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Well-known member
I'd like to point out that yesterday I experienced the so called "hallucinogenic" effects.

It was fucking incredible...

All of the colors were so enhanced and vibrant. People's skin looked glowing, and I had intense perception distortion. One minute things would appear very far away, and the next minute, huge.

My whole body went numb, it was crazy. I couldn't stop laughing. My mind was completely gone, lol, it was just me observing my surroundings. I also got munchies to the extreme. With weed, I will get hungry, but as soon as I eat, it goes away. With this stuff, nothing satisfies my hunger.

This is good or me, as it helps me gain weight. When I was a heroin addict I lost a shitload of weight and it's hard to put weight back on.

I also want to mention that when I was under the influence of that joint that produced such visual effects, I was experiencing INTENSE euphoria. I exclaimed, "Holy shit. This is making me feel just as good as heroin and cocaine" (which I don't recommend).

Because of that, I believe whatever synthetics are in there, are very strong, lol. It releases a shitload of dopamine in my brain. I also exclaimed, "Weed can simply not make me this high." That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I mean you have to understand...

I smoke way too much weed. I'm not bragging, and it's not really something to be proud of, but if I have weed, I will smoke pretty much 24/7 until its gone, as my career in the music industry permits me to. Why do I smoke so much? To try to reach my "peak", which never really happens. With natural cannabis and my heavy tolerance, there was only so high I could get. If I smoked too much, I'd simply pass out, but still not have an overwhelming intense high... Until this.

I need to mention that I'm sure if I took a break from Cannabis, I'd just get as high, but I don't want to take a break from Cannabis. In the meantime, this substance gives me something to "cut through" my tolerance and get me blazed out of my mind.

I now primarily rely on this stuff to get "high" and "blazed", and indicas and hybrids to get "stoned" or "baked". When I get a Sativa dominant strain I am happy, but now I am able to get a Supreme Sativa high whenever I want.

The only strain that has given me such an intense psychedelic high off of so little, is NYC Haze aka Piff. I've grown out pure sativas in the past that were no where as psychedelic as this. And this is stronger than NYC Haze. It's just the only thing I can sort of compare it to.

About 30 minutes after my initial psychedelic euphoric high, I was stoned as fuck. Not high though. It felt like I had smoked regular weed. I decided to smoke more. First Mistake.

I took about 5 large hits in my bowl, and instead of getting me an enjoyable high, my vision got very blurry, and I got very dizzy. This was not enjoyable at all. For a brief moment, I thought "What if I smoked too much?" and had some very paranoid thoughts, such as "What if I have a seizure?". I'm used to racy highs though, so I simply smoked a cigarette and calmed myself down. I was then able to enjoy a very intense high, but no where near as good as the first one.


...Be careful you are not moving from one hit to five hits smoking it everyday...


Well-known member
Don't worry, I smoke the herbal mixtures which only have 10-20mg of jwh pure gram. I don't see myself buying any in the near future as I have some Afghani Bullrider now which blows it out of the water and I get far more enjoyment out of natural Cannabinoids.

With the herbal blends, in my experience, you get extraordinarily high for like 10 minutes, then it goes into a body high that is missing something. It's good every once in a while, or mixed with weed, but I'm not going to become a regular user.


Easy method using cheap scales

Easy method using cheap scales

Mix 1/4 gram powdered J18 into 3 grams dried basil: First stir the J18 powder into a couple ounces of grain alcohol or ISP, then add the 3g basil to the J18/alcohol mix, stir and dry. The J18 will then be evenly distributed in the herb, due to the alcohol soak.

Using the smaller amounts of basil/herb means less smoke inhalation. Taking just one or two hits of this recipe should work well for starters. Basil works nicely (smooth, low odor, burns great) but just about any dry herb will do.

J18 burns and works much better when blended with a little herb, rather than firing up the straight powder (personal experience).

Worth trying; reminiscent of a sativa.


Active member
ok i ordered the jwh-018 today, and it shipped today.....to make my own blend (1gram for $45.00)

... also from another site i ordered:

- 4oz "damiana" leaf ....($7.00)
- 2oz "mullein" leaf.......($1.69)
- 1oz "pepermint" leaf...($0.99)

...also got a digi. scale that goes to .01g.....(low enough i guess...the .001 scales were more than i wanted to spend)

basicly im gonna do this which i copied from erowid...

