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Khaleel's Ganja-Fasting Room

Collie Man

Ok well I'm smoking again! I took my haitus from cinco de mayo till the 19 de mayo. So yeah I was supposed to go to june 5th but whatever...the good weather lately and the beach and no school just put me in my place and when im in that place i love to smoke! haha! peace


lives on planet 4:20
khaleel, that idea came to me while smoking the amnesia haze one Sunday morning, its like that Scorpion song "Loving you Sunday Morning"...LOL

weed is some wicked shit...once it grabs you by the balls...its over...smoking, growing and thinking which strains you want to grow next, and which in the future...the next thing you will be surprised at is how fast pension time comes around...since you are living in some fantasy world the whole time...and time just FLIES BY !!!

I was just tripping that Sunday morning and I was able to look at my life from all sides, where I am now, where I have been and done in the past, and what I want to create in the future...as if all at the same time...its hard for a straight person to understand this...but after smoking Amnesia Haze with a low tolerance...as mine is now...man that shit makes your brain just think so freakin clear...it amazes me

in the end though...how much you smoke and how often you smoke...should mostly depend on what results you want to create in your life and where you currently stand in relation to those future results

for example if you want a job making $5,000 a month and you are working in a McDonalds and just smoking weed the rest of the time...saying one day it will just happen...the reality is you are just lying to yourself

if you wanted to make $5000 a month and you were currently working in McDonalds and smoking non-stop the rest of the time and sitting in this website looking at pics of buds and reading about weed...one of the first steps might be to cut back on your weed smoking and think of the steps you need to take to get that $5000 a month position

or you would simply admit to yourself you don't want a $5000 a month job, you just want to get high 24/7 and hang out on IC Mag looking at photos and writing posts...nothing wrong with that of course...I am just saying it is ineffective if what you want a result like making $5000 a month at a job.

the $5000 a month job result can be replaced by any other result and everything would still remain the same...in the end

the funny thing is since we are humans and have unlimited desires...simply just saying that all you really want is to work in McDonalds and smoke the rest of the time wouldn't work for long...since we are all constantly pulled in all directions by our desires...and we just doing the best we all can to make those desires a reality

there are exceptions to every rule, of course, and for instance if I lived in the Netherlands (which I am planning in about five years) maybe I would smoke a lot more, and even at work in my office, in coffeeshops, and at home, and anywhere else I could, since doing that there will not get your ass thrown in jail, and you don't have to even worry about this side of it

but in many other countries, it is a reality which most people, to an extent seem to ignore, will get you in a lot of shit with the fuc....police, and since when I lived in the USA in the past, I sat in detention a few times (not for weed) that is not something anyone will want to go through, especially if you are supporting a family or have debts and credits which you pay

so in the end you simply have to really be honest with yourself and ask is what I am doing worth going to jail for, if the answer is NO, it is better to do it in such a way, that you never get them mofos busting your ass

but that is just my two cents, and since tomorrow is Sunday, and my two joints of Amnesia Haze are waiting...I will not be able to write this much...later alls SF

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
jungle joules said:
quit for nearly 2 years now... used to smoke everyday for nearly 10 years.
used to smoke mostly sats dom, grown outdoor in the tropics...

got hypertension, smoking anything (tobacco/weed) increases blood pressure so i quit.

still lurking around this forum tho, just checkin out the new strains & stuff.. haha..

Dear JJ

I'm not a doctor, but I know this much:

Tobacco and central nervous system stimulants (such as amphetamines), sympathomimetics, corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pharmaceutical cold remedies can increase blood pressure, as can cocaine abuse.

But Cannabis does not. In fact, Cannabis has the opposite effect, and is successfully used in treatments against High Blood Pressure/Hypertension and its symptomes (such as migraines, headaches). Not by the medical establishment of course, but by alternative treatment centers (some info on this can be found at NORML I believe).

I don't know if smoking pure Cannabis will raise the blood pressure, smoking it mixed with Tobacco will. But, if that would be the case, there are other ways of consuming Cannabis, mainly through ingestion.

So you've been dry for two years, believeing that your pot habit caused hyper tension, while in fact it's a potential remedy against it.

Kind of shows you the importance of staying tuned and informed, doesn't it?


Active member
I take breaks of 1-2 years every now and then......also i go on a more vegetable-based diet and exercise regimen......

Even though i take breaks every now and then, i still love everything about growing and breeding and helping other people learn about this plant.....

However, even though i do not need daily cannabis therapy right now, there may come a point in my life when i will absolutely need the help of cannabis......it could be for chemotherapy, back spasms, or my horrible migranes could re-surface.....you never know what the future holds......

