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Jamaldelika and Banghi Haze in the open


Well-known member
Orfeas, U all good?
I heard there was an earthquake in the Aegean sea area, hopefully no trouble for locals.

Maybe it was the roots of your plants searching for space between the tectonic plates:D


Active member
Orfeas, U all good?
I heard there was an earthquake in the Aegean sea area, hopefully no trouble for locals.

Maybe it was the roots of your plants searching for space between the tectonic plates:D

Worry not, mate! Everything's fine, thanks for your concern!
I felt the shaking alright, my daughter was shit scared though.
Limnos suffered minor damage only.

I've grown quite accustomed to earthshaking for we're sitting right above the Anatolia gap...



Active member
Bangi time, folks!
They seem to have taken off with the warmer days/nights. If only they weren't that bashful to show their sex, but surely it won't be long.
The one in the 2nd pic is the shortest, branchiest, stockiest.

Hey, nibelungen, thanks for caring!:biggrin:



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Active member

germed six Jamaldelicas, one didn't make it, five have been thriving!
Now I was hoping to get a male but I was only beating on a dead horse!
So, five plants, five females!
Hey, Dubi, did you mix up my order with fem seeds?:biggrin:

The spot has been definitely rearranged with a few digging ups and transplants. I had to decide which of the two smaller ones would stay and eventually the Thai leaning was the choice.
The other three had to be given away...
The big one keeps suprising me with its arithmetic progression growth.
She seems to gain 5 cm a day!


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its hard i know, but can you do me a big favour?
Can you place a stone in the middle of the lowest sidebranch, so it touches the ground underneath the stone?

I will contribute a Z#1 clone for you, you can tell me whatever you want me to do with her. in or outdoor.

'longrangepussycontrol' .



Well-known member
Disappointed by no males, I like your thinking! Good to see you off to a strong start. Your Bangi Hazes look like my Bangi Hazes. Growing fast and kicking ass. Glad I started most of my pack. If they finish like they should they'll be huge but early and mold free.
My 5 g's are getting huge. A Yellow one is really branchy I'm excited.
The seeds I got from Mendocino last year look good especially the purple LUI. Might have to start tying stuff down they're already up to my armpits.


Active member

its hard i know, but can you do me a big favour?
Can you place a stone in the middle of the lowest sidebranch, so it touches the ground underneath the stone?

I will contribute a Z#1 clone for you, you can tell me whatever you want me to do with her. in or outdoor.

'longrangepussycontrol' .


Hey, Ruedy!
I' m off terribly sorry for not being able to strike the deal and doing you a big favour! It would be one too many, if not two.
By the way, I am fairly familiar with vines;) and layering since I am a country mouse not a city one:biggrin:
However, I appreciate your suggestion!


Active member
Disappointed by no males, I like your thinking! Good to see you off to a strong start. Your Bangi Hazes look like my Bangi Hazes. Growing fast and kicking ass. Glad I started most of my pack. If they finish like they should they'll be huge but early and mold free.
My 5 g's are getting huge. A Yellow one is really branchy I'm excited.
The seeds I got from Mendocino last year look good especially the purple LUI. Might have to start tying stuff down they're already up to my armpits.

Hello, stranger!:)
Nice to hear from you again and real glad that your BH and 5g are steaming ahead.
Armpit height, aye? I know! It seems as if imminent "troubles" are just ahead but we can manage, can't we?


no problem spartan:biggrin:;)

i was just intrested in her layering abilities, your dead on.



Active member
Shyness is over and the first hair is there!
I've got two girls so far, I want no more.
The small one in the middle (previous update) had to be culled due to lack of space.

The weather has been rainy and cold for the last couple of days but at this stage the plants mind neither rain nor cold:biggrin:

Dubi said they can grow up to 180 cm but the tallest one is already at 102 cm and I had to top her for the height is restricted to 200 cm



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ACE Seeds Breeder

germed six Jamaldelicas, one didn't make it, five have been thriving!
Now I was hoping to get a male but I was only beating on a dead horse!
So, five plants, five females!
Hey, Dubi, did you mix up my order with fem seeds?:biggrin:

The spot has been definitely rearranged with a few digging ups and transplants. I had to decide which of the two smaller ones would stay and eventually the Thai leaning was the choice.
The other three had to be given away...
The big one keeps suprising me with its arithmetic progression growth.
She seems to gain 5 cm a day!

heheheh i don't think so, they were standard seeds for sure, but Zamaldelica has a high female ratio, especially if they feel happy :)

What a difference in growth for the past days, you are giving them great attentions and they are also enjoying a lot their outdoor location.


Funny you should talk about yellowgreen ones?
I moved my Banghis around a bit and I thought that there were two greener ones and three yellowish ones.
Well, I thought, it must be that others were a bit in shade...
And now you are saying that there is actually some yellow ones ;)

Im not mad... at all then?


Well-known member
Funny you should talk about yellowgreen ones?
I moved my Banghis around a bit and I thought that there were two greener ones and three yellowish ones.
Well, I thought, it must be that others were a bit in shade...
And now you are saying that there is actually some yellow ones ;)

Im not mad... at all then?


Hi Scai. "Im not mad... at all then?" I don't know about that, but I have one Bangi Haze that looks glaucous, like opium poppy leaves, but with the bright sunlight behind me, glows a lemon yellow/green color. It also has a peppery aroma that I don't detect in the others. It is the one that has not shown its gender yet. Looks more like the Haze and/or Congo side, I would speculate. I don't care if it is male, I'm going to get a cutting from that one, and seeds from all of them.



The yellow is good then ;) Okay, today I'm going to inspect them again ;)
See if leafpattern is any different.
Those five are quite even, grow jut the same way.Very steady cross.


Active member
The yellow is good then ;) Okay, today I'm going to inspect them again ;)
See if leafpattern is any different.
Those five are quite even, grow jut the same way.Very steady cross.

Hey, scai, I lost you there with yellow and green...
Who's been talking about yellow?



Active member
I have always opted for first-hand learning and after having had second thoughts, I did Ruediger the favour...

As for you, Herr Ruediger, you will have to make do with second-hand learning:biggrin:

I can't help feeling amazed with the lady's growth. Side branches length 75 cm.
First measure to manipulating it pinching her top off. Bending her sideways is what will follow up.
How I wish I didn't have that height restriction!


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Well-known member
orfeas, what is supose to happen with the branch you've pot the rock ok? Care to explain? :)
best vibes


Active member
orfeas, what is supose to happen with the branch you've pot the rock ok? Care to explain? :)
best vibes

Hi, Bleiweis!

This is an old fashioned way to clone called layering.
In a couple of weeks I will know how cannabis reacts to layering:biggrin:
