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Khaleel's Ganja-Fasting Room

khaleel said:
Hello all! :wave:

my friend NZJay (what up pimp) unintentionally inspired me to begin a new thread. A different sort of thread. ha

It seems even the most loyal ganja-smokers believe in taking a break every now and then. I agree, for many reasons, a one or two week fast can do amazing things... whether its giving the lungs a break, giving the wallet a boost, clearing out the cobwebs in the dome, or simply bringing back that super-stoned feeling chased away by a healthy tolerance lol, a break from MJ can be a good thing. i believe it was Shakespeare who said, "Delay only seeks to increase the gratification." i'm sure this is exactly what he had in mind. :smoke:

so why a thread? well, taking a break isn't exactly easy. think of it as a temporary support group. post stories of your own sober liaisons, reasons you feel a break is a good thing sometimes, journal your thoughts and/or dreams during said break (dreams... crazy things happen in your dreams when you quit smoking i find), and most importantly, throw out some encouraging words for those of us who are trying to take a week or two off - but might be having a hard time with it.

and as a disclaimer to all, i'm sure the administrators will support me on this, remember, this is a weed-growing forum. in terms of conflict-of-interest, turning to this thread for some sort of 12 step inspiration to turn your life around and get back on track is not a good idea. this is meant for smokers on temporary hiatus. if you feel your cannabis use has become a problem in your life and you are trying to quit for good, please do yourself a favor and get professional help. :muahaha:

now, on with the thread. (i'm a little curious, i must admit, to see how this goes...)

so, anyone out there taking a break? :bandit:

The main enemy is boredom. If you're bored, you will want to get high. If you keep doing the same old same old, then you're gonna wanna get high. You have to try different activities, ones that aren't associated with the high. For me, it's reading and socializing with non-pot smoking friends (ALL of my friends are non-pot smokers, which is one reason I frequent ICMAG, to hang with you guys).

I didn't smoke pot today for the first time in about two weeks or so. Haven't really had any prob, but then I had my non-toking friends over to visit twice. They helped to keep me straight. They also don't know about me. I'm a closet toker. They do know I'm gay though. Ironic? Back twenty years ago, it was the other way around. Everyone knew I smoked pot, but nobody knew I was gay.


zeeba amoeba said:
The main enemy is boredom. If you're bored, you will want to get high.
Bingo,I'm the same way with cigarettes.If my hands aren't busy they WILL HAVE a cig in them.Usually I don't remember lighting one and occasioanally catch myself with 2 lit in the ashtray.But that could be blamed on the herb also.I've smoked since constantly since the late seventies with many a long break and never felt withdrawl symtoms.
zeeba amoeba said:
I'm a closet toker. They do know I'm gay though. Ironic?
Wow,never looked at it like that.The times they are a changing.In
my little town if you "take" pot or like members of the same sex,you're a communist,terrorist,and,worst of all,a democrat. Heh-Heh :D

Sounds like you know what you need to do Pan,good luck with it man.Take it from a old hand with anti depressants;stay away from them if at all possible.


southflorida said:
khaleel, that idea came to me while smoking the amnesia haze one Sunday morning, its like that Scorpion song "Loving you Sunday Morning"...LOL

weed is some wicked shit...once it grabs you by the balls...its over...smoking, growing and thinking which strains you want to grow next, and which in the future...the next thing you will be surprised at is how fast pension time comes around...since you are living in some fantasy world the whole time...and time just FLIES BY !!!

I was just tripping that Sunday morning and I was able to look at my life from all sides, where I am now, where I have been and done in the past, and what I want to create in the future...as if all at the same time...its hard for a straight person to understand this...but after smoking Amnesia Haze with a low tolerance...as mine is now...man that shit makes your brain just think so freakin clear...it amazes me

in the end though...how much you smoke and how often you smoke...should mostly depend on what results you want to create in your life and where you currently stand in relation to those future results

for example if you want a job making $5,000 a month and you are working in a McDonalds and just smoking weed the rest of the time...saying one day it will just happen...the reality is you are just lying to yourself

if you wanted to make $5000 a month and you were currently working in McDonalds and smoking non-stop the rest of the time and sitting in this website looking at pics of buds and reading about weed...one of the first steps might be to cut back on your weed smoking and think of the steps you need to take to get that $5000 a month position

or you would simply admit to yourself you don't want a $5000 a month job, you just want to get high 24/7 and hang out on IC Mag looking at photos and writing posts...nothing wrong with that of course...I am just saying it is ineffective if what you want a result like making $5000 a month at a job.