The cannabis fight is all about civil liberties......even though i am not currently smoking, i still must do all that i can to protect our right to cannabis therapeutics.....it is a long battle with many obstacles, but we must keep on the path of righteousness and always use cannabis in accordance with a balanced mind, body and soul....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


guineapig: that's a very good point to make... and i hope it rings through with the spirit of the thread. even if you yourselff make the choice to take a break, in the end it is all about the freedom to make that choice or not. thanks for the contribution to the thread, my friend. and damn, 1-2 years break every once in a while, that's pretty good!

rosyCheeks: :wave: good job on the medicinal properties of cannabis! jungle joules, if you quit because of something else good job on the break, but if it is ONLY for hypertension, as rosy just pointed out, smoke away brother! haha the ganj has been waiting.

southflorida: i like it, man. i am definitely pickin' up what you're laying down. i was thinking of something similar a few days ago... a lot of the "struggle" i had in the past regarding my MJ use was in thinking about whether smoking every day was "right" or "wrong", not just smoking but in general being intoxicated the majority of my day, or just not being sober for long periods at a time. in the end i decided it had nothing to do with right or wrong, but cause and effect. the same principle you described. its not about some notion of thou shalt or thou shalt not, but simply what you want out of your day. out of your week. out of life. what you put in is what you get out. in the army they used to tell us the definition of crazy is to do the same thing over and over while expecting different results. if change is what one is after in life, change needs to be brought to the table. if you smoke every day and want to change your life, well hell, there's some change right there you can make, who knows how else it might reflect. can always go back to smoking every day! who knows, maybe you'll discover that's what you truly wanted in the first place. :D

on that note, i have a federal job still in the works, and i do believe they will drug test. so even though I have a jar full of Willijuana x Trainwreck curing next to me, smelling like a sweet/rotten forbidden fruit lol, i am starting a fast! yeah, let the games begin. :headbange

p.s. if you guys are doing a pool, the smart money is on my fast lasting less than a week. hahahaha alright, i'll do my best.


lives on planet 4:20
khaleel, to use a very good example of what I really mean...let's say you were really fat (hopefully you are not really fat, by the way) and you wanted to lose all of the unwanted fat on your body...this was the end result you wanted

but during the day you would eat more food than your body could burn...and in the eve around 23:00 every day you would really pig out (around 2000 calories in one meal)...then wouldn't one of your first steps be to stop overreating? with the next step being to move your ass around a little to get that metabolism going? and so on and so forth

this is the same with smoking weed, ciggarettes, alcohol, or any other thing that people turn into addictions...because if an addiction is good or bad...still all the power lies in the addiction and not inside yourself

so if you focus on the result you want to really create...and track current reality, you can not realize the steps you must take toward what you want...because the difference between where you are and where you want to be will become clear to you

so as you move closer and closer toward your goal...reality changes...and as you see these changes...you know what to do next

this is what happens in any type of situation in your life...if you think about it

it's just that we as people, have so many conflicts inside of us, that we are jerked in all directions...because we can never decide what are the important things to us...and so in the end we end up where we don't really want to be in our lives

so if you ask yourself...''what is most important to me?'' or ''what am I going to make my life about?'' or ''what major results do i want to create in my life?'' etc. etc. etc. you will end up choosing those things and will start taking steps toward them

I told you that Amnesia Haze on Sunday is awesome...just flying and flying...later khaleel...stay cool

ps...in the past I checked out all your grows using T-5 and I really liked your threads...but then I just liked to lurk
Great thread.

I've been smoking daily for a few years now, not counting an intentional 3 month break to help clear things up. I think I'm due for another one. I find that overusing cannabis daily clouds my mind and makes me less likely to accomplish my goals in a timely fashion... I tend to lose focus of things and go into autopilot and life just kinda flies by. My lungs do not appreciate the daily blasts from the bong either. But the mind and body are powerful things and can rebuild and repair when given the chance.

I think the biggest thing holding me back from taking another break is the concern of not being able to sleep at night. When I dont smoke, my mind will race... I think constantly when trying to sleep. But when I smoke by the time I go to bed my mind is already sleeping ;) I will just have to put up with it at some point though...

Best of luck to everyone out there taking a break... I think it is definately a good idea for regular smokers to at least give the lungs a break (if not the mind too!)
Reaching my 7th week due to new job drug testing. Sadly, I can't afford to lose this job so I'm just waiting to see what the deal is with it. To be honest, I haven't had this much mental clarity in hmmm I don't know 4 years or so. My last break was also due to a job drug testing and then I smoked for 14 months straight. So this break was long due. Only the first three days were agony for me, after that it was cake. I do miss the smoking sensation but I have just replaced it with a hookah which I partake in on the weekends. I can't wait for that first hit that will put me back to where I belong. Weed is the only thing that makes me fully feel like me. It is a balancing effect. Stay strong, and after you get past the 3 day hurdle it shouldn't be too bad. Reality does suck the big one though.


Active member
i have been smoking for about 7 years straight. not a one day break. a lot of what everyone is saying makes a lot of sense. Maybe soon ill take a day or two off, maybe a week or more.

Usually when i havent smoked my attitude is poor and i get pissed off easily.

