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Is It Me Or Does Modern Soceity Suck ?

Big Foot

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently about the world we live in today. During a long acid trip last weekend I was able I discovered our modern society is based purely on one thing, looks. I would just like to discuss my thoughts.

Today there are a lot of assholes in the world, you know those people that get out of there way just to piss you off while you’re trying to live your life in peace. Many people today are very judgemental, picking out even the smallest deviations we may have and judging us for them. Discrimination just seems to happen to everyone nowadays; just recently I got a phone call from my sister crying over some asshole that decided to call her fat for no particular reason. I know I have been part of some discrimination in my younger days, but never to the extent of what happens today. Some people just can't see people for who there really are.

Cars for the most part are based solely on one purpose, to be built to look attractive, and be built cheap. It seem today performance isn't as important, just as some look at people from the outside for beauty, but fail to recognize the beauty the lays within. Look at cars from the 70's and 80's, although some had the best of both world’s looks and performance, the ones the lacked looks still were guaranteed to have good performance, and last for years to come.


Although there is some talented artist out there, they are limited. Today music is based solely on beauty yet again. You know those pretty boy douches, with limited music talent, with lyrics that mean absolutely nothing that appease people with very poor hearing. Not many musicians put the time and effort into every detail of music like the 60's& 70's bands did during the psychedelic era. And as for "Lady Gaga" (No Comment)

Of coarse there's much more to it but lets leave that for discussion.


Lots of people will contradict me,but the fact of the matter is that,even though we have a consciousness,etc we are part of the evolutionary order.Hence todays attractivness based on looks,(EXACTLY LIKE IN NATURE).You have good car,good clothes,big house,money in the bank = your attractive to the female sex.

Its as simple as that.

Humans sometimes make me wish i was an UFO.

Lady GaGa,dont get me started on her.Shes suffering mate,suffering.


You're partially right, but perhaps you aren't looking in the right places. You can find people that don't judge anyone. They're called buddhist monasteries. haha just kidding. but seriously man, it's all about the people you surround yourself with and the things you do that really matter. perhaps you should look into traveling the path you want to and focus on only your own. it helps, speaking from personal experience.

there are good people out there man. you just gotta open your eyes.

on a side note, you saying how cars are built to look good. well that's true for all cars bellow a certain price. i was reading something the other day on another forum about how some one had a boom box stereo for 19 years that worked perfectly. then another guy said, if you told that to the company, they would send some one out to smash it. he's absolutely right, they just don't build things to last forever any more. otherwise where would their business be without your future investments?

the world is a cruel sick sad little world my friend. all you can do is stay true to yourself. look into meditating, you can find a lot of answers within yourself that you can't find otherwise.
Admiring physical beauty is nothing new look at the Romans. I think it is more of a lack of mystery and struggle in general you mean as suckiness.
lady gaga needs to be put down...have you ever heard of souja boy? another waste of dna....his music makes me want to punt babies.theres so many talentless halfwits being famous only because they are pretty, thats whats happening to alot of good metal bands.look at atreyu they sold out and now they are all fucking scene and posing for 17 magazine..along with afi...they were fucking raw back in the day now they are all dolled up, davey havock looks like he is david bowies bitch.(theres nothing wrong with bowie now!!) sorry done ranting. CEREAL WARS !!!!

you kno i always thought i was antisocial because i was weird, but its because its hard to find genuine people in the world...its all about the bling these days

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ah yes....the fascism of beauty.....has been perpetrated since time began methinks?

....and it's all linked to the sexual desires of the masses....if you are attractive usually you go further in life.....sad but true....(mind you not in all instances)
theres always porn..look at ron jeremy....ugliest guy ever but rich and famous...just for thinkin with his pecker lol....oh and theres oprah...any guy who thinks oprah is hot needs to put down the crack pipe

Big Foot

Good points made, although people may not look a beauty the same way as they used to. Beauty I think can be many things, talent, personality, ect. I think today's beauty is focused more on cosmetic or sexual appearance.
For things we take for granted such as Air Conditioning, Central Heating, Supermarkets, The Internet, etc... it is truly a great time to be alive.

In mans history, if it was hot they had creative ways to keep themselves cool. And the same thing when it was cold. Plus we had to hunt for food or travel distances for trade, and the internet just brought the world together overnight. Along with today's scientific advantages.

But in turn what we've lost is probably our morals and decency. Everyone is a critic about everything, there are alot of judgemental people, sex is within the click of a button, the internet allows everyone to see you at all times raising peoples egos (for cheap) and things really are spiraling downward.

There still are genuine people somewhere ON THIS EARTH, but you have to go outside the country to find them. There are good people in this country too but not as abundant as other places. I know what you mean, but if I had to choose any generation in the existence of man in which I could live, I would have to say we're in the best one right now. The good outweighs the bad in quality of living so I'd probably pick 2010 everytime if I was given the opportunity!
For things we take for granted such as Air Conditioning, Central Heating, Supermarkets, The Internet, etc... it is truly a great time to be alive.

In mans history, if it was hot they had creative ways to keep themselves cool. And the same thing when it was cold. Plus we had to hunt for food or travel distances for trade, and the internet just brought the world together overnight. Along with today's scientific advantages.

But in turn what we've lost is probably our morals and decency. Everyone is a critic about everything, there are alot of judgemental people, sex is within the click of a button, the internet allows everyone to see you at all times raising peoples egos (for cheap) and things really are spiraling downward.

There still are genuine people somewhere ON THIS EARTH, but you have to go outside the country to find them. There are good people in this country too but not as abundant as other places. I know what you mean, but if I had to choose any generation in the existence of man in which I could live, I would have to say we're in the best one right now. The good outweighs the bad in quality of living so I'd probably pick 2010 everytime if I was given the opportunity!

yea ditto, i wouldnt know what to do without my iphone or my xbox, or ebay for that matter.oh and my vaporizer....sure am glad im living in this generation lol


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
we're so outdated and old-fashioned..we don't have a cell phone, yet..just got high-speed internet last year when we moved..
our only tech advancement is directv..


Looking back on history I feel pretty lucky to have been born into the modern age.I dont think any of us can really imagine how hard life was for countless generations misery upon misery.People dying over nothing.With all of todays modern problems we also have things like space travel and countless medicines for healthier lives.I'm 50 now and I only want to see contact from extraterrestrials and my life will be complete.
Lots of people will contradict me,but the fact of the matter is that,even though we have a consciousness,etc we are part of the evolutionary order.Hence todays attractivness based on looks,(EXACTLY LIKE IN NATURE).You have good car,good clothes,big house,money in the bank = your attractive to the female sex.

Its as simple as that.

Humans sometimes make me wish i was an UFO.

Lady GaGa,dont get me started on her.Shes suffering mate,suffering.
Hey Brother, you have a great point even tho you have blown the process of natural selection completely out of the water.However I believe that good looks and a large penis will take you farther than a corvette will.Thru my life I have noticed that the material girls dont really stay that long with their yuppy mates.They usually divorce them...take most of their money and posessions and go get a good lookin guy with a large penis....lol...and usually these guys are useless fuckers but they get too spend the money before they split.I myself have tried to stay away from modern society....too many laws...regulations....and pricks in general.However civililazation is creeping up on me and my generation will be the last one that has the illusion of freedom.I decided as a young man that my freedom to choose was the most important thing to me and I have lived my life that way.I work where I want....live where I want and do as I damn well please but friend modern society has made me pay the price.These things did not come free....I worked hard for them.And last of all.....lady gaga.....give me a fuckin break.....ol briar


good looks and a large penis....hum? are you refering to lady gaga going far? cause i think she has them both?

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