the $5000 a month job result can be replaced by any other result and everything would still remain the same...in the end

the funny thing is since we are humans and have unlimited desires...simply just saying that all you really want is to work in McDonalds and smoke the rest of the time wouldn't work for long...since we are all constantly pulled in all directions by our desires...and we just doing the best we all can to make those desires a reality

there are exceptions to every rule, of course, and for instance if I lived in the Netherlands (which I am planning in about five years) maybe I would smoke a lot more, and even at work in my office, in coffeeshops, and at home, and anywhere else I could, since doing that there will not get your ass thrown in jail, and you don't have to even worry about this side of it

but in many other countries, it is a reality which most people, to an extent seem to ignore, will get you in a lot of shit with the fuc....police, and since when I lived in the USA in the past, I sat in detention a few times (not for weed) that is not something anyone will want to go through, especially if you are supporting a family or have debts and credits which you pay

so in the end you simply have to really be honest with yourself and ask is what I am doing worth going to jail for, if the answer is NO, it is better to do it in such a way, that you never get them mofos busting your ass

but that is just my two cents, and since tomorrow is Sunday, and my two joints of Amnesia Haze are waiting...I will not be able to write this much...later alls SF

well posted brother.

another suggestion. Do not worry about leaving the country. whatever country you are in, create your own reality by starting your own business. when you are in charge, no one can tell you when to smoke or not. You need to do what you need to do to run the business. No more and no less. Burn when you want.

Also, to all out there, though I smoke daily, life is about balance. To feel good about myself, I need to exercise at least three days a week. 15 miles a week running does a reasonable job of counteracting any negative effects of bong hits. If I don't exercise, I snore (my wife says).



lives on planet 4:20
jip...true about running business and smoking.....in any country

but my dream is to grow...and eventhough it is illegal in the netherlands...still they are quite tolerable to it

and i just love the idea of coffeeshops...i can just go and get this anytime

ssh, chocolope, nevilles haze, mako haze, amnesia haze, all mixed up together like a salad...and three types of hash....roll it up...and its over....forget about fasting then my brother....i'm off to mars...well at least my brain flies there


jipedestran said:
Good Luck brother, positive k for you.

But you are saying a couple things that don't add up. You say in the next to last paragraph that you have friends that are presumably supplying you with some small amount of pot, so that you can have a "small toke" to "deal with my withdrawls".

Weed is not heroin brother. I have been smoking almost daily for 20 years, and when I stop, there is no withdrawl. And I grow what I consider to be Bomb herb. You may feel a little more motivated, a little fired up, but withdrawl simply does not exist.

You also say that smoking pot for 20 years has made you "schizophrenic". This is another questionable statement. If you have a mental problem, it existed before and during your drug use. If your relationship with your wife is not working out, it probably has more to do with the fact that you have been a drug user living with a straight person for 20 years. She is sick of it.

What about professionally? Smoking pot does not stop you from getting/keeping/succeeding at a job. You keep yourself from that and blame it on pot.

Good luck brother.


Ok sure I got problems already in my head you bet ya.
but look up Herb use and schizophrenic they are making connections between the 2.

Perhaps not physically addicted but surely mentally addicted.

Thanks for the K and the beat down.


pan said:
Ok sure I got problems already in my head you bet ya.
but look up Herb use and schizophrenic they are making connections between the 2.

Perhaps not physically addicted but surely mentally addicted.

Thanks for the K and the beat down.

hey pan, life is a mother fucker. what ya gonna do? has mj been linked to schiz... yup. i read that it can trigger psychosis in individuals where such genes (?) are already present. but that's not a beat down to you to say that. its just information, man. doesn't mean you are crazy. its just knowledge that you can use to help your own situation.

