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*(((Matsu Thunder Goo CFL Grow)))*


Just Call me Urkle!!
GreenThumb - I'm not sure if all strains fill in the whole stalk I was wondering the same thing

chuckyoufarley - Here ya go with a update these pics are the start of week 7 of flower

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Well-known member
Thundurkel said:
GreenThumb - I'm not sure if all strains fill in the whole stalk I was wondering the same thing

chuckyoufarley - Here ya go with a update these pics are the start of week 7 of flower

Lookin wonderful Brother....Keep up the Good work... :rasta:

BTW I don't know if anybody told you .....but growin Pot in 20oz Bottles under "Bathroom Lites" just aint Possible....you will only get a gram or so......hehehehe
So everything above that.....I guess you gotta throw away...cuz it's not really there


Do you think the 2 26w 6500k bulbs are necessary? I've seen a lot of grows with those used in veg and the 2700 in flower but not a lot about both. Have you seen any threads where someone has found that spectrum useful in flower?

Thanks a ton!


Just Call me Urkle!!
DrBudGreengenes said:

Lookin wonderful Brother....Keep up the Good work... :rasta:

BTW I don't know if anybody told you .....but growin Pot in 20oz Bottles under "Bathroom Lites" just aint Possible....you will only get a gram or so......hehehehe
So everything above that.....I guess you gotta throw away...cuz it's not really there

I know these damn twist bulbs just don't do shit for me
:muahaha: thanks for stopping by DrBud


Active member
hey now...

hey now...


Hey bro, that's a freakin' beautiful plant! You have been a great inspiration! How many of those do you have, and how big is your grow space? I am thinking about buying a Home Box Clonebox and a 4' 8 bulb T5 Tek Light for about 5,000 lumens per square foot. A little more expensive than your set up, but I have absolutely no building and/or electrical skills.

I was averaging about 3/4 gram per watt with HID, and if I can do that with the T5s I will be very happy. I will probably use a Lifeless Lab for my mom's and clones.

Don't let the haters get you down. I find it hard to believe that the Doc will get 2 gpw with his system, but I don't doubt for a second that 1 gpw is very possible. And you know what, that's a beautiful thing in my book. In light of this, I find it hard to understand why certain peeps around here are not only negative, but downright rude. Have you ever noticed that these sort of attitudes and actions seem to go hand-in-hand with paradigm shifts...?


PS - A link to info about the Home Box Clonebox. Let me know what ya' think please.

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Jackpackage: isn't light light? regardless of spectrum? I'm asking not telling, but I always thought that red spectrum was ideal for bloom, and blue for veg, but that a plant will still grow under a red spectrum, maybe with more stretch, and still bloom in blue spectrum, maybe just not as well as it could with red.


BTW Thunderk, plants look great, do you cut the side shutes off or something> it doesn't seem very branchy compared to what i've seen?
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Illadelph said:
Jackpackage: isn't light light? regardless of spectrum? I'm asking not telling, but I always thought that red spectrum was ideal for bloom, and blue for veg, but that a plant will still grow under a red spectrum, maybe with more stretch, and still bloom in blue spectrum, maybe just not as well as it could with red.


I was asking too. I thought maybe he had tip to give me with the cfl's. When it comes to lighting knowledge I'm JackShit not JackPackage...lol :jump:

I was thinking it would be something like it needs both spectrum's etc. I've since read a lot of posts about the MH/HPS bulbs that are coming out so I'm thinking that maybe both spectrums might be of benefit if the bulb companies think so.... I dunno.... I've been smoke kif.

Just was wondering.


Okay, first off, Layer Cake is a great F'n movie.

second, tell me about these new bulbs they are coming out with? A CFL that is MH or HPS? or a HPS or MH bulb that fits in a regular socket?
First off let me clear up the posts above me. Although plants prefer a specific spectrum for each stage you can use either. Ive seen people veg with hps and flower with MH with good results. Recently people have realized thats plants do better with a fuller spectrum. As far as a CFL MH/HPS i think you misread. They make HPS/MH bulbs, but they still need a ballasts.

Now to you sir, very nice plantlets, the no waste method seems to be the way to go with cfls