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~Kief Junkie & QueenKief's 250w Organic Medi-Cab (soil) Grow!~ ~Pure & Blue Mystic~


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
ahh I see! In that case I'll be sure to take note myself so as to try and avoid the problem (I have a few in soil too)


Active member
if you still have the seedling i suggest taking it out of the box. squeeze the pot, i assume its in some sort of solo party cup? squeeze it so the soil breaks up a little. its too hot and the soil is too compact ive see it like a million times. just put it in a windowsill and it should recover.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
if you still have the seedling i suggest taking it out of the box. squeeze the pot, i assume its in some sort of solo party cup? squeeze it so the soil breaks up a little. its too hot and the soil is too compact ive see it like a million times. just put it in a windowsill and it should recover.

It's not in a box actually, we're still working on the cab. The temperatures in the room it's in (with our other plants) stays a consistent 70-78 degrees depending on whether or not the light is on and what the outside temp is that day. It's rock solid and never falls below 70 or rises above 79, so it's definitely not too hot in there. The problem is simply that we over watered and already compact soil; we shouldn't have compacted it so much.

It's too late to save her now, better luck on our next one!


Sorry to hear that K.J. when ICE #1 died, it was a bummer, but when you have plenty of other plants going, it's not that bad. And besides, as long as you're doing the right thing and giving proper care, if the plants die off they aren't good enough to live. That's just my opinion. I see it as natural selection.


New member


If you have room in the pot, always scrape through the top layer, about 1/2 to 1 inch, before you water. If it's dry below the surface then water. Often, in CO, especially with HPS or MH, the top layer will look bone dry but just under the surface is very damp. You can also get a $10 moisture/pH meter from the local hardware store (or Rick's, where you got that Blood meal). That meter will tell you your moisture level and pH (in soil) without batteries and works forever if you take care of it. If yuor sprout is only limping you should put it in a warm, very bright place and it will recover. If it has damped off it will be very thin at the base, eventually closing off, almost black, no recovery. Anyway, looks good so far.

PS. Any reason you dont try clones?



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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
If you have room in the pot, always scrape through the top layer, about 1/2 to 1 inch, before you water. If it's dry below the surface then water. Often, in CO, especially with HPS or MH, the top layer will look bone dry but just under the surface is very damp. You can also get a $10 moisture/pH meter from the local hardware store (or Rick's, where you got that Blood meal). That meter will tell you your moisture level and pH (in soil) without batteries and works forever if you take care of it. If yuor sprout is only limping you should put it in a warm, very bright place and it will recover. If it has damped off it will be very thin at the base, eventually closing off, almost black, no recovery. Anyway, looks good so far.

PS. Any reason you dont try clones?


Hey Snoogs! Glad to see you here.

Thanks for the tips on cultivating the surface before watering. In this case, it was her first day in the pot, so we were watering to dampen the soil after having potted her, so we knew it needed a good watering. We didn't top dress with some drier soil, which we should have done.

We do have a soil meter, but they're so large that it's kind of useless on these small pots; we'd probably jack up the root system just putting that thing into the soil. We use the weight method to tell if they need watering; I know what they feel like in my hand when they're well watered and when they're dry. But combining that method with yours would be wise.

She's way beyond the point of recovery. We tried to let her recover by propping her up, scraping back some of the wet soil around her base, and then leaving her as close to the light as possible for warmth (they're in the warmest place we've got right now). All to no avail.

I'm not opposed to clones per se, but I have yet to see a clone for sale that didn't look iffy to me; most appear to have stunted fan leaves, or they're rather yellowed. Plus, you never know what kind of soil/water/nutes were used and since we're all organic, that's a concern for us. And then there's the issue of what you might be bringing into your garden; I've heard horror stories of growers who brought home a clone only to infect their entire garden with some pest or disease. All of that said, we are still very much open to picking up the right clones, especially those of strains that are hard/impossible to come by in seed form.

Thanks for stopping in brotha; always appreciate your insight.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Sorry to hear that K.J. when ICE #1 died, it was a bummer, but when you have plenty of other plants going, it's not that bad. And besides, as long as you're doing the right thing and giving proper care, if the plants die off they aren't good enough to live. That's just my opinion. I see it as natural selection.

Yeah, it's a bummer when you've only got 6 plants and one of them kicks over before it even has it's second set of leaves! I'm totally with you on natural selection; if it were meant to be, it would be.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
he prolly meant why dont you clone your own plants instead of starting from seed.

No, I think he meant buy clones since this is our first grow and it would be impossible to have cloned our own plants.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Man I wish I lived in a med state. That would kick ass to be able to go to a shop and buy clones. I can only dream!

Yeah, it really is a nice thing. My only issue is the lack of quality clones available to us (though I admit to not having searched broadly or anything).

32 Joints

New member
Hey KJ. Nice to see things are still coming along well for you. Sorry to hear about your lost little one. I lost one of my Pures, Perdita to a stupid stoner mistake so I know the feeling. Ah well, onward and upward.

