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Khaleel's Ganja-Fasting Room

Collie Man

Went to the resevoir to go swimming with my friends after school today and suprisinly I'm still sober because like always they were smoking blunts and bowls and I turned down every hit and all my friends are like your not going to make it to June you pothead and all this shit. Inside I'm like fuck you faggots but yeah I'll make it because I'm going to show these motherfuckers I can actually do it and not back down! But on the good note I did a crazy ganer off of a 45ft cliff into the water and let me tell you...damnn shit was nuts!!! :headbange


wow! i (ok my lack of meds) was the inspiration for a thread?! lol.
nice one Khaleel.

so heres my situation. i just cropped my purple Urkles a few weeks ago, and my personal stash got hit pretty hard... and now im out.

like many of you, i smoke for medical reasons. i dont sleep well without weed, i have a broken shoulder, bad back, and arthritis to go along with the already bad bones.

i have the money to get a sack... hell i could even get it delivered to my door.
but im simply sick of smoking BS weed!

i REFUSE to pay even $20 for a 8th that wont even get me high, because of my tolerance from usually smoking quality bud.. so what the hell is this brown shit gonna do to me?!?!?! nothing!

so, being the taurus i am, im being stubborn! and will just have to deal with the aches and pains of my life, and go without until someone shows me shit worth smoking/buying.

the thing is........ around here i doubt that will even happen.
i live in the middle of nowhere. so.... this could be anywhere from a week or two off, or a couple months until i crop again!

one good thing about the pause in meds though... when my next crop comes in... itll FUCK me up! and honestly, its been a while since ive been "wow im high"... and i wanna be. :D
when i start flowering my bunkbed again... i will be running a small corner of the room dedicated to perpetual for my personal smoke.... i never wanna run out again!.... specially being a grower!!!!

but i just REFUSE to pay for shit that doesnt get me high........ i would get higher off the lawn clippings!

good idea for a thread Khaleel! where did you get an idea like this!..................... oh... wait a secound! :D


khaleel said:
i might be starting up a small break... interviewing for a federal job tomorrow

Sorry to hear that.I went to an interview for a fed job once.They wanted to do background checks,physical,lie detector...the whole nine yards.Then I would have to submit to random piss tests that included alchohol and nicotine,LOL.And that was just to hire on as a carpenter to build a 17 story fed building,lol.Wasn't worth the $17.50hr.Good Luck.


Really great timing. We moved into this house a year ago and I still haven't set up a grow, set up my shop, or for that matter done much of anything but stay high and when you stop growing that gets expensive.

I've been thinking about stopping for so many reasons, get out of the funk, back on the golf course and lose the winter weight, setup my goddamn grow closet already! I got the seed orders safe and sound so WTF. I figure fuck it..... if I can quit for a bit I can get all this shit done..... I hope I can.

So I've been wanting to quit but I just know too many people that are hooking me up with A++ for cheaps and you just.... you know... keep on buying it. I think a fasting is long overdue.


hardhat22 said:
Sorry to hear that.I went to an interview for a fed job once.They wanted to do background checks,physical,lie detector...the whole nine yards.Then I would have to submit to random piss tests that included alchohol and nicotine,LOL.And that was just to hire on as a carpenter to build a 17 story fed building,lol.Wasn't worth the $17.50hr.Good Luck.

nicotine?! lol wow. thanks for the tip... i went through a top secret security clearance process (just got out of the army last summer, was an arabic linguist in MI), though the nicotine is a new one for me i am fully aware how ridiculous the feds get. its all a joke too. i smoked the whole time i was on active duty. never had a hair follicle or lie detector, thankfully, but the rest was a joke.

stupid people. i smoked pot, but i was still the best damn soldier in every way they could imagine, physically, mentally, you name it. lol oh well, until dave chappelle wins the presidency i suppose if you work for the feds you have to piss.

i am a little curious to see what would happen though if i was fired or not hired on because of testing for weed, as i'm a med patient, disabled honorably discharged vet, college degrees, blah blah. might be the kind of case, i.e. state v. federal jurisdiction, that is needed to get some federal legislation for med patients rolling. as i have a baby on the way i would rather not be the martyr, lol but if it goes down keep your eye on the news for little ol' khaleel making a stink along the front range. ;)

great job everyone, i think this might turn into a cool thread. looks like we are getting a lot of views, and contributions from new and old icmag'rs alike. :headbange

oh yeah, i myself am on day one sober. :woohoo: well, more like hour 4 if i don't include sleepy-time. haha

not bad though, i usually toke first thing in the morning to get the old blood flowing. had a strange workout, i haven't not been stoned in the gym for a hot minute.

