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Well-known member
Well BreakingBad, I'm confused as to how a civil discussion includes calling it a crappy drug? Have you tried it? Have you had a bad experience? Do you care to learn more about the substance? Do you have anything positive to add to the thread?

This is definitely Cannabis related, as it is a drug that has the same effect, but stronger. It is legal, and many Cannabis smokers are interested in learning about this.


Hey man, I have no problem with you at all, it's all cool.
My comments weren't really directed towards you, but more towards the people such as the example you posted.
I appreciate the information you posted, but I respectfully disagree with their point of view, from first hand experience.
The fact is, identical reports can be found for Natural Cannabis. It's just people giving it a bad name, again, not you, but girls like the example you posted.
EDIT: I'd also like to mention that just because someone is a medical professional, does not mean they are educated regarding Cannabis, and Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonists. I was once harshly judged and questioned by an Anesthesiologist prior to surgery, regarding my Cannabis use. Questions that shouldn't have been her concern, such as how I afford my daily habit, why I smoke so much, etc...

On another occasion, I was in the E.R. due to an unrelated issue, and was honest in saying that the strain I had been smoking makes me uneasy. The nurse responded with "Cannabis calms people down." Obviously she was ignorant on the subject, and is unaware that there are a variety of strains all with different effects.

Just so ya know, i'm a girl. And seeing as your post started addressed to me, i thought you were directing what followed at me. & just because you had a good experience someone else may not, that's all i was getting at. wasn't saying anyone was right or wrong. on the note of the knowledge of doctors, i agree with you but i would think that a doctor should be able to know a panic attack from a seizure.
anyhoo, all's good :)


Well-known member
Sorry for the misunderstanding Snypette. You're right a Dr. should be able to tell a panic attack from a seizure, but I've also heard of people having "seizures" from natural cannabis, and having it supported by "professionals" when we all know Cannabis is safe, yet not without bad reactions. Not claiming they don't happen, just my personal belief is that a lot of the negative reactions could have been easily prevented with some research.

Stay safe guys AND girls


I think it is a grey area and a matter of opinion if this chemical is cannabis related or not. It works by binding to the same receptors THC does. Does that make it cannabis related? I dont think so but thats just my opinion.

As an example Kratom, effects the mu-opioid receptors in the brain similar to an opiate. Does that make Kratom an opiate or even opiate related? No I dont think so. It is just a chemical that works in a similar manner.




Active member
ive read all the replies, and pretty much sold! .... just cuz i have UA's.

....been reading lots of stuff on other sites too.

I just want the pure powder...not the k2 or the spice.

...from what ive seen the best (most legit) source is www.jwh018supplier.com.
anyone know if thats a good place? ($45/g) ...what are other good ones?

also whats the best way to use the straight powder (vaporizer?)....and how do u weigh out or guage the miniscule kg's??


Active member
hey guys heres something to consider about the girl who smoked "spice" and had an epic seizure. were they really smoking spice, or was it something else and that was just their bullshit cover story? and even if it was spice who's to say that the seizure was induced by the chemical? no, im afraid anecdotes like these are worthless for judging the dangers. i mean half the shit you are saying could be applied to marijuana too and make it out to be a dangerous drug that nobody should try. lol


Active member
NOKUY: thats where i got mine from. its legit and shipping was super fast. powder is pure white, its the real deal. the way i smoke it is i just take a knife blade and reach in there and scoop out a little bit, sprinkle it on a bowl or better yet mix it up real good with your grade-A homegrown nug (or whatever suffices in a pinch) then pack the bowl as usual. put the flame on it a little extra longer to make sure that shit vapes off like its supposed to. should taste a neutral chemical taste. if so congrats, youre about to be pretty blazed. :D

PS: start off SMALL with the dosing and work your way up. a pile the size of a pinhead would be a good place for most to start. (if youre a daily frequent smoker try twice that.)


Patient Grower
The headshop I was in yesterday had a big sign in the window stating that products like spice and all those legal highs were not for human consumption.

The fake coke they had behind the counter was labeled as plant food, all that stuff is legal over here so the only reason I can think of as to why is probably because it's not safe and these shops dont want to get sued.

Actually it has more to do with laws in most states that make it as illegal to sell something as a 'look-a-like' drug as selling the real thing. If I take caffeine, press them into black capsules and sell them as 'black beauties' I'd be guilty of selling speed.


