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Must...catch...Heath... 7200 watts of VERT



Thanks Bro.....This allows folks to absorb shit in real time....Krusty taught me many yrs ago about the benefits of SM-90 in a fast hydro setup for root rot prevention in case rootzone temps got above 70 , cuz anything above 70 promotes rootzone pathogens along with lower dissolved oxygen for root rot proliferation....

Glad the hydrofungicide`s helpin yas , and if as yas said yas don`t wanna run the chillers , try some SM-90 @ 5ml per gal and it`ll make yas happy...

Ran it for over 17 yrs with krusty and ebb and flow buckets , and in coco it innoculates the medium preventing any bug larvae from hatching ftw.....

Coriander oil in suspension with other inert ingredients that would be labeled as organic , but`s listed as an insecticide and can`t have 2 descriptions in Cali/Medville that is........anyways...

Fortune favors the prepared mind....Keep up the good work my buddy....



AWESOME thread! your attention to detail shows and it has obviously paid off.

I love the idea of using multiple vert setups to maximize yields, but i am intimidated by the hydro aspect. Rez temps, multiple levels etc... That's what keeps me in coco. Much respect for setting up this monster and runnin them so properly

I want to see them babies full of weed!


Thanks Bro.....This allows folks to absorb shit in real time....Krusty taught me many yrs ago about the benefits of SM-90 in a fast hydro setup for root rot prevention in case rootzone temps got above 70 , cuz anything above 70 promotes rootzone pathogens along with lower dissolved oxygen for root rot proliferation....

Glad the hydrofungicide`s helpin yas , and if as yas said yas don`t wanna run the chillers , try some SM-90 @ 5ml per gal and it`ll make yas happy...

Ran it for over 17 yrs with krusty and ebb and flow buckets , and in coco it innoculates the medium preventing any bug larvae from hatching ftw.....

Coriander oil in suspension with other inert ingredients that would be labeled as organic , but`s listed as an insecticide and can`t have 2 descriptions in Cali/Medville that is........anyways...

Fortune favors the prepared mind....Keep up the good work my buddy....


Yea I have read a few of your posts where you suggest sm-90. I will do some research on it as I have never used it myself. Suppose it would have to be cheaper and as effective or just more effective than HF for me to switch, but I am ALWAYS looking to improve anything and everything in my setup. Thanks for the help.

AWESOME thread! your attention to detail shows and it has obviously paid off.

I love the idea of using multiple vert setups to maximize yields, but i am intimidated by the hydro aspect. Rez temps, multiple levels etc... That's what keeps me in coco. Much respect for setting up this monster and runnin them so properly

I want to see them babies full of weed!

Thanks for the kind words Shcrews. I hear ya about the intimidation factor, but let me say... if you are really interested in trying just give it a go. You could smart small and don't have to switch the whole show. I suppose the systems are more difficult than coco in some ways, but in others they are easier.

If you are curious, give it a shot. What do ya have to lose?!


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Hey bro, if you get a chance would you mind posting a shots of your level drops? and also would you wanna explain if you used dams. I know you said that was the biggest difference between yours and heaths. Any info would be great. Keep it green homey.



Active member
Dutch Master Zone is also good for rez temps above 70f btw.... i'm thinking it is stronger than sm90, can someone confirm this?

i'm not 100% sure....


Hey bro, if you get a chance would you mind posting a shots of your level drops? and also would you wanna explain if you used dams. I know you said that was the biggest difference between yours and heaths. Any info would be great. Keep it green homey.


Yo aod, I can't really get pictures of the level controls due to how they are positioned within the system. Give me some time to figure out how to get some pics/drawings/descriptions going.

V-nice builds, yieldtasic bro. G'Luck!

Thanks man. Like I have said before I KNOW I won't yield much on this run due to the strain, but it will be OK to get things started.

Dutch Master Zone is also good for rez temps above 70f btw.... i'm thinking it is stronger than sm90, can someone confirm this?

i'm not 100% sure....

Personally I would not use DM Zone in any of my systems. Zone is primarily chlorimine and my research suggests isn't really all that different from chlorine. If I were going to go that route I would just use chlorine (clorox) at 2-4 ppms and be done with it. A lifetime supply of chlorine would be about 6 bucks... LOL

As far as Zone compared to sm90 I have no idea right now. I will be doing some research on sm90 shortly. I must say though that I am very pleased with Hydro fungicide.

kick-ass thread... Get up to 50 posts!

LOL... Thanks man I am working my way there slowly, but surely!

Billy Liar

Simple....babyshit....Tell em BL....Hope all`s been well with you and yours Bro....

