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If you live in a Legal Cannabis State and are unhappy post here!


Active member
Meh. I quit feeding the troll some while back.

Legalization isn't something we'll get just because we want it. It's not like stoners are a majority of the population, at all. So we need to get enough other people to agree with us to get what's an improvement for everybody, and for enough people to see that it is. It's not like a majority of voters want pot to be as legal as tomatoes, or it would be. So we compromise, help them see legalization as a good deal for them, too. Once we demonstrate that it is, we can work from there.

Despite the self aggrandizing & pious whining, small for profit growers don't want that, either. If pot were as legal as tomatoes, it'd be as cheap as tomatoes, too. Tim & Tara Toker would be smoking dry sift processed by industrial machinery, grown in enormous fields, packaged like cigarettes or pipe tobacco. Real gardeners would grow it in their back yards, too. Growing indoors under lights would be a ridiculous notion.


Meh. I quit feeding the troll some while back.

Legalization isn't something we'll get just because we want it. It's not like stoners are a majority of the population, at all. So we need to get enough other people to agree with us to get what's an improvement for everybody, and for enough people to see that it is. It's not like a majority of voters want pot to be as legal as tomatoes, or it would be. So we compromise, help them see legalization as a good deal for them, too. Once we demonstrate that it is, we can work from there.

Voters don't know anything cannabis horticulture, or the consequences faced by residential growers. They need to be more well informed about the abilities of 6 plant growers to produce comparable amounts to growers using more plants in the same amount of space before voting on regulations that basically do nothing in stopping the existence of a black market.

If voters knew more about cannabis horticulture they never would've been mislead into believing a 6 plant regulation would halt the existence of a black market. Regulations like that were proposed by people who didn't understand anything about cannabis horticulture. Regulations like that were proposed by people who had an unrealistic goal that could never possibly be fulfilled through eliminating the black market.

The "compromise" you're referring to has now become a mistake/problem that is directly causing the existence of a black market. It isn't eliminating it. That's why nothing you're saying makes any sense.

Despite the self aggrandizing & pious whining, small for profit growers don't want that, either.

I do.

Despite the whining of ignorant residents who don't want residential grow operations people are still going to grow in residential neighborhoods for profit and bring unnecessary crime into their neighborhoods that wouldn't exist if regulations allowed for licensed residential grow operations.

The "compromise" has become a problem and is no longer a "compromise" at all. It's now become a serious problem that your own state's lawmakers and regulators acknowledge.

If pot were as legal as tomatoes, it'd be as cheap as tomatoes, too.

Good. How is that bad for anyone?

You do realize that you just admitted that your system is a failure and is causing high prices, right? Which, you said it's designed to eliminate.

Tim & Tara Toker would be smoking dry sift processed by industrial machinery, grown in enormous fields, packaged like cigarettes or pipe tobacco.

Um. These products already exist and they're not replacing high quality cannabis by any means. Are you saying huge fields and dry shift weed cigarettes don't already exist? They're sold in every dispensary and people still buy the top shelf weed.
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Either, the "6 plant regulation" is getting tossed out the window and residential growing will be banned altogether, or you can go back to the good old days when high quality weed was sold to dispensaries from residential growers. One way, or the other the "6 plant" thing is about to take a fucking hike.

As much as your state is bitching about the black market right now something is going to happen. Why is your state bitching about the "Black Market" so much when your system is so rock solid?

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remembering stories of Mark Twain one of the quotes a young man stated

"When I was 17 my father was the stupidest man I ever meet. When I was 21 I was surprised on how much he had learned"

I believe Jhhnn and some others are just turning 17


Active member
I do love it. Check the chart. The portion of consumption attributed to the CO black market is the little black rectangle at the top of the center column. The other components of that column are personal growers & caregivers, both entirely legal means of supply. Obviously, both retail & mmj are entirely legal as well.

All the handwaving & bitching about the black market in CO is obviously overblown, promulgated by people with an agenda of some sort or another.

Just as obvious is the State's desire to move more of the total into the retail column for tax purposes. They intend to do so by increasing retail supply, bringing down the bottom line consumer price to less than that of med weed. I see no reason that it can't be done.


Active member
If you believe the chart, 7 percent of the black market weed sold currently comes from home grows.

I think it should be noted that just 8 months ago....100% of the "rec" weed sold came from Black Market sources. That's a huge dent in the market overall.

