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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
See....I am telling you the way it will probably work in the future. I understand what you are saying now, and I keep pointing out what is coming.... not in november, but someday, as old people die and the youth turn middle age. And when it happens, it will be regulated by several branches of the government.

That's worse than current state of federal criminalization how?

In order for any of the things that you are saying are going to result to result, the federal government must first decriminalize marijuana!

Currently it is federally illegal no matter what individual states may have decided! So there would have to be many more steps forward before we would be in danger of the things you are proposing!

It's currently a federal crime!


Active member
That's worse than current state of federal criminalization how?

Get a med card moron. It's already legal. You produce so much pot that you worry about the feds? Or maybe you don't even live in california and you have just been contributing shit all along.


Let's repeat it one more time for those who are slow.

UNTIL the "narcotic" marijuana is removed from schedule 1, it CANNOT be regulated by the FDA or the USDA.

REMOVING marijuana from schedule 1 effectively DECRIMINALIZES it!

(Which is a good thing for everyone in the world, not just the citizens of california.)

No it just means it would be a schedule 2 drug and doctors would be allowed to provide scripts instead of recomendations. :laughing:


Get a med card moron. It's already legal. You produce so much pot that you worry about the feds? Or maybe you don't even live in california and you have just been contributing shit all along.

Good idea! Just get a doctor`s recomendation and chill out like the rest of us! No need for TC2010 then folks! Oh and you only have to be 18 years old or get your parents to take you to the doctors.

Now if your 18-20 yrs old and you vote for 2010 you got to be insane cause it makes your age group unlawful to have Marijuana!Much worse than even a ticket you could get now ( with out a medical card).


Game Bred
Get a med card moron. It's already legal. You produce so much pot that you worry about the feds? Or maybe you don't even live in california and you have just been contributing shit all along.

yes all you morons should continue to abuse the medical system...
that way when a medical bill comes up in florida the opponents can point to california and say "they just give out med cards for recreational use out there thats all they want here" then a cancer or aids patient can be denied REAL medicine so you can have your profiteering/recreational bud.
way to go guys. you are the best type of people!!!


Well, if it was legal, you could grow a couple plants in your back yard and nobody would be making it their business... And if they did you would have the right to defend your property.

Commercial growers would have to worry about all sorts or regulations and other bull garbage, but ask me if I would care. Local and independent is the way to be nowadays, bud would become like food and regulated and mechanized and it would be like cigarettes and grocery store food every other ultra processed thing, but you could grow your own in your backyard without the worry of jail. And the black market would still exist, it would just be smaller...

If things stayed the way they are now, well then things would be as they always were.

I'd rather not have to worry about jackboot thugs trying to come around.

Gert Lush

Active member
yes all you morons should continue to abuse the medical system...
Dagnabit is absolutely right.
Does it not bother you that you have to pretend to be sick in order to use a herb? I'm not talking about the really sick, of course.

Is that your understanding of freedom? You're only free when you're cheating the system?
Is that your idea of integrity grapeman?

Just asking, since your whole argument seems to be based on some perceived notion of loss of integrity through legalization.


Well-known member
yes all you morons should continue to abuse the medical system...
that way when a medical bill comes up in florida the opponents can point to california and say "they just give out med cards for recreational use out there thats all they want here" then a cancer or aids patient can be denied REAL medicine so you can have your profiteering/recreational bud.
way to go guys. you are the best type of people!!!

and this is exactly what has happened
the NJ MMJ legislation has been worthless so far, it's not clear when it will be a functioning system
NY is pretty much the same deal, except there is no MMJ, and no clear indication of when it will happen
Florida's is way behind NY's and NJ's, years likely before anything happens there
all new proposed MMJ seems to be restrictive to the point of being minimal value
and the reason is the perception of Cali's MMJ
some seem to think this is a Cali only issue, but this situation goes well beyond the Cali borders

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I don't understand how anyone can think legalization is a bad idea. Sure we have "medical" mj... But the fact I have to go pay some third rate ass clown who can't run a real practice to scribble on paper that I can use mj is a joke. And we all know it. What is so bad about regulation? I already produce crops that are cultivated superior to commercialy grown produce, so I say bring it on. IMO this should have happened 30 years ago....

