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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?


Throbbing Member

i am saying (as slowly and simply as possible) the federal government will not view ANY marijuana farmer as a farmer and will not view marijuana as produce. the farmer is considered an illicit drug manufacturer and the produce is "narcotics"
these definitions changing for the federal government to inspect cannabis is tantamount to federal legalization......

Well said!!!:jump:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Get a med card moron. It's already legal. You produce so much pot that you worry about the feds? Or maybe you don't even live in california and you have just been contributing shit all along.

Med card doesn't make it FEDERALLY legal. And as far as your moron comment.... go eat a big fat bag of shriveled dicks, asshole.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
No it just means it would be a schedule 2 drug and doctors would be allowed to provide scripts instead of recomendations. :laughing:

And when drugs are schedule two they are effectively decriminalized.

For instance, we don't talk about Oxycontin being illegal but you do need a script for it. :wave:

Thank you drive through.


Active member
the simple answer is..

the usda will not be involved until marijuana is reclassified at a federal level and that will be a cause for celebration not lamentation.

And that is a perfect example of YOU not knowing what you are talking about. You have never dealt with the USDA so why would you even have an opinion on that?

Your previous comment about abusing the med card system made me laugh again as I read it. Sophomoric thinking. You know, that comment coming from a person who is apparently breaking the law on a daily basis by growing, smoking and maybe even selling MJ, is now worried so much about his principles (whatever the fuck they are) that he dosen't think he should abuse the medical Mj system and simply get a med card.

Instead, we should all get behind a very flawed law that will punish small growers. If folks can't get a med card to avoid breaking the law, then they deserve to locked up so they don't mingle with the rest of us.

Yep - good reasoning, from start to finish. So flawed, but I'm sure it makes sense to you.


Game Bred
And that is a perfect example of YOU not knowing what you are talking about. You have never dealt with the USDA so why would you even have an opinion on that?

its the mother of all fuckups

You know, that comment coming from a person who is apparently breaking the law on a daily basis by growing, smoking and maybe even selling MJ, is now worried so much about his principles (whatever the fuck they are) that he dosen't think he should abuse the medical Mj system and simply get a med card.
it makes an ass out of you and you

Instead, we should all get behind a very flawed law that will punish small growers. If folks can't get a med card to avoid breaking the law, then they deserve to locked up so they don't mingle with the rest of us.
have you figured out what "it" is?

so do you think the usda will regulate a schedule I narcotic?

(is that another question your not comfortable answering?)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
How will this law be any worst for small / personal use growers than the state it is currently in? At least this gives 25 sqft for the many people who would rather not spend 100-200 per year on some phony ass mj lisc. If you cant produce enough in 25sqft maybe your not cut out to grow. Not to mention with CA's climate its not impossible to get 2-4 crops per year outside.

Even if the USDA and FDA regulate it, so the fuck what? We regulate (to some degree) everything else legal in our lifes, from electrical cords to water to just about everything. Im not saying regulation is ALWAYS better, but if we can effectivly raise the quality of the cannabis andguarantee it mold/pest/poison free, well im all for it.


Active member
Med card doesn't make it FEDERALLY legal. And as far as your moron comment.... go eat a big fat bag of shriveled dicks, asshole.

Tell me this genius. How does passing a flawed law in california make it legal with the feds?

I am blogging with 7 year olds.


Active member
so do you think the usda will regulate a schedule I narcotic?

No, but for about the tenth time, they will regulate the growing of it. Any crop that is sprayed or fertilized is regulated by county ag officials who report to state ag officials who report to the USDA.

Since I've explained that to you over and over, try letting that sink in before you continue to post bullshit that only you understand.

Either way I have a life outside this law.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I dont know why you guys even attempt to converse with this self proclaimed einstein. All he does is ridicule and call everyone morons. He will have something bad to say about this post. All I want to do is take a big shit right in his mouth with all this crap pouring out of his mounth. everyone of us is wrong he is right
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Gert Lush

Active member
You know, that comment coming from a person who is apparently breaking the law on a daily basis by growing, smoking and maybe even selling MJ, is now worried so much about his principles (whatever the fuck they are) that he dosen't think he should abuse the medical Mj system and simply get a med card.
Bit of a Stalinist, ain't ya, mate?

Are you seriously saying that someone who cares enough (for whatever reason) to break an unjust law cannot have principles?

And he should conform to ze state-sponsored channels, jawohl! Even if these are demeaning to human dignity? You, who are SOOOO fucking against state intervention. Telling everyone to do what the state prescribes and shut up?

Then you complain about others being like "seven year olds"? You shouldn't complain, you should be happy - they'll raise your level by, oooh, about 5 years.

Serious question: Do you believe you will lose money if this law is passed?

Gert Lush

Active member
Hammerhead, chill out buddy, don't let it get to you. Light one up, enjoy, and just patiently explain about freedom again to the naysayers. They will eventually get it, I suppose... maybe... who knows...

Frankly, I think we should be thankful to guys like grapeman for showing us, very clearly, how some people think. It's a seminar on the real stumbling blocks to legalization.


Game Bred
No, but for about the tenth time, they will regulate the growing of it. Any crop that is sprayed or fertilized is regulated by county ag officials who report to state ag officials who report to the USDA.

Since I've explained that to you over and over, try letting that sink in before you continue to post bullshit that only you understand.

Either way I have a life outside this law.
and for about the tenth time

the usda will not regulate a schedule one narcotic...
to do so the usda would have to break federal law by possessing said schedule one narcotic or acknowledge the commission of a federal felony by the aforementioned local and state AG. officials.

apparently you HAVE NOT worked closely with federal governmental agencies as you have claimed. if you had you would understand that they would never allow themselves to commit a federal felony!

you understand what im telling you and i understand you can not admit you were wrong. pride is a motherfucker!

so here is what ill do






Well-known member
Frankly, I think we should be thankful to guys like grapeman for showing us, very clearly, how some people think. It's a seminar on the real stumbling blocks to legalization.

i'll second that thought, this is a good warm up for the disinformation that California will be flooded with in the coming months
so be prepared to see strange claims that will make no sense to many of us, but will nevertheless have some impact on others less educated


Throbbing Member
How come the USDA and FDA have not gotten involved with the current growers providing cannabis to the medical dispensaries??? Why would they all of a sudden want to get involved if it were legalized for all?

Those are both Federal agencies NOT state run.

Any crop that is sprayed or fertilized is regulated by county ag officials who report to state ag officials who report to the USDA.

So the medical crops being grown RIGHT NOW that supply cannabis to the medical dispensaries in California are being fertilized and are NOT being regulated by the county ag officials???? Why not??? And what would change it???

And in fareness to Grape, you are pointing our a legitimate issue that will rear it's head 1-2 yrs down the road.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I think we would all happily debate with the man. But when everyone in this thread he has at one point called Morons or stupid all kinds of insults he has lost his credibility with me. There's no logical reason for acting like that. I get a bit fed up with the name calling.


Game Bred
bought 4 tons of horse hay today...no usda stamp ;)

but i bought it from my 77y/o neighbor like ive done for 20 years....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^nothing will ever stop small private enterprise in America. There really is no reason to worry about the fda, usda regulating your home grow. it is not practical because they dont have the resources.

Enforcement of laws always comes down to resources. Cali doesnt have them right now, so if the law passes you will be able to do what ever you want pretty much. just look at LA. They have more pot shops than starbucks.