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Is anyone else tired of this Medical Marijuana bullshit


Invertebrata Inebriata
If it had not been for medical marijuana, there would NOT be the current situation around the world where cannabis laws are changing. If it had been the rec users pushing for change, with no mention of medical, the laws would still be as they were 20 years ago.
This constant gripping by rec users that they are getting a hard deal out of this is quite sad. Med use has brought this issue to international prominence and I applaud that.
Given time, the law on rec use may be reviewed, but as was said earlier in this thread, there are some difficult issues with that.


This is the heart of the matter. We recreational users feel like we were here first. Some of us also feel that legalization through the the 'medical marijuana' route is short-sighted.

Example- How about wine, which has medical benefits. Do you want to have to have a prescription to buy a friggin' bottle of wine? Or would you rather be able to just buy a bottle of wine with proof of age, or even, gasp, make some wine? We're not talking about crack.

What's next, vegetables? 'Sir, do you have a permit for those carrots?'

Your argument that we should make it available as medicine first, don't make it with me, because you know as well as I do, that once the government gets its' hooks in it, they won't let go. As far as I'm concerned, calling marijuana 'medical' is giving ammunition to the enemy in the long run.

"Oh, you can't smoke marijuana for fun, it's only for sick people." And fuck that. Thank you.


Active member
It's the movement bro. Even medical marijuana started for only cancer and aids patients, now its for any medical need. Soon it will change. Don't worry bro..

BTW, if you don't play by the rules, why do you expect to be accepted? Get a state ID, most clubs don't want to get shut down so they play by the rules.

Hash Man

Living anywhere shouldn't be illegal. He is a US Citizen so I doubt that he is living in California illegally. All you need to establish legal residency is to stay in the same place for a month. Thats it. Now if we are talking about residency for college tuition thats a different issue.

i agree he is a us citizen, my point is that when you move to a different state, you legally have something like 30 days to register with the DMV... If he is pulled over by police, they will ask him why he has not registered with his new address... It happened to me, thats the only reason I know... they give you a little piece of paper with your address on it, if you dont get a new id altogether... If you look at my post, i said the same thing you said, "all it takes is proof of residence" so i think we are both on the same page... anywho, good luck with your endeavour, i wish you luck with you legal fight to furhter the progress of MMJ. HM

Owl Mirror

Active member
This is the heart of the matter.
... be able to just buy a bottle of wine with proof of age, ...

Thank you.

Oh my, doesn't the above admission render the OP's point mute ?
I mean, why should anyone need to show proof of age w/ID ?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Oh my, doesn't the above admission render the OP's point mute ?
I mean, why should anyone need to show proof of age w/ID ?

I'm sorry, I really don't know what an OP is... what is it?
I know what OPP is. ;)

Also, I think you mean 'moot' not 'mute'. Or maybe not.



Invertebrata Inebriata
op = original poster i believe

In that case- I'm not trying to prove the original poster's point, I was making the point that I think it is a mistake to call marijuana 'medical', just because it has medicinal uses. I am against making it necessary to have a prescription to ingest marijuana. Which I thought was the point of this thread, Is anyone else tired of this Medical Marijuana bullshit.


Its not even all that safe going to the clubs these day in South Cali. That's why I started to grow rather then buying at the clubs.
the reason things are shitty is because clubs are marking up the prices by 20-35$. bud should cost $1=.1 of bud. clubs in so cal take the 35$ 8th and flip it for 60. you do the math. that is robbery and is a profit. mmj is cool aslong as its not for profit. clubs need to have top shelf for 40$-8th that way they make enough to re-up and pay their expenses. enough of this 60$ 8ths i cant afford that, i dont know who can right now. there is a massive supply of bud in CA they dont need to be selling it like its going away. i know its economics but we have found out recently, raids, that when the theory of supply and demand apply to mmj it is considered illegal, which it should be. basterds shouldnt be getting an extra 30 bucks everytime i get some bud.

until mmj clubs actually go non proift there will always be closures and pressure from the cops. its very simple but when money gets involved it turns very difficult.
one love


Invertebrata Inebriata
the reason things are shitty is because clubs are marking up the prices by 20-35$. bud should cost $1=.1 of bud. clubs in so cal take the 35$ 8th and flip it for 60. you do the math. that is robbery and is a profit. mmj is cool aslong as its not for profit. clubs need to have top shelf for 40$-8th that way they make enough to re-up and pay their expenses. enough of this 60$ 8ths i cant afford that, i dont know who can right now. there is a massive supply of bud in CA they dont need to be selling it like its going away. i know its economics but we have found out recently, raids, that when the theory of supply and demand apply to mmj it is considered illegal, which it should be. basterds shouldnt be getting an extra 30 bucks everytime i get some bud.

until mmj clubs actually go non proift there will always be closures and pressure from the cops. its very simple but when money gets involved it turns very difficult.
one love

Well then, just get out there in the streets and buy it or grow it like the rest of us. Why would anybody selling good dope do it for non-profit? Unless the government gets their hand in it, it will never happen. And when the government starts dictating who can buy and sell herb, we're all fucked, imho.

