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Need bong help



You right Hoosier.

I thought the thread was long over, and started off on a tangent with Tony, that was spawned from a discussion on quality, which is really what this thread is about. Glass quality though.

Not LS1tech, it is a catch all forum.



CTSV - this is a bong thread, get over your irrelevant self and you'll see only tony and you were talking about cars for over a page, noone wanted to talk about cars but yourself and Mr Tony. I ask you to give it a break and you say no harm in it.

I get the feeling your the kinda guy that likes to debate for debating sake, I find that pointless and self absorbed, just like a page of your car details in this thread whether you thought that it was dead or not. Get of your horse dude and you will see I just come here for the excellent info from you awesome readers and growers, just gets frustrating when that info is tucked under piles of non thread related posts.

Thanks for the ashcatcher info Mr Tony, ehle diffuser arrived today and it kicks ass, really does a lot to smooth shit out. I'll be grabbing the ehle bottle ashcatcher as soon as they are in stock as no one else in UK is stocking them as I can see. Any good recommendations for UK glass sellers anyone?

Picked up a roor beaker bottom with ice pinches and i'm totally stoked with it. Most of my other questions and Sammet's (post 64/65) now revolve around the plethora of qauze/bowl choices and range, or did as I tried a bunch now.

I tried the glass gauze that hoosier mentioned along with the gspot bong and it's ok but too low for a gauze for me and an arse to clean. Diffuses the smoke well but is there much point without water, was thinking this for the gspot dry ashcatcher also?

I tried the roor glass gauzes and they work great and look awesome. Untill they get chucked in the bin cos they are covered in ashes and playing hide and seek is no fun when your stoned. Tried a small pot of iso and keeping em in that till needed but its a proper balle ache for just the gauze. fail

Molino glass star thing just cracked when melting jelly hash in it just the second time. Was wonderijg if it was safe to use a jet lighter near my molino bubbler as I don't think they are stress free tempered?

Just got a meteor glass ball, still kinda low in my bowls.

So currently i'm using the gspot pure bowl with a bowl gauze and it's doing the job and low labour.

I would still really like to know what people are using that doesn't piss them off.

As for the dead thread, lol

How does that Gspot hit Hoosier, you get it yet?


"get off your high horse"

being a bit of a tit are we?
Who said it was super important? I was talking relevant, kinda missed that one again.

hope you find your car forum


You will have a better chance of getting your questions answered in the actual glass thread. No one other than me or tony posted in here for the past three days, till you came in here bitching about a conversation we were having.

If you don't want us to talk about cars, Great, but there is no reason to start calling people irrelevant, pointless, and self absorbed. This thread went through a couple of topics, and then ended three days ago.

Hey, if you want to be the thread police, be my guest.

If you want your questions answered, instead of posting in a DEAD thread. Try this.

You will get more answers there. Unless of course, you want to bitch at people for having a unrelated conversation, then go ahead. Just makes you look kind of like a dick.

now...once again...peace.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Molino glass star thing just cracked when melting jelly hash in it just the second time. Was wonderijg if it was safe to use a jet lighter near my molino bubbler as I don't think they are stress free tempered?

you get what you pay for.


CTSV, Hoossier actually popped in here a few posts ago to disagree with you. I don't see it as a dead thread, maybe you do. I will however apologize for getting unnecessarily personal, not my style

Cheers for the link, found that thread a couple of days ago and loving it but only around page 25 ish so far, I will direct my questions to the people interested.

Mr Tony, yup. :)
Pleased with my glass purchases very much, thanks for the time.
Have you used/cleaned any 7mm roors, is it still breakable on a metal tap while cleaning? Reason I ask is I have a friend with limited use of his hands who loves my new roor but am afraid to lend as its less than 5mm, I think 3.2mm

Last question honest,
How does that bong hit Hoosier, lol
Would that stand the metal tap challenge


Active member
ICMag Donor
I had to fly to the east coast and was gone all day yesterday. Got back home after midnight and my package was awaiting me. I still have not unpackaged it.
She will have her flower deblossomed tonight!

I also got a package from Mota's pal. I am a happy camper today.


I had to fly to the east coast and was gone all day yesterday. Got back home after midnight and my package was awaiting me. I still have not unpackaged it.
She will have her flower deblossomed tonight!

I also got a package from Mota's pal. I am a happy camper today.

Haven't opened it?!?!?

Shit I would barely have the front door closed, before that thing was bubbling!

Ryu: Sorry for the unpleasantness. No hard feelings.:joint:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I really gotta say i like my glass on glass double chamber roor. it has a built in second chamber, and an ice catcher. it is about a foot tall, and hits like a champ.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I tried the roor glass gauzes and they work great and look awesome. Untill they get chucked in the bin cos they are covered in ashes and playing hide and seek is no fun when your stoned. Tried a small pot of iso and keeping em in that till needed but its a proper balle ache for just the gauze. fail

Molino glass star thing just cracked when melting jelly hash in it just the second time. Was wonderijg if it was safe to use a jet lighter near my molino bubbler as I don't think they are stress free tempered?

Just got a meteor glass ball, still kinda low in my bowls.

:biglaugh: :laughing: I've thrown away my fair share of glass gauzes. Pesky little bastards, they're great but you always end up hunting in the ashtray for them. But then I've thrown a few meteors too lol :bashhead:

( talking about Molino bubblers - here's mine. )

Mr. Tony

Active member
Mr Tony, yup. :)
Pleased with my glass purchases very much, thanks for the time.
Have you used/cleaned any 7mm roors, is it still breakable on a metal tap while cleaning? Reason I ask is I have a friend with limited use of his hands who loves my new roor but am afraid to lend as its less than 5mm, I think 3.2mm

I've had 5mm roors. but they sure as shit won't crack from smoking with a torch.....


