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Is It Me Or Does Modern Soceity Suck ?


Active member
I walk along a tropical beach most days ,
All my life ive done what i want growing weed not payed tax and ive done time for it .
When i look at normal society i think what a bunch of piss bags .
liars, cheats ,informers ,adulterers,tax payers.

How i see it make a stand,fuck your laws. no surrender
or shut up.
whinging squeeking tax payers.


yes only the strong survive
and into todays 'material world' greed and power are strength

because having all the power and being greedy with it causes wars for more power..

Americas always been number1 modern society always greedy no the rest of the world is fucked because they try to follow are fucked example of what good is.. money on my mental,

but also, Money=convenience:biggrin:

russia give me afgan k. cold war end of ussr we need to show we can play war dudes.. america undercover balls to lets get these future.. terrorist supplyed.. wait wtf backstabb us

LIKE HITLER THE WORST RIGHT? BSd red army history jSTALIN fucked up systems are fucked up america survived right? then what occupy power then germany switched flags and russia V usa ensued.

MODERN ERA today..right iraq/afgan you see think about the good. the power is out there its not going anywhere acquire it over time(item,land type power) or knowledge of good and evil!!+ learn from mistakes.

america shit to much greed yo we gonna be fucked soon future fucked... so war we get the dude and there oils we good dont have to open the reserves yet...hmm think lets change into something worse. then now. more oppressive to the worlds population.

you can talk about anything

lets discuss important and beneficial solution to current and future problem we know of and solve them together through debate of facts. rinse and repeat

if it doesnt work try again..dont give up no really you cant. put less energy if needed but focus on important area first. leave the bs to lazy people. they will live but will they thrive? does a weak lighted plant reach in full potential?
does it have the will inside always to reach it. yes because its a plant it has evolve without emotion, will it give up. when its dead. still energy but not alive not enough to continue.

it just goes through the motions of life trying its best with what its given
by the earth!/ humans

it has no thinking about problem and solution mind it adapts to what is happening around it... we need to learn from this energy it seems to have traveled all around the world into many people home, even this site. but has it killed any1 yet, no! started war no, hurt people, yes jail time etc

it evolved into a 'drug' regulated like this illegal anything that it residue on. it didnt evolve in a medicine
not yet at least totally. they dont understand yet, people in power still dont get it

they half did revolting from england but now greed is the takeover, as greedy kings wanting taxes from america to fund WAR did before..


history repeats itselfs

ever this before..im sure

why was it said if it is false? only so many scenarios can happen will they involve war or understanding and yes sometimes if you want sharing. smoke people out


why has usa survived this long..POWER=influence most people are starting to hate modern usa and already do so. terror think people will it stop
or evolve worse like is has forever!! kill osama i say, so what u kill him wtf now die
has there ever been true peaceand understanding among the different peoples

adam and eve ate that dam apple!!!!!! end this
are basics for life set to this: doing evil to achieve good in ones life
self fish
she gave him that fruit she knew about it right poison boom clap remix lol right? the root the seed to madness religion(the ulimate energy) ever lasting power)go strap the bomb and kill people 1 virgin per kill? ------or energy? lol

energy caption how to make one lol because energy caption are made of energy and you used energy to type all this info.


Active member
never seen anything like that wow, have seen some wild shit! seen my uncle take his middle finger and put it straight threw this fellas eyes and popped the sound of it today still makes me squemish, dont fuck with nobodys wife

did he get charged and go to jail ?


so cuttings grow faster right
better results faster time for money more smoke

so seeds take their time but have the ability to be able to create cuttings

so the plant is flowered fully boom! reveg that shit looks freaky i dont want to see that it may catch up though in time... dude im 12/12 from seed always flowering!!! taking cuts popping seeds life energy
ya america= like 24/0 beasting some bumps but keep on growing massive then hit the lights, see the light? breathe.. your fucked now reveg k, 18/6 lol relax, focus, 12/12 fruit! create seeds-life-
u need to mix global world. strains everywhere. evolving to their best potential. healthy and good energy(knowledge) upwards into the sky-- NASA spacerocket ship. the future.. the final frontier, lol wtf


ENERGY caption



in the 60 years I've been here I've seen a change
used to be a mans word and honor meant something
now it seems the only thing that matters is what you have
how you got it doesn't matter only that you got it
this is why we have the best liar's and crooks running things


lol sleep how long can one withstand without a dark period lol hmm more hash more energy!
or, energy drink, im energy drunk on red bull

DARK ages right

remember dont over feed the plant it may get really fat and die. its possible, but it may become very weak struggle possibly to reproduce but without enough ENERGY it will suffer progress certain to delay. 3rd world shit. figure out WHY is simple. now smart people go out put energy into GOOD ideas to save energy,, make it better

fed just right perfect flowers but not dead.. but monetizing DEBT that is a double negative. right. lol think positive. feed the small area with much light what they need to start to flourish.. the top growth can transfer energy and help it. it alway will, until it can no more then start to go down.

