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Is It Me Or Does Modern Soceity Suck ?


Active member
There are both pros and cons to living in the past. I'll take the present, modern time, thank you very much.

If you lived in the past - - -

Everybody was probably smelly as hell, they hardly took showers and things such as deodorants did not exist. Can you imagine going down on some chick, and she probably smelled like 3 week old rotten, decaying sardines? Puke.....

There was no internet, no tv, no phones - no nothing....Entertainment probably consisted of molesting barnyard animals in their spare time.

Science and the medical profession in general was very ignorant and you could die from the smallest disease or infection.

There was no ICmag or exchange of information in the past, and no way to easily gain and share vast amounts of knowledge. Everybody here would be many times more clueless about many subjects had they lived in the past.

There's many more reasons to not live in the past, but for me at least, there's no doubt that I am happy to be living in our current times and not in the past.

100 years from now, people will no doubt be saying the same thing about us.


Active member
The vast modern improvements I was thinking what a great time to be watching and learning technology is 1975-2010

The age of computers and 1 inch flat screen HDTV ..

The most impressive thing when I first got high and thought about the universe with a buddy was.. How fast a engine valve would open and close 3000-6000 times a second.

Did you know Ron Jeremy was on Candid Camera as a 13-14 year old because he was part of a prank...He was probably set soon as he turned 18 to be a porn star.Looks didn't matter..only the woman does.


recap.. there has always been bad in society, forever will. and about cars why drive a nice ride? why not? time=money for working people, work=time=money. For the rest taking money, so much for themselves. you cant take anything with you!when your gone.. you want something get up and work. Enjoy your life. your not an ant. a bird (but can fly) a useless being. technology make life better it's the people who use it badly. peace sign is a trigger with a middle finger.:smokeit:
with all the connections thses day. even just in America. think. overall outlook can be good orbad depending on what your current situation is. DO YOU.


cannabis enthusiast
Ah yes....the fascism of beauty.....has been perpetrated since time began methinks?

....and it's all linked to the sexual desires of the masses....if you are attractive usually you go further in life.....sad but true....(mind you not in all instances)

its not what ya look like bud its how you compose yourself and act, to me i dont care what a person looks like. if my ex's attitude was good as her looks she would still be living with me. my gal is beautiful but her actions speak more than words can say, to me she is a model a few members here can attest to her beauty but other than her looks they enjoy talking to her and rather than calling me they call her when times are tuff and things arent right.......if you think model and see farrah faucet ya better pull yer head outta yer ass
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Active member
Doesn't matter how you look, you will never be as awesome as this guy.


Well-known member
I was able I discovered our modern society is based purely on one thing, looks.

I disagree.

The most successful & powerful people in the world are not what most would considered to be "good-looking" people.

Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, T.Boone Pickens, Indrajit Gupta, Eli Broad, Hu Shuli, Kim Jong II, Angela Merkel, Warren Buffett, Hu Jintao, Pope Benedict XVI, just to name a few.

The music industry however is another thing.

I will agree with you that looks do over-ride talent when it come to the music business today.

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Active member
great picture

living in this society is harsh

are you worth something or not ?

it depends on you
I guess you have to find your worth

but yeah it's a violent world

I think what happened is you started worrying that you weren't good enough?

this is sort of a depressing thread

one thing's for sure
i'm gonna trying to live this life like i will die the next day

best thing

also I think you guys are giving too much power to women and big penises

a big penis isn't everything

if your average sized you can compensate by knowing how to treat a woman right

i'm pretty sure most girls don't like sissies tho
tho i'm sure some might like them



ICMag Donor
Everybody was probably smelly as hell, they hardly took showers and things such as deodorants did not exist. Can you imagine going down on some chick, and she probably smelled like 3 week old rotten, decaying sardines? Puke.....

Sounds like modern day Nuneaton and parts of Norfolk .........


Garden Nymph
There are both pros and cons to living in the past. I'll take the present, modern time, thank you very much.

If you lived in the past - - -

Everybody was probably smelly as hell, they hardly took showers and things such as deodorants did not exist. Can you imagine going down on some chick, and she probably smelled like 3 week old rotten, decaying sardines? Puke.....

There was no internet, no tv, no phones - no nothing....Entertainment probably consisted of molesting barnyard animals in their spare time.

Science and the medical profession in general was very ignorant and you could die from the smallest disease or infection.

There was no ICmag or exchange of information in the past, and no way to easily gain and share vast amounts of knowledge. Everybody here would be many times more clueless about many subjects had they lived in the past.

There's many more reasons to not live in the past, but for me at least, there's no doubt that I am happy to be living in our current times and not in the past.

100 years from now, people will no doubt be saying the same thing about us.

If you lived that far in the past, you wouldn't be missing those things because you wouldn't know their existence. You'd probably spend your free time growing marijuana legally, or maybe just having some outdoor fun, etc. etc.


Take A Deep Breath
Although it has many bad aspects, I'm glad I live in today's society, and in an industrialized nation.

I'm 42 years old. Any other time in history, or even today in someplace like Zimbabwe, I'd probably already be dead. As it is, I can expect at least another 30 years if not more, and that's without taking all that good care of myself.

I'll take the stress of living in today's capitalistic society over living in malnourished hard-labour poverty for 30-odd years and dying of plague or TB or whatever at the ripe old age of 32, if I was lucky.


Active member
I think that..

you are right, we live in a crazy society

that's how it goes
what can you do about it ?
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I'm conflicted on this subject. I was a history major and can name twenty different periods in time and places I'd rather have lived than where I am, but also realize that I am inescapably a product of the modern world, and that even my nostalgia is a product of this world and the perspective it creates.

Every setting that has come before us had its weak points, and so will all the ones that come after us. Living life with a modicum of personal happiness has to do with finding a balance that gives YOU peace of mind, regardless of what society at large thinks of how you go about finding it.

As far as music goes, isn't it great that modern technology makes it easier than ever to avoid listening to the crap being cranked out now?


Active member
Ive always wanted to be a pharaoh, but thats just me. There still is always gonna be the guy that gets crushed by a giant block.


modern society. go to the store and pick from thousand of food choices, anything to help get by. drive around make it faster, crash, uh oh, to fast..

ancient. harvest festival, eating good. average person horse back or walk to get food. get less done in life. Longer days.. short life mayb.

Medicine, more thing to occupy yourself. more opportunities, evolving faster pace. building knowledge. internet, info on everything available easily. good and bad always. my thoughts..


Well-known member
It's a good time to be alive. But it does sometimes feel like we're witnessing the beginning of the end.

Lady Gaga is a horseman of the apocalypse in a not very good disguise.
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Active member
life ain't easy

if I had a gun I would have shot myself a long time ago

and would have asked god nicely to not bring me back to this place


i cant stand when people say that, if i had a gun. so i hand you a gun, you will blast yourself then. really?