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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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they are really unrelated..

please stop lying?

Read this sentence from the article. Reading comprehension is your friend:tiphat:

The city measure, put on the Nov. 2 ballot by the City Council this week, would impose taxes on all local residential cultivation if California voters approve Proposition 19 to legalize recreational use.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The city measure, put on the Nov. 2 ballot by the City Council this week, would impose taxes on all local residential cultivation if California voters approve Proposition 19 to legalize recreational use.

PUT ON THE BALLOT....which means that voters would have to vote for this insane tax increase.

So I really have a hard time grasping why this is such a big deal to you NO voters....


Active member
it seems all these new members keep popping
up to argue the same bullshit we've already
dealt with.

or are they just trolls?

peace, and stay safe, it ain't legal yet, SOG

vote yes on Prop 19, it might be your last chance
to legalize cannabis and end 73 years of unjust
prohibition in your lifetime...and mine.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Just wondering - how can you be a new member with a join date of March 2005?


Just wondering - how can you be a new member with a join date of March 2005?

Actually, 2005 was my rejoin date;) If you do your homework you'll find out I've been on the forums since the 90s. Most old timers will know who I am, including Gypsy:)


Honestly, I couldnt give a fuck about the taxes. This is not an anti-tax movement, this is a legalization movement. Im guessing if you got 4 years in PRISON rather than county, you were probably growing more than just for yourself....

This is not about richard lee. This is not about taxes. This is not about big biz or any of the other shit you try to make it out to be.

This is for the little guy. This is for your average joe who just wants to have a smoke and maybe throw his hand at growing a few plants.

Did you really expect legalization to be a no tax no regulation free for all? Get real....

I think this is where you are mislead. The little guy can already have smoke in California. The average Joe can already grow some plants. This is about Lee, taxes, and big biz. Legalization is what you are trying to make it out to be. Write a better law.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Actually, 2005 was my rejoin date;) If you do your homework you'll find out I've been on the forums since the 90s. Most old timers will know who I am, including Gypsy:)

I dont give a shit if youve been here 20 minuts or 20 years.

Anyone who wants to keep cannabis illegal for whatever reason can go fuck themselfs and in my opinion should be BANNED from IC....


...and you really think in this economy every city will turn down the chance to bring millions of dollars of revenue to their community while removing the costs associated with LE having to go after marijuana busts? You may think so, but common sense proves otherwise:

OK, so your tax argument is proven bogus and debunked... What else do you have up your sleeve to fear monger the vote?

HAHA I love it. Well then lets stop regulating the 2nd admendment to pure worthlessness. Tax it appropriately so I can buy an automatic bottom feeding 30 round short barrel HK 416 w/ front grip and sound suppressor. Dont worry it won't cause any harm because guns are safe like pot until they are used in the wrong manner like cars are everyday. One is a right of this country and the other is just an intoxicate to most. An intoxicate that will never cause any harm to society if legalized the non fear monger crowd says so, so it must be true .There is lots of money to be made be letting people exercise their 2nd admendments rights so many thing to tax it's endless. I would also like to start a new tax on driving your car. since many of you are totally irresponsible with your car maintance oil leaks etc.... I feel a tax is needed. I would like to start a system of if I take a high performance driving course w/ usualy updates, have a proper sports car that can handle the speed, have my car inspected on a quarterly basis to prove my car is safe for the speed and my record is clean and most of all I pay a very high special insurance fee. I should be allowed to drive as fast as I want to in the number 1 lane. Everything I just said will make money? Their are plenty of hot rodders and gun people that are dying to spend their money but can't.

Smoking pot before driving a 2 ton car or a 3 to 4 ton truck makes for a better driver correct??

My vote is NO
Keep it a medicine, lets fix the medical laws first.

I dont give a shit if youve been here 20 minuts or 20 years.

Anyone who wants to keep cannabis illegal for whatever reason can go fuck themselfs and in my opinion should be BANNED from IC....