I read through the JWH-018 vault and did not see any mention of a method I've been using with good result. I acquired 1g of JWH-018 as well as 4 ounces of damiana with a gram or so of dried peppermint, and a quart of acetone.

The procedure was simple: Put the damiana in a glass or ceramic baking dish. Dissolve the JWH-018 in the acetone, and pour the solution into the baking dish. Allow time to dry. I waited 2 days and stired the leaves several times each day to allow the acetone plenty of time to evaporate.

I am left with 4 ounces of damiana that contains 10mg/g JWH-018/Damiana. This makes for an easily measurable substrate that yields a decent high from a .3g bowl.

im gonna start w/ a much smaller batch and only use like 1/4 of the recipe at first.

also im not sure what a good ratio of the herbs that i got would be since that part will be a little different. (70% damiana/20% mullein/10% peppermint) :confused: ...any thoughts?

....also what's a good way to try a dose off of foil...(do i just mix a small dose in acetone, spread it on foil, and let it evaporate)?

ill let u guys know how all this works out w/ pics :wave:


Overkill is under-rated.
Man, a .01g scale is probably not sensitive enough for this task, even my .001g scale isn't. That works out to about 10 doses at the smallest it will register, but most likely it will need .03-.07 grams on it before it reads. That's 30-70 doses you'd have to carefully divide with a razor on a mirror.

Try weighing some salt to see how sensitive it is before trying anything serious with it, please! When you see how small .001g really is you'll be amazed.


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh yeah, and I did some off tinfoil too, wrapped some foil around my finger to make a cup, used a straw to inhale out of the cup, and light from underneath. It will melt, bubble into a yellow resin and evaporate in about 3-5 seconds. Suck and light, hold it in as long as you can. One hit barely big enough to see will MESS you up on .001-.002 grams. It takes about 5 minutes to kick in, so wait at least that long before doing a second hit.


Active member
Man, a .01g scale is probably not sensitive enough for this task, even my .001g scale isn't. That works out to about 10 doses at the smallest it will register, but most likely it will need .03-.07 grams on it before it reads. That's 30-70 doses you'd have to carefully divide with a razor on a mirror.

Try weighing some salt to see how sensitive it is before trying anything serious with it, please! When you see how small .001g really is you'll be amazed.

thanks for that advice, i actually only need to weigh the gram down to .25....and then mix it into the acetone, and then soak the herbals. (then ill be able to estimate the jwh concentration on the herb after the acetone evaporates).

if i try to eyeball a single dose ill err on the side of extreme caution :wave:


Active member
i liked this version from another website that is alot similar...

.....also what does "SWIM" mean on that site?....i see it used alot on there???? (im not naming the site, but ppl here prolly know)


SWIM's cat, Slappy, was inspired by another post in this sub-forum to infuse a "legal bud" product with a known concentration of JWH-018.

Slappy has tried and enjoyed many of the popular commercial smoking blends including Spice, Spice Gold, Chillin XXX, and Spike-99. Slappy likes the effects of the synthetic cannabinoids, but is frankly sick of smoking vanilla, blueberry and cinnamon flavored herbs. He also believes that they are WAY overpriced.


JWH-018 seemed to be a good choice for the cannabinoid. Slappy got 500mg from an internet vendor.

In his quest for a carrier material, Slappy tested many of the "legal bud" and "herbal bud" products available on the internet. Some looked beautiful, but the smoke was harsh or nasty. Other products were good-looking and downright delicious to smoke. Slappy never felt more than very mild (placebo?) effects from these products on their own.

Slappy's favorite was a product called "Thai Crystal Buds". The buds were aromatic and Earthy-smelling. They looked something like cannabis buds. They were sticky with resin, but the smoke was exceptionally smooth and sweet. The buds burned well in bongs, pipes and joints.

Slappy ordered 2 ounces (56g). After removing twigs, stems and shake, Slappy had 50 grams of cleaned buds.

Hardware store Acetone would be used as the solvent.


Slappy knew from feline instict that the key to success was to get the JWH-018 deposited upon the buds as evenly as possible.

Spray: When performed by a calibrated machine, Slappy knew this would work fine. But when done by paw, it was almost guaranteed to turn out unevenly.

Dip: The problem here was determining exactly how much solution each bud would hold. Would larger buds hold more solution than their proportion by weight? That seemed like a possibility. Even if Slappy could figure this out, it would be rather time consuming for a cat to dip each bud.

