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Jojonetics - Trainwreck S1 & BlowFish S1


a lot of good looking pic's here! :D

Any signifficant diffrence between the ones with layers and those without layering? :)


Active member
Hey Fluss. Thanks.

Difficult to say since they were all layered apart from the Blowfish, which I mounded. It had at least 6 inches of branches and stem buried beneath the soil.

They are all large plants with strong branches (or comparatively so as far as Trainwreck goes), but I think the layering gives a better plant profile by spreading it out over a greater area, so there is better use of what light is available, and it also helps to anchor it down in more places which makes it more able to withstand strong winds as I found out a couple of weeks back when the Blowfish nearly blew over!.

I think the Blowfish could have been buried deeper and it would have been allot more resistant to the high winds we had.

We will have to wait and see just what the root systems have done, but it won't be long now!

There was very little wind and the lighting was not bad yesterday so I went and got a few more shots :)

Trench 1, which has become hard to photograph without incuding at least some of trench 2

Blowfish, starting to throw buds all over the place now!


Trainwreck #1 is about the same stage as the fish





Active member


Trench 2

Trainwreck #2 is really starting to pump out the resin now. The plot is starting to reek of dead-mentholated wale :D

Only a week or two for her before she gets the chop,depending on the weather, which is holding out fairly nicely so far, but could turn at any time!











Active member

Taskenti - looks like I should have a bunch of nice golf-ball nugs from her if the weather holds out. I'm loving her pink pistils!













I tried to get the whole plot in this shot, but I need to get a wider lens out next time I think!

:rasta: :wave:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Just peeping yer PHAT gurls... They look great nice and healthy.. Wow now the fun has started cant wait to see the blowfish all pumped and full of nuggage... I had to hit ya with some rep be back sooner than later.. peace..


Did you seeee those purple trichs?!?!?! :jawdrop:
Massive :respect: for both y'r growskills and y'r photography skills!!
Looks like your harvest is gonna be bountifull for shure!! :D
If I ever get a backgarden of me own with enough growing room i'm gonna try that layering trick too, or maybe i'm gonna try it with pots next OD season :chin:
They look absolutely gorgeous, ya don't have cannaplants, you've got canna bushes
Laterz, Low


Active member
I knew I loved the Task the most.. her flowers match the way she's looked the whole time.. beautiful plant!

Cheers Snap. She's starting to frost up a bit more now :)

Nice Little Garden you got here I love it Neon. Hope the Harvest works out smoothly. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Thanks Brother. The pleasure is all mine :D

Howzit brother..?? Just peeping yer PHAT gurls... They look great nice and healthy.. Wow now the fun has started cant wait to see the blowfish all pumped and full of nuggage... I had to hit ya with some rep be back sooner than later.. peace..


Sack bro, you're too kind as always! I know you like Blowfish, so I grabbed a few more pics with the emphasis on fish earlier to post tonight :D


Did you seeee those purple trichs?!?!?! :jawdrop:
Massive :respect: for both y'r growskills and y'r photography skills!!
Looks like your harvest is gonna be bountifull for shure!! :D
If I ever get a backgarden of me own with enough growing room i'm gonna try that layering trick too, or maybe i'm gonna try it with pots next OD season :chin:
They look absolutely gorgeous, ya don't have cannaplants, you've got canna bushes
Laterz, Low

Thanks Low :)

Yeah, I was wondering if anyone would spot the purple trichs ;)

I'm not sure that they are actually purple... it could well be that the tissue below them is purple or they are reflecting light in a funny way. I'll try to get a few more shots with better magnification in the coming days.

I'll be looking forward to "Low Does Layering". That has a nice ring to it :)

One thing I might recommend doing differently if you do try it, and you have lots of branches like mine - I think I would defiantly trim a few out, leaving only the strongest branches, especially towards the top end of the layered plant.

I should have done it allot earlier. No later than 3 weeks before flower, and even earlier would be better. Same as with the spreading out of the branches by tying them back.

I'm really chuffed to have these lovely bushes anyway :canabis:

Not to mention pleased with the way the weather is turning out... we're having an Indian summer here :woohoo:

We did get a few drops of rain the other night, but hardly enough to wet the soil, and I doubt it did any harm... the first Trainwreck is ready for harvest, so I'll probably take a smaller branch or two in the next couple of days, and leave the rest to beef up a bit for as long as the weather holds.

Thanks for all your support guys! Without you and ICmag to teach me what organic growing is all about, I don't think this grow would have been nearly as successful! :yeahthats


Active member
Pics from earlier

Pics from earlier

Here's the plot from the other side, with Blowfish on the left and Task on the right, and a couple of Trainwreck #2s colas poking up from behind her


Blowfish @ approx. 36 days flower

For some reason one branch (the lowest and largest on her) has started to yellow before the rest of her.

Anyone have any ideas?

Could it be related to her being partially blown over a couple of weeks ago??

Either way, the branch seems to be budding fine so far...






Trainwreck #1 @ approx. 36 days flower

Trainwreck #2 @ approx. 44 days flower




Taskenti @ approx. 42 days flower

Hope to get more shots in the next few days if I get some time :joint: :wave:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? THanx for the xtree pics of the blowfish.. She is gettin thicker every time i see her... Niiice... The TW is starting to put on her frostiness.. All is looking very happy over that way... Sending ya good vibes on the finish... I will be back sooner than later peace..



Active member
Keep those good vibes coming sack. I think it's making the difference!

