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"My newest creation" 3 rooms 4200w recirculating deep water culture:)


New member
one quick question...

your running a 12 bucket system, so when you fill up the nutes do you make 60gallons worth or more?


great job blaze... if you ask me, sometimes the setup is just as much fun as the grow :D ... great job, and stay safe!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey Blaze :wave:

I can relate to security issues fucking with the grow, dealing with them myself, hence my absence.

Just thought I'd drop in and let ya know I was still alive :D


:wave: great to see you up and going (well early stages lol) again :D

keep us posted man, awaiting your return....

sure it will be bigger and better then ever mate.

keep em out (the tools that is lol).....oh and the camera


The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
Blaze dont skip a beat, lol!

just a few days ago we were worried about security issues, now i see we are laying down walls and starting a new room! Blaze you are the man! kkep it green and show us all how its done!


peace to all, i recently posted to bigtokes bio thread also about this problem i am having with my recirc. bio system, i just setup, have a rio 1100(300gph) and an ecoplus 396(396 gph) both submersible pumps, i have 4 x 5gal buckets, 11gal controller res., rio 400 powerhead moving the nutes aound in the controller, i have tried both pumps and they both start off strong then after running a while, slowly the pressure dies within the pump, i have the pump very close to the buckets(underneath to be exact)...is either of these powerheads strong enuf? or do i need another type? i figure since i only have 31 gal. this should be more than enuf but no matter what, pressure to the 1/4 feed lines continues fall till i have lil more than a trickle, i'll get pics up later, my feed lines are higher than the drain, drain lines are pvc fittings to flex hose to tilted big pvc into the controller bucket ala bigtoke but without the splash, i have then bend piece of the drain slightly submerged(is this affecting anything) so no splash sounds...what am i doing wrong??? anyone else have this problem? my bad for the double post!



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Hey everyone hope all is well dont have time to answer comments or post much today but i will be back shortly with updates for all the room is nearing completion.

This will be the badest setup blaze has yet to do.I learned when they knock you down,You will get back up but it wont be so easy to knock you down the second time as you have come prepaired for it...

Talk to everyone soon with updates in the meantime everyone stay safe....


Hell yeah blaze..good to see you back on your feet.

I cant wait to see what you got for us now!! :sasmokin:

Now.. if you dont mind..Im grabbin some more :lurk: once again!! :wave:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Ok another quick update to let everyone know things are comming along well. Wont be long now and i'll have a crop started...

Until next time be safe and take care!

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The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
dude the bookshelf entry is batman like a mother...

Blaze, or should i say Bruce Wayne, you are my hero!


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Thanks guys hoping to finish it up quick as i can should not be to much longer.

Until next time be safe and take care!


Shit!! Nice work Blaze. Security looks tight this trip.
LOL. I only just put a lock on my room's door today after 12 mths.
Wishing you only good things for the future.

Stay Safe.Peace.


Hi Blaze! :wave: Just noticed your thread today. I remember alot of your threads from OG. However, this one here!!!! WOW! :woohoo: That grow room is beyond words! Can't wait to see it in action... :smoke:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I wanted this room hidden and secure incase of a break in or any un-expected inspections. Plus the water meter is in the basement and i wouldn't like the meter reader catching on to what is down there.

so i chose stealth secret bookshelf door and went with it this room will be 100% lined with reflectix insulation soon as the walls are sanded and painted.Once thats done the ac wall is drywalled and insulated and everything is lined with the reflectix, I should be able to stand outside the room and not hear a thing...
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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Going try my best to have it finished by this comming cunday we will see how it goes!