Bath: Slappy would use an amount of solvent GREATER than the buds would absorb. The buds would be completely saturated, and would sit in a "puddle" of excess solution inside the evaporation vessel. As the buds dried, they would wick up more solution by capillary action. Slappy settled on this method as the best for the average house-cat chemist.

500mg of JWH-018 were dissolved in 400mL of Acetone. The solution was clear, and stirred well for good measure.

50g of Thai Crystal Buds were distributed evenly in a single layer, inside a glazed ceramic casserole dish. The buds touched each other, but were not packed or crowded.

The solution was poured over the buds. As expected, the buds were saturated, and about 100mL of excess solution was observed on the bottom of the dish.

The dish was set outside in the shade on a warm day, with a small fan blowing over the top of the dish. No smell of acetone was detected after about 4 hours. A very thin coating of greenish resin was left of the bottom of the dish. Slappy knew there was a little JWH-018 in the resin, but Slappy is a lazy cat and simply called it "acceptable loss".

As a safety test, the buds were sealed in an airtight glass jar overnight. Slappy's theory was that if any acetone was trapped inside the buds, it would evaporate into the air inside the jar, and he'd smell it as soon as the lid was removed. The next morning, no acetone was detected by Slappy's sensitive nose. Slappy was satisfied.

500mg of JWH-018 infused into 50g of buds gives a concentration of 10mg/gram. This is a good deal stronger than many of the commercial blends (3mg/gram). Slappy gets nicely baked from 3-4 bong hits.

Slappy read somewhere that Spice didn't work when smoked in joint. Slappy tried about 1/2 gram rolled into a cone, and got himself and three fellow cats very high. Perhaps the Thai Crystal Buds burn at a different temp than the carrier herbs used for Spice.

Finally, while he cannot name prices, Slappy reports that his product is VERY economical compared to the commercial synthetic cannabinoid smoking blends. Slappy thinks his buds taste a lot better too.

Slappy is a happy cat.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah i would'nt want to use acetone, especially a bath of it that also rinses off thc. I think an airbrush gun with 99% iso solution would be better, safer and won't damage buds.
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I forget what it stands for, but talking about SWIM or your CAT or something like that, is the oldd school way of not incriminating yourself online. I believe its the rule at that place to always refer to "your friend" that does things, and never to yourself in the 1st person


Active member
------JWH-018 Solution Preparation and Infusion Into Cigarette Paper Sections------

anyone know a way to do this in a more simple way than is described here?:


i got my jwh-018 yesterday (still waiting on the scale and herbals)

....also still wanting a quick easy way to infuse it onto some cigarette paper....any ideas.

...couldn't i just use acetone or iso/jwh-018 solution with a known concentration, and use a syringe w/ ml marks to measure an amount and put it onto small squares of the paper, then dry?????...

.....seems it would be even more accurate than a soak/bath w/ the herbs

...and then smoke the paper w/ herbs or whatever????
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Overkill is under-rated.
Hmm, you'd have to measure how much acetone or alcohol the paper can absorb, then figure out how much weed your joint will hold in grams. Then figure out how many doses you want that joint to hold (figure 1mg per dose) and mix that amount with the amount of alcohol or acetone from step one. Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Well, since my first experiences, I've experimented with a variety of herbal incense brands. Here are my views on them.

K2 Summit/K2 Series: Looks like potpourri, and many is dyed artificial colors. Tastes very strong and artificial, very Sativa-esque high. Very enjoyable high, but not a very enjoyable smoking experience due to the weird flowers and sticks.

Mojo 1: Way more potent than K2 Summit. I think it has a higher ratio of JWH-018 as it is very psychedelic and can be very strong. I don't recommend this to anyone but the heaviest smoker, as it even caught me by surprise. It looks like sawdust, kief, and some leaves, and has a mild peppermint taste. Very low ceiling. For instance, your first smoke of the day gets you super blazed, but after that, smoking more doesn't really get you as high.

K3: This is my least favorite, in terms of apperance, flavor, and high. It has very big stems, what looks like celery, and other weird shit. It tastes like wood, or a BBQ. The high is very "indica" like. It just mellows you out, and you feel heavy. It's very boring in my opinion.

Serenity Now: So far I've had blueberry, mango, and grape. The mango and blueberry tasted very good, with a very mild hint of taste. The grape smelled and tasted like red wine. The appearance of Serenity Now looks extremely similar to ground up commercial weed. It is very soft and fluffy. Out of all the blends, this is the most like your average commercial Cannabis high, slightly on the Sativa side. In my opinion, Serenity Now doesn't really get you any higher than normal weed would, only slightly. It is a very enjoyable smoking experience though. I prefer it to k2 in terms of smoking experience, but the high is not as potent as other blends.

