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Is anyone else tired of this Medical Marijuana bullshit


St. Elsewhere
right now i am just getting into gear and im no where close to being rich... I still making penut butter jelly sandwiches from the grocery store and scraping by on my bills , im no baller, but i am looking forward to the future.

It's good to know there's someone out there where I'm at.

Even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches end up being about a dollar apiece these days... :badday:


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
It's good to know there's someone out there where I'm at.

Even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches end up being about a dollar apiece these days... :badday:

I got a little secret, the triple stack PB&J! Uses 3 pieces of bread, just as filling as 2 sandwiches, with 25% less bread and carbs. Good for those lean times... :laughing: I also use a bit of clove honey on the peanut butter side as well. :yes:

Sorry for the threadjack. It IS kinda on topic though. :D


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Owl MirrorI suppose the same should apply to Oxycontin too, right?
Shouldn't matter if you have a medical necessity or not. I should be able to walk in to any pharmacy and, get a handful of Oxycontin so, I can pass it around to everyone at the party tonight.

Your calling the verified patients use of marijuana, Bullshit only serves to demean our suffering.

I think this little rant is due to your having made the move to Cali, seeking fame and fortune in the Marijuana growing community, only to have been brushed aside.

Sour Grapes often leave a bad taste in one's mouth.
No the same should not apply for Oxy cause that shit should be banned all together. 100 times worse than any amount of mary jane you can find. Therse no rehabs full of weed heads but, you will find you share of folks addicted to Oxy in them.

Im with Nor on one thing, everybody who moves to Cali is not into it for the "fame and fortune" that some, not all, but some of you Cali people always accuse of. If you were really into it for the Medical value like you say you are you wouldn't care who was there as long as they are getting their medicine. But this your not from Cali so get out that some of you, not all of you Cali folks have shows your true colors.

og kush

its bs in many ways. but we need it. plus it got me outta trouble befor.

when i went to court,
the judge was reading the charges and you could hear people laughing.
so i say, "can i ask why this court doesn't honor mmj cards?"
he says, "oh, let me see your rec".
so i got verified really quick, then the judge says, "thanks, free to go".
The look on everyones face was priceless. jaws dropped.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
its bs in many ways. but we need it. plus it got me outta trouble befor.

when i went to court,
the judge was reading the charges and you could hear people laughing.
so i say, "can i ask why this court doesn't honor mmj cards?"
he says, "oh, let me see your rec".
so i got verified really quick, then the judge says, "thanks, free to go".
The look on everyones face was priceless. jaws dropped.

Damn, thats awesome, and worth every penny and moment spent in the process to get legal! :yes:


life is full of obsticles... getting ID is such a small issue and its the cost of doing business so to speak. Try opening a real business and see how many issues you have.. Its like that in the real world... I got a laugh though..
peace :rasta:
I just don't want to here a Catholic Jewish bitch go on and on and on, about her fucking ailments. With no real report, write it out and make sense, if it's going to make sense!

Like any medication, you take it to see what it will do, or to state it otherwise...bring~

The medication might rot your leg!

Owl Mirror

Active member
your referring to a state ID (medical marijuana) card on plastic similar to a card you would get from medicann .....

I am not required nor wish to have a state issued medical marijuana id card

Originally Posted by NorCalFor20
I would like to see where prop215 states one must have a recommendation AND a state issued ID

Dude, you asked the question, I supplied the answer.
One needs to present state-issued picture ID in order to obtain the state-issued medical marijuana card. Further, once one has this card how would another verify the person waving the Medical ID card is actually the person who's name is on the card? Perhaps by associating it with the state-issued picture ID that was presented when applying for the state-issued medical marijuana card.

Seems pretty simple to me.
I gather you simply do not feel you have any need to comply with any law or requirement.
That attitude will keep you outside the entrance of most reputable dispensaries.
I do wish you luck but, you are the only one who is keeping yourself locked out of the system you seemingly want to make 200k a year from.

Owl Mirror

Active member
No the same should not apply for Oxy cause that shit should be banned all together. 100 times worse than any amount of mary jane you can find. Therse no rehabs full of weed heads but, you will find you share of folks addicted to Oxy in them.

