottonmouth
I apologize I didn't mean to distract from the life changing information being discussed here. I'll step down now.


I just love a good bong rip, it's a thing of beauty to be sure when it all comes together just right. I do find bongs a bit like surfboards however in that I am truly happy with about one out of ten - and that's buying something along the lines I dig. I'm partial to a beaker shaped bong, it is very important to have a view of the rip going down (to anticipate precise timing of carb release, see below) and so the stem angle is extremely important to me. The beaker shape gets that done most of the time. I won't even consider pull-out bowls, I take it to the edge and can't be bothered to be wasting effort on clearing through water plus I'm a control freak and pull-outs are like oversized irons, dull - give me an old-timey carberator "down low but not too much so" any old day for maximum control. This is advanced bonging 101 type shit, the half finger roll clearing technique etc I could go on and on. A bowl (which contrary to name should be straight-sided) of about 1 1/2 bonghits, to take care of your ironed lunged buddy. A larger bowl gives inexperience newbs an opening to pass me a half smoked one which of course I have no use for and defeats the purpose of the utensil in the first place. Clean your plate, everybody gets a fresh helping. 12-13in and thick as she goes. That's the ideal bong in my opinion, but I pretty much have to get it custom blown these days and to get them to focus on usage instead of art can be quite trying indeed.


Old School Cottonmouth
double down on old fashion carbs Colina. I just never say it because nobody agrees with me. But my handcannon with a carb the size of a quarter can change peoples minds.