It appears they want to close some of the gap more by restricting caregiverships on the med side again. However, with the ability for all patients to argue that they need more plants by law, it will be a slippery slope because those folks who are remaining will likely do what many did when 1284 passed, and that is to formally drop patients from record (you had to register as a caregiver and provide the names of those you were growing for) so the state has no paper trail on any of it. In the end, just as with overages on counts on either law, you have to be detected, arrested, and charged with a crime for any of it to matter.


Active member
If you believe the chart, 7 percent of the black market weed sold currently comes from home grows.

I think it should be noted that just 8 months ago....100% of the "rec" weed sold came from Black Market sources. That's a huge dent in the market overall.

It appears they want to close some of the gap more by restricting caregiverships on the med side again. However, with the ability for all patients to argue that they need more plants by law, it will be a slippery slope because those folks who are remaining will likely do what many did when 1284 passed, and that is to formally drop patients from record (you had to register as a caregiver and provide the names of those you were growing for) so the state has no paper trail on any of it. In the end, just as with overages on counts on either law, you have to be detected, arrested, and charged with a crime for any of it to matter.

I don't pretend to understand that side of it all, but I think you're right about the State's intentions wrt caregivers. It's not like they're applying the beat down but rather putting on the squeeze from the other end. Patients will have a more difficult time obtaining extended counts because the State will limit doctors' ability to issue them. I expect the State to work to eliminate the sliding scale of pay to play for plant counts.

Or not. What they seem to be eyeing is getting the market to move from the dispensary model to the retail model via pricing & competition.


In the end, just as with overages on counts on either law, you have to be detected, arrested, and charged with a crime for any of it to matter.

Okay. So, what happens when you are detected, arrested, and charged with a crime? You're not answering the question.

If you don't know the answer just say,"I don't know."


Here is another interesting article promoting the policy of reparations to people (like us) who have suffered legal consequences from cannabis crimes. The point of the article is that "legalization isn't enough...reparation is required, as well." I like what the article is saying. Which, is basically that people who suffered legal consequences from cannabis crimes are basically akin to slaves, native-Americans, etc. It's saying that a lack of reparations has effected those people for generations to come. So, we shouldn't make the same mistake with cannabis legalization. The way we did with abolition of slavery.

According to this article there are thousands black males in prison in CO for weed related crimes. While, white males are now selling weed out of dispensaries and committing the same crime that they're serving time for in prison.

Are there any plans in CO to release prisoners who were previously charged with cannabis related crimes before it was legalized? If not, why not?



Active member
Okay. So, what happens when you are detected, arrested, and charged with a crime? You're not answering the question.

If you don't know the answer just say,"I don't know."

OK..I don't know

I did get arrested and tossed in jail in Missouri for Felony possession at 19. does that count? LOL

Every encounter I've had in CO regarding weed never went that far, including the time we got "visited". 30 years of growing/smoking/possessing daily here...never had a single charge. Just 'encounters". In Utah, they wrote me 2 tickets and levied $1000 in fines, which I paid by mail. Watch out for those dogs....yikes.

It's the "pay to play' system in full operation. Doesn't stop shit.

to end it all (all threats), you just have to stop selling pot and stay out of utah. Both of which I have done. LOL

Simple as that.


Active member
'Thanks for the jacket, dad'.


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Active member
Yea! it is legal here!

you have to be detected, arrested, and charged with a crime for any of it to matter.

You mean Just like where it is legal?...NO Dude!....trust me everybody will leave you alone, Dude your just Parinoid!!! Chill!!!
What's that you say you pissed of some cop by sleeping with his wife.(not a crime)

You have been detected, arrested, and charged with a crime, now it does it really matter!

Dude you swore it was legal, why am I being arrested???:moon:

Well it is legal, unless they feel like bustin' you........OH I get it now...OK

Hey!... do you have bail money????......SHIT!:biggrin:


'Thanks for the jacket, dad'.
You obviously don't know my pops. That bastard is waaaaaaay to cheap to buy me one of those. I'd deck that shit out if he did, though. Take it to a custom shop and get big pot leaf printed on the back with the words,"DANK ENFORCEMENT AGENCY." lulz


Active member
My guess is that most folks here in CO are too busy being unhappy tending to and harvesting their OD grows to comment, shagman.



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Active member
My guess is that most folks here in CO are too busy being unhappy tending to and harvesting their OD grows to comment, shagman.

Too true!
That nice bud must have been grown in California....Right!:blackeye:
It's just not the same round here.:cry:


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