Im with Nor on one thing, everybody who moves to Cali is not into it for the "fame and fortune" that some, not all, but some of you Cali people always accuse of. If you were really into it for the Medical value like you say you are you wouldn't care who was there as long as they are getting their medicine. But this your not from Cali so get out that some of you, not all of you Cali folks have shows your true colors.

My example was simply based upon Social regulations for a purpose.
I know all too well the dangers of Oxy
I have been on them (off&on) for the past fourteen years.
The tone of this thread appeared to be FULL LEGALIZATION for every substance I desire to put in my body. The very reason I consume Marijuana is that it affords me the relief I need without having to continue taking that crap.

This bitch-fest is so laughable I can hardly contain myself.
I have run in to a similar situation here in Michigan where there are those who think because they have been growing Marijuana for the illegal black market all these years. They desire and, demand to make 200k, tax-free off the backs and pocketbooks of 'WE' patients.

I wonder, if NorCalFor20 were simply to grow in order to sell his product to these dispensaries in CA, would he also need to become a registered, verified caregiver? If that is the case, it appears he (may) be selling marijuana to the illegal black market in an environment that allows the legitimate sale of marijuana, upon registering and complying with the stated rules of engagement.

Why is it so hard to comply ?

I swear, this entire debate sounds like a child standing in the store saying:
"Daddy I want candy but, I refuse to pay for it !"


Invertebrata Inebriata
I swear, this entire debate sounds like a child standing in the store saying:
"Daddy I want candy but, I refuse to pay for it !"

More like, "I don't want my candy to be classified as medicine, and I don't want to have to consult a physician to get a card to get some candy. I'm even willing to make my own candy. If some people get medical relief from my candy, then that's cool and a bonus. But it's still candy, and I want some and I'll pay a fair price for it or make my own."



Smokes, lets go
More like, "I don't want my candy to be classified as medicine, and I don't want to have to consult a physician to get a card to get some candy. I'm even willing to make my own candy. If some people get medical relief from my candy, then that's cool and a bonus. But it's still candy, and I want some and I'll pay a fair price for it or make my own."


Quoted for truth.


Smokes, lets go
hey Norcal420 it sucks that you don't have your ID. I feel your frustration man. BUt down in LA the dispensaries are fighting for their lives right now to stay open against the city and LAPD. The ordinance that is proposed will require clubs to disclose vital personal information about their growers. Forget the fact that it violates the 5th ammendment. It shows the attitude the city has. Since prop 215 said to Ensure that seriously ill Californians... is why you are having the ID issue. State issued ID is the best way to prevent people from other states going to the dispensaries. Sadly it's a business issue as to if a particular club requires an id or not and most err and the side of caution despite Prop 215 ballot materials stating no paperwork or documentation needed.

I send a PM and asked freedom fighter to personally come to my thread to share his thoughts, even if they differ from mine, as I highly regard his opinion thanks to freedom fighter to coming through and respectfully sharing your thoughts.

And your right...

All true... They are just covering their asses.

I am not mad at the dispensaries I just don't like the law, I was respectful to all the places that turned me down, not there problem I don't have and ID and im sure they would love to sell to me if there were no consequences.... and there should be none.


i gotta say the majority of med marijuana is like a brown bag over your bottle of whiskey. its a great civial compromise. Cops stopped locking up bums for drinking in the street so they can get back to doing real police work, so long as the bum put the bottle in a brown bag everyone was happy

med marijuana is our brown bag, our great civial compromise. makes it pretty easy for anyone to optain it, so long as you have your card (brown bag) your alright( haha with a few exceptions and **** cops along the way) but for the most part your set

that being said, I will also say, there is a true medical scene with marijuana.
after sitting in line at the city health center waiting to get my picture id card, i saw some seriously ill looking people, I mean the walking dead here. it broke my heart but it opened my eyes, that some of us are actually helping people live better lifes

there really are people who could not be living without pot


Medical Marijuana is not BS. Hell, just take a second and read on here all the people that do SO much better on Marijuana compared to their hardcore pain killers, or other meds.

Now, it is BS that something (marijuana) safer than....a cup of coffee, is illegal.