Khaleel said:
remember, this is a weed-growing forum. in terms of conflict-of-interest, turning to this thread for some sort of 12 step inspiration to turn your life around and get back on track is not a good idea. this is meant for smokers on temporary hiatus. if you feel your cannabis use has become a problem in your life and you are trying to quit for good, please do yourself a favor and get professional help.

i didn't put that disclaimer in to be a dick, or to discourage people with real problems from posting on this thread. we are a community, one way or another, and communities look out for each other as much as they can. i said it because it is not in someone's best interest to do so.

when we have real problems we need to go somewhere for real help, naturally. everyone does. and to turn to a weed-smoking/growing forum for help with a problem that has to do with smoking weed... its just not logical. like turning to mcdonald's for weight-loss advice, ya know? i care for ya brother, like i do everyone on here i've never met. that's why i can't stress this enough: talk to someone who is equipped with the knowledge and skill set to assist in your search for peace/happiness/love/whatever. not a bunch of stoners. ;)

hang in there my friend. there's nothing that can bring a guy down like a girl. its girls man, what are you gonna do? grit your teeth and bear it.

i would highly recommend reading a book called "The Game" by Neil Strauss. that book reminded me what being alive felt like. why its fun to have people around. brought me out of the worst funk of me life. i've studied philosophy, religion, expanded my mind in every way i could think of, entered the military, ... and in the end it was a damn book about how to pick up women that changed everything haha. (how's that for crazy?) the way i look at girls, at myself, at accomplishments in life. idk self-help ain't for everyone, but at the very least i guarantee you will laugh out loud more than once if you read this book.

good luck man. like i said, feel free to post here with updates or reports on how you are doing, but PLEASE talk to someone who knows what they are doing and leave icmag to do what it does best - talk about how to grow and smoke weed.

remember, there is only one constant in the universe. that everything changes. so will this feeling you are having now. you just have to hang on long enough for it to happen, and you will be so glad you did. LIFE IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.

Raistlin Majere

well said K my brother

BTW i am aboot 2 weeks from my last herb session
why ? oh just cause i can i geuss
peace to you my friend


Damn Khaleel

I re-read my post and definitely came off too harsh to Mr. Pan.

I truly did give positive K, because I have nothing but Kind feelings for all.

Pan, Sorry if I was harsh, I have no excuse.

As Khaleel said, if you need help, get it from someone with either Dr. before or MD after their name. If you wanna try the no drugs route, see a psychologist.
If you need meds---Psychiatrist.

I still stand by all my other advise. The current studies regarding mental illness and marijuana use do not show CAUSE. They show CONNECTION. There is a difference, and it is very important to understand that.



Hey truth hurts, what can I say.

Yes I m a happy stoner. But I m misserable when with out. So that in many respects is very simalar to being bipolar, a pendulum of emotion

So I got to kick. 3 days so far, not getting easier and I hate the fucking Seroguel antiwhatever pill I am taking, makes me a zombie.

Done the Dr. MD. thing doesnt seem to go anywhere. But once again I m trying another piece of pharma

Additionally I have two crushed vertibra in my lower neck, which over time has cause my brain stem on my right side of my skull to slump (say the Docs) inorder to repair this I would need to have serious surgery and wear a halo for 6 months I also have in the L4,L5 area 2 degrenerative discs, I have had these back probs for 16 yrs, I take no pain pills, never have, never wanted to. Seen to many folks get hooked on pain meds. Infact I can count the number of times I have taken any codone derivative on one hand, even after 2 back surgeries. I don't like pills or anything non-organic in my system. But in an effort to salvage myself and my marriage I am now taking something for my head, nothing for the pain.

So the /-/erb helped with the back for a long time but, you are right jip I am a drug abuser I am no longer a user for med reasons.

Either way my world is crumbling and I am living in a shit storm of depression and missary, I have Zero light at the end of my tunnel. No prospects for a future. No need to talk to a shrink so that they can say "How does that make you feel....times up that'll be $100.00, see you next week." Been there done that.

You also see I have been here for 4 years not to mention several years at OG so I m not some of these dumb asshole kids here who think bong water adds THC to their grow.

I post here to vent as though you are all a virtual trip to the couch doctor.

I am a big boy the beat down was well deserved.



I am no doctor, but I know a little more about this stuff than the average person. Lets just say I am professionally connected.

If you can seperate the issue with your wife from the mental issues, that would be a great place to start. Meaning, that regardless of the outcome of your relationship, you still need to take care of yourself. That could mean using marijuana or not using marijuana, only you know the effects it has on you. Heck, experimenting with getting clean is never a bad idea.

Back to what I was saying about your wife, if staying with her means you have to quit, and the relationship is still important to you, then you have to quit. But you also need to realize that you may quit and still end up alone. Be kind to her and do your best, but you are not totally in control because she is her own person.

