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Insane Clown Posse "Juggalo" New gang taking over the country?


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
ok i'm fucking bored now... lol... time for more music...
what ya'll listening to this morning?


Active member
I was at a show at the Fillmore one night. There was an old man working there who I got into conversation with. He said he has been working the live music industry for over 30 years and has seen it all. I had to ask him "what one band has the worst fans ever?" and without hesitation he said "the INsane Clown Posse". He was an old black man and he said he has never heard more racist comments and derrogatory comments from a single group of fans ever. He went on and on about how there was such lack of class with that one particular fan group

That speaks volumes IMO


Freedom Fighter
Insane Clown Posse have been around for along time although I don't like everything they do lol I do like what they do with KKK. I would assume anyone that smoke pot would like KKK. They are an undergound group from Cali that never gets air time because they always sing about bud and that is against they fucking law lol ffs. Which is soooo fucking stupid . I personally love these guys ..peace out Headband707


It is "KMK"...KKK is a li'l different!! lol :wave:
All you need to know 'bout da juggalos:


Dead baby's page:


Edit: Links provided for informational purposes only. May contain racism, homophobia, dead babies, lulz etc. Do not click if you are easily offended/trolled. If you are a Juggalo, please protest these pages to Weev @ irc.encyclopediadramatica.com #ed. He should help you right out.
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I think it's a tragedy that the baby died...that is about the worst thing I could think of. I also don't think that page is funny...at all. I put it up so you could get a back story on the parents. I would feel terrible for them but the fact is she drank and used xanax during her pregnancy and then tried to blame the doctors for murdering her kid.

I didn't write the pages....It's called satire, by the way. I do think the ICP and Juggalo pages are funny, though.

Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet so I should have put a disclaimer up. My bad.


well i dont think it is funny at all that is a kid.you cant blame the kid for how the parents are


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
it's alright johnny.. it is hard sometimes to get certain "tones" across on the internet... sometimes you may say something that could be totally taken in a completely different context... it happens...


Freedom Fighter
I think it's a tragedy that the baby died...that is about the worst thing I could think of. I also don't think that page is funny...at all. I put it up so you could get a back story on the parents. I would feel terrible for them but the fact is she drank and used xanax during her pregnancy and then tried to blame the doctors for murdering her kid.

I didn't write the pages....It's called satire, by the way. I do think the ICP and Juggalo pages are funny, though.

Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet so I should have put a disclaimer up. My bad.

First thing, maybe I was a li'l harsh...I will edit that--
But dude, them pages are full of lies and misrepresentation of truths--
The mother didn't know she was pregnant till she was 6 months...I know...I never said she was smart!! But when she found out, she quit--
Regardless, making fun of something like that...and even showing a Post Morten photo of the baby...is just low--
Even in the other links you gave, they are talking about Nazi Juggalos...if they are out there...they are not sanctioned by ICP--
ICP is all about sticking up for the underdog...the fat, rejected...and yeah, in some cases the stupid!! But they are not down with Racism--
Anyway...Peace man--
Here is a vid for ya-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe8jJBoEmuY


Freedom Fighter
In general, my thoughts on some of what has been said...
As far as that baby's funeral...so what if they were dressed like they were...it seems to me, at a time like that, it is absurd to say somebody needs to spend $$ to buy a suit, that they can't afford...nor do they want to wear-- Plus, they adorned the casket with Hatchet Men...is that so much worse than pictures of a guy nailed to a cross...hands and feet bleeding...with a large bloody gash in his belly??
Ppl love to make fun of Juggalos, because a good many are fat, or they have something about them that "Regular" ppl find distasteful...but that is where the "Family" comes in-- They are big enough to look past all that, and welcome you as if you were Blood--
Don't find that much in mainstream America--
Don't like the music...well shit, I remember when it was the same things being said about the fucking Beatles!! You would have thought we would learn from all that--
I am not even a Juggalo...tho my son is, and I like some of their music--
I just find it hard to grasp, that on a weed board...so many are still judging ppl by standards set up in the 50's--
"Love thy Neighbor" doesn't say anything about we have to love everything that they do...just that we should Love them--
Peace ya'll....not trying to lecture...just had to get that out--:tiphat:

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