I'll compare your statement to those coming out of the Barry O. and MSNBC camps about Fox News not be a real news station. To bad, Fox just got the vote for a front row seat in the White House Press Corps.
Very interesting that you have used two of their talking points or strategies.
1: you called somone a fear monger
2: if they do not agree with YOU they should be banned.
Just like Robert Gibbs , Anita Dunn, David Axelrod have tried to do. Now you are trying the same thing or at least trying to throw out an idea in a causal manner kinda like No life experience Erza Klein and his JourNOlist. They were just having causual blogger conversations there is no conspiracy to report the news in a way to push the progressive agenda. No never, their talk of calling certain right wingers racists was just playful banter. Kinda like when your friend makes your friend makes you mad and you say " I'm going to kill him."
The funny thing is all three said Fox was not news but just a couple sundays ago Axelrod was on Fox. Why go there if they are fake? Damn Hypocrites I love it!!!

Ripe for the picking you are.


I dont give a shit if youve been here 20 minuts or 20 years.

Anyone who wants to keep cannabis illegal for whatever reason can go fuck themselfs and in my opinion should be BANNED from IC....

Just like assholes, everybody has an opinion:moon: So, as soon as someone disagrees with your opinion they should be banned? Not from the states, or in your opinion the 1st Amendment doesn't mean shit?

It's asshats like you that keep my post #s down, especially on growing. I now refuse to have battles of wit with unarmed people.


Well-known member
HAHA I love it. Well then lets stop regulating the 2nd admendment to pure worthlessness. Tax it appropriately so I can buy an automatic bottom feeding 30 round short barrel HK 416 w/ front grip and sound suppressor. Dont worry it won't cause any harm because guns are safe like pot until they are used in the wrong manner like cars are everyday. One is a right of this country and the other is just an intoxicate to most. An intoxicate that will never cause any harm to society if legalized the non fear monger crowd says so, so it must be true .There is lots of money to be made be letting people exercise their 2nd admendments rights so many thing to tax it's endless. I would also like to start a new tax on driving your car. since many of you are totally irresponsible with your car maintance oil leaks etc.... I feel a tax is needed. I would like to start a system of if I take a high performance driving course w/ usualy updates, have a proper sports car that can handle the speed, have my car inspected on a quarterly basis to prove my car is safe for the speed and my record is clean and most of all I pay a very high special insurance fee. I should be allowed to drive as fast as I want to in the number 1 lane. Everything I just said will make money? Their are plenty of hot rodders and gun people that are dying to spend their money but can't.

Smoking pot before driving a 2 ton car or a 3 to 4 ton truck makes for a better driver correct??

My vote is NO
Keep it a medicine, lets fix the medical laws first.

pure misdirection, DUI is still a crime
a good field sobriety test can nail anyone for operating a motor vehicle with impaired abilities
the law doesn't change for motor vehicle operation or any heavy equipment where safety is a issue

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
HAHA I love it. Well then lets stop regulating the 2nd admendment to pure worthlessness. Tax it appropriately so I can buy an automatic bottom feeding 30 round short barrel HK 416 w/ front grip and sound suppressor. Dont worry it won't cause any harm because guns are safe like pot until they are used in the wrong manner like cars are everyday. One is a right of this country and the other is just an intoxicate to most. An intoxicate that will never cause any harm to society if legalized the non fear monger crowd says so, so it must be true .There is lots of money to be made be letting people exercise their 2nd admendments rights so many thing to tax it's endless. I would also like to start a new tax on driving your car. since many of you are totally irresponsible with your car maintance oil leaks etc.... I feel a tax is needed. I would like to start a system of if I take a high performance driving course w/ usualy updates, have a proper sports car that can handle the speed, have my car inspected on a quarterly basis to prove my car is safe for the speed and my record is clean and most of all I pay a very high special insurance fee. I should be allowed to drive as fast as I want to in the number 1 lane. Everything I just said will make money? Their are plenty of hot rodders and gun people that are dying to spend their money but can't.

Smoking pot before driving a 2 ton car or a 3 to 4 ton truck makes for a better driver correct??