BST....Got all my twisted kids droolin over here my buddy....Bring it on home...Haven`t been followin too close , but if yas haven`t done it already could yas please elaborate on the process you`ve dialed in to prevent root rot and potential crop failure....

Need more knowledge up in here for all to learn from.....the good AND the bad results....that`s what makes it real......

all good here fredster... Hope the lady teating you right?? Hehee..
BST awsome work bro, nailed it on everything, I used the drop method too instead of the dams that heath fitted to his flooded tubes, just a bit too heath robinson for me...lol
For anyone who don't get that, 'heath robinson' means un-neccessarily overcomplicated...lol sorry heath.
If theres anyway to drop the temps a touch, pythium shouldn't be much of an issue. If i remember right, 68f is around 19c??? Which is plain sailing... Also has a good DO holding capacity...
Get your self heaths V3 seeds for a great strain for this setup dude... A good google should find them. High life or something????? Seeds???


all good here fredster... Hope the lady teating you right?? Hehee..
BST awsome work bro, nailed it on everything, I used the drop method too instead of the dams that heath fitted to his flooded tubes, just a bit too heath robinson for me...lol
For anyone who don't get that, 'heath robinson' means un-neccessarily overcomplicated...lol sorry heath.
If theres anyway to drop the temps a touch, pythium shouldn't be much of an issue. If i remember right, 68f is around 19c??? Which is plain sailing... Also has a good DO holding capacity...
Get your self heaths V3 seeds for a great strain for this setup dude... A good google should find them. High life or something????? Seeds???

LOL about Heath...

The first system like his I built I used his dams, but quickly grew to dislike them. First of all the gaskets were super hard to put on... you had to bevel each end of every pipe and use a shit load of this stupid fucking lubricant to get the pieces to fit together. Took forever to clean the lubricant out of the system. After a couple of runs the dams were SUPER hard to adjust because the lube had finally worn off. Still worked like a charm though...

Ill check out your seed recommendation. Right now my MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR weak link is my genetics (or lack there of)... my genetics don't yield for shit. I could EASILY see increasing my yield by 50 percent with the right genetics... possibly doubling it. Just gotta find it...



Took some updated pics today. I need to figure out how to get some better pics/camera angles because most of them are the same angle just of different systems. Anyway here we go...


This pic was taken a week ago (3 weeks in to 12/12) after round one of trimming and training...


Same system a week later... notice all the growth. This was after completely stripping each plant of fan leaves. CRAZY growth...


Same system different angle...


System 2 a few days after round one of trimming and training. 3 weeks in to 12/12...


Same system as above just a different angle. Need to make bigger top reflectors as the gap between vertical and horizontal reflectix is too big...



System 3 about a week in to 12/12. This was with NO veg time at all. This system is pretty much all AK-99 and a few Med man. I have never ran either of these so I don't really know what to expect. I have a friend who ran the AK though and I know she is vigorous which is why I gave it no veg. These are untopped so we will see how it goes...


Same system as above just a different angle... Hope the no veg will be ok they look a bit small to me now but I guess they could take off... No top reflector in this system yet as I am waiting on some orca liner to install. Still need to put in the screen, but there is plenty of time for that...


Same system just another angle...


System 4 about 2 weeks in... I am not feeling so hot about this system... most of it is new genetics. A lot of snow dawg, wifi so we I don't know what to expect. Some of the snow dawg phenos look like they suck, but we will see. I also topped some of these a week in to 12/12 which I have never done before. I think this was a BAD idea as some of their structures look messed up... I guess we will see how this goes... LOL

So far I am not feeling so hot about these runs... Lots of new genetics and still settling in to the space. Took a while to get all my mothers up while constructing each room, all the systems, veg room, living life and all that. No complains, but the first run of these systems might be a bit rough. Still have TONS of work to do to get conditions and construction right. Still need to figure out the new genetics... Still need to find a FUCKING yielder... LOL... SOOO much work to do... LOL... Gotta get back to it...

BTW please let me know if there are some other camera angles that you guys might suggest. I am not a great photographer so I am still figuring out what to do...


Active member
awesome BST :) so only 2 600's per? looks like quite a gap btwn bulbs? no need for middle bulb?


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BldSwtTrs again.


awesome BST :) so only 2 600's per? looks like quite a gap btwn bulbs? no need for middle bulb?

Hey Bonzo. Yea I know it looks kinda spaced out, but keep in mind Heath only had 1 light for 4 levels. We are doubling the light and only adding 25 percent space here so I think it is a decent improvement. Still trying to figure out a design for a reflector for the bottom light. Still has to allow the floor fan to point straight up so thats the hold up...