nzjay, you the shit! yup, you gave me the idea then after i saw ywouldn'tI say something about it too (what up pimp), i figured it might have enough support to work. my haiku thread has been on the back burner for a while, since sammett hasn't been around (haha that dude can write some haikus), so i thought why not, can't hurt anything... fun to have something to do aside from the closet too. :canabis:

time to hit the shower...

oh yeah, collieman, great job i bet that was a bitch not smoking while swimming, that's one of my favorite times to be high, floating weightless in the water. not to mention doing a ganor from 45 feet up, jesus who needs a drug for that, i bet your adrenaline was pumping. that's what i call really being high on life bwahahaha-hahaha, ah i crack myself up.


a break.. o god i fear.. i quit for 8 months last time and i ended up getting antidepr. pills which fucked me up. then i started growing :).

when i take a break its more like smoking only before bed.. a week or so like that and i decide whether to stop totally for a bit or go back full on.

havent stopped yet.. switching from hash to a good sativa has done wonders.. better than quitting :).

i plan on it though


p.s. i love the line in the 1st post: if you plan on quitting indefinately, seek professional help..

thats soo true.. and mj is still so harmless?


MrMcBean said:
thats soo true.. and mj is still so harmless?

hi MrMcBean! :wave: welcome, thanks for the post...

mmm... interesting point. well nothing is harmless, even the things that we rely on for life. try to go without food and you'll see what i mean, yet everyone can agree that food in excess is one of the most dangerous health problems this country faces right now. so i would still argue that mj is harmless, but like everything can be dangerous in excess. but good point my friend!

and your comments about sativa? WORD. sativa is the shit. lol



Something in the air

Something in the air

NZJAY,Bro thats funny shit I was just thinking the same thing last night when finishing my last bowl of a bag that looked nice for 45 but when it came down 2 it, my tolerance from the dank tw cross is to high so it looks like a 2-3 wks till the girls come down so may be a long couple weeks.I have a global fusion of the l5-s1 vertebraes and severe damage to my sciatic nerve down the r leg.Had the surgery in 99 and still take oxycontins 2 times a day with norcos and nerve pills to. The mj helps with pain and side effects of the pills. So 1 day sucks and the twins and the wife always go why is daddy mad.Cuz daddy has no mj. :muahaha: Just need to take a breath and deal with it.God I cant wait to harvest. :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: I really need to stop smoking cigarretes they are the worst.Maybe try to stop for a birthday to myself 6/28 coming fast so have to make sure have enough mj before I try to quit that 1.

Never will quit the sweet leaf, just maybe start taking a few day out of every month to say not smoke.or maybe not smoke as much :bashhead:

Well maybe tomorrowwill be 1st day with no mj as scraped all the jars and stashs and found enough 4 the day heheheheh

great thread khaleel


thanks vinny, glad you like the new room. :headbange
my back got messed up in basic training... i was quite a bit older than the other trainees and was platoon guide (trainee picked to lead the platoon) from about week 2 until the end, and during the last ruck march (about 10 miles with 80 lbs of gear on your back, i also carried the automatic (SAW) which weighed more than your average M16) something snapped in my back, felt like down in my hips too. but if a platoon guide goes to the hospital he loses his position. we were about to graduate, i had just gone through all this shit with my friends, as their leader, and i was gonna fucking graduate as their leader, not from the medical sidelines, so i soldiered on. a couple weeks later, by the time i got to my language training things were jacked up pretty good. it was diagnosed as lower lumbar spasms, deg disc disease, nerve radiculopothy on psyatica down both legs, chronic rhomboid muscle strains, chronic this sucks balls. lol sounds like yours is way worse, i couldn't imagine, mine sucks enough. i was on 3-4 vicodin 750's a day for about two years, on to oxycontin then bam! i started seeing shit, feeling way too sketchy just walking around. so i made up my mind even if i couldn't walk from the pain it was better than losing my personality altogether, so i began the long road to getting off the bastardo pharmies, or at least down to the one or two 500's a day i'm at now. my body still hurts, but in a different way has never been better.

