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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Well, maybe 30 hours ago I had one of the Skunks pop out... but no more since. I'll see how I feel about that when I wake up and do a recount. Pretty messed up luck, I must admit.

I have one 55w bulb and that's at 9". I have a 40cfm fan blowing at the bulbs mostly but that makes the seedling just vibrate a little.

Does anyone actually know the ideal rootzone temp for clones/seedlings? I searched pretty hard and couldn't find it. Most/all references concern DWC water temps or cab temps. :/

Working on a micro side project too. If I work out how to grow marijuana, I'll be able to put some in there! :crazy:


space gardener
I believe 22-24C would be ideal for the root zone temp for clones but I'm not sure about seedlings. Makes sense too, my clones took a while to root because I had trouble getting my water temps up in that range. I am also having a slow motion start with this new system, just means it's going to be a good finish!! I hope....


Grow like nobody is watching
Man, my email said red replied but I can't see you. Thanks bro! I was worried too :D Sucks being all dressed up with nowhere to go!

Thanks Aero! I was almost certain noone would chime in about that. Cool. I've been pretty close so I guess all my seeds have just bunked out. Sad. Totally my fault as they weren't stored as well as they could have been. :/

I have to go see if a surprise is ready for me today but otherwise, I guess I've got no option but to mass plant a whole bunch more seed.


Grow like nobody is watching
No surprises I'm afraid. I've soaked 75 seeds (yes, seventy five) and I'll run through those...We got:

  • 28 - Big Bud x Shiva Skunk
  • 24 - Full Moon x Shiva Skunk
  • 13 - Aussie Blue (last ones)
  • 10 - Aussie Blue x Shiva Skunk (last ones)

Probability of germination: Slim to incredibly slim. However the Full Moon x Shiva Skunks were in a huge packet of probably a few hundred and they all seemed really good looking - consistently dark and hard. Like they were picked out of a bag of dank yesterday. It could also turn out to be an interesting plant. We'll see what happens.

Going by current germination rate, I could get three or four which is enough for my needs here. I also got some seedling mix so I'll probably plant in that this time, just to rule out the coco being a problem.

I moved the little Skunk about 5" from the bulb because it was getting slightly stretchy...not pushing my luck am I?

Question: How windy do you like it for your seedlings?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey scrubninja, 5" from your bulb is fine as long as you have got good ventilation and circulation as well, I strive to keep my plants (at all stages of growth) as close as possible to the bulbs, even leaf edges touching the bulbs sometimes is cool because you will get more dank buds :woohoo:
leaves only no bud to touch. Hope I am making some sense, seedlings you shouldn't have leaves touching bro, bit stoned. Also as long as you're fan for circulation is'nt knocking over the seedlings and/or causing damage to the babies, let her blow as it will create stronger stems.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks a lot, Boom. One thing though, isn't that distance for CFLs? I got the impression with PLLs they should be further away as young plants... (as in melkor and aerohead's grows). I would definitely like 'em as close as I'm allowed so if anyone has extra input, great. :) There's good ventilation and the temps are actually fine close to the bulb. Just don't want the light to be too intense.

I also thought up another question! Say if you have a bunch of seed, all the same seed/strain. You plant the seed and get reasonably healthy gened plants as you'd hope, with high germination rate. If time goes by to the stage I'm at now where you'd have to plant hundreds of seeds to get a few plants, would there be a higher rate of mongy runts out of the seedlings that do sprout?

Happy toking :smoke:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Whoops sorry bro :joint::abduct: yeah CFLs is what I'm talking about, PL-Ls I'll try and find out if there is a need for more distance,(keen as to add these to my cab) because you dont want any light bleaching effects on the babies, but I'm pretty sure you're safe @ 5".


Grow like nobody is watching
No worries man :D:yes: I knew you used CFLs because I saw them next to some big ass buds of yours! Aero advised 6 to 9" earlier, I think. I was planning to slowly move them closer as they harden up. But melkor has crazy tight internodes and he is waaay away and they're getting quite advanced.


Grow like nobody is watching
My seedlings grew rapidly @ 9-12 inches from 1 55w 6400k PL-L. Clones need to be 12-14 inches from those bulbs. Can't wait to see this cab up and running full throttle, nice to see you have some plants in there..

Ah! It was 9 to 12"

:/ I think I'll lower it back to 9


Grow like nobody is watching
Well I think I've fudged the skunk seedling too. I lowered it back to 9" after I realised but it's done the exact same thing. There is a tiny leaf inside there but it's pale and just doesn't shoot. Is this what happens from being too close to a pll or just bad luck from shitty seeds? I kinda expected some burning or something if they were too close, not some weird ass zombie growth tip business. :/

Seriously wtf is up wit dat? The other seeds have been planted a couple days in seed raising mix and kept 9 to 10 inches away.