It's like summer all over again right now... and looking like it will stay that way at least for the moment! :woohoo:

I did get a bit of PM on some of the TW#2 buds, so I took most of one branch, and a couple of other buds on another branch. That was at day 45 flowering, but I think she looks like she could use at least another week for her buds to fatten up. What I took was pretty leafy, but nice n frosty!

Here's a couple of shots of one of the nugs that are now drying





I also tried a little sample I took at day 39 of flower, and I can definitely detect a lemon-fuel undertone when chopping the bud up with scissors although it's not over powering. Even the 39 day samples are so sticky that it's hard to cut them up and the little nugs stick to everything.

The smoke seems smooth and quite sweet, although a little woody, and the hight is fairly strong, up and fairly clear although there is a bit of body there too which you can feel after a few minutes. This weed really puts me in a good mood, music seems sharper... in small doses, this would make great party weed IMO!

I find the high starts off clear after the first few hits, then gradually creeps up for the first 10-15 minutes before leveling off. Following joints top the high up quite nicely too so far. Edit to add: its about an hour later and I'm no longer feeling any effects.

I'll have to do a proper report once the 45 day bud has dried and had a bit of a cure. This early un-cured and perhaps still a little moist sample is really promising though :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
nice macros and nice plants!

that yellowing branch is there something tied round it that is constricting it? or could it be something to do with layering i.e. that branch is or isnt, or is layered into some poor soil?

hope you get them finished



Active member
Thanks Verdant,

The Blowfish was the only plant that wasn't layered, but I did "mound" it (cover the bottom half or so of the plant under the soil surface) at the start.

After the winds a few weeks back that knocked it over, I tied the main stem of the blowfish to help support it, but not the branch!

I think it has to be that a root that was supplying that branch directly, snapped... that branch is right at the base, so it's more than likely that it had it's own root system

It's on the left in this pic from a few weeks back


Just a quick update here today. I've been neglecting my other thread (link in my sig.) in the outdoor forum, so will be posting a full update there in a short while.

The weather could not really have been much better this last week or so, but is set to change in the next day or two. Everything looks like it could do with more time, although Trainwreck #2 is ready, but still needs time to put on some weight.

So I could be in trouble, although there is a small chance that the rain will miss us here.

I've already been finding small spots of PM on some of the buds, but so far only on Trainwreck #2. Everything else seems fine from what I can tell although it is difficult to check many of the bud-sites on the others, either because they are out of reach, or deep within the plant, and I'm not sure that bending branches over to get a look at them at this point would be a good idea!

Anyone care to lend their thoughts on what I should do...

Option 1
Leave them all and pray. It's only one day that rain is forecast, and after that looks like it will be clear for at least another day or two.

Option 2
Take Trainwreck #2 at 53 days (Jojo said 56 is "plenty" I found out after checking my records... perhaps my initial estimate of 45 days was wishful thinking!), and hope most of the rain misses us, or if some does fall, that I don't see any problems with the other girls.

Option 3
Stand by with clippers on hand, and if it starts to rain harvest some or all.

Here's a pic of Trainwreck #2 from yesterday to finish off on a cool note :cool:


You were right Low... it's actually the stalks of the trichs that are going purple. I'll get some more pics in the coming days, but some of the trich-stalks are an amazingly deep purple color :joint:


Active member
just went through the hole grow.
very nice!!!
looks like your gonna be smokin comfortably for a while!


Active member
Thanks sneakin.

If this weather can only hold out for another 10 days...

Either way, I still should get a fair reward for my efforts I think. Not sure if I'll break the 1lb barrier with this grow, but it'll be an improvement on my recent indoor attempts :D


Active member


Here's Trainwreck #2. Or at least, most of her!



I left most of the popcorn to go a bit longer, and maybe fatten up (more likely mold up!).

It's been raining a fair bit over the last day or two, and we are expecting more, so I'll been keeping a close eye out for mold, and chopping if I see any. All I can do is shake the plants, and hope right now...


Active member
Pre-harvest pics

Pre-harvest pics

Greetings all!

The weather here is (not surprisingly) getting wetter and wetter now, and it seems pointless risking the rest of my crop to mold, so I will probably harvest the majority of the buds within the next 24 hours. It's raining every other day, if not more!

The good news is that there is still no PM or bud rot on any of the plants, except for Trainwreck #2 (or what remains of her after most of her was harvested), and that is an almost insignificant amount anyway.

On to the pics...

It's hard to get an overview of the plot due to the way it's tucked into the surrounding vegetation, and without giving too much away, but here is the best I could do. Taken standing on a tree stump :D

Blowfish on the left and Taskenti on the right

I had planned to be able to get between the trenches, but didn't take into account quite how much they would spread out. next time I would leave at least 10 or 12 feet between plants in this kind of size range, if not more. As it is, you couldn't get a Rizla between the two let alone a person ;)

From the other side, here is trench 1 with Trainwreck #1 in the front, and the Taskenti and Blowfish behind it.

Another angle

Blowfish @ approx. 49 days flower





Trainwreck #1 @ approx. 49 days flower

Together with the rain and the weight of her buds/weak stems, most of the colas on her bent over. I should have staked them properly before, but luckily they had only been that way for a handful of hours before I corrected them. As much as possible anyway!





Trench 2

The lower half of Trainwreck #2 @ approx. 58 days flower

Some popcorn :)


Active member
Continued from previous post

Continued from previous post

Taskenti @ approx. 56 days flower





That's all for now. See you on the other side :abduct:

:joint: :D

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