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Short term trades in the stock market •$$$$$•


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It was good weekend. Found a guy that actually had some really nice homegrown considering the area I live in. Really nice stuff and a good variety. I'm shocked and pleasantly surprised. I'm going to eventually get a micro grow going, but this hookup will bide me some good time. Just smoked a joint of Sour Diesel. I've had better, but outstanding none the less. Enjoyed with nice Syrah from Oregon.

Stay Frosty.


anyway, back to making soap. gl & stay frosty,

This ponzi is fucked. I have my few measly pounds of metals. But as you pointed out the best investment for all this is securable sustainable living property. May I be so lucky to work after oil shits the bed. I will be able to eat though.

You don't have to run faster than the bear. You just have beat the other guys.

but if there's disinflation hitting & 2nd recession then metals wont protect you.
This is correct. You can't eat silver.

Man , this whole thing is an education in global economics you could not get studying for 10yrs at Harvard ..happening right here before our eyes.
History in the making my friend.

Greenspan: “We Can Always Print Money”
Greenspan and Bernanke, destroyers of worlds. Fools think there are no consequences to their actions. The Wiemar Welfare State end game redux. We all know what happened after that. We've been here before maybe not quite on this scale.

Looks like there were all kind of "crisis" meetings this weekend. The G7 just came out of the closet and said they will stabilize all markets. :thinking: Not like the market hasn't been completely centrally controlled for ages. This just the coming out party. Disgustingly trying to put the "CON" back into confidence. The ultimate ponzi pep talk.

So, let's have one big last bailout bonanza hurrah. This time it's really going to work. :thinking: History has frowned upon this logic before and seems about to do so again. Welcome to the biggest ponzi party in history. It's goings to be a wild one.

Highlights From G-7 Statement Which Basically Says That The Plunge Protection Team Just Went Global
Highlights from the just released G-7 statement:

- G7 Says Will Take Every Action to Stabilize Financial Markets
- G7 says it will commit to secure liquidity in market
- G7 will cooperate closely on currency market actions
- G7 says it will be in close contact next few weeks
- G7 says disorderly moves in markets hurt economy
- G7 says currency rates should be decided by markets
- But the winning bullet point of the year is...

- G7 says currency rates should be decided by markets

As the G7 commences the biggest market intervention in history to prevent the final Ponzi unwind...

Cognitive Dissonance.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
watching the s&p futures fall through 1200 last thursday was epic, no support at all, its like it wasn't even there. Usually big round numbers are targets of support and resistance and 1200 is a big round number. I wouldn't be suprised if we hit 1100 before the weeks out.


Active member
although i dont invest and indulge in the semantics of the market, ive gotten a solid foundation on economics thanks to you guys, and ron paul's statments.
free market is the way to go and the rest is a scam simple enough if you want to be in control of your destiney.
thanks everyone.
and i hope everyone comes out the other end just fine.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Here it is from the MSM media source. The ponzi veneer gets thinner and thinner. When a system based on "Con"fidence loses faith in the con, the dislocation is usually pretty epic and at the time probably thought of as spontaneous, but whose end had very deep roots.

G-7 seeks to calm market’s debt jitters MarketWatch
By Greg Robb, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The Group of Seven leading economies said Sunday that it was ready to respond as needed to market tensions over concerns the U.S. and Europe can’t handle the debt burdens they took on to ease the global financial crisis.

“We are committed to taking coordinated action where needed, to ensuring liquidity, and to supporting financial market functioning, financial stability and economic growth,” the statement from the G-7 finance ministers and central bankers said.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Asia is getting crushed. US futures are getting crushed -264 on DJIA. Hold onto your panties ladies.

Why The ECB's Monetization Is Doomed In One Simple Chart
By now every Zero Hedge reader should be familiar with the two step process that is supposed to rescue Europe. First, the ECB will do more of the same whereby its SMP program will purchase billions in bonds, this time Italian and Spanish (after it already tried the same with Greek, Irish and Portuguese bonds) for temporary stabilization. Then, the EFSF will take over, and acquire up to the entire outstanding debt of all the PIIGS and whoever else afterward, with Germany ultimately footing the bill following the French downgrade from AAA which would make it an ineligible funder (and, hence, shortly thereafter: a drain). Well, the ECB is already pregnant to the tune of €74 billion. And shortly, this number will likely double, and taper out there in advance of the EFSF launch in 2 months. Yet as Bloomberg's Michael McDonough demonstrates, the current ECB intervention has been nothing short of an abysmal disaster, with the ECB spending the abovementioned amount only to see average 10 Year peripheral rates double over the same time period. Alas, this is precisely what the chart will show once the SMP resumes and another €150 billion in worthless Italian and Spanish bonds is purchased (yes, none of our Centrally Planned leaders still get that IT.IS.ALL.ABOUT.CASH.FLOWS.... and far more importantly the lack thereof). Net result, spreads will likely double yet again, at which point Germany will say enough as the risk of cumulative 100% loss becomes non-trivial and the potential loss of up to 133% of its GDP forces Germany to close the curtains on the euro experiment. So prepare for a rip in bond yields tomorrow morning as the ECB goes hog-wild in secondary markets, only to be followed by a bleed wider in spreads first slowly, and then very, very fast.



Active member
Whew Wee !

