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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?

As my hubby was pointing out yesterday in a different discussion, the National Guard does exist to protect American civilians from the US military . . . . . .

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
sorry last off topic post. I just wanted to clarify this last thing. It only start off like that though. I bring it around to back on topic. also vote yes on prop 19 :)

I fully agree. See my first sig line :D

If you mean me, you're very wrong. I'm not paranoid at all. And I dont think its a conspiracy lol. How would it even qualify as a conspiracy theory?!

I'm on the fence about the moon landing. For many reasons.
Interestingly NASA announces they had lost the footage of the moon landings shortly after Japan flew their satellite over the moon, and directly over the US landing site but saw no evidence of the landing (no crawler or flag).


But I believe we could have, but there is a lot of holes in it. What did Buzz tell you that he hasn't told the world fifty times?
BTW, this is the kind of stuff I went to college for, among another major.

When you consider the mirrors though, that pretty much kills any conspiracy theory about landing on the moon; pretty much.

I believe we were lied to about the Kennedy assassination. I'm not about to say I think I know exactly what went down. And just because you believe a "fact" someone told you, doesn't mean its true.
You believe 911 happened without any government intervention/knowledge?
Let me guess, you never read the 911 Commission report did you. I did. And its full of lies.

Applying some college level physics and engineering concepts, one will realize the numbers dont work out.

I dont think there was two shooter because the magic bullet is bs. there was nothing magic about it. The ballistics report is there for everyone to see. that bullet was fired and hit a skull for sure.

I think the 911 report was just incomplete. I dont think the government did it. I do believe that they did not discover some of the people that helped do it, or they investigated some people but could no prove it so left that info out.

btw the guy that scientifically broke down those 2 conspiracies for me has multiple phd's and invented many scientific applications for silica gel, and many of the well known silica products used to day. like the packets that keep shoes and beef jerky dry. The funny thing about them is that they he invented them to keep his lab as dry as possible, it was never intended to be a separate product, until the company he worked for got a hold of them. he also doesn't trust the government farther than he can throw it, so he isn't just some brainy sheepish person either.

also I asked him about prop 19 and he thought it was a good idea. he said get cali out of debt and then worry about removing the high weed tax for something more reasonable. he said they owe it to yourselves, to help get your massive debt under control because we are gonna be saving your asses when you cant afford to keep your infrastructure going, but that wont work because the federal government's debt is bigger by far. So adding weed and hemp to your official state economy is your only option. He agrees with me that the first state to legalizes has the most to gain because the people of the state will have a monopoly on the other states.

To other states it is not except able for one state to be making all that revenue when they could get there hands on some too. Boom Oregon, Michigan, and Nevada follow because their economies are hurting the worst out of all the med states right now.

he supports my domino effect theory.

i dunno...

the systematic pussification of the American male over the last 30 years has been significant.

also nice job busting out the George Carlin. lol
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This is not entirely true. In every instance there's got to be at least an average of 45% of no voters on every politician, bill, or act. Aside of that in most cases there is a third party; a "middleman" who is meant to act as the public's representative. Which I believe is an outdated concept understanding an average persons intellect is the highest in any recorded era. Our say is slowly getting buffered or erased.

we voted for everybody in office over all as a populace. The government is there because we put them there,

This is entirely too true for words friend.

and they are only willing to be so crooked with it's citizens. I think the drug war is too far, but as a whole we accepted it and as a whole we must remove it, or it will last forever. dont fear our government because they want to keep it as peaceful as possible. instead get active and vote and protest.
I've said this a few times already in different words...I call plagarism! haha I joke but thank you for helping reinforce the point.

If we are just politically active, and stand together as growers then we will have no problem expanding the freedoms of prop 19 after it passes. but if you just vote no and stay inactive and underground we get no where.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ your sig says it all. open your eyes to the possibilities.

to add to that. dont close your eyes because something scary is in front of you. stare at it and it will freeze like a ghost in a Mario game. lol modern Japanese philosophy
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...we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender...
--Winston Churchill


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Yeah it was just some random dude. That's why they didn't let Texas police file a report and his bodyguards strangled a cop that was trying to stop them from leaving with kennedys body...


Well-known member
sam's right-whats your pimped out AR gonna do against a predator being piloted remotely?
the dirtbags are licking their lips at the thought of lightning up the cali fields-it'll be just like nam with McCain leading the sorties

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ dude did read read the other post i just made or did you just make some dumb comment that proves you didnt read my clarification post? I am going with option b there


Active member
And for those who argued with my opinion that this proposed law will favor existing dispensaries who are cozy with the unions and the local governments, here it starts.


The governments will only issue a few of these licenses to well connected dispensaries and then when you or I come along and want to start a business, we will be blocked due to permits. Government regulations ALWAYS make you less free.


Well-known member
And for those who argued with my opinion that this proposed law will favor existing dispensaries who are cozy with the unions and the local governments, here it starts.


The governments will only issue a few of these licenses to well connected dispensaries and then when you or I come along and want to start a business, we will be blocked due to permits. Government regulations ALWAYS make you less free.

at this point, prop 19 wasn't needed to set these events into motion
i had a hard time believing what i was reading on these MJ factories
if this comes to pass, your MMJ market will be turned on its head, prop 19 or not

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It is going to be a mess for a while...no doubt. However you say 'until the Feds close down the Med scene'...Well it's been 14 years and they haven't done it yet. There is no way the Feds are going to try and invalidate the medical cannabis laws in all the states that have them. It's too late, the ball is rollin and its ain't stopping. When 19 passes...try to imagine all the people that will be just growing their own. Were talking thousands of new backyard grows in every big city. Then what are they gonna do?