Patient Grower
The thing that kills me nowadays is how maligned the purveyors of 'fake buds' were/are by the cannabis community. I had thought these products nothing but a rip off until the recent brouhaha has brought it to my attention that the shit really works. When I was coming up the headshops sold this nonsense called 'Bobo's Better Blend' which didn't do anything but burn when you lit it, a complete and utter ripoff. Still even having learned that it works I have no particular interest in trying it.


Well-known member
Here are some of my recent experiences with K2.

Saturday my band had a show. Before heading to our singer's house about 30 miles away, my bassist and I smoked a bowl of k2. We were supposed to leave directly after, but needless to say, that didn't happen. I was in no shape to drive. Every time I've smoked it, it's been the same intense "first-time" high. I had to sit down for a while, before I could drive.

What was supposed to happen, is I was supposed to follow my bassist to our singers. Both of us know how to get there, as we've driven there multiple times per week for years. We were on our way, when my bassist makes a turn. I figure he forgot something, or had to pick someone up, so I follow him, in a fucking circle around town, for about 10 minutes, before we finally drive to our singers.

Anyway, I need to mention that before we smoked the k2 I had an energy drink, as I had a headache from not having any coffee. Energy drinks in the past, have never given me chest pains. Once I started to drive, after I was completely blazed off of half a bowl of k2, I had a really annoying chest pain, underneath my shoulder, every time I inhaled. I don't know what to attribute this to. It could have been the combination of the energy drink and the stimulant effects of the k2, but who knows. It went away when I got out of my car.

When we get into my singer's town, we stop at a gas station. I say "What was up with that fucking detour?" and he said "I got lost." and I'm like "lol, what the fuck, how do you get lost?" and he was like "lol, i'm fucking blazed".

Anyway, hours later once we're at the venue, it's time to get high. My bassist hands me the K2, and I roll a fat joint, using all that's left.

Me, my bassist, my singer, this girl, and a bassist from another band go into the designated room and smoke. Only my bassist and I have experience with k2 before. The others smoke weed, except the bassist from the other band, as he recently quit.

So, we start passing the joint around, and after it's gone around a few times, I'm all smiles, as that's what happens when I smoke k2. I'm really high, and everyone else is to.

While we're smoking this, a fan is in the room rolling a joint, as he has no interest in k2.

Everyone leaves except me and the fan. I'm expecting it to be some commercial or something, and I'm blazed from the k2, but I smoke it anyway. As soon as I inhaled I was overwhelmed with the intense taste. He then told me he grew it. I didn't inquire any further, as I didn't want to let him know that I too am a grower. I smoked the joint, and I was just so fucking high from the k2. The weed that the fan smoked with me was not an indica, and it added to the k2 high.

I emerged from the room high as fuck, and watched the opening band perform. I saw my singer on the other side of the stage, and he smiled and nodded, signifying he too was high from the k2. As I said, it was his first experience.

After the show, I talked to the bassist from the other band who smoked it. He enjoyed it, and said it felt like the real thing, however he too experienced chest pain in the same area I did. It could have just been a coincidence though.

The following morning when I got home, my bowl still had some k2 left. Only enough for 4 hits, but like clockwork, I got all happy and high.

Tomorrow my guitarist and I are going to get more, perhaps this time "Black Magic Smoke" which is supposed to be good. I should mention, that k2 looks like shit compared to other "herbal incenses" that I see.

k2 blue looks like poperrii (sp) that is dyed electric blue. It's all random ass flower petals, flowers, sticks, fuzzy shit, etc... k2 summit had the same weird shit, it just wasn't dyed blue. I plan on trying one that doesn't look all strange. For instance, some is made out of immature hops flowers, which look like cannabis buds.

I will share my experience with whatever herbal incense I experience next.


Active member
lol i cant believe those sons of bitches are moving heaven and earth to outlaw this stuff. it will be illegal in my state soon as the government signs the bill. assholes


Well-known member
Yeah it just goes to show how their war on drugs is a huge failure.

lol, they outlaw a plant, yet you can still find weed in every state, and indoor growing makes good weed possible for everyone.

meanwhile, I can now go a store, walk in, buy something that will get me blazed out of my mind, and do so in legal safety.

Now they are trying to ban it, and demonize it. But the funny thing is, in most states it is still legal.

A shit load of people are choosing this stuff over commercial and imported weed, because it has an ultimate high. So, it is actually helping their "war on drugs", because I know several smokers who used to buy OZ a week and now smoke this stuff. So the criminal organizations are losing money. You would think that they would be happy, and praise Herbal Incense for diverting funds from criminal organizations, but no.

I guess they don't realize that banning it will not make it go away. It will just add the black market to the situation.

I really don't see why they have to criminalize getting high. It pisses me off.

