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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
While we're being rhetorical..

the deal is when you go to jail for a felony you dont just lose your freedom for a while when your there. you lose it forever. you loose your right to vote, and to buy guns, and basically free speech because no one will listen to you anymore or hire you.

You also lose all of your assets like your house and car. And if you have kids they are taken away by child protective services.

This bill could prevent all that. thus granting a lot more freedom, and at the same time pushing the national legalization movement forward.

people that are voting against this bill act as if taxes make you so unfree and jail doesnt.

This bill is a big step to ending the drug war as well..... and the drug war is what powers the private prison system, and is what is making the USA a prison and police state. I dont see how this bill is bad due to the fact that it help start to under mind and unravel that. Ending the drug war will also help take down big corporations like Phizer. Big pharma depends on the drug war.


Throbbing Member
If you are growing pot, tomatoes, or any other consumable product that will be consume by the general public there will be rules. USDA and FDA will probably, more than likely, have a hand in saying which ways are fit to grow cannabis that makes it safe for the public. .....

How come the USDA and FDA have not gotten involved with the current growers providing cannabis to the medical dispensaries??? Why would they all of a sudden want to get involved if it were legalized for all?

Those are both Federal agencies NOT state run.


Well-known member
How come the USDA and FDA have not gotten involved with the current growers providing cannabis to the medical dispensaries??? Why would they all of a sudden want to get involved if it were legalized for all?

Those are both Federal agencies NOT state run.

illegal by federal law, USDA and FDA deal with legal products
but i wonder if this has been discussed in closed rooms
government bureaucrats love expanding their domains
but for the moment, MJ is in the devil's domain(DEA)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Here is a few..
Have a roommate that wants to grow too? You each only get 12.5 sqft to grow AND harvest/dry your plants, and that is just one roommate.

Move out? Or grow more illegally and enjoy the relaxed police attention to marijuana related crime in general.

For a "crime" in which both parties benefit and no party can stand up and say "he hurt me". That is fair? That is legalization?

Alcohol is as close to 100% legal as marijuana is ever likely to be. Anyone 18 and over that gives alcohol to a 14 year old is subject to arrest as well. The penalties can be modified with future bills if too many people are unjustly persecuted/prosecuted. That's the purpose of law.

I have a question, where are the parents?
This is just redistributing blame, great strategy.

You can't sell guns to 14 year olds who pop by your house, either.


Active member
Move out? Or grow more illegally and enjoy the relaxed police attention to marijuana related crime in general.
Move out? that is your suggestion?

Alcohol is as close to 100% legal as marijuana is ever likely to be. Anyone 18 and over that gives alcohol to a 14 year old is subject to arrest as well. The penalties can be modified with future bills if too many people are unjustly persecuted/prosecuted. That's the purpose of law.
Eh, I almost feel the same way about an alcohol "dealer" as I do about a cannabis dealer, but alcohol kills in more way then one. Also easier to become an alcoholic then a "pothead".

You can't sell guns to 14 year olds who pop by your house, either.
You're comparing guns to cannabis?
in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel.

That means 25 square ft for each person. Not split in half for each person wanting to grow. Peace and *bong* everyone


How come the USDA and FDA have not gotten involved with the current growers providing cannabis to the medical dispensaries??? Why would they all of a sudden want to get involved if it were legalized for all?

That's a great question. Seems to be a huge flaw in the medical marijuana system.

All I am saying is that anything that is mass produced for the intent of the general public consuming it is governed by some agency. If it doesn't happen with pot I'll be happy that is isn't, but sad that someone could potentially go 'terrorist' poisoning the product and killing people.

igrowone made a good point there. USDA is federal. Maybe there is some sort of conflict of interest on this subject.


DεvíLδck;3642015 said:
in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel.
Private residence in the bill regards to a building or piece of land. They would say person or resident.

I think the bill was put together not thinking about people who share a residence. This can be changed by voting! It is no reason to not pass the bill.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
DεvíLδck;3642015 said:
in an area of not more than twenty-five square feet per private residence or, in the absence of any residence, the parcel.

That means 25 square ft for each person. Not split in half for each person wanting to grow. Peace and *bong* everyone

The way a loop hole in the the law works in some states is; If you have a lock on your room and they have a lock on there room and you both pay half rent it is two different residences. I dont know if it works in cali courts, but I bet it would sufice. I doubt police will spend time going back yard growers unless they are growing road kill skunk and bothering the neighbors.

BESIDES JUST GET A MED CARD. this bill doesnt effect prop 215 at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you take advantage of medical marijuana by getting a card by a crooked doctor then I despise you and you should be shot.

There are already claims that medical marijuana is just a cover story to give marijuana to anyone that wants it. You fools taking advantage of this system will get it fucked up for people who really need it. Selfishness at it's best. Don't worry about the outcome of your actions just the benefits you receive from them.
well seeming how "they" already have control over the whole country, what would change other than the legalization movement going foward.

you wont get great legalization first step, first it must be accepted by old people.