I agree on this also. Keep it a mess and it all will cave in that much quicker but let's not forget what happened around 2000 - 2005. It's a pendulum. Right now we have Obama - next President may see things differently. We also have a bankrupt California. The conditions are perfect for a Prop 19. Funniest stuff is it took the dumbest and most red necked US president in history to set up the dynamic and if that aint irony, what is?:) G.W thanks brother... You kinda sucked but in the end when ya all got ya arse booted, ya done some good lol.

Actually the feds tried to shut down the medical scene since it started. I think 14 years has proven that all they cant do it all. The movement has only gotten stronger. The federal government has changed hands now, and see this, so they have backed off slightly. It wont last though. which is why it is time to step up our legal arsenal. prop 19 is a great weapon against the federal governments efforts to hold us back.

My view is if you vote no on prop 19 then you are trading your freedom for your relative financial and legal safety. there is nothing safe about it though. as soon as the bible thumpers are back in power prop 215 wont mean shit to them. they have no respect for anything, except a fictional dictator from the sky, and believe it makes anything they do justifiable.

We must vote yes on prop 215 to bring the national pot debate to a boiling point.

again with the bad pun. "America, It's time to shit or get off the pot." and cali whether you like it or not, you are and have been the guinea pigs for this since prop 215 passed.

Please all california residents please vote yes on prop 19. lets get the job done and stick it to the DEA with class.


Active member
Doesnt matter if prop 215 means nothing to them, they legally cant do anything about it. And if you think they can, what makes you think that prop 19 will help.


Active member
Amend the bill then grapeman.... same ol' same o'l from you man. So I'll say the same ol' myself.Progress.


We must be talking about different things. My point was and has been, that this bill, wherein we must get permission from the government to grow a common weed, will in the end bring much unwanted regulation.

If you think expansion of government is progress, then you are a charter member of the class of folks that have brought us a government as we know it today, 2.5 years of unemployment insurance, taxing us to pay for health care for those that don't work etc..

Aside from the fact that you "read" something into my statement that was not inferred, your idea of progress comes only through your glasses tinted the color of MJ. I suppose you can't see the bigger picture which is freedom, and the restrictions thereof that have been routinely happening to us for the last 50 years.

It's for the children. It's for the sick. It's for the minorities. WTF. I just don't care who it's for anymore. I just want smaller government. With that will come true legalization of mj.


Game Bred
We must be talking about different things. My point was and has been, that this bill, wherein we must get permission from the government to grow a common weed, will in the end bring much unwanted regulation.
this is where our views differ...
right now in order to grow any pot whatsoever i have to "ask permission" in the guise of a med rec.
if prop 19 passes i dont have to ask anyone or pay a "doctor" or register a damn thing to grow my own smoke.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Doesnt matter if prop 215 means nothing to them, they legally cant do anything about it. And if you think they can, what makes you think that prop 19 will help.

right now they cant, because they are not currently in control of the executive branch, but that could change in 2012. At that point they will fully ignore states rights if they regain power.

Prop 19 will protect you, if it has passed, and has been debated on in a national stage. As soon as the debate explodes on that stage other states will legalize just to make a point in the argument. When the nation has to make a choice about pot again they will choose not to imprison people for a plant. The tipping point has been reached and now is not the time to quit or slow down. This will ore than likely force the federal government to decriminalize, and take it off the schedule one list which should be every major growers biggest goal right now.

Basically we win now while we have the advantage or we wait till another president as opened minded as Jimmy Carter, or LBJ comes along. it could be 30 years, until we have a president that semi respects states rights that have to do with weed.

The biggest example in history for this type event would be the Civil Rights movement. Once Martin Luther King got some things done in a few states, he exploded on to the national scene, and changed the world forever. with in a short time there was a federal civil rights bill.
And for those who argued with my opinion that this proposed law will favor existing dispensaries who are cozy with the unions and the local governments, here it starts.


The governments will only issue a few of these licenses to well connected dispensaries and then when you or I come along and want to start a business, we will be blocked due to permits. Government regulations ALWAYS make you less free.

did you read the city regulations? it allows for unregulated grows by anyone. Only 4 large scale permits will be issued, currently, but the legislation as i understand it allows for the "hobby" grower to have unlimited numbers.

@Hash Zepplin - the domino theory is already in action. San Leadro is looking to copy Oakland's legislation.

If you think expansion of government is progress, then you are a charter member of the class of folks that have brought us a government as we know it today, 2.5 years of unemployment insurance, taxing us to pay for health care for those that don't work etc..

newsflash you already pay for people's healthcare that don't work. its called your local emergency room. You pay for this. would you rather pay for a visit to a family practitioner or for them to visit the emergency room? which one is a more effective use of your precious money? Your precious Central bank cartel created and government protected money.

Furthermore, what about the huge bureaucracy created by Bush after 9/11? HMS? Huge expansion of government, no complaints from the conservatives in America. not a peep. Two unnecessary and unpaid for wars. No complaint from conservatives. Tarp? lets not forget Bush started this.

God forbid if you want to help out poor people or those less fortunate, you have "conservatives" up in arms crying from the roof tops about how bad the world is. you people are weak and it makes me sick.
if its all survival of the fittest in your world then why do you whine so much? why all the tears and fear mongering if big bad grapeman can just provide on his own and not need anyone's help?

why all the tears?

FTFY and your class of folks who make up history to suit their mood.


Active member
this is where our views differ...
right now in order to grow any pot whatsoever i have to "ask permission" in the guise of a med rec.
if prop 19 passes i dont have to ask anyone or pay a "doctor" or register a damn thing to grow my own smoke.

And in doing it your way, we grow government, erect barriers for small growers and become less free in the process.

My priorities extend beyond smoking pot.

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