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You are correct IIT.
JWH-018 isn't the only chemical though, there's also JWH-073 which is less psychedelic and more euphoric, however shorter lasting.

The herbal blends are very nice, but very expensive compared to the pure chemical. A gram of the blends cost around $20 and only have around 5-10mg of JWH. A gram of JWH is around 40-50 and equals to about 13 cents a dose.

k2 blue was what I tried first, and it gets you very high and very euphoric, more so than K2 summit.

I personally purchased all of my herbal blends at stores. A record store chain in my state sells it, as well as numerous headshops around me.

I don't believe you can buy the actual chemical in stores, but you can order it online. A simple google search will yield you results, and everyone seems to have fast delivery.

EDIT: My friend and I plan on each ordering a gram of 73 and 18 from a site this week, and I will report my results on the service, delivery, and quality of product and high.

Hey, can you post a link? or pm me a link? i gotta quit for about a month for a job drug test and i really wanna try it out


Well-known member
Well, lol, I've been smoking "herbal blends" every day for almost a month now. Here is my latest review of the ones I've tried and my overall opinion on the synthetics and the blends.

K2 Summit: Large flower petals, sticks, etc... Nice potpourri scent. Mild cinnamon/rose flavor. Very visual and psychedelic high. Smoking more than one bowl at a time often causes my heart to race, and for me to get mildly paranoid thoughts. Burns horrible in a joint, and in a bong, smokes very quick. I find it works best in a bowl.

K2 Blue: Much more euphoric than K2 Summit, but still very psychedelic as well. The same material seems to be used as the summit, except it is an electric blue color. Smells very intense, almost like a Sour Blueberry candy. Very similar taste, very artificial but strong. Also works best in a bowl.

Mojo 1: I do not believe this is the same as the other "Mojos" I've seen on the internet, as it comes in a package similar to K2, and has a pretty basic logo. It looks like sawdust, kief, and golden yellow leaves. I haven't had any in a while, but I find it to be extremely potent, but not really in a good way. This was the first blend in which I "smoked too much" and for a brief moment, had to sit down and calm myself down. It is extremely psychedelic, and very potent. You only need a little bit to get really high.

Serenity Now: I've tried Mango, Blueberry, and Grape. It is a nice moist, ground up, dark green substance, that looks very similar to ground up weed. Very fluffy, and a nice mild flavor. This mix smells way better than it tastes. It doesn't taste bad, it just has a very powerful smell, compared to the mild taste. These blends reminded me, and all of my friends, of purple indica strains. A very mellow, euphoric, stony, smoke. I have no desire to ever buy Serenity Now again, as like I said, it's very similar to your average indica weed. If I wanted that high, I would simply buy weed, and get more for my money.

K3 Improved: I never knew the meaning of couchlock, until smoking this blend. In the past, I thought "couchlock" referred to the loss of motivation I experience after smoking indica dominant strains. All sleepy, and mellow, etc... Not now. This blend made my limbs feel very heavy, and I had the sensation that they were strapped down to the chair. It was unique because I wasn't experiencing any fatigue, so I was able to enjoy the feeling, rather than pass out. I didn't enjoy the material used for k3. It was very large sticks and other big plant parts. It tasted similar to cedar, or wood or something. Not bad, but I didn't really enjoy the flavor that much.

Spike Max: Very psychedelic but euphoric as well. Similar to K2 Blue in terms of a good mixture of euphoric and psychedelic high, but stronger. The material used looks very similar to ground up high quality weed. Bright green with orange "hairs". The taste was very mild, and I couldn't detect any real flavor. It transported me to "another land" and was very enjoyable. I experienced hysterical laughter, as well as "cartoon" vision. I also experienced the sensation of being elevated above everything.

Damo Gold: Comes in really cool clear plastic containers. Looks extremely similar to high quality trim/shake. Looks very "gold" and "well cured". I've had Fruit Juice, Bubblegum, Watermelon, Blueberry, and Raspberry. They all tasted pretty much the same, with only a mild taste. They smell very good though. The high feels like a good hybrid, but nothing "special". Along with Serenity Now, Damo Gold also feels much more like your average hybrid weed. A nice high than mellows into a stone, but nothing really to write home about. Don't get me wrong, it's not weak, it's just about the same level as most average strains.

K2 Standard: My least favorite in every aspect. In my opinion, this is the schwagg or beasters of the K2 series. I imagine it would be good for a first time smoker, as it's a VERY mild stone. It had NO flavor or smell I could detect, other than hay. After smoking a large bowl, I felt minimal effects. I could feel it start to creep up, but that's it. I see no point in K2 Standard, and will never buy it again, as brick weed gets me higher. It also looked like wood chips and sawdust mixed with some flowers.