It depends on who you trust. I trust my dealer more than I trust my government.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I didn't read the thread I just wanted to say (especially if no one said it before) that the only worrisome issue that really concerns me is this: If they legalize and regulate do you really think they won't keep growing your own illegal? It's legal to grow your own tobacco... after you pay out the ass for the taxes ON YOUR OWN PLANTS...

That being said, I think that the cause is a worthy one... given ONLY to the fact that tons upon tons (literally :D ) of trial and error on the black market is the reason that things can progress such that people know what to pay or what it's worth. With the government at the reins I would hate to think.. :badday:

Total legalization is really an open invitation to fuck all of us over for good if you consider that the government will do what it's always done. The medical cause is a good medium in the interim... people do need it, but I pray those people don't bury us either :joint:


Smokes, lets go
The OP isn't upset because for some reason he is not able to procure marijuana. He seems upset over the fact that he is being prohibited from making vast amounts of money from the sale of his efforts.

I really didn't intend to get in to a pissing contest when I entered this thread.
I do however hold strong views on compliance, honesty and intent.

you think im worried about money , when this thread is about legalizing marijuana? Are you serious? you lost your mind a long time ago if i was worried about profits id like things to stay exactly how they are so i can keep making 4480 a lb instead of how ever much it drop when its legal.... either way im not worried becuase i will just step up my operation WHEN (yes i said when) it becomes legal next year...

you hold strong views on compliance? that means you support laws (just or un just)? sounds like 5-0 to me...

I may be out of bounds asking but, how do you know this for certain ?
Maybe it is this reason why the OP is complaining about not showing an ID ?

Seriously :2cents:

yea your way out of bounds, questioning if I am an american citizen are you fucking kidding me? i was born and raised in the deep south you better be careful who you call an immigrant... my great grandad was governor of a deep rooted southern state and im a 8th generation american by blood my family's been here since the days of george washington.

It's called Compassion
Naturally when you remove the notion of sick patients from the equation it is much simpler to justify gouging people for huge profits.

Ok mr compassionate you sound a lot like another guy on these forums named blue dot he thinks all weed is free and people just give it away like ice water.... where's my compassion im a true medical patient , i dont smoke, i don't eat i have *0* natural appetite i rely 100% on marijuana to make me want to eat... I have hypoglycemia and if i go more than a day without food i will die... so where is the compassion when/where do i get my free "meds"

does that mean that i think it should just be for people like me ? no, I smoked marijuana before i was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and i ll continue to smoke it until the government puts a bullet through my head legal or not...

how do you manage to crawl back into this thread time after time over and over after i quote you and turn all the "points" you try to make null and void, at one point you have to call it a loss unless you can actully out debate me which will NEVER happen

Owl Mirror

Active member
at one point you have to call it a loss unless you can actully out debate me which will NEVER happen
better be careful who you call an immigrant... my great grandad was governor of a deep rooted southern state and im a 8th generation american

If your blood is not indigenous to this continent, (8th generation), you are an immigrant.

Besides, my comment was not an attack upon you or your citizenship.
I merely asked how one anon person could say for absolute certain another completely anon person was in fact, a citizen of the USA.

Listen, frankly I couldn't care less what happens in your life.
You have an avenue to become a recognized medical marijuana patient, provided you comply with the set rules and regulations. If you choose to remain outside of those bounds, any difficulties you encounter are of your own making.


i have a word of advice for you ricky, MORE NUTRIENTS = MORE BUD

go get 'em pal!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Incredible, blaming sick and disabled people for your recreational use being curtailed by law.

I'll tell you what incredible is:

Incredible is when someone says I blame sick and disabled people for anything to do with my recreational use.

If medical leads to total legalization exactly what the hell do you think will happen?
In some ways I agree, in others I don't. MMJ is not "bullshit", there are a lot of people, myself included, who actually need it and don't just blaze recreationally. Do I think it should be fully legalized/decriminialized? Yes! Do I think it's bullshit? No, I'm glad I can medicate and not worry about legal retribution. I mean, it's a foothold toward full decrim/legalization, we gotta be glad we have what we do, considering the USA's history.
i mean really, medical marijauna- an excuse to have legal weed. thats how i see it. its stupid really these places are getting busted for selling to non card holders, its fucking all the same the only diffence is this ass hole paied a doctor 200$ and the other asshole didn't, i am getting denied entry to the clubs becuase i don't have a california id , well what if i dont want a fucking california id my old id works just fine and im tired of getting turned down everywhre i go even after getting my medical rec verified....

Quick solution? Get a California ID, is it really that ridiculous that they require you to have a California ID to be allowed entry into the clubs? I think not.