Spike Max: By far my favorite out of all of the blends I tried. It is also the most expensive, at 28 a gram. The appearance of Spike Max is extremely similar to high quality ground cannabis. Very bright neon green, with bright orange hairs. The taste is very mild, and was more like smoking a light cigarette. Not much flavor at all, but it doesn't matter. It got me the most high I've been in my life. I started laughing for 15 minutes straight, and nothing was funny. It felt like I was strapped into my chair, but elevated or floating above the entire world, like in an airplane or something. I was so euphoric, blazed out of my mind, and hysterically laughing. It is very psychedelic, but not in an uncomfortable way like Mojo.

I would like to add that after smoking the amazing Spike Max, my friend and I smoked a bowl of Skunk #1, and while smoking the Skunk #1, we both felt it "bringing us" back down. Sort of like "landing". It was very gradual, but natural weed definitely brought the high down, and made it more stony.

EDIT: I never thought I would be saying this, ever, but I actually prefer the high of some of these blends to any Cannabis i've smoked in my entire life, and I've smoked countless amounts of strains and elite strains. Hash oil does not get me as HIGH as these blends. It gets me stoned, but not high.

Since I started experimenting with these blends, I went from smoking 5 grams a day of Cannabis, to maybe a half a gram. In the past, I would keep smoking more weed trying to get super blazed, but it never would happen. Now, it happens every time with good blends.

Since the herbal incense blends are not cost effective at all, I am now going to order pure JWH-018 and JWH-073. I will continue buying the blends, as I enjoy them, but my hypothesis is that I will save a lot of money and weed by ordering the pure substance.

I don't have a scale and I don't plan on buying a scale, so I will just be eyeballing my JWH doses. I have already have smoked too much herbal blends and had uncomfortable highs that most people would call 911 for, so I'm not afraid of overdoing it again.

I do not plan for my grams of JWH 018 and 073 to last long at all, as now I will be getting super high 24/7, legally.

Anyone who's smoked it understands. Weed simply does not get you this high, and if that's what you're after, then there's no reason not to smoke it, unless you are worried about possible health effects. I smoke cigarettes, so I would be a hypocrite if I was against this substance for "possible health effects". I am not worried about getting "too high" either, as like I've said, that's happened to me many times off of Mojo, but I simply rode it out.

I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Until I can go to a store and legally buy the most Psychedelic Sativa, I prefer smoking this to 90% of cannabis strains and extracts. Just being honest.

Like I said, I never imagined I'd be saying that either.


Well-known member
I mean, think about it. I could spend $20 on a commercial "dank" gram, and get one fat joint, get mildly stoned, and risk my freedom, or I could go to a store, legally spend 20 on something that will get me more than one AMAZING high, and not risk my freedom.

And now, I'm going to order a gram of the pure substance for $40, and get 1000 highs. I'm so thankful that I live in this time period, where I can legally get blazed out of my mind.


So if someone wanted to "test" or "try" this product (JWH-018)...

Am i correct in saying that you can buy it in 2 forms:

1.) a blend of herbals with the chemical jwh-018 laced on it
2.) the pure jwh-018 chemical

if that's the case, i hear k2 summit/k2 blue are euphoric highs, but they are herbal blends so you can smoke more than as if you had the pure chemical.

where are reputable places to buy k2 from?


Well-known member
You are correct IIT.
JWH-018 isn't the only chemical though, there's also JWH-073 which is less psychedelic and more euphoric, however shorter lasting.

The herbal blends are very nice, but very expensive compared to the pure chemical. A gram of the blends cost around $20 and only have around 5-10mg of JWH. A gram of JWH is around 40-50 and equals to about 13 cents a dose.

k2 blue was what I tried first, and it gets you very high and very euphoric, more so than K2 summit.

I personally purchased all of my herbal blends at stores. A record store chain in my state sells it, as well as numerous headshops around me.

I don't believe you can buy the actual chemical in stores, but you can order it online. A simple google search will yield you results, and everyone seems to have fast delivery.

EDIT: My friend and I plan on each ordering a gram of 73 and 18 from a site this week, and I will report my results on the service, delivery, and quality of product and high.

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