Gert Lush

Active member
I already produce crops that are cultivated superior to commercialy grown produce, so I say bring it on. IMO this should have happened 30 years ago....
Quite so!
And you'd think that anyone claiming to be in the wine industry, where a fine vintage can fetch the silliest of prices, wouldn't really need this to be explained... ;)


Active member
yes all you morons should continue to abuse the medical system...
that way when a medical bill comes up in florida the opponents can point to california and say "they just give out med cards for recreational use out there thats all they want here" then a cancer or aids patient can be denied REAL medicine so you can have your profiteering/recreational bud.
way to go guys. you are the best type of people!!!

LOL - what a troll. Oh my, don't abuse the medical system but vote for this poorly written bill.

You can't even make up your fucking mind as to what principle you want to champion. God forbid you get a med card and abuse the medical system as you say..... better yet vote for this bill that has so many poorly crafted sections that will be subject to local rulings and court interpretations.

Yeah, let's make this crap bill the law of the land because it's the best we can do.

I like your shitty logic.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
LOL - what a troll. Oh my, don't abuse the medical system but vote for this poorly written bill.

You can't even make up your fucking mind as to what principle you want to champion. God forbid you get a med card and abuse the medical system as you say..... better yet vote for this bill that has so many poorly crafted sections that will be subject to local rulings and court interpretations.

Yeah, let's make this crap bill the law of the land because it's the best we can do.

I like your shitty logic.

I would rather have some legalization, than none at all. The signifigance of the bill itself is far more important than what is actually in the bill. It may not be perfect, but it would be a building block for future efforts across the country. If you are truly vested on federal legalizaton, voting for TC2010 is the first step.

Gert Lush

Active member
You can't even make up your fucking mind as to what principle you want to champion.
It seems to me he is absolutely clear on which principle he is supporting. A lot of other people are supporting it, too.

= Don't lock up folks for using herb =

Can't see how it could be simpler, even if the law has room for future improvement. Most laws are not perfect at the first draft.

What principle exactly are you supporting?


Active member
What principle exactly are you supporting?

It's obvious to me that those voting NO don't give a shit about the 80,000 people California arrests every year for simple possession. Or the momentum this law brings to legalization efforts world wide. They are either worried about their own pocket book or the trouble they could get into selling to kids. Any way you choose to look at it...a vote for NO is a vote for all the law enforcement agencies against this. Siding with the devil...shame on you :)


to grow tobacco you dont need the USDA involved with your biz do you??

why would the USDA be involved if it was a recreational use kinda thing? It would be just like booze is and just like cigs are i would think. The only thing that would maybe happen is that the DEA should(i dont mean my beliefs actually, but technically that is how it should be by law) be involved in medical mj. Just like they are involved in doctors perscribing other drugs.

Honestly, instead of getting reccomendation here in CA, i would rather see a doctor (even if it has to be one time a month) and the doctor could write me a perscription. It would be cool because the perscription would say how much to use and how many times a day and what not. I could go to a pharmacy and get a months worth of meds and be fine, possibly even having insurace pay it.

I can even begin to tell you how hard getting meds (weed) is when you are sick. also when you are sick how can you afford it even at $250 and oz and that is the lowest side. Of course you should be allowed to grow your bud if you didnt want to smoke the pharmacy stuff. but im blabbing, and the medical side will alway be on a different page that complete legalization for all.

Honestly it would be cool if it could practice, get good, get all my gear together, perfect my skills, get a biz liscence, get all my paperwork in order, open a legit operation where i can legally distribute my product wherever i want, make money and be happy because i am supplying a good product and getting paid for my hard work.


Active member
to grow tobacco you dont need the USDA involved with your biz do you??

why would the USDA be involved if it was a recreational use kinda thing? It would be just like booze is and just like cigs are i would think. The only thing that would maybe happen is that the DEA should(i dont mean my beliefs actually, but technically that is how it should be by law) be involved in medical mj. Just like they are involved in doctors perscribing other drugs.

