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I'm Just Looking for a Place to Do My Thing


Active member
INB~I love the way DPD is purple from the very first calyx. I can't recall from other grows if the leaves ever purple up. Very cool strain. My only clone of it is rooted, but I don't know if its going to make yet. Revegging for it to do.

ido~ :wave: :joint:

Howdy Sir~ Speaking of veg... My veg is a mess. Rearranging my fan and filter left me with no room and I had to take out some light. I'm going to figure out a way to rearrange it where it works right and I have room and light, but till then, I'm getting overgrown bigtime. Can't do anything till I chop 4-5 in about a week.
How long till you get the new place broke in?

ns~ I've got quite a few in cups that I'd like to transplant, but I think i'll just top/take clones and let them wait. Till I chop some and have some more coco to use.haha

Sup T, I indeed have given this DPD a lot of love. She had a bit of deficiency in that last pic. I think the next pic of her shows it getting better. She's definitly giving back a little love to me.

Thanks for dropping in sero!

Brother Bear, man I've got to get over and see how your outdoor did. Seems like last time I was lurking, things were looking real good.
Thanks for stopping by, I think the temps here were a big part of my cloning problem.

Hey VG: You noticed that I've been hanging at the infirmary! It's been important in my learning journey here. Trying to help people with their plant ailments makes me research and learn more about what's wrong with mine. Some of the advice I've given, looking back was misguided, not wrong, but incomplete. That drives me to go read and study more, so I can understand and help more people.
On Rant::rant:
What's up with the infirmary. Nowhere on this site do you find more 1-5 post members. And that so called form that everyone wants everyone to fill out has got to be the hardest thing to read I've ever had to try to wade through. I guess I'll have to redesign a new one. Plus there's a bit of conflicting and wrong info about toxicities and deficiencies around there. Not surprising, you can cruise various University agriculture sites and find conflicting info too.
I actually want to start a thread about some of these things, but, i don't know.
off rant
Of course, when it comes down to it, it does not matter what your def is. the solution is in the pH.

Thanks Dog, they get more impressive every day.

ht~ I have a friend around here named chubbynugs. Maybe you can find one of his old threads somewhere in the vendor forums. He grows masterlow? or something. He likes them cause they flower in veg. I don't know about the potency though. I guess you'd have to make seeds if you got some, because i don't know about cloning them.

OK enough rambling. On with the pics. First I've got some pics of a very nice GAK, then a Sugar Shack with a couple pretty good macro shots. At least as good of a shot as i can get with my cam. Then the DPD and finally some shots of a chem4. I took a small branch off of another c4 that's a little further along than this one, and it's definitely some very kind weed. Tastes so nice.
Oh yeah, and a pic of a nice side nug of C99.



Sugar Shack


DPD I had a manganese def caused by my dropping pH in the medium. It's better now, just a watering with water and then reduced nutes fixed it ok. Enough anyway to make it till chop time.


Chem 4 Ain't she sweet?


C99 side nug and a closeup of the same pic.

Till next time.:joint:
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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
hey hazy sup brotha your plants are looking killer man love the look of that dpd got some of these as freebies but never got them to germ to bad to because yours are looking great that chem 4 is a looker to.
keep it growing peace brotha:respect::wave::smoweed:


That dpd is awesome. Wish my dpd and especially my moonshine mans blue pimmp hadn't gotten ripped from the mail. But yeah she sure does make some very beautiful plants. Just what I expected. Anyway I thought I would stop on by, check in if you will, but now I'm just kinda jealous that there is nothing purple going on for me right now.... Ha, anyway looking good, hows the smell on dpd anyway. I will confess I just skimmed through and treated it like a picture book didn't really read just got the eye candy. Sorry I'll be back for sure...



Just a bump. amazing how much I learned from reading all of your threads and posts man


Active member
I got some of that DPD on my hands today jack, and mmm, mmm, mmm. candy.

SG~ and you should be able to tell if your pH is too high or too low by the deficiency, but sometimes that gets a little tricky.
like- cal-mag deficiencies = low pH and iron deficienciy = high pH

So good to see you again Khaleel.

Hey back at ya MRBIg$. Glad you like em. I have a couple more looking pretty killer for you.

Hey SB, getting your mail ripped---what a bitch.
The eye candy is the main thing, don't sweat the rest. It's good for noobs to learn how to fix fuckups.
I grabbed hold of the DPD for the first time today. It's in the back and hard to get to. Nice solid buds and the smell is like candy. very grapey, sweet. really good.

Sup HT~ Ha! ^^ just what I was telling Shut terB u g

First up a little PK


And this GAK is so fine. My camera batteries died so I couldn't get any more pics. It's about 45 days. I'll probably chop it tomorrow. Gotta get batteries first though. It gave up lots of color for me this time as did my shack no pic though. Looking at the pic, I noticed a spot of PM that i had missed.


Smoking a little Silver Lights. I'm under the weather trying to get over the flu, so Im not enjoying any smoke that much right now.

here's what I do with my leaves and crap, table scraps too.


No Longer a Human Watering Can
looking great there hazy !!!!!

is GAK the name or initials,, i cant put my finger on what it is ???

peace and stay safe man


I love my life
45 days and you'll chop tomorrow! Please preach a little about this strain because I am looking for shorter flowering periods and that lady looks SWEET!!!

Peace, :joint:


Nice thread hazy, good for an extra coffee and a wake n' bake!
that PK is looking great hazy ... i can't wait for my PK x PR to pop off!!!

hope you are feeling better, it sure is flu season!

peace, sg


you are doing magic with those girls hazy
they look awesome and youre gona love the c 4 taste


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Hazy
nice looking work mang! the dpd looks very much like one of my favorits....to make a long story short ...I got a black russian x DPD cross from teh states....very graplike smoke it is...she resembles her very hard...Must have some similar traits of that DPD :)


Active member


OK, you guys want to know about my GAK cut. It's a special brew:witch:
It came to me from a good friend here named chubbynugs.:friends: He's also the one who hooked me up with my SR71PK.
It stands for G13 - Afghani - Kush. It smells real nice and has a great stone. I just smoked a few hits from a little chunk that got knocked off a day or so ago. Felt it before I got the second hit. It's the one that my buddy asks about the most. It's grown by a group of cali growers and has been worked for 10+ years is about all I know. Chubby had two cuts, one finished around 60 days i think, the other at 45. He gave me the quick one. It doesn't pack it on like my Chem4(wait till you see these buds!) but it quick and it's stony.
I'm getting clones going for a run with 9-10 of these girls at the same time Running so many strains has left some like the GAK and Shack too far from the light imo. I want to try to even out the canopy next time, and one strain will help for that.:joint:
I forgot to write the flip date till a couple weeks after i flipped them. So I'm not really sure but most likely 43-45 days right now. the trichs say wait another day, so I'll get some pics without all those leaves blocking the buds. Got some color out of it this time.
both sides:



Active member
Update time
Chopped a couple Silver Lights tonight. I'm not sure how long these girls went, because i forgot to write a flip date on the label/tape. I took a branch of one of them a week or so ago, and it wasn't there, but i had no smoke. I think these are about 70+ days. Calyxes finally did that swelling thing.