In my mind a third light would have to add 50 percent yield to the system or the light would be better served in a different system. Thats just me trying to maximize GPW though...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BldSwtTrs again.

LOL!! You tha man :smoker:


Active member
Still trying to figure out a design for a reflector for the bottom light. Still has to allow the floor fan to point straight up so thats the hold up:

Last post before I go chop down my octagon... Have you thought about using PVC pipe with holes in it to push the air up? Like the intake manifold in my room... You could just put the pipe around the bottom, and have it blow cool air up toward your plants, and that would free up the middle... I've eliminated the muffin fan with great success. The temps in the octagon are the most stable, with only the intake on a manifold, and the exhaust on the ceiling.

Anyway... I know space is tight in there, just trying to share some ideas... Are you using a light meter at all? You can get them pretty cheap, and I bet that would help you figure out the spacing a little faster. Also, I see you're running Digilux lamps? Man I hate those lamps... USHIO, Lucalox, and the Horti-EYE have all tested better in a few different comparisons I've seen. I've used them all and I would agree with the test results.

I think BST has a lot of reflected light in the middle... I just wish I could get in there with my meter to know! :D I have 1.5k foot candles coming off my reflectix 3' from the 600w lamp... And I think your walls are closer? So I'm confident you have at least 2-3k foot candles under there with another 1.5k+ fc coming off the bottoms of the lamps... Again, I'm just speculating... but I took measurements 6" under the lamp, and I was still getting great light.


Active member
hey if ya don't min due asking. how much in materials including the lights, pumps etc, etc does one of the Mother Ships cost to build?

thanks for posting this project ya got going!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Good luck on the chop bro...may your scales break from the massive weight!


Last post before I go chop down my octagon... Have you thought about using PVC pipe with holes in it to push the air up? Like the intake manifold in my room... You could just put the pipe around the bottom, and have it blow cool air up toward your plants, and that would free up the middle... I've eliminated the muffin fan with great success. The temps in the octagon are the most stable, with only the intake on a manifold, and the exhaust on the ceiling.

Anyway... I know space is tight in there, just trying to share some ideas... Are you using a light meter at all? You can get them pretty cheap, and I bet that would help you figure out the spacing a little faster. Also, I see you're running Digilux lamps? Man I hate those lamps... USHIO, Lucalox, and the Horti-EYE have all tested better in a few different comparisons I've seen. I've used them all and I would agree with the test results.

I think BST has a lot of reflected light in the middle... I just wish I could get in there with my meter to know! :D I have 1.5k foot candles coming off my reflectix 3' from the 600w lamp... And I think your walls are closer? So I'm confident you have at least 2-3k foot candles under there with another 1.5k+ fc coming off the bottoms of the lamps... Again, I'm just speculating... but I took measurements 6" under the lamp, and I was still getting great light.

EXCELLENT idea about the air pumped through pipes. I had honestly not thought of that yet. Will be toying around with that idea now...

As far as the bulbs... yea... I was sold on them by the guy at the local shop without really doing a lot of research. Then I heard from another grow friend that they aren't really all that great. Will be doing some research in to the bulbs you suggest. Thanks!

hey if ya don't min due asking. how much in materials including the lights, pumps etc, etc does one of the Mother Ships cost to build?

thanks for posting this project ya got going!

Here is a quick breakdown off the top of my head. Keep in mind they are all guesses without having to look up prices.

Pipes = $60
Joints = $100
Wood for frame = $40
Castors (optional) = $40 (there are a total of 12 used)
Pipe clamps = $50
Rez = $50
Light sockets = $40
Light bulbs = whatever you want... I have hortis which are 95 a piece
Ballasts = whatever you want... mine are about 140 a piece
Pump = $50
Air pump = $50
Air stones = $5
Feed including joints and valves = $10
Reflectix panels = $140 bucks for 100x4ft. You probably end up using about 30ft/system so pricing would depend on how many you plan to build or what sized reflectix you get.

There is a rough breakdown, but this could vary tons... I mean it completely depends on your area and availability of goods. Depends on the quality lights, ballasts, pumps you want to use. Also depends on if you buy in bulk. Building 6 of these makes the price per a bit lower than if you are to build one. I dunno there might be some stuff I forgot, if I remember it I will let ya know. Hope this helps.

Good luck on the chop bro...may your scales break from the massive weight!

I wish! I don't expect to yield much from the first runs. Too much other work to do and had to use lots of sub par cuts. I guess we will see, but I expect to get between 42-46 oz. I guess we will see!


BldSwtTrs Glad to see youve taken action of this great concept.

Im sure youve mentioned it but from a quick read through the thread I couldnt see your method of how you managed to set the water level. Heath used an adjustable collar, how did you go a bout it?