Honestly, instead of getting reccomendation here in CA, i would rather see a doctor (even if it has to be one time a month) and the doctor could write me a perscription. It would be cool because the perscription would say how much to use and how many times a day and what not. I could go to a pharmacy and get a months worth of meds and be fine, possibly even having insurace pay it.

I can even begin to tell you how hard getting meds (weed) is when you are sick. also when you are sick how can you afford it even at $250 and oz and that is the lowest side. Of course you should be allowed to grow your bud if you didnt want to smoke the pharmacy stuff. but im blabbing, and the medical side will alway be on a different page that complete legalization for all.

Honestly it would be cool if it could practice, get good, get all my gear together, perfect my skills, get a biz liscence, get all my paperwork in order, open a legit operation where i can legally distribute my product wherever i want, make money and be happy because i am supplying a good product and getting paid for my hard work.

It's already been explained.


Game Bred
LOL - what a troll. Oh my, don't abuse the medical system but vote for this poorly written bill.

You can't even make up your fucking mind as to what principle you want to champion. God forbid you get a med card and abuse the medical system as you say..... better yet vote for this bill that has so many poorly crafted sections that will be subject to local rulings and court interpretations.

Yeah, let's make this crap bill the law of the land because it's the best we can do.

I like your shitty logic.

what more needs to be said the next few posters after you posted this drivel handled your attempt to distort my positions soundly.
your mixing state and federal YET AGAIN!!!!
im not sure if this is ignorance or underhanded tactics.

lets shed some light.

firstly when it comes to distillation you are referencing federal statute. federal statutes concerning marijuana will remain unchanged when T.C.2010 passes.

the usda/fda WILL NOT change federal policy and begin to regulate cannabis when T.C.2010 passes. this is nothing more than another prohibitionist scare tactic like the disproven bullshit about phillip morris buying up tracts of land in norcal or that somehow Richard Lee is going to monopolize the entire marijuana market in california and patent all the genes and have his r.lee stormtroopers pollinate your plants black ops style in the middle of the night.

like how you expect the federal government to deal with internal juxtaposition relating to classification by the FDA?

i notice you completely glossed over the meat of my previous post just to explain how farming and inspection of federally LEGAL produce. but your comparing apples to marijuana (literally).

i am saying (as slowly and simply as possible) the federal government will not view ANY marijuana farmer as a farmer and will not view marijuana as produce. the farmer is considered an illicit drug manufacturer and the produce is "narcotics"
these definitions changing for the federal government to inspect cannabis is tantamount to federal legalization.

it is my feverent hope that this worse case scenario comes true...
it has been my mission in life since the first time i saw the inside of a state prison because of the prohibition of this plant that it be treated like any other plant.
if that means the feds inspect huge commercial farmers then so be it.
i grow the best melons and heirloom tomatoes you ever did eat and sell them every weekend (no inspection needed) i can do the exact same with this here SSHxBK as well...
so let the feds reclassify from schedule I and start the inspection process!

and btw you never did answer the question as to why the FDA is not inspecting MMJ?

medicine is maybe the only thing more regulated than food yet 15 years later no federal inspectors..

your henny penny sky has not fallen yet and i dont see T.C.2010 as the catalyst for marijuana Armageddon.

See - there it is. You are talking what is effective today and I am telling you the way it will probably work in the future. I understand what you are saying now, and I keep pointing out what is coming.... not in november, but someday, as old people die and the youth turn middle age. And when it happens, it will be regulated by several branches of the government.

No what you are doing is trying to scare people from voting with a nightmare scenario that is decades away. At best, years. That is years of amendments and chances to get it right and prevent your "sky is falling" scenario. so calm down and think. you got put in your place. just accept it.

Voting yes and avoiding your scenario are not mutually exclusive.

Care to answer any of dagnabit's questions?

for repetition, and because i must spread rep:
the usda will not be involved until marijuana is reclassified at a federal level and that will be a cause for celebration not lamentation.