THE LAW, AND GOVERNMENT WORKS IN BABY STEPS. people, including you are scared of change, and are always resistant, which is why it must be done this way
I'm old enough to say, "why you young whippersnapper, you aren't even dry behind the ears yet."

old people; please define an old person for me...is that anyone that has a different attitude than you?

people, including you are scared of change, how would you know, you don't even know what change is; I, on the other hand, remember VJ day, and have seen much of the U.S. transform itself; i.e, the Santa Clara Valley, has been my home for 52 years, most spent working through the development of our military missile systems.

perhaps you would care to enlighten us with your life experiences

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I dont even live in a med state dude, and I supply my own medicine and I have severe stomach problems and I have no problem with people using it for what ever they want. There is no such thing as not medicinal use. If you are using it to clear your head of the troubles of your day then it is still medicine. Hell it is better than prozac the zombie pill. You have a narrow thought process on that subject bob

I'm old enough to say, "why you young whippersnapper, you aren't even dry behind the ears yet."

old people; please define an old person for me...is that anyone that has a different attitude than you?

people, including you are scared of change, how would you know, you don't even know what change is; I, on the other hand, remember VJ day, and have seen much of the U.S. transform itself; i.e, the Santa Clara Valley, has been my home for 52 years, most spent working through the development of our military missile systems.

perhaps you would care to enlighten us with your life experiences

I was just making an unfair stereotype that old people in our government dont want pot to be legal cause they were hit hard with the refer madness stuff. sorry lol.


You have a narrow thought process on that subject bob

Sorry if I came off as rude. When I said you I wasn't referring to you specifically, just people who do that in general. I don't live in a med state either. Not even close to one actually.

I know cannabis has all sorts of medical purposes. Stress relief and anti anxiety would be at the top of the list for me.

You're right I wasn't thinking before I posted. I would just hate to see something that took so long to achieve get taken away or made harder to get because of something as stupid as people taking advantage of it.

Lets get back to the subject of legalization, and TC2010.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Sorry if I came off as rude. When I said you I wasn't referring to you specifically, just people who do that in general. I don't live in a med state either. Not even close to one actually.

I would just hate to see something that took so long to achieve get taken away or made harder to get because of something as stupid as people taking advantage of it.

Lets get back to the subject of legalization, and TC2010.

it's ok man. no worries.

I do agree it would suck to see it taken away. which is why we must push for recreational legalization. This way people cant say that anymore. Also It will solidify the right to toke in cali even more.


Active member
You can buy kits at many stores to brew your own beer or make your own wine.

Moonshining is not illegal because it is alcohol. Moonshining is illegal because it's fucking dangerous. Ever drink moonshine? Ever have someone warn you not to drink too much or you'll go blind? Ever wonder WHY that might be an issue?

Just sayin.

I doubt many people's MJ grows are going to explode due to negligence.

Sorry, but you are wrong. Moonshining is illegal because the federal government does not get their TAX dollar for HOME MADE LIQUOR. That is what moonshining is.... liquor. Not beer or wine. See the little red sticker on a bottle of booze? That is the federal tax stamp guaranteeing that that bottle is legal and has had taxes paid to the feds.

Expect the same for MJ in the future.

Where does all this trust in government come from anyway?

If you doubt me, google on how the Kennedy family made their money during prohibition.

Didn't you people learn anything in school? No wonder this country sucks ass with 50% of the people living off the other 50%.
My girlfriend's family lives in MD, allegedly 70% live off of 30% there. Lmao

I used to live in MD, but it's been a few years since I have been there. While I can't refute it, those numbers seem be high.

Affluent areas and poor areas are quite scattered around the entire state. Of course you have your areas of poverty in Baltimore, but they are also prominent in other areas around the metropolitan area and in the other counties as well. Prince George's County, used to be one of the richest and affluent counties in the state, but it has alot of areas of poverty that aren't officially and statistically accounted for.


Game Bred
Sorry, but you are wrong. Moonshining is illegal because the federal government does not get their TAX dollar for HOME MADE LIQUOR. That is what moonshining is.... liquor. Not beer or wine. See the little red sticker on a bottle of booze? That is the federal tax stamp guaranteeing that that bottle is legal and has had taxes paid to the feds.

Expect the same for MJ in the future.

Where does all this trust in government come from anyway?

If you doubt me, google on how the Kennedy family made their money during prohibition.

Didn't you people learn anything in school? No wonder this country sucks ass with 50% of the people living off the other 50%.

your mixing state and federal YET AGAIN!!!!
im not sure if this is ignorance or underhanded tactics.

lets shed some light.

firstly when it comes to distillation you are referencing federal statute. federal statutes concerning marijuana will remain unchanged when T.C.2010 passes.

the usda/fda WILL NOT change federal policy and begin to regulate cannabis when T.C.2010 passes. this is nothing more than another prohibitionist scare tactic like the disproven bullshit about phillip morris buying up tracts of land in norcal or that somehow Richard Lee is going to monopolize the entire marijuana market in california and patent all the genes and have his r.lee stormtroopers pollinate your plants black ops style in the middle of the night.

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