cannabis saved my life, in more than one ways you could say... i'm forever indebted to her. that's why i want everyone to know this forum is just for maintaining life's crucial balance as is necessary in all its facets, not talking shit about the glorious herb we call mj. *stands at attention

hahahaha take it easy man, hope the day is treating you well.


chronic this sucks balls. <--- worst disease right there! dont want that shit bro! :D

great thread this is turning into.. some awesome comments!

edit: Sup Vinny! :wave: :joint:


stoned agin ...
ive heard it said about some drugs that youre always chasin the first time, and its never the same. but with weed, after a break, i find it's always a great fresh start. and, there is always the sweetness of anticipation. or, of profound relief.


thats a another great post.

good call Flub!...

well... i went 2 days ... and just got a buzz about an hour ago. i will still be smoking alot less... but now ill me buffing on some junk every few days (friend got a bag.. lol)


Active member
I always take a week off when I don't get as high from 2 bowls as I know I should be getting. :cuss: :spank:

I always feel a bit sharper by the end of the week.

Of course then I always feel the need to smoke a grip that next day as a the welcome back party. :joint:

I'll be sure to check in here when one of those weeks presents itself.

See ya guys around -LilMan :wave: :headbange


stoned agin ...
anybody get what i call the "weed hangover"? its kinda hard to describe, not like some scorching thing from a bottle of booze, but i don't know, a little off, its kinda subtle.


The first time I went off since going pro, was for financial reasons and I could finally appreciate what "strung out" meant. I was talking a mile a minute, jittery and tense... it was a fairly evil feeling. Funny, but since that first time, it's been easier and easier to take a break.

The medical professionals (aka my doctor) suggest weening off over the period of two months... That's just crazy talk... (startRant)He also won't give me a med perp because apparently the "meds" you get are "low quality" and "stemmy". I wish doctors would just be straight with people, if he thought I would turn into a drug crazed junkie, why can't he just say that instead of using "stemmy" as his excuse(/rant).

I'd like to take a break just to get that hit by a truck feeling back. I was thinking motivation could be to quit until I get off my ass and finally make that cabinet I've been planing for ages and only smoke what I grow. but that would be suuuuuuch a long time... and I'm soooooo laaaazzzy.



stoned agin ...
mailyone thats what im talkin about. i don't get much of it, and not always either, just a touch some times more like a kinda crummy way to start the day but soon gone. i also find breaks are a good time to get things done. sometimes if im smokin too much not enuf gets done. funny, because yrs ago it used to be the opposite, i wanted to do things ... dont know if the weed is different or my ass just got lazier :D


flubnutz said:
mailyone sometimes if im smokin too much not enuf gets done. funny, because yrs ago it used to be the opposite, i wanted to do things ... dont know if the weed is different or my ass just got lazier :D

Most of the smoke used to be sativa's now its a hybrid or has some indica in it :joint: or has a lot of indica in it ,, but there is still some mainly sativa's out there :joint:
Im actually going on a week now and dont know how long I will be quiting my girlfriend doesn't like the fact I smoke because I guess I fucked it up myself by abusing it :(. She smoked with some guy and her friend and it pissed me off bad I called her a hypocrite and she started crying cause she was sorry for doing it, but she still lets me grow it because she knows times get hard especially with the way the economy and gas prices are, which i think we can all agree there. So for now I'm on a break for a really long time and it don't feel too bad actually, but I'm craving for a joint I don't know how long I can go cause I don't want to lie to her.


my exwife didnt smoke..

i did.

changing people doesnt work. thats why shes my ex wife.

and no, this wasnt the only reason we split. lol.
but it was more unnessasary stress on the relationship.

.........specially when before we were married, she said she didnt care if i smoked weed.

.....chicks. *rolls eyes*

i went 4 days... till a friend came over with "its better than the other bs around here" weed i toked on. got a little buzz, but it was the same old shit, just a different smell.

took down a hermiing girl though, so ill have some of that to smoke in a few days....
until then... im still pretty much dry.

FUCK....PAYING....FOR SHIT ....WEED! <-- stubborn huh! :D

jungle joules

New member
quit for nearly 2 years now... used to smoke everyday for nearly 10 years.
used to smoke mostly sats dom, grown outdoor in the tropics...

got hypertension, smoking anything (tobacco/weed) increases blood pressure so i quit.

still lurking around this forum tho, just checkin out the new strains & stuff.. haha..

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