I'm with you on buying clones. I brought on a thrip infestation just by bringing a store-bought basil plant into my home. Now I don't bring any plant into my place, cannabis or otherwise. If I want to grow something I grow it from seed. Infestations are just too hard to deal with.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey KJ. Nice to see things are still coming along well for you. Sorry to hear about your lost little one. I lost one of my Pures, Perdita to a stupid stoner mistake so I know the feeling. Ah well, onward and upward.

I'm with you on buying clones. I brought on a thrip infestation just by bringing a store-bought basil plant into my home. Now I don't bring any plant into my place, cannabis or otherwise. If I want to grow something I grow it from seed. Infestations are just too hard to deal with.

That sucks about your lost one. Stoner mistakes happen, eh?

Thanks for illustrating my point about bringing in plants from the outside. We've decided to not try and pop anymore beans and if we don't have 6 females ready for flowering by the time our cab is ready to go, then we'll look into purchasing clones to make up the 6 we need. Hopefully the person we'll be getting them from has some healthy, ready to go clones of some great genetics. It's a risk we'll have to take because we need this cab to start producing ASAP; we simply can't afford our monthly medicine bill! That shit gets expensive!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Ok guys, we need your help (again!). It seems that the Peanut is showing some problems. Actually, all 3 Pure girls are showing similar issues, but with Petunia and Purdy it's limited to only the first set of true leaves. With Peanut, the problem seems to have progressed on to her second set of true leaves. So far nothing above that set seems to be an issue. We figured that with the first set of leaves, the soil might have been too hot for them and that we'd not see any more problems past that set of leaves.

So what might our problem be? The growth is still steady and new growth looks great. Any ideas?

Peanut 2-17-09


This second picture gives you another angle on Peanut, but it was also an attempt to highlight something else that might be either a part of the problem, or sign of a new one. It's difficult to see in the picture, but the tip of that closest leaf has a bit of what I would call "bluing" on it (it looks to be a dark purple color). What is this? It's also on a few other leaves on that same set, but this one is the worst.

Peanut 2-17-09


Can't growing ever just go right?


Well from my limited experience, they may be rootbound. Now I'm not sure, but that's similar to the things I saw when mine starting getting rootbound. It's just that a lot of things look similar and are different. What size pots are they in? Have you watered with a tea yet?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Well from my limited experience, they may be rootbound. Now I'm not sure, but that's similar to the things I saw when mine starting getting rootbound. It's just that a lot of things look similar and are different. What size pots are they in? Have you watered with a tea yet?

I'd be totally dumbfounded if they're root bound. These are 4" pots, not sure what quantity of soil they hold, but they're certainly bigger than 20oz. pop bottles that so many people here use. Also, they're Airpots, which means that once the roots hit the holes in the sides, they die at the tip and start growing perpendicular shoots of new root all the way back to the original roots starting point. This means that instead of wrapping themselves around the sides of the pot, the roots actually fill in most of the center and inner areas of the soil. So I would be very shocked if they're root bound at this point (they're only about a month old and the tallest, Peanut, is still under 6" tall).

As for the tea, yes they've been watered a few times with a molasses, EWC and LK tea. In fact, we watered them yesterday morning and they loved it.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hmm....What's the PH of your water/runoff?

I have no clue. My water comes out the filter at 7, so I just don't bother with PH testing since I'm doing organic. I know that goes against conventional wisdom, but every single organics guru on this forum says not to bother if you're using one of the LC mixes or something similar.

32 Joints

New member
That sucks about your lost one. Stoner mistakes happen, eh?

Yeah I built my cab super secure and stealth...I considered every angle and type of attack when I designed it. But I never considered what I'd do if I locked the keys inside. D'OH!!!

We've decided to not try and pop anymore beans and if we don't have 6 females ready for flowering by the time our cab is ready to go, then we'll look into purchasing clones to make up the 6 we need. Hopefully the person we'll be getting them from has some healthy, ready to go clones of some great genetics. It's a risk we'll have to take because we need this cab to start producing ASAP; we simply can't afford our monthly medicine bill! That shit gets expensive!

Here's one suggestion if you are interested...I have done this in the past when I unexpectedly got 3 females out of 10 plants. I took clones as soon as I could and then topped the mothers to slow them down (I find topping of FIMming slows them down by about a week. Then I popped the moms into flower. Then when the clones root, I gave them a shortened veg time and put them into flower 1-2 weeks later than their mothers. If you are flowering your seed plants earlier than they can give clones...no worries. I routinely take clones up to 14 days into flowering. Just takes them a little longer to root.

That way at least I had a full flower room most of the time and harvested the seed girls and then their clones 2 weeks later. The downside is that you have slightly different nute schedules at some points (eg you start flushing half your room while still ferting the other half) but as long as you keep good notes about who gets what, its pretty straightforward.

This works especially well with Sativa strains as they seem to require less veg/rooting time before going into flower as clones. Kali Mist for instance, I have flowered 5 days after the clone rooted.

Sorry I can't help you with your new probs as nutes/PH/deficiencies and all that stuff is my achilles heel. I will say though that I have a lot of minor issues like you are seeing all the way through and I still see some pretty damn nice buds. So just be careful not to get discouraged or be tempted to fuss over them too much.