K2 Pink: I smoked K2 Pink after smoking K2 Standard. In fact, I mixed the two together afterwards, to try to improve the K2 Standard. All it did was ruin the pink, lol. After smoking the pink after the standard, I actually felt high, but it was nothing extraordinary. It had a cinnamon/strawberry taste, and was a red mixture of herbs and flower petals, similar to the k2 summit/blue. I think smoking the standard before, and mixing it afterward, ruined the high of the pink, because I heard it is supposed to be the same as the blue in terms of potency.

k2 citron: So far, next to Spike Max, this is my favorite. Hopefully it wasn't just a "one time thing" high, as all the other ones got me really high my first time with them. Also, I notice the first high of the day is also the best and the others are really weak. Anyway, on with my K2 citron review. It was a very light orange/yellow material, again, similar to the others in the k2 series. Mild clove/orange peel smell/taste. When I got home, I packed a bowl, then another. Oh my god, the euphoria was amazing, as well as the high. It was a classic weed high, to the extreme. Extreme cottonmouth, loss of train of thought, heaviness in my eyes and limbs, relaxation, sensory enhancement to the extreme, extreme euphoria, etc... I smoked some with a friend and fellow member on this site. In the past, I've smoked the other blends with him, and they got him high, but nothing weed couldn't do. His opinion changed after smoking k2 Citron. He understands now why I smoke this stuff. He started laughing and getting happy and euphoric that it was working. He was like "this is the first one I've smoked where I'm actually blown away", or something to that effect.

I might try k2 blonde, but I hear it's more indica like, and that's not what I'm after. I want to try K2 Ultra as it is supposed to be 2x more potent than Summit. I also plan on getting k2 Citron again in the near future, hopefully tomorrow.

For the past week or so, I've been smoking 3+ grams a day of these blends. I have an addictive personality though, and tend to go overboard on most things. In the past, I would smoke around 7 grams of weed a day. Now, I only smoke around a gram a day, and only when I'm out of my incense.

Obviously my habit is expensive, but not for long. As I said, I plan on ordering the pure chemicals. I also plan on following Yukon's instructions and making my own ounce of herbal incense for 15 an ounce.

Here are the "negative" effects I've been experiencing since my herbal incense binge.

Cannabis Withdrawal even when I have the "dankest of the dank". I get very bored and irritable. Smoking the real thing does not make me feel better. It gets me high, but not to the level I know I could be at, had I smoked herbal incense. This is kind of a good thing, as it helps me conserve my weed, and not smoke absurd amounts trying to reach a high I cant obtain with natural cannabis.

Chest Congestion: It feels like Ive smoked an entire pack of newports in one sitting. I'm pretty sure this is due to the Damo Gold though, and not herbal incense in general. Plus, most people don't smoke 3 grams a day of this stuff.

A positive effect that I've noted, is that it completely blows opiates out of the water for me, and as a recovering opiate addict, that's amazing. Now, when I think of opiates, all I can think about is how much more amazing JWH makes me feel.


Just throwing this out there, after some research it would seem that 018 is one of the least powerful and most carcinogenic of the JWH series chemicals. The one I'm most interested in is jwh-250 as this one lasts anywhere from 10-12hrs and is not carcinogenic o____O


Well-known member
Well, ocean_grown, in terms of potency, according to personal experience and every single report I've read, 018 is not weak at all. it is very psychedelic and long lasting. I've heard with 018, it is VERY easy to "over do it" and have a negative experience.

73 is supposed to be more euphoric and stony, but very short lasting. I believe this is the one that is in the mixes I've had that feel more like your average weed. The ones that get me SUPER high are the ones that I believe have 018 in them, or 250.

250 is supposed to be similar to jwh-018 in terms of potency, but better.

I will be ordering 18, 73, am 694, and win 55, and I will report my experiences.


Well-known member
For me personally, this is a dream come true. I don't have the luxury of living in a Medical state, where I can legally buy different strains every day.

When I first tried k2 blue almost a month ago, I had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get it. Then, a place 30 minutes away started carrying it. Now, five places in my town sell it, two within walking distance. Now, I am not breaking the law when I buy my drugs. I can choose different blends that give me different highs, and do so without fear.

I know it's not natural, I know it's not healthy, I know that we don't know a lot about it, but I personally find that the high is fucking incredible, and I smoke cigarettes so I'd be a hypocrite if I was all against this stuff for being unknown.


Well-known member
I'd also like to mention that I have access to great Cannabis, and continue to smoke Cannabis, daily. I simply prefer the high I get from these synthetics.