You can always smoke again, you can always get back together with your wife.

the only thing that is permanent is death. Stay away from that. When you start talking about zero light and no prospects, check yourself.

You can feel better.



Thanks for the comments.

You r right on target, again. The issue is me. Not the Mrs. who has been a saint of a loving wife. It has been my miswired brain that has the failures that map my life.

I feel out of place and without any prospect for the future. This isnt just my feelings it is reality, truth, fact whatever you wanna call it.

Checking myself only makes the reality become more defined and clear it is this reality that says. yes I am nothing, and have nothing going for me and her for that matter.

So that is the plight I have lived with for as long as I had a cognitive thought.

Some my say its a "Pitty Party" I call it me, living in a constant state failure.

Thanks but somethings just can't be fixed.



there has to be a professional out there that can help you. I know there is.

take care.



hang in there bro.

and if you truly want to save your marriage, read "The Mystery Method". it will teach you how to get the girl back. i'm dead fucking serious. i'm in my thirties, not a young kid also (btw that "bongwater adds THC" line cracked me up! lol). i am currently having a child with my EX-girlfriend, whom I dated for a whopping 3 months, off and on for another 2 months, then we broke up. then found out she's pregnant. i was 100% in love with her and she couldn't fucking stand me. the more i loved her the more she resented me. i couldn't figure out why.

since january i basically watched all effort i put into trying to piece together a semblance of a family blow up in my face, getting worse and worse. all i ever wanted was to raise a family, and to have someone love and someone to love. now i was being pushed out of the family that was given to me, by the mother of my child, watching myself try to fix things (but secretly growing to hate her for being so cold to me and not thinking about me at all except to spit on my face) but fuck everything up... i would forever be attached to this girl, no out of sight out of mind. and would have to settle at being a part time dad, groveling for a chance to hang with my son and having to leave him every time i saw him. eventually i thought things were just going to be horrible and if i was going to continue living i had to live like that. miserable. every thought, every breath, every movement colored black, something as sad as death Himself sobbing in his sleeve.

a sample of my writing from said time:

The call
who says death is not inviting?
I’m ready for it now.
If its worse than what I’m feeling
At least it will be something else.

so yeah man, i get it. shit was pretty bad. i almost jumped off a building, just to see what it felt like to let go. and what brought me out of it? a book meant to help guys pick up girls. not to help guys fuck them, necessarily, but more to understand the social dynamics amongst human beings as they pertain to men and women and the way we were evolutionarily wired to behave, in order to provide the greatest chance for our genetic code to continue - the number one priority of every animal on this plant. our spirits may have evolved, but our biology and behavior is still very much rooted in this same tribal model necessary for continuation of the species, and emotions are the instincts that take us towards or away from these needs. survival and replication. don't think so? just ask any salesman if things like Fear of Loss, Indifference, and Urgency make a difference in getting people to buy your stuff. people can be sophisticated and intelligent all they want, but certain emotional triggers in people are universal. not just sales and women, but life in general. it is simply just part of how we were put together, in order to survive as a species. understanding that is an amazing experience. somehow the most liberating feeling in the world.

anyway, now the mom and i are getting along famously :D not back together but at least making a connection again in terms of raising a child, i have a great new job where people appreciate what i do and seem to enjoy my company tremendously, and everywhere i go out i can't help but have fun. if that location includes women, its ridiculously fun. either way, understanding some of the reasons our emotions make us feel the way we do is quintessential in being able to let go of the pain, cause the bitch of it is whether you try to or not, just like if you grab an electric fence, we tend to hold onto the pain instead of letting it go.


lives on planet 4:20
the structures of our lives are what dictate all our actions

no one sees these structures....like we don't see the air we breathe

but they are there....and most people spend their whole life being trapped in conflicting structures....just going back anf forth all their lives

if you look at your life honestly...you will see a reecurring pattern....where more or less repeat the same shit over and over in your life

some things take days, some months, some years....but in the end....you just like a puppet with rubberbands around your waist being pulld in different directions

to get out of this you have to know how to create structures without these conflicts....otherwise you are doomed....and that is for real


It is safe to say that I am not understanding anything regarding a connection between the animal kingdom and my current state of terminal depression.
And nor do I feel I could read one page of some "Tony Robbinsesque" diatribe. I got a great lady I don't need to know how to pick up another.

Instead Ill just keep tip toeing around the eggshells that is my shattered life.

