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Is It Me Or Does Modern Soceity Suck ?



yes it does suck, politions have segrigated humans to beleaving there is difference between us,

they devide an conquor, because theyre the few, trying to controll the many, so if the many was a well formed unit, they could not conquor, so they MUST devide us,


Active member


Registered Cannabis User
Music is such a big influence these days and i believe plays a major role into how we are "evolving" or adapting to this lifestyle. Every little girl wants to be miley cyrus or hanna montana, instead of just being herself. Growing up with with this image in her head, she will try to live it out herself. "look at me, i want attention like miley has, so i will wear skank clothes and bang a bunch of guys from the bar to get it"!!!! This sickens me. Kim cardashian seems to be the perfect example of this. She is the opitamy of the american dream. Which is to get rich for doing practically nothing. Same goes for Paris H. Why does the world have to be like this? Why are people so stupid and greedy?

Let me quote some favorite verses out of some songs that i am mentioning.

"The party dont start til i walk in"

every verse in fergies song "Glamorous"


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We are in a paradigm much like the Matrix. It is by not accepting it that we begin to break the ties that bind. Most are unaware and unenlightened: the byproduct of what the global elite have been working on for centuries- dumbing them down and medicating them makes them easier to control. There's lots of money in both. They promote people like Gaga just to see how well the experiment is working. Quite well, by the looks of it.

IMO, it is by not becoming one of the masses that affords the greatest opportunity to move to a place with a significantly higher consciousness, though it wouldn't take much.


Registered Non-Conformist
We are in a paradigm much like the Matrix. It is by not accepting it that we begin to break the ties that bind. Most are unaware and unenlightened: the byproduct of what the global elite have been working on for centuries- dumbing them down and medicating them makes them easier to control. There's lots of money in both. They promote people like Gaga just to see how well the experiment is working. Quite well, by the looks of it.

IMO, it is by not becoming one of the masses that affords the greatest opportunity to move to a place with a significantly higher consciousness, though it wouldn't take much.


Awesome post. We Are EVERYWHERE.


Don't F'in assume it is the ONLY way...

Life is a BIG WAVE. You gotta paddle hard. The wave is worth it.

As if many of ICMAG people are conformists... lol... Not so.

Peace to Y'all...

Classic Seeds

brother your having a bad trip a smile to a stranger is free and you might get one back beauty is truly skin deep and and if that all a person has going for them pity them looks die with age and they have never learned to be a real person and will never be happy if they are programed to that shiny new toy it will never be enuff to fill that hole where a heart and a mind should be ,no matter stupid idiots look down on other people so they can feel better about the place they think they have in the scheme off things .fat skinny it does not matter if someone is good people thats all that counts give your sister a hug sounds like you really care about her and were hurt as bad as she was by some butt breathes remark it's that way every where people of no class go and belive this they do not have a real friend in this world you sound like you need to just say fuck'em and move on the world is what we make of it if we dwell in joy we will be happy your mind ,spirit, love and knowledge is the one thing nobody can take from you ,and one of the things that the more you share the more you get back sharing and caring is the only tool to banish ignorance or a big stick if you told who ever this was how much it hurt you and her maybe they might feel a little shame and start to be a thinking humanbeing if not do you really need someone like that in your life except maybe use as a moving target or a crash test dummie for your boot you know why they were respectful of people in the past ages because it was a given that people gave respect to get respect now days a lot of people think they are special because there dr. spock parents training manual did not tell them to knock that smart ass child down a notch and paddle their ass when he hurt others or threw a tantrum to get their way disapline with love is how you make a thinking person most people are ruined by school and all the rights they are told they have against the parents and teachers if someone does not give you your way call the oink squad your being abused so they never learn to be anything but self centered add some looks and everybody tell them that and you got a egotistic monster to deal with who only gets worse with time my solution might be old fashioned but i will knock someone on their ass if they disrespect me or my loved ones or my pet reason to give someone some schooling is to abuse a animal because it does not speak human and know what the hell you want it to do ok my rants over bro its just shit heads being what they are big steaming piles of shit pointing their fingers because they have no soul or feeling for anyone else