Well-known member
Perhaps Capn, lol. I really never imagined I'd ever find something that I prefer to natural cannabinoids.

And sparkjumper, for me personally they are. For me personally, after smoking a good blend, I feel just as good as I did after shooting up some heroin. Euphoria all throughout my chest and body, my limbs are all heavy and tingly, it's just an amazing feeling for me.


Well-known member
Well I decided to take a break as I had been smoking 6 grams a day this past week of various blends, and my lungs were so congested. Every time I took a normal sized hit of weed, I'd violently cough.

Also, it was changing me as a person. Before my adventure with synthetics, Cannabis and everything about it always made me extremely happy in life. Unfortunately, during my herbal incense binge, I didn't get any satisfaction from smoking real cannabis. Sure, I still felt it, but it felt very mild, long, and boring, compared to the huge rush of the synthetics. All I really looked forward to each day, was getting high on synthetics.

Also, herbal incense is expensive, especially a 6 gram a day habit, so I finally realized I could have had a lot of weed, and money left over. I realized that if I'm going to continue to smoke synthetics, I need to just hurry up and order the synthetics this week. Hopefully by the time they arrive, my chest will be better. Yesterday (my first day not smoking the blends) my chest was really bad, but today it's not as bad.

Another thing worth mentioning, is the cross tolerance I'm experiencing. Before I discovered herbal incense, a gram of weed would be a dose for me, and I'd smoke around 7 grams a day.

Last night, I had no herbal incense, just well cured, amazing tasting Skunk #1, that in the past has always worked. Not last night. I had to smoke three grams just to feel fully high.

Today however, when I woke up, a half gram got me a decent high, and now another half gram with kief has me really baked and feeling nice. So I'm just glad I'm starting to enjoy natural cannabis again.


That is a plus.

Those synthetic's kinda erk me.

I'm hoping people dont start lacing good looking weed that doesn't get you high with it. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before it's out there.


Well-known member
I'd like to share one of my recent experiences, as it pissed me off somewhat.

So, I go to one of the many local places that sells k2 and other herbal blends. I've been going to this place a lot lately, as they have the lowest prices (20 for 3 grams) and the best variety. This time, the clerk was some woman who I haven't seen before.

At first she is nice, but as soon as I ask for "K2 Pink", she dramatically rolls her eyes, walks towards the k2, then stops, and says to me "You know some kids just died from smoking this!" as if it would somehow affect my purchase.

Since I'm "growing up" I kept my mouth shut, but just a few years ago I would have said something sarcastic back.

I wonder if she rolls her eyes when people ask for cigarettes, and then tell them how millions die each day?

I should have responded with "Well, people go to jail each minute for buying the real thing." or "Good, more k2 for me".

It's people like her, that are the detriment to synthetic cannabinoid blends and the legalization of marijuana, because they have to keep spewing their ignorant and misinformed "facts" to the world, and pass on their rude judgement.

BTW, I'm blazed and stoned as fuck, from my wake and bake of k2 blue and k2 pink.


So I just smoked a bowl of K2 Blue

Taste- Harsh at first but after a couple hits it tastes very florally w/ a little sweet taste, nothing really reminiscent of cannabis, more like a potpourri.

High- 4-5 big hits out of a bowl I started to notice after about the 4th hit things became crisper and visually and hearing wise. After finishing the bowl it was like a nice mixture of indica and sativa. Very relaxing, but at the same time happy and energetic.

It's definitely a good substitute if you do not have any good cannabis available. I myself wouldn't want to smoke it all the time, but that is just due to the fact I love cannabis and can get it when I want it.


Well-known member
I'd like to share my most recent thoughts on herbal incense.

A little over a month ago, it wasn't uncommon for me to have to drive to procure my weed. No matter how small the amount, or driving distance, driving back I was always kind of nervous, what without having the luxury of living in a medical state and all. I always obeyed the rules of the road, and never encountered a problem, however getting home I was always welcomed with a large sense of relief, and a "mission complete" feeling, due to the risks involved.

In addition to that misfortune, since I don't live in a medical state, between harvests I have no choice other than the black market. The prices are amazing, but it's still the black market, and sometimes you have to wait on people, and follow their schedule.

Forward to the present. I never would have believed the following a few months ago:

Now when I want to get EXTREMELY high, which is frequently, I have a multitude of local stores to chose from, including two in walking distance. Sometimes they ask for ID, sometimes they don't, it depends on the store, but all I have to do is present my ID and walk out with my "drugs". Not only that, but unlike the black market where strains are questionable, and sometimes you get shit, every herbal blend I have tried has got me just as high if not higher than the dankest of the dank.