how many ups and down.. how many mistakes before we at least set the path for goodness here. we are in a hole a mile deep and foot wide

is there light up there energy to see. no just debt and work to be done a energy surplus never. always thinking about problems.. solving them correctly the right way because it is the true way. the way on earth, how it is now the way thing react to current conditions. people weather etc.. change come from hope that someday in all this mess something good will come......religion was the start to all this right, europeans, rome fighting holy warrior, land, middle east why are they doomed first look you see they were mess before jesus, well he came and we killed him god! the reason for this ENERGY right, so

ENERGY=LIFE, religion=time+energy and ENERGY YES ALL BEING IS EFFORT+time

so it should be effort+time=energy. the more effort good effort, more
time i forever right so is energy
if energy stop at big bang thats it right, no spiritual expansiveness.
if it stop with a god who is forever powerful and remember Only god and judge, if religious.good/bad choices. yours to live for at the gate of heaven. can i get in..
if not then forget what everyone thinks do you anyhow.

there is something or there isnt something so take a look, open your eye there is omething what else create all energy- A GOD DOES religion. part of life for sure forever! god=forever energy maybe this good and evil theory is trash but the basic are there to support it,,

GOD=FOREVER ENERGY, even regular energy is forever, black holes wtf theyre massive suck everything inwards gone. victim of energy

My final reply here

when making qw iso hash 91%, you want that extra bit of liquid soaked up in the herb.. right? while coffee straining it. they was much herb the rubbing alcohol got into my hands while making it, soaked in like rubbing alcohol does., did 3 rinses with 7gram.. so would this thc infused substance contribute to ones high?

im talking before the hash was dry in front of fan steps


your mindset did it not evolve could you crawl before walking

do you want the fruit first or built healthy supports. do you know when to stop harvest and repeat for the good,

stop the war wtf

where is the iraq/afgan thred

what are we still doing over there sweating. its bad. let them fight among them selves. we know this: terror is worldwide, the sun always light where a terrorist is present. ENERGY. this movement has energy bad energy

is your sacrifice(YOU ENERGY) worth it to help every future generation become less evil better conditions for all progress right. think about progress let go

this global terrorism i believe is the last step to the delay of human progress.. really, living in fear of doing anything,, anybody could be bomb armed.. racism ok here we go again!

RACISM dont talk about it please
profile them muslim right
probability so good energy go into into bad, more of less, fight! help the war on evil all around. think positive , try always

may let us teach future generation of humans we can help each other work together, religion yes but respect the diversity, respect because it is good for progress

progress- not going backwards.. which backwards-bad energy

why vote? for anyone. go off grid then

is the sacrifice YOUR ENERGY!! of your current situation worth helping EVERY future generation to get out of this mess now that we have much built up energy to work with(technology)

remember start small thing grow always living thing atleast that contain ENERGY

emotion is energy hate is a waste. kill the haters then right lol


wait for it..

why is the us not using metric wtf convenient for who

it goes by 10s right.. explain this why is our sys tem' better' more efficient then 10s the most effiecnt there all the proof. peace

the rest of the world understands this fact metric

,get with life.. save dont be lazy, occupy time wisely but dont think about time always you go crazy, think using mental energy, what works, what always has, what have we survived on for so long.. not violence not hate. survival is dictating by time spent alive? so we always work good has come we didnt fuck up to bad yet. remember the nuclear weaponry any1?

mental energy= easy limitless?

physical=hard work, more working energy but at what cost please UNLEASH THE ROBOTS NOW WE NEED HELP, i spend 10k on this shirt the thing aint worth a mofo. you want it? dude ill put around your neck.. take your head energy from you, your thoughts i eat for energy your my knowledge my energy now

When the energy of a nuke was required to end the last major WORLD conclit, look at the results who the f dropped the bomb usa. u done wasted alot of energy then, many dead, war at it WORST in HISTORY 2012 wtf i dont think but look $blockmovie made from this theory of 2012$ right.
join the army there your job... fight for debt
so iwas , really smoke myself silly get set straight. long hair still intact they deny me after MEPS after TAKING OATH TO OBEY THE PRESIDENT OF USA,then guess what continued...


so ya pick a job i forgot wat the code was for job.. it was sea base watercraft something
got 20k singing bonus.. this was in 207 before OBAMA..just approved 30k more troop right campainged on ending the war really people? stopping the madness pulling out atleast so

so they deny me by postal letter a month or so later. because THC.
why wtf THC in me how can that be

so im going out of town for shit to do right. drink alot of water during this 45DAYS i smoked alot, alot in my sytem i guess, weed stays in u for long must be good somehow right?antidepressant value, who will kno its illegal.