Thanks for caring though.


pan said:
It is safe to say that I am not understanding anything regarding a connection between the animal kingdom and my current state of terminal depression.

that's the problem. you need to look at yourself as an animal. look up the definition of "animal" and see if human beings are included. you are a highly social animal programmed with instincts and emotions in order to make you do what is necessary to maintain survival of the species. we have evolved/grown into much more than just these basic motivators, of course, but the basic ones have not disappeared. that's how life continues on this planet, all forms of life. instincts that govern our survival and continuation, my brother. (btw do you know what deity your name refers to? lol you could learn a thing or two about being happy and celebrating the little joys of life from the ol' goat)

pan said:
And nor do I feel I could read one page of some "Tony Robbinsesque" diatribe. I got a great lady I don't need to know how to pick up another.

lol man, i have two college degrees. i learned one of the most difficult languages in the world in 18 months, was an intelligence analyst in the army (no snickering haha), tested around the top 2% in every aptitude test they threw at me. i'm not stupid. and i'm no greenie in life outside the classroom either. what i mean is i can spot a phony. after a while its easy to adequately judge substance from rhetoric.

the point of my recommendation isn't picking up girls. i had no problem getting laid before i read the game. and i'm happy you have a good girl, it sounds like you really like her! but the point is where YOU are at in life. you need to get back to where life is something you enjoy and want more of. every minute of it. or maybe im misreading it? idk from the way you sound in your posts it does not look like a good diagnosis. it makes me sad to hear you so down. in fact that is why i have invested all this fucking writing in trying to get you to get what i'm sayin. lol ;) imho you need a little catharsis... a cleansing, a purification of the soul through profound insight, art or witnessing creation directly, without a lens.

tony robbins is a lunatic. neil strauss is an award winning author. its a good book bro! i fucking guarantee you won't want to put it down after 2 pages of reading.

pan said:
Instead Ill just keep tip toeing around the eggshells that is my shattered life.

there is a saying... to do the same thing over and over and expect different results is the definition of insanity. maybe its time to try a different take on life? instead of giving up on joy altogether, maybe try a different approach... besides man, what are you afraid of? if you don't like the book (not just the one i recommended, but ANY book out there that might be a pleasant read with some wisdom to impart along the way)... you can just put it down. no commitment.

pan said:
Thanks for caring though.

you're welcome. :D i really do care, otherwise i would never risk telling this much about my personal life and recommend a book on how to pick up girls as a way to get out of depression's grip. but i know i was fucking depressed and in the same place you are now, and i know what helped get me out of the funk. without medication. just a new lease on life. but hey, no worries. such lessons can be different for different people, and sometimes must be learned, not taught.

hang in there pan. its human to feel down, just remember that. its ok, it will get better.


Active member
I'm here to join the club. I am on day 3. I really needed to lower my tolerance, pluse I hope I have an upcomming interview.

and stay strong.

A few weks ago I took off about 5 days.
When I got back, I knew a tiny hit would hit the spot. So I took a tiny hit, I coughed my lungs out.
Next thing I realized,
I was on the surface of pluto.

periodic breaks rox!


lives on planet 4:20
that is some logical stuff you have written in the past few posts...khaleel

its good to meet a person who actually ''thinks''....lol

out of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana, i have chosen to smoke weed for the following reasons

1) it is not physically addictive (for me personally)
2) after smoking it, there is no smell and taste of tobacco...like with cigs
3) after 3-4 hours....i am back to normal...and i can sit in my car and do whatever i have to do (after drinking a lot of alcohol and driving in 4-5 hours....in most countries...your ass will be in jail if you got caught)
4) and most important is it makes me focused upon reality, which is so important, because most of us have a problem with understanding things the way they actually are (we either try to make reality seem better or worse...depending on how we want to manipulate ourselves or others)

so i guess it is the best of both worlds.....i can smoke a fat joint...be fried...like a toast....and in a few hours get back to living my life for the next week, two weeks, a month, even years) (14 years....was the longest i didn't smoke weed....after 13-14 years of straight blazing non-stop)

now only occassionaly.....about once a week...mostly....as i told khaleel in one of the posts on sunday mornings...lol

and it is very true khaleel anthony robbins is a real lunatic....he just talks bullshit that doesn't work long term in the end....reminds me of someone from ghsc...lmao

khaleel this buds for you...lmao
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