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the Hand Watering coco thread


M. J. Medical

I´m gonna do sog indoors with pure coco 2l pots handwatering. Canna nutrients, I should have bought rhizotonic.. Now possible moms just starting in unknown soil & coco mix.


ph question

ph question

Hey guys, i have a superskunk growing in approx 70% coco and 30% perlite,growing in a greenhouse, i flushed and changed nutes 2 days ago for flowering as shes showing signs of starting to flower, nutes used are vitalink coco bloom 70% recomended dosage and 30% veg nutes rec dosage,
ph before watering is 6.4 - 6.5, run off is 5.4 - 5.5, is this too low for run off?


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the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Thanks, what would be the optimal ph of my water/nutes?

5.8 is ideal, but your plants look pretty good. Too high or low of a PH will cause lockouts at some point, at least without chelating agents.
let em run this by ya guys....i hand water 3 gallon pure coco well today is feed day and im out of micro im running a modifiec lucas formula 4 weeks into flower what can i do since i need to water tonight and have no micro? and if i dont have the micro and the ppms drop a lot lower will that cause lock out?


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
let em run this by ya guys....i hand water 3 gallon pure coco well today is feed day and im out of micro im running a modifiec lucas formula 4 weeks into flower what can i do since i need to water tonight and have no micro? and if i dont have the micro and the ppms drop a lot lower will that cause lock out?

You can cut out the micro. I wouldn't stress about it, you have to do it at some point anyways.


is rain water good for your plants ? or should i mix it with tap water as my tap water has an ec of 1.0 and rainwater has an ec 00 i use pure coco in 6.5 litre pots under a 600watt hps using canna nutes and rhizotonic and a little seaweed. my plants look healthy with it but i want them to stay that way


rainwater is lacking in some minerals, so its good to mix it with some tapwater. you can also use rainwater pure and ad CAL+MAG when needed.

mixing with tap water you will have less nute bottles to worry about..

check the EC of the tapwater also :D


Active member
Speaking of lacking in minerals.... Bonecarver, I have been using RO water only.I use to add cal mag but now have cut it out completely with out seeing any difference so far.I use the GH flora 6/9 "recipe" by rez.Do you think the cal in the micro and the mag in the bloom is enough to satisfy the plants needs all the way through?I'm currently in veg and am using 15ml grow, 10ml micro, 5ml bloom per gal. and they look pic purrfect green.But will soon switch to the "recipe" and seen your post here about the tap water mix which is a f'in great idea and cheaper than cal/mag per gal. lol.Lets say I start showing a lil deficiencies at what rate do you mix tap to RO water?My tap wateris 390 ppm.thanks.nuggler


cheers for the answer bonecarver its nice to know that you guys monitor these threads for us when we are a little stuck would 25% tap water be allright or is it too much thanx


New member
Hey there, first post here.
Great information available in this thread, it definitely converted me to coco! It's a very good medium!! I'm using cana coco, canna nuts AB, rhizotonic and cannazym. I 'm in my first week of flowering and most of my new leaves tips and shoots are becoming very light green. Tips of my big fan leaves also show some signs.I water every 2nd day with 15ml of nuts for 9lts. Could it be a deficiency and if so should i boost my nuts ration? Would it help to water ore often like every day, i'm using 5gals pots and water with about 3 to 4 lts so i get decent run off. Any info is appreciated! Thanks
forgot to mention that i'm watering with a PH of 5.8



Active member
Hey there, first post here.
Great information available in this thread, it definitely converted me to coco! It's a very good medium!! I'm using cana coco, canna nuts AB, rhizotonic and cannazym. I 'm in my first week of flowering and most of my new leaves tips and shoots are becoming very light green. Tips of my big fan leaves also show some signs.I water every 2nd day with 15ml of nuts for 9lts. Could it be a deficiency and if so should i boost my nuts ration? Would it help to water ore often like every day, i'm using 5gals pots and water with about 3 to 4 lts so i get decent run off. Any info is appreciated! Thanks
forgot to mention that i'm watering with a PH of 5.8

If you are adding more A+B per gal as you should being in flower, you may have just got a very slight nute burn, not a deficiency.It's normal and happens all the time depending on strain.Some strains may have handled it a little better and not shown any "bright" growth as you describe.I use to use canna a+b and in the first stage of flowering they recommend 9-13 ml per gal. but I would start out with like 7 or 8 ml. first couple feedings in flower then make it a little stronger 9-10 ml. and so on.Just lower the ml. per gal and you'll be fine.Just don't go crazy flushing and all that cuz its not needed this happens to me before often.nuggler


danknuggler - 390 ppm is quite low indeed. you can most likelly mix it 50% with RO water. or even less at times! i mean the tap water ppm sounds low enough to really grow well with only that.

jackie - check with your EC meter - but i think you can definetly mix it 50/50 or 1/3 of tap water to rainwater. MY tap water EC is very similar to yours! :D most of the time when i got a lot of plants i can hardly get enough mixing material to get the base EC of the tap water much below 7.5 or so. when mixing 100's of liters of nute mix it seriously can become an issue.

what i want to say is even using higher EC water it is possible to grow great nugs, only making sure the nute levels are lower than normal - and flushing often.

the higher the tap water EC - the more sensitive is it with the use of PK 13-14. so if your water is very hard, use as little as possible of this. most likelly the tap water has sufficient amounts of trace minerals to make up for it.

burnt leaf tips - this is most likelly because of the the pots drying out maybe a bit too much? the less water there is in a pot the more concentrated the nutricions contained within. this means even if you water with low nute dosage, when the plants have used lot of the water (usually with heat the water uptake increases but not nute usage) there is a risk of nute burn.

try to water every now and then with even lower EC of nutes, specially when its HOT.

canna is very exadgerated with the nute dosage :D usually 1,5ml to 2,3 ml (A+B) per liter is enough.



Hey guys, i have a superskunk growing in approx 70% coco and 30% perlite,growing in a greenhouse, i flushed and changed nutes 2 days ago for flowering as shes showing signs of starting to flower, nutes used are vitalink coco bloom 70% recomended dosage and 30% veg nutes rec dosage,
ph before watering is 6.4 - 6.5, run off is 5.4 - 5.5, is this too low for run off?

Hey guys, since posting the above my plant has gone mentle, shes approx 5ft deep and almost touching 6ft wide and 5ft high,
This wouldnt normaly be a problem but my greenhouse is only 6ftx6ftx6ft, i have tied her down as much as poss, im worried that if i tie her down any more she would end up to dense and not allow as much light penertration, Also shes almost touching all sides of the g/h with condensation making these parts continously wet.
weather here the last 4 days has beenconstant rain.


Active member
Wow I was under the impression that 390 is kinda high ppms for tap and most of what I read recommends going RO if your tap is pushing 200ppm or more.