Owl Mirror

Active member
i gotta say the majority of med marijuana is like a brown bag over your bottle of whiskey. its a great civial compromise. Cops stopped locking up bums for drinking in the street so they can get back to doing real police work, so long as the bum put the bottle in a brown bag everyone was happy

med marijuana is our brown bag, our great civial compromise. makes it pretty easy for anyone to optain it, so long as you have your card (brown bag) your alright( haha with a few exceptions and **** cops along the way) but for the most part your set

that being said, I will also say, there is a true medical scene with marijuana.
after sitting in line at the city health center waiting to get my picture id card, i saw some seriously ill looking people, I mean the walking dead here. it broke my heart but it opened my eyes, that some of us are actually helping people live better lifes

there really are people who could not be living without pot

med marijuana is our brown bag, ... that being said, I will also say, there is a true medical scene with marijuana.

Would you say, those who obtain an ID card through "makes it pretty easy for anyone to obtain it" are doing a disservice to "seriously ill looking people, I mean the walking dead" ?
When I see this type of abuse, either in written word or actuality, I feel like I'm being slapped in the face.
See, alcohol is socially allowed, with strings attached. The argument being posed in this thread would mandate that anyone, from cradle to grave should be allowed to consume alcohol, regardless the social cost.
If a human can walk, talk and pay the price, they should be legally and socially able to saddle up to a bar and consume till they decide they are finished consuming.

I do believe Marijuana should be as freely grown as Sunflowers and Maple trees. That being said, most societies place their own 'common laws' on it's usage regardless of firm governmental law and enforcement.

I wish our society were one whereby a person who grows large quantities of marijuana could freely sell the residual fiber after harvest so it to could be used in a beneficial manner.

I wish every legal grower could have a collective compost pile in their community where they exchange soils between harvests.

Perhaps one day, Utopia will come in to existence but, until then it's Baby Steps.
I'll tell you what I see at the root of this complaint from the OP.
It is the color of money $$$

Personally, if I could make the law overseeing marijuana it would be where the individual is allowed to grow their own and NO transfers allowed.

These portals which have generated both the availability and high prices to the masses is what will be the ruination of any Medical Marijuana Law.
Eliminate the need for greed and the laws will be easy to comply with.
In such an environment, people will gladly help their neighbor, such as occurs on this forum.

The OP isn't upset because for some reason he is not able to procure marijuana. He seems upset over the fact that he is being prohibited from making vast amounts of money from the sale of his efforts.

I really didn't intend to get in to a pissing contest when I entered this thread.
I do however hold strong views on compliance, honesty and intent.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I got a little secret, the triple stack PB&J! Uses 3 pieces of bread, just as filling as 2 sandwiches, with 25% less bread and carbs. Good for those lean times... :laughing: I also use a bit of clove honey on the peanut butter side as well. :yes:

Sorry for the threadjack. It IS kinda on topic though. :D

Personally, I've found if I buy 6 dozen eggs ( $1.89 per 3 dz pack) and 4 loaves of bread ( $0.89 ea.) I do not need to worry if I'll starve the last week of each month.

Imagine if I had to pay $100 per 1/8 to those who wish to make 200k a year !
I would need to buy a live chicken and hope for eggs ;>}

Hash Man

DAmn, 6 pages about how you dont want to spend a few hundred bucks... You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either work in the curret rules of the game or don't. You have stated in previous posts that it was your dream to move out here to legally grow.. well great, now you can, but you are already illegally living in CA without an id... It's not hard to get... and have seen the process many times... It requires, more than anything, proof of residence... if you bring your lease in, and have 2 forms of id... then your good, because you are already proving your identification with your old id, and other form of identification... So if you have a lease, then you should be good... I have never, ever heard of needing an original birth cerrtificate for DMV transfers lol... Suck it up bro, the time you spent here bullshitting about your bills, you could already have an id, and be rolling up into the clubs now... FYI - funny how you say MMJ is bullshit casue anyone can do it,even without being sick... Um, lots of us are not taking advantae of the system in such a way that we have devised a goal to be PROFITING over 200k peryear... others are... but lets not forget, if its legal, its not for profit, you can recover compensation, but thats it, if im wrong i would love to know... Best advice.... bite your tounge in these types of situations, man up, and get er done. Sucks to have to deal with the "red tape state" but it is what it is... Don't use MMJ as a scapegoat and saviour bro... Good Luck.


Active member
but you are already illegally living in CA without an id...

Living anywhere shouldn't be illegal. He is a US Citizen so I doubt that he is living in California illegally. All you need to establish legal residency is to stay in the same place for a month. Thats it. Now if we are talking about residency for college tuition thats a different issue.

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