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Lion Lured Out Of Park, Killed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
merely regurgitating animal rights groups press releases gets you no credit with me. i deal in facts, and we know how many people have opinions...:biggrin:

Well first of all I'll be damned if I know what makes you think I give a rat's ass whether or not I've earned credit with you? Second you're not dealing in facts, you are expressing your opinions based on hearsay and your opinion of what you choose to perceive as a lack of facts. As for sources of what I'm saying clearly you didn't follow the link to the story of Big Game Hunters who are saying this dentist gives them a bad name. I may be wrong but I don't think Big Game Hunters qualify as an animal rights group. They are into keeping animals from going extinct but that's mainly so they still have something they feel is worth hunting.


Well-known member
Well first of all I'll be damned if I know what makes you think I give a rat's ass whether or not I've earned credit with you? Second you're not dealing in facts, you are expressing your opinions based on hearsay and your opinion of what you choose to perceive as a lack of facts. As for sources of what I'm saying clearly you didn't follow the link to the story of Big Game Hunters who are saying this dentist gives them a bad name. I may be wrong but I don't think Big Game Hunters qualify as an animal rights group. They are into keeping animals from going extinct but that's mainly so they still have something they feel is worth hunting.

i don't think you care, nor do i. and i am dealing in facts. animals MOVE, a gust of wind blows bullets off course, bullets deflect off of unseen foliage etc. these are ALL FACTS, ask ANY experienced rifleman. i have not said that he is innocent, i am merely pointing out that a few folks on here (for example, you) have made their minds up from what they have heard/read & believe, instead of listening to both sides of the story. (there is ALWAYS two sides, by the way) not ALL hunters are mad at him, you are merely cherry-picking the news reports that mention those hunters. yes, you may well be damned., but it will be your own doing, i'll take no credit for it...:biggrin: i'm still going to wait and see how the evidence plays out in a court of law, if it ever gets that far. a trial by hearsay has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with prejudice and blind hatred... :tiphat:


Well-known member
Hunting lions and leaving them for dead with there heads cut off is different from harvesting chickens for food stock..why is this hard to believe or understand?


Well-known member
Hunting lions and leaving them for dead with there heads cut off is different from harvesting chickens for food stock..why is this hard to believe or understand?

"leaving them for dead with their heads cut off" anyone on here besides me see the problem with this statement? :laughing:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i don't think you care, nor do i. and i am dealing in facts. animals MOVE, a gust of wind blows bullets off course, bullets deflect off of unseen foliage etc. these are ALL FACTS, ask ANY experienced rifleman. i have not said that he is innocent, i am merely pointing out that a few folks on here (for example, you) have made their minds up from what they have heard/read & believe, instead of listening to both sides of the story. (there is ALWAYS two sides, by the way) not ALL hunters are mad at him, you are merely cherry-picking the news reports that mention those hunters. yes, you may well be damned., but it will be your own doing, i'll take no credit for it...:biggrin: i'm still going to wait and see how the evidence plays out in a court of law, if it ever gets that far. a trial by hearsay has nothing to do with justice, and everything to do with prejudice and blind hatred... :tiphat:

There is one very important thing here you seem to be missing, all this stuff about marksmen and blades of grass, animal movement isn't what happened. What happened is he shot the lion at first with a bow and arrow of some sort. I suggested that a more professional method would have been to shoot with a rifle from a safer distance and greater chance for a clean more humane kill. The lion was eventually killed by a rifle almost 2 days later and no movement or blades of grass were a problem then. I guess I should praise him though huh? I mean after all he did have the decency to at least put the animal out of misery before he cut off it's head and took it's skin and left the rest of the animal lay to rot and or be eaten by other animals.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
"leaving them for dead with their heads cut off" anyone on here besides me see the problem with this statement? :laughing:

Nope, I don't think so. All of us who deal with facts and reality have known since the beginning he took the head and the hide and left the rest of the body behind. Why do you think the airlines got involved by announcing they were banning all transport of animal trophies?

Rubber Chicken

I think he means once you remove it's head it isn't exactly 'leaving it for dead'..........

It is already dead as a doornail.

I think you like to have the last word, even if the last word has already been said, perhaps HempKat.


Well-known member
Nope, I don't think so. All of us who deal with facts and reality have known since the beginning he took the head and the hide and left the rest of the body behind. Why do you think the airlines got involved by announcing they were banning all transport of animal trophies?

i didn't think that YOU would spot the non-think involved, and you did not disappoint me either. :laughing: you don't KNOW anything, just take for granted that the source that you agree with is factually correct. the only people that KNOW what happened were there, and you aint one of them. the airlines stopped hauling trophies because they feared the financial censure of real-politiks. by the way, several of them have begun carrying legally killed trophies again, and hunting has been re-opened. i am done jousting with you, as it is not seemly to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. you may have the last delusional word...:tiphat:


no there isn't. if you really believe in animal rights, but eat chicken...guess what? you are what is known as a "hypocrite"...:biggrin:

I agree with this.

I've been a pescetarian for a couple years now and feel great. I must admit I don't really care much about fish or their feelings. I eat free range organic chicken eggs. I think keeping chickens warm and safe from predators is a fair trade for some eggs. Humans can survive just fine without killing and eating animals. It's a choice, and not a necessity. What makes a lion more important than a cow, chicken, or pig, etc? If lions were docile and tasted good, humans would be raising them for food as well. People should get over the killing of this oversized cat. Millions of people and animals die every day. One can cry for all of them, or pick and choose their favorites but neither will bring peace to the world or anyone in it, not even for a moment. :canabis:


Active member
K let's try this again for the 5 yo's in the room.

I don't eat flesh, but if I HAD to eat flesh to survive, in a survival situation, I would.

Does that mean I'm not a staunch supporter of animal rights? No

Now gtfo


ICMag Donor
I mean after all he did have the decency to at least put the animal out of misery before he cut off it's head and took it's skin and left the rest of the animal lay to rot and or be eaten by other animals.
All for the sake of adding to his trophy den.


Well-known member
15 years is the average life expectancy of an African lion in the wild, making the killing of Cecil at 13 in Zimbabwe a huge international tragedy.

54 years is the average life expectancy of men in Zimbabwe (53 for women), the reasons for which receive less coverage.

just some number crunching from an external source :tiphat:
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Active member
let's send them more wealthy white men! maybe they can build a shoe factory or a plantation or something.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think he means once you remove it's head it isn't exactly 'leaving it for dead'..........

It is already dead as a doornail.

I think you like to have the last word, even if the last word has already been said, perhaps HempKat.

I haven't heard the last word said, I've heard just one person's opinion and that certainly isn't the last word. You might be right about the thing with removing the head but if you are then he was nitpicking, and idiot that can read the English language knew what was meant by "leaving them for dead with their heads cut off" Also he said leaving it for dead with its heads cut off. Not cut the head off and left it for dead. Those are two very different statements.

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