Yup..Futures are showing Dow down 268...but check this out.Gold closed at $1663 Friday...Guess what it is now...$1714..Looks to hit $1720 soon.Now that's a big Jump !

Booyah !! :dance013: SKF is Definitively a good buy when money is a problem.Money has been a problem since 2007 When SKF hit $250 and 1:4 split.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Down ~2% at opening. Another bloodbath. Rest of the day should be fun. Will the unicorns come to the rescue or not?

The Bear Market Party Welcomes Germany, Europe, Which Join China In The "20% Correction" Table
Last night it was the world growth dynamo (China), now it's Europe's growth dynamo (Germany): DAX (and STOXX) both enter bear market territory (20% correction) following the Shanghai Composite. The entire world is on its way to the 25% correction we said is inevitable before QE3 is started.




Active member
wow...honestly don't know what to do. glad i just bought 2 heated greenhouses. i have land, a little gold, and lots of seeds(cannabis and veggie). now all i need are some guns to hunt. heh.

but seriously, what do you all think we are we looking at here in terms of our economic future? and our future in general? the best? the worst? just want to see what you all think..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Financials are getting raped. Bank of America Country Lynch is imploding. Glad I got the rest of my money out. Feels like 2008 all over again except this time there is no more backstop. Not to say that the insolvent fascist zombie banking sector isn't going to demand more money from the taxpayer slaves though.

Here Comes TARP 2: Bank Of America Implodes, At $6.87, BAC CDS Up 20% To 260 bps As Bankruptcy Contemplated

With Bank of America investors finally realizing it is game over for the company as a going concern, at this point there are just two options for Brian Moynihan: the spin off of CFC as a bad bank, backstopped by the Fed, or, well, Chapter 11, which for a bank is essentially liquidation (and with CDS trading up 50 bps to 260 a bankruptcy seems increasingly inevitable). It also means that another TARP is on the way. And once America realizes that another several trillion have to be put into its insolvent banking sector, it will get quite violent. The biggest irony: it is AIG which takes down the financial system for the second time after its lawsuit against BAC filed last night kills Bank of America.


Zen Master

holy shit gramps whered you get that shoreline?!!!!

I got a buddy who's family has been growin that strain for years, I keep meaning to get a cutting but its not exactly the most weed friendly road trip.

I'm thinkin its gonna be a roller coaster week.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
BAC has been a sinking ship for 4 years now, it was trading at $50/share in 2007.

They got stuck with all the foreclosed houses that sunk the other mortgage companies that went under.

The iD

what a fukin slaughter. lol, AIG just sank BofA. FAZ +14%. VXX hit 34. anyone w/ a BAC checking account might want to take delivery of their paper. MS and C next. all i can do is toss on calls to protect profits from the inevitable central planner market intervention and subsequent pop, which i will short.

what was the economic future of ancient Rome after it collapsed? or of the Weimar Republic? best case: you live to see the sun rise tomorrow, just as always. worst: you dont. there has never been a collapse of this scale in the history of man. 6Bil people are about to be shook awake from their cognitive coma. hunger and joblessness have been doing it to the 3rd world for years, spreading recently. only a matter of time before its here. and we have a greater ways to fall. syrians are used to utter shit, AAmericans... not so much. upside is fairly limited, only bandaids on a decapitated corpse.

firearms are a wise investment. stay frosty,



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
wow...honestly don't know what to do. glad i just bought 2 heated greenhouses. i have land, a little gold, and lots of seeds(cannabis and veggie). now all i need are some guns to hunt. heh.

but seriously, what do you all think we are we looking at here in terms of our economic future? and our future in general? the best? the worst? just want to see what you all think..
You are good to go. Better off than 95% of the other people.

I think best case scenario is the market collapses again, but this time stays down and the free market is allowed to find equilibrium and real price discovery. People will lose faith in paper securities and after enough printing fiat money in general. Everyone tied into the stock market through 401K, pensions, fixed income, will be wiped out. Life savings will be completely wiped out. The middle and lower classes will be sent into abject poverty instantly. The very elite will be sufficiently buffered. Very much like the first great depression, but on a much bigger scale this time around. The government will go belly up. The government will still continue to operate on some level. Just as we have a zombie banking system now. There may be some form of zombie government. Entitlement obligations will not be met though. The dependent class will be the hardest hit IMO. In the best case scenario we figure out a new monetary and governing system quickly and all the old money masters are either tried for crimes against humanity or just taken to the gallows and slaughtered like the pigs they are.

Worst case scenario. Global Civil War.

holy shit gramps whered you get that shoreline?!!!!
I was shocked that this guy had such a nice selection. I can't say that it's all the real deal, but it seems like. Certainly is fantastic smoke for down here.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
what was the economic future of ancient Rome after it collapsed? or of the Weimar Republic? best case: you live to see the sun rise tomorrow, just as always. worst: you dont.

firearms are a wise investment. stay frosty,

That's the long and short of it right there. :joint:


Volume has tapered off today and seems to be slowing down now. I was figuring any last weak holders would dump and run after thinking about things for the weekend.

Made a few hundred % on the QQQ puts and cashed in.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
JP Moron just put out a release saying they see gold at $2,500 by the end of the year on high volatility.

I'm kind of in a brass buying mood today myself.

The telepromter is giving a ponzi pep talk today too.
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