Say it's 3:00am, and I'm out, and need to get more. No problem, I have two stores locally that are open 24/7.

Say it's dry, and I want to get high. Well now I can. Legally. Now I never have to worry about not being able to procure any weed to sleep. Now I will never have to wait on anyone except the store clerk if that's what I chose.

I think that is how weed should be. I can't wait for marijuana to be decriminalized nation wide. I'm high as hell from K2 Blue right now.


Well-known member
I'd also like to share my experience with the variety of clerks I've encountered while purchasing herbal incense.

The first time I purchased it, my friend tried asking questions about effects, but the clerk told us it's just an incense and he's never burned it himself. he was kind of rude.

Another clerk from the same record store chain but a different store was not rude but he didn't have anything to say.

I then found a headshop owned by an old woman. There, you were able to freely discuss effects, and she would give her personal opinion on the different ones, and tell you which ones to try. She had a very large selection of different brands and varieties all in a shoebox which she let you select from. Unfortunately the store was 30 minutes away, and stores around me recently started getting it.

Which brings me to the next type of clerk I've encountered. The gas station clerk.

The first time I purchased it from a local gas station, I was excited, as in the past I had to drive 60 miles round trip just to get it, at a minimum. I purchased it no questions asked.

I then encountered a female clerk who told me she's allergic to it, and it made her "Hallucinamizise". I listened to her story and left with my purchase.

I then encountered a clerk that when they were out, the middle aged female clerk told me she's waiting just as much as I am, as she buys a 3rd of it.

I encountered a variety of Indian clerks, but they were always very polite, and some asked if the product was good.

I already shared my experience with the bitch of bitches clerk a few posts back.

Last night I encountered a clerk who asked me "if it really works" and when I said it did, she said she will need to get some, as it's been dry for her, lol.


What, me worry?

What, me worry?

Numerous reliable online vendors can have you sorted out in a moment or two.


Well-known member
Well friends, previously I said I encountered the bitch of all bitches. I was wrong. Today I encountered the most extreme bitch ever, as I was purchasing k2.

I said "I'd like (my brand of cigarettes), and some k2, please" all polite. She said, in a smart ass sarcastic way, "Well I'D like to to see your ID", as if she was expecting I didn't have one, lol.

So after I presented my id, she literally hollered to everyone in line, "Well boys, after it's gone, it's gone, we aren't stocking it anymore." Then she went on to tell me, "Soon I won't have to sell this SHIT anymore."

What a fucking bitch.


Well-known member
I'd like to share my latest thoughts on the K2 blends that I've been smoking.

Lately I've been smoking K2 Blue, K2 Pink, K2 Citron, and K2 Blonde, daily, at least 3 grams throughout the day.

I'd like to mention that I'm taking a break after I finish the last of my mine, and I'll get to that later. It's just too expensive, and if I return to synthetics I will get the pure substances soon.

Anyway, on with my recent thoughts. Cost, health effects, etc... and everything aside, I want to talk about the high specifically. My first experience was with k2 Blue. Two small bowls between a friend and I got me high as fuck, like my first time.

When I finally purchased some on my own, I could not smoke more than one large bowl to myself. I would sometimes get "too high" but never freaked out or anything. After smoking it more frequently, and eventually daily, my tolerance rose significantly.

At first, the first smoke of the day would get me very high and feeling very good. When I would smoke more later in the day, I would get stoned, but not high, and I would try smoking more to try to reach that intense high that I got when I first started. Instead, it now just makes me really tired when I smoke too much.

Now I'd like to talk about how I feel health wise since smoking these blends for over a month now.

When I smoked the Serenity blends, and the Damo blends, my chest got very congested. It felt as if I had been chain smoking cigarettes all day. I stopped smoking the blends during this period, and within 2 days I felt all better. I then have been smoking k2 blends since it has been the cheapest at 20-25 for 3 grams.

I don't notice any chest congestion like I did when smoking the other blends, and I have been smoking it daily for almost two weeks now.

That's not to say that it is without negative effects. For the past week or so, about 30 minutes after I wake up, I get extremely nauseous, almost feeling as if I have to vomit. Almost like the feeling you get in your stomach when you drink too much alcohol.

I'm not really sure what to attribute this to. I have been eating a lot of Mexican food lately, so it could be that. I've also been drinking Monster energy drinks lately as well. If it is a result of the herbal blends, I'm not sure if it's the actual synthetics or the substrate plants used? I notice it goes away as soon as I smoke more, but that could just be the anesthetic properties of the blend.

As far as sleep, I notice that I sleep very well, and my friends all report the same thing. It is very easy to want to stay in bed or fall back asleep. Once you finally do get up, you feel very rested.

That's all for now.