I'm also pretty sure this post doesn't make much sense, or I'm not getting my point across. Well, I'm blazed right now thanks to Thai Skunk.

On with what I was saying. This whole situation is really a big mess. It effects a lot of people. I'll give examples or scenerios.

The Headshops/Herbal Retailers: They are getting a shit load of new business. It is helping them. My friend spends hundreds of dollars a week on k2, and I'm sure he's not a rare case.

The Dealer: He calls one of his customers to see if they need weed, but then are informed that their customer got k2 instead.

The Government: Well it's taxed, so they are making money, and it is helping divert funds from criminal organizations, as herbal incense has a superior high to commercial weed.

The daily smoker: Now he/she no longer has to worry about not being able to procure weed for whatever reason, if they need to get high. They can also drive home in peace after buying k2, unlike the paranoia associated with driving home with weed.

So, as I was trying to say. This industry is effecting a lot of other industries. Now people whove always wanted to get high, but didn't because of the illegality of marijuana, are getting high and enjoying it. Now people who can't smoke marijuana for whatever reason can also still have their cannabinoid receptors saturated to the max.

If and when this gets banned and scheduled, it will negatively effect a lot of people, as well as benefit others.

Here are my predictions for what will happen once that happens:

Marijuana use will rise. All the new generation of stoners who had their first experience with k2 will still want to get high. All of the "professionals", military, police, etc who smoke herbal incense will still want to get high and see that marijuana is no harm, and petition it to be decriminalized.

Yeah I don't know where I'm going with this anymore.

I just am enjoying this period of life while I can. I used to dream about going to stores and buying pre packaged weed, and this is the closest thing to it, since I don't have the luxury of living in a medical state.

I love being able to not have to hide the fact that I get high, in front of people who are uncomfortable around illegal drugs such as marijuana.

I also love how it is being portrayed as "stronger than weed" and "dangerous", as in my mind, that promotes the natural, and safe properties of real weed. So I think in the long run, these products will help the marijuana legislation/decriminalization movement.

I just hope my state doesn't ban it. I will be devastated.


Well-known member
I see many benefits in the existence of herbal incense.

Meeting like minded people is easier now that k2 is around. You can make new connections this way. For example, you might be at a party or something and you can pull out your k2 and share with people. It will get them high, and they will then share their weed with you, and if it's good, you can inquire on where to get it. You can also get high with people who you wouldn't think would smoke, but now they do, now that k2 is around. It makes social situations much more fun in my opinion.

Another possible benefit, is the price of commercial weed dropping drastically, if they are losing customers. That would benefit everyone.

Another benefit is that people are high in states where it's legal. Destruction is not happening. It goes to show that if marijuana was legalized, society would continue as normal.

The reports of "seizures". We all know real marijuana doesn't do that, so if herbal incense can remain legal, marijuana should be decriminalized a.s.a.p. as it doesn't get you as high, and doesn't cause your body harm.


Active member
Here are my predictions for what will happen once that happens:

Marijuana use will rise. All the new generation of stoners who had their first experience with k2 will still want to get high. All of the "professionals", military, police, etc who smoke herbal incense will still want to get high and see that marijuana is no harm, and petition it to be decriminalized.

Yeah I don't know where I'm going with this anymore.

You're on the right track. Basically when these substances are banned it's gonna backfire big time on the Powers That Be(tm).

Word about this stuff seems to be spreading like wildfire. My friend who is an ex-heroin addict who ever since has pretty avoided all contact with drugs somehow found out about the stuff and smoked it and loves it. He's going into medicine and might get drug tested and so he can't smoke bud. But he can smoke JWH and the high is great.

But now, our state has passed legislation banning this substance (along with JWH-073 and HU-210) which is awaiting only the governor's signature.

What's going to happen when all these people have been exposed to this stuff and loved it and now it's suddenly banned? What about the new smokers who have never smoked weed and didnt dare try due to long detection times, but found out about spice and decided to try it? I'm sure all these people have heard "it's exactly like smokin good herb man but doesnt show up on piss tests." Fuck yeah, I'm down. What about all the people who FINALLY found an alternative to weed that doesnt show up on drug tests, but now the mother fuckers banned it in record time and fucked it up for everyone?

In one fell swoop, in one instant, with one piece of paper they convert millions of "undecideds", "average joes" to our side. People who have never been fucked by Johnny Law before, who formerly rolled their eyes at pothead stories of persecution, are now too feeling the heavy hand of Uncle Sam in their lives and getting a taste of what it's like to be oppressed for a simple lifestyle choice. They are seeing firsthand the stupidity and ridiculousness of the War on (Some) Drugs. Word is spreading and the issue is slowly becoming mainstream and important.