I like being high and staying high..


on day 4 again here for me... and i wont have anything of mine coming down for another 6 weeks...
i had a friend drop round the other day, asking if i need weed.

most of the time, ill take a bag of the junk, with the reasoning "meh, its better than nothing". but its got to the point where having nothing is just the damn same.

he was shocked when i counted out some cash.. and then put it back in my pocket and said "hell no. lol"

if he knew what i had going in my bedroom, he may have understood...

but otherwise... he thinks ive gone mad. hahah.
Wow, thanx Khaleel and everybody who's posted here..
I'm currently on a break because i've had some surgery done, and eventhough i could go and buy some to help woith the pain..i just no longer want to pay! :D
I've got some uotdoorplants going but they won't be ready for atleast another2and a half months..i'mtrying to stay sober till then and hopefully i'll be patient enough for a decent cure this time too! :biglaugh:
I also quit smoking cigs the same time I quit smoking weed on the 12th of may..lets see how long i can keep sober :D
:wave:, Low


ciggs are much harder to quit no doubt. wish you the best on that one Low.

im an avid non-cigg-smoker. i cant stand even being around people who smoke anymore... its the most disgusting habit anyone could have in my eyes... and talk about a waste of money.

a few people here have said they smoked more weed to help get off the ciggs... going cold turkey on both will be hard dude, but i wish you the very best in making it happen.
Well it's been 4weeks and no smoke for me, but i gotta say all those budshots and smokereports make want to smoke something man!:D
Let's see howfar my will power can take me
:wave:, Low


lives on planet 4:20
hard to fast when you have this in your closet....lmao

but i am doing my best.....there are life situations and life periods where when you smoke good weed that makes you think....a thought comes to mind that its better not to smoke for now......and if you trust yourself and your intuition you will not smoke for some time if you are a responsible disciplined person....if you are a rebel and don't give a fu...k, you will, simple as that
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This sucks, my great wife of 11 yrs and I are seperating and I am pretty sure it is indirectly due to my past 20 year daily use of the herb. I have become quit scizofrenic as a result, we can call it moody, quick tempered, irritable whatever you might refer to it as.

This has truely affected my motivation to succeed from a employment stand point, from a fathering perspective, and from a nuturing spose who wants to provide all he can.

I have be addicted to the med that makes me feel the way i need to feel. It is a great med and i will return to it, but now i must quit.

So now in an effort to save what is left of my marriage, I have been perscribed some sort of anti something pill called Seroquel 300mg at bedtime and 2 min later I m out like a zombie, and in the AM im dead to the world until about noon.

My g rows are broken down and I have zero disposable income so I am trying to make this work.

She is not nor has she ever been a toker, but for years she understood that it really was a med for me, but that has changed.

I have a few friends who know what I am trying to do and they know how hard it is so I have had a small toke here and there to help deal with my withdrawls.

Any advice, prayers, karma is always welcome.


Wait are you saying your actually addicted, and its a problem after twenty years? lol, how in the world is your wife gonna say stop after 20 years of letting you do whatever???? Time for a new one bro!

People always say I'm tkaing a break, for whatever reason. Well I have never had a reason to stop, I feel it is in my best interest to always smoke and never have a break so that everyone can realize you never should stop smoking!!!

Caligreen-HIGH 24-7 since 06 ;)
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Umm Seroquel is for bipolar depression, substituting that for weed probably isn't the best choice unless your actually bipolar or depressed. Just be a man and break it cold turkey if you feel you need to.


pan said:
This sucks, my great wife of 11 yrs and I are seperating and I am pretty sure it is indirectly due to my past 20 year daily use of the herb. I have become quit scizofrenic as a result, we can call it moody, quick tempered, irritable whatever you might refer to it as.

This has truely affected my motivation to succeed from a employment stand point, from a fathering perspective, and from a nuturing spose who wants to provide all he can.

I have be addicted to the med that makes me feel the way i need to feel. It is a great med and i will return to it, but now i must quit.

So now in an effort to save what is left of my marriage, I have been perscribed some sort of anti something pill called Seroquel 300mg at bedtime and 2 min later I m out like a zombie, and in the AM im dead to the world until about noon.

My g rows are broken down and I have zero disposable income so I am trying to make this work.

She is not nor has she ever been a toker, but for years she understood that it really was a med for me, but that has changed.

I have a few friends who know what I am trying to do and they know how hard it is so I have had a small toke here and there to help deal with my withdrawls.

Any advice, prayers, karma is always welcome.

Good Luck brother, positive k for you.

But you are saying a couple things that don't add up. You say in the next to last paragraph that you have friends that are presumably supplying you with some small amount of pot, so that you can have a "small toke" to "deal with my withdrawls".

Weed is not heroin brother. I have been smoking almost daily for 20 years, and when I stop, there is no withdrawl. And I grow what I consider to be Bomb herb. You may feel a little more motivated, a little fired up, but withdrawl simply does not exist.

You also say that smoking pot for 20 years has made you "schizophrenic". This is another questionable statement. If you have a mental problem, it existed before and during your drug use. If your relationship with your wife is not working out, it probably has more to do with the fact that you have been a drug user living with a straight person for 20 years. She is sick of it.

What about professionally? Smoking pot does not stop you from getting/keeping/succeeding at a job. You keep yourself from that and blame it on pot.

Good luck brother.