Active member
Didn't trudge through this whole thread,, so maybe someone already mentioned, but there was actually a study (real study) done on waterpipes I wanna say about 15 yrs back. Their conclusion was that a diffuser (though they used a different name) was beneficial in that it helped remove a greater amount of tar and carcinogens than traditional downstem, while losing an inconsequential amount of THC/cannabinoids. I'll see if I can locate so you can read for yourself.

I like to think of myself as above the marketing, and I'd say to definitely go for a diffuser. Even if it doesn't save your lungs it'll give you a smoother hit. And I see little/no difference between the Roor DE and Ehle diffuser. Have only tried the DE though..

Mr. Tony

Active member
it's not that there is a major difference between ehle and roor de. I wish people would quit bringing it up.

the difference is with diffusers that have to large of an open end or using slits that don't filter as well.

The roor de and ehle both work well just that EDIT keep more roor in stock than ehle

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
it's not that there is a major difference between ehle and roor de. I wish people would quit bringing it up.

the difference is with diffusers that have to large of an open end or using slits that don't filter as well.

The roor de and ehle both work well just that EDIT keep more roor in stock than ehle

Glad to hear this, cause I'm going with an ehle with a diffuser.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Well, I got the bong out and gave it a nice inspection and got acquainted with it a bit.
I honestly was not aware that the Gspot Hangover was a carbed bong. But it does indeed have a carb. Is that the "gspot" hook? ANywho, I am pleased there is a carb. I know carbs. Carbs are good.
I had also ordered a carb stopper just to keep the downspout closed for cleaning, but it works out nice to plug the carb and use the bowl as a lift off.

My packing slip showed "Free Gift", which I assumed was the nice assortment of English candies I was gifted, including a nice Fruity Pope and a Swizzles Matlow LTD. But to my surprize, the free gift must have been the 17.5mm diffuser that came with my bong! I was very surprised when I noticed it was fitted with a diffuser.

OK, now for how this bitch hits.
After icing up, I pulled on the bitch for all I had, and then popped the carb.
LOL...such a nice first hit, almost undetectable but with that slight feeling of "ut oh you dumb fuck" undertones. The cool smoke brought back instant flashbacks to a former life. My old friend was back! But, then the hit took hold, and it's toll as well. I got the full on royal flush. Hacked, red eyed, fucked. I love a carb pull. She is now part of dads stable.

Now, the carb stopped, and a pull using the pull off method. I need to mention that I got very long stemmed gauze that restrict flow ever so slightly, but not so much as to really notice. They fit so very nice and neat, and you can find them super easy with the stems.
Anyway, the hit once the bowl is lifted is miles different than the carb pull. It is a very slow and delivered...controllable..draw. Hit is not the word...this thing is smoothe.

Now about that diffuser...and so maybe we can get back to some important discussions.
Mr. Tony I think I read where you claim the stems that are through holed downtubes with diffuser holes are a waste, as the large hole takes all the work anyway. I think that is the jist of your argument on those.
Well, I have to disagree with you 100% on that one.

I have been studying the action of my tube intensely, and here is what is really happening.
There is apparently plenty of surface area in the holes cut, and ALL of the hit is going through the small diffuser holes, there is virtually nothing at all escaping the large hole at the very end of the tube. The beauty of this type of diffuser over the closed end, is that there is zero backpressure increase with the open ended diffuser. I have seen several reports of diffusers smooth the hit, but also increase the back pressure somewhat.

All in all, I am happy with my piece, and hope she stays with me for a long time.
Sweet! I'm glad you found a bong that meets your expectations. That seems like a very good price for such a precision crafted piece as well. Mahzel tov!

In my own experiences, I've found that a diffuser is nice until it gets clogged. I installed a diffuser in my last piece, and after a few bags it got all clogged so you really had to suck on the thing. I took it out and soaked it in alcohol and rock salt; shook it for a while really scoured it! only to find that the same exact problem would happen even more frequently. I'm not sure if this was just a problem with that particular diffuser or what but I had to end up reverting back to a standard downstem.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanks, jay!

I got some of the orange bong clean stuff. Supposed to only take a few drops for a good clean.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Sweet! I'm glad you found a bong that meets your expectations. That seems like a very good price for such a precision crafted piece as well. Mahzel tov!

In my own experiences, I've found that a diffuser is nice until it gets clogged. I installed a diffuser in my last piece, and after a few bags it got all clogged so you really had to suck on the thing. I took it out and soaked it in alcohol and rock salt; shook it for a while really scoured it! only to find that the same exact problem would happen even more frequently. I'm not sure if this was just a problem with that particular diffuser or what but I had to end up reverting back to a standard downstem.

every few bags? I clean my bong like every 15 rips and change the water after every 5....
Thanks, jay!

I got some of the orange bong clean stuff. Supposed to only take a few drops for a good clean.

I agree the 99%ISO with lemon juice and a bit of coarse salt cleans fantastically. Give it a shake and then rinse and you're good to go. Not sure if the final product smells as "citrus y", but it cleans well.

P.S I have a carbed bong as well and I agree they're great for just gettin' obliterated. Is that one of those solid joint G-Spot bongs you can hammer a nail with? i was thinking about getting one. Enjoy the new glass