Our movement is like a poor running car that, gasping and sputtering and belching smoke, has slowly but surely climbed a steep rise in the road, its progress becoming gradually easier as the road briefly levels, then having surmounted the summit, can now rely on the assistance of gravity (and the momentum it provides) to carry it all the way at increasing speed to the finish. For the past 6 months we've been picking up more and more speed. We're well past the point of no return. By the end of this year, cannabis will be legalized in at least one US state, and your dream of buying cannabis at the local convenience shop will be realized.

Enjoy these days while they last. One day you might be walking into a 7-11 to grab some smokes and have a "hey mister" approaching you wanting to snag him some reefer. I'm sure you'll laugh as you remember how pot smoking used to be ILLEGAL and a SERIOUS CRIME! :crazy:


Active member
Now as far as the effect on marijuana prices---I wouldn't worry about it. It's a temporary dip. Many if not most states will probably ban these chems out of panic and make it a black market item to compete alongside marijuana. I think marijuana will easily outcompete this chem in a fair market. Strong and psychoactive as it may be, it's a newcomer and not as well known as trusted as marijuana. Really, the reason MANY people smoke spice right now is only because it's legal and marijuana is not. The high might be stronger (and it is) with the JWH but you cant beat good ole marijuana for the overall smoking experience. When on level ground (i.e. both of equal legal status) JWH is at best an accessory, a supplement, not a main product in and of itself.


Well-known member
Yeah man, you got exactly what I was saying.

I'd also like to mention, that for the majority of my friends, we've only experienced the herbal blends, and with those, the process of of smoking, passing around a bowl, joint, is still there. I can see how using the pure substance would be different. With the blends, we can compare strength, taste, plant material, etc... so it's kind of fun.

But yeah, you got exactly what I was saying, especially with the backfire. It just goes to show the hypocrisy of the prohibition of cannabis. It shows that it's clearly not because of it's high, but of it's benefits in fiber, medicine, etc... I mean, it can't be because of it's smell, because then they should just ban skunks. It's obviously not because of it's high, because prescription drugs exist that get you high, and now legal drugs such as Salvia and the Synthetic Cannabinoids get you high.

I just think everyone needs to finally wake up and see that Cannabis is no harm, and that it needs to be decriminalized world wide. The prohibition causes more harm than good. We wouldn't even have the opportunity to smoke Herbal Incense and the Synthetic Cannabinoids if it weren't for the fact that Cannabis is prohibited.


Well-known member
I can also imagine people who have only smoked herbal incense, who then have no choice but to smoke weed to get high. So they will smoke regular weed, and not get nearly as high as k2 got them, so they might try harder drugs in order to get the euphoria that k2 provided.


Well-known member
My lastest experience was with a gram of "mojo 1". The material must be heavy, as it was a very small amount compared to a gram of shake or k2. it looked like saw dust, but smelled and tasted really good. it took longer to kick in that k2 but was way more psychedelic. Smoking too much made me very dizzy and for a few minutes it got very uncomfortable.

When I got it I rolled half of it into a joint and smoked it. I was blazed out of my mind, and got something to eat. I then only had enough for another joint so I smoked it over a few hours in my bowl.

I am very allergic to it. The high is great and it was an enjoyable smoking experience, but whatever material is used caused my eyes to become very swolen and puffy.

I will not buy it again due to that, but I will continue to experiment with other blends. as of now k2 still wins even though it looks weird as fuck.

The J Man

I bought a gram about a month ago and have been smoking it every other day to stretch my stash out. Honestly I haven't even made a dent in the bag. I calculated it out and it's about 13 cents a dose for a stoned-off-your-ass high from a legal substance.

I haven't tried the herbal blends out of principle, since they cost so much and those companies have ripped people off with weird herbs like catnip for years. I've smoked 018 straight with a few buddies lately though. Strangely it affects each of us a little differently.

J: "that first time high", intense cerebral high, cool visuals, major red eyes lol
A: very smooth and relaxing, switched over b/c of the price difference
B: "it was like tripping on mushrooms", colorful visuals, uncontrollable laughing, lucid dreams
C: bad experience! totally freaked out even after preparing for a week, difficulty breathing, panic attacks, intense "trip" with visuals while eyes were closed. Took 3 hours to regain composure and 16 until the frame effect from the visuals wore off. This was a measured amount in a clean pipe, not an od. It just affects some people differently.

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