Anyway, here is a project I'm working on:

It's a 20 litre bucket and the setup is ridiculously efficient in terms of cooling. The fan exhausts but it's also skimming the top of the CFL so there's ridiculous air movement over the CFL. It's far too cool to use my thermostat idea and that was on lowest fan speed with a 60mm hole for intake and carbon filter!! I'm going to build a reflector and see how that affects things but basically any heat gets sucked straight up.

It's just under 65w/sq ft with a 45w cfl if I did my sums right. It's 11" in diameter and 16" high.


Hey Scrub, that thing between the leaves looks kind of like an undeveloped seed, without the shell.

Is that a clone or from seed?


Active member
Well, maybe 30 hours ago I had one of the Skunks pop out... but no more since. I'll see

I have one 55w bulb and that's at 9". I have a 40cfm fan blowing at the bulbs mostly but that makes the seedling just vibrate a little.

Does anyone actually know the ideal rootzone temp for clones/seedlings? I searched pretty hard and couldn't find it.

Sounds like some bum seeds ;(

I get absolutely fantastic results with seeds when I use that same setup you have when keeping it to 75F in the area. Constant temp helps a LOT.

Next seeds you pop, try it the way I do it.....

1) Scarify the seed hull a bit. Just roll up a piece of sandpaper into a tube you can hold a finger on both ends. Drop the seeds in and shake for 20-30 seconds.

2) Soak the seed for 12 hrs in one cup of RO water. Add a splash of tap water and a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide 3%. (I used to recommend soaking for 24hrs but I had some seeds pop at 16hrs a few weeks ago)

3) While that's soaking, get the soil and cup you're using for sprouting and fill it to about an inch from the top with moist (not wet) soil. If you sqeeze it, you shouldn't get any water dripping from between your fingers.

4) Cover the cup with plastic wrap and put it under the light, next to your cup that's soaking the seeds.

5) After 12hrs, Peel the plastic wrap back and make a 1/4" dimple in the soil. Put a seed in and cover it with soil and press lightly.

6) Wrap the plastic back over it and put it under the light. Keep it at 75F

7) 18-24hrs later, most strains should have a sprout breaking the surface. Leave the plastic wrap on!

8) Once the seedling completely sheds the hull (be patient, it'll take care of it) you can pull the plastic wrap halfway off for 24hrs.

9) After 24hrs of half plastic wrap, you should be able to pull it off completely without the seedling wilting from the humidity change.

At that point you'll have a nice healthy little seedling ;D I get a 100% success ratio this way with good seeds and never have to touch a seed that's sprouted a taproot already. (lost a lot of seedlings using the paper towel method)

Keep Growing and Stay Safe! :D


space gardener
I'll cast another vote for the bum seeds, there is an ideal distance from the lights but it shouldn't decide life or death, just growth rate...


Grow like nobody is watching
Oh man you guys are awesome. We'll see how the 75 I planted do I guess. Otherwise I'll give your technique a shot, Hydro. Thanks a lot guys.

It's a seedling, basscadet. That's the round cotyledons in the photo. The last seedling did the same thing but that didn't have any kind of growth in the tip. This one's tip has what looks like a pale yellow leaf tip which doesn't grow. I guess that means I'm improving, hahaha.


Well all I can say is that little tutorial about how to get 100% sprout rate is pretty much how I do it and it works. No joke.

That was a nice write up Hydro-Soil!


space gardener
I don't think PL-L's have the intensity to bleach leaves from being too close but they can be a little hard on seedlings. My single 55w was a little too intense for cloning, had better results with the 36w T5 fixture. Once the seedlings have a root structure and are feeding the PL-L's can be as close as you want.


Active member
I don't think PL-L's have the intensity to bleach leaves from being too close but they can be a little hard on seedlings. My single 55w was a little too intense for cloning, had better results with the 36w T5 fixture. Once the seedlings have a root structure and are feeding the PL-L's can be as close as you want.

You're correct that they don't bleach..... mature plants still don't do well at 1/2" from the lamps though, even if they're cool.... It's too intense. They do excellent at 4-12" Minimal stretching at 14" :D


space gardener
I'm still trying to decide the optimal distance from these lights in bloom. Instinct tells me to be as close to fluoros as possible but some distance may be tolerable. Here is a pic from my first PL-L grow where a couple colas were touching the bulbs with no burn or bleaching. Important to note this was near the end of the bulb where they are coolest:



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Wow thats close. My cfl setup is doing the same thing. Its about an 1/8" from the end of the bulb but its not burning or bleaching. Seems to be happy but im watching her