they said well come to MEP on this bus tnoght, spend at hotel morning you will go check in right. Get check out you ok, physically, BLOOD TEST they got me here i think, no hair test. touch my balls,lol
o and wait for 3 hour so doc colonel can return from lunch. staring alone at the wall in a plastic seat no tv no1 around, asking hey is he coming back, just wait man its your last step in the process

all this 2 days wasted for nothing at MEPS, MEPS is where u go to get ready..
i was army reserves, private e2 they say.. well get ready drink mad water , they gave me like 5 drug test 1 each week for over month to test clean, well the dam thc is persistent really..

so sergeant is in need of sleep overwork energy.. he tell me that if they dont meet quote wash dc area burbs is hard to meet because its mainly rich kids wont join go to college(my choice now part time) knowledge!

right? so hard to meet quota of troop enlistment in this area right.. well they do extra paper work big deal dude. you also said you make 80k a year and drive gov vehicle for free i wanted to say. chill they really bust ass they need soldiers now were at war!

so dude say ya drink drink pis test piss test repeat many time that day i was going to hotel, signing myLIFE away which i signed and it was void cause of bs right.

so the keep sending my info on my stats, how much $ ive made CHARGING TAXES AND HEALTH FEES stuff.. REMEMBER MEMORIES COMPUTERS MODERN DAY ERA they got my figure print digitally to, try to get me to talk with fbo they had a fed badge, wtf like fbi who is fbo because i never bothered to look up, well meet up with.. continue on bump..

you MAIL ME POST OFFICE who are failing oldest proven way to send communications about my fail because i had a .001% of hemp left in me really dont remember tru amount under 1%, got all this bs somewhere paper work.

well guess what sergeant i wasnt ok why because it on my RECORD FOR LIFE.. but wait theres more to the failing

+2k for eachfriend you join with , go to boot camp together!
yes defense should be good now right, stop progress aliens coming whe need laser pistols


some words changed because i dont want to look for paperworks and such

... ya so

they also with my folder of stacked papers..

guess what there were many paper so many i never really examine each one they look like copies.. turns out they were

dude put someelse info in with my packet. I gave him my pack he drove to meps, i took a bus with other recruits. i met him there and got my packet

some im at home with some1 else ss#, address all info! what do i do, destroy it, no use for it

and after month of receiving false documents from my fort commander to be about pay, and fees i had incurred during my career as a solider. they finally stopped after i faxed them the paper saying i was unable to try to apply for 45 days because of drugs THC ( along with drugs treatment lists of ten places in my area to get help) fuck that letter lol

So my story i believe i proof to me as this is fact from memories and some documented the whole system of life and the american government as a whole NEEDS TO GET ORGANIZED

are you so wealthy you cant even count all your money. can you count the wealth of a person based on his $. wtf energizer bunny them


modern society is absolute garbage if you ask me. of course having the internet and whatever else technological device that helps us get through in these days is great... but those things mean little when there are bigger fish to fry here...
our constitution has been shred to pieces, we are slowly but surely losing our freedoms, a group of the richest, most evil people in the world are deciding our fates, and the sheeple just seem to keep flocking right towards the edge of that cliff. its time people wake up, because the way things ARE going, shit is about to royally hit the fan. and its sad that with all these technological devices in these modern times, sheeple still havent figured it out yet. and people are worried about how you look, what you drive, what nice things you own, how hot your girl/guy is, what obamas wife is wearing, tiger woods sex scandal, you name it, i could go on and on. its absolutely ridiculous. void filler nonsense.


dude wanna still join he calls me,
no is say other option seems better for me i say, lol bi fornow forever?

so this fbo lady, ask me with pen and paper in hand! prewritten by hand computers but some people like writing(use it or lose it right) keep nice handwriting forms..
so this lady..

Acapulco gold,marijauan, cannabis, like , many funky government 70s names for weed what have u smoke?

i replied "i smoke flowers" she wrote that down.. good record that last quote but remember to include these "" symbols for use, i thought lol, really

where did you smoke? with how many people? out/inside...

and the government for ya,., my fav

where did you get it/ who sold it to you she asked me...for reals.."cant remember"

the sergeant said and lied, im a fault to for going with it in HOPE of joining. but he put i wasnt with thc in my system so when this shit happened i knew he bsed me..

but same time he probably got punished or something maybe he lied for sending a positive fully 'ready' recruit to MEPS
do your dam job. get off the laptop at work, what the sergeant major doing in there in his office with the door close always?? wheres the supervisor doing at his rank

does his sergeant fail because of stress to recruit, does the army only get recruits, mayb i was think this at the time (because of the $20k)
ya a wall at the office a collage with faceshots, army facebook,,,

of all the people who got 20k-35k sometimes on recruit had 36k, serg said the highest at that office
bonus. for signing up pay to you, they told me a MEPS if you complete basic training and job training, i think it was 9 weeks for basic, 5 for job, 14 total i think.. payable if your base commander thinks youve proven yourself the worthy new solider private.

but wasnt the sacrifice of joining the brutes the war fighters to help defend against terror. has the terror stopped, being at war with middle east countries

is war necessary, are there other ways to 'stabilized the region' at least keep violence down . terrors is nuts over there wtf.. to far gone? think