My vote is NO
Keep it a medicine, lets fix the medical laws first.

I'll compare your statement to those coming out of the Barry O. and MSNBC camps about Fox News not be a real news station. Very interesting VERY!!

....did anyone understand what the fuck skunk is talking about? I sure missed whatever point he was trying to make.


HAHA I love it. Well then lets stop regulating the 2nd admendment to pure worthlessness. Tax it appropriately so I can buy an automatic bottom feeding 30 round short barrel HK 416 w/ front grip and sound suppressor. Dont worry it won't cause any harm because guns are safe like pot until they are used in the wrong manner like cars are everyday. One is a right of this country and the other is just an intoxicate to most. An intoxicate that will never cause any harm to society if legalized the non fear monger crowd says so, so it must be true .There is lots of money to be made be letting people exercise their 2nd admendments rights so many thing to tax it's endless. I would also like to start a new tax on driving your car. since many of you are totally irresponsible with your car maintance oil leaks etc.... I feel a tax is needed. I would like to start a system of if I take a high performance driving course w/ usualy updates, have a proper sports car that can handle the speed, have my car inspected on a quarterly basis to prove my car is safe for the speed and my record is clean and most of all I pay a very high special insurance fee. I should be allowed to drive as fast as I want to in the number 1 lane. Everything I just said will make money? Their are plenty of hot rodders and gun people that are dying to spend their money but can't.

Smoking pot before driving a 2 ton car or a 3 to 4 ton truck makes for a better driver correct??

My vote is NO
Keep it a medicine, lets fix the medical laws first.

I'll compare your statement to those coming out of the Barry O. and MSNBC camps about Fox News not be a real news station. To bad, Fox just got the vote for a front row seat in the White House Press Corps.
Very interesting that you have used two of their talking points. 1: you called somone a fear monger
2: if they do not agree with YOU they should be banned. Just like robert Gibbs , Anita Dunn, David Axelrod.
The funny thing is all three said Fox was not news but just a couple sundays ago Axelrod was on Fox. Why go there if they are fake? Damn Hypocrites I love it!!!

fox news is fake news. look into it. but i agree, people should never be banned for having a political oppinion. political oppinion, hmm that sounds more like fox. just add the evil twist of conservative propaganda machine and then yes, that is fox news exactly.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Just like assholes, everybody has an opinion:moon: So, as soon as someone disagrees with your opinion they should be banned? Not from the states, or in your opinion the 1st Amendment doesn't mean shit?

It's asshats like you that keep my post #s down, especially on growing. I now refuse to have battles of wit with unarmed people.

Your not in disagreement with anyone, your fear mongering in an attempt to shoot down 19 for your own private motives.

In your same thinking, we should completly ban alcohol because there are still counties left in america that dont allow the sale of it.

Why not ban the sale of all guns because skunk cant buy a missle launcher?

Why not ban public from driving because skunk cant drive 300 miles an hour in a school zone?

Legalization is just that. Its not a free for all for you to act like a complete fool.


Yes I am... and still voting no!

As long as you vote!

I am wondering how voter turnout will effect this. I will be wanting to read the stats on Voter Turnout.

Also we need to be ready for 2012 no mater what.


Your not in disagreement with anyone, your fear mongering in an attempt to shoot down 19 for your own private motives.

See, there you go talking out of your :moon: again. How would you even begin to know what my private motives are? And as far as fear mongering goes...:blowbubbles: Being informed as much as possible, and having the ability to look at both the good and bad on any issue, is where people should be striving to be. If you don't see the potential of abuse by municipalities in such a poorly written proposition there is no hope.


ICMag Donor
It's been brought to my attention that MaddsVonF is going through some serious medical problems and is bed ridden. His brother used his handle and as you all know became very abusive until he was banned.

If and when Madds gets well enough to rejoin the community I am going to restore his handle. He has a beautiful room and some nice posts.

Wishing him a speedy recovery.......


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
If you don't see the potential of abuse by municipalities in such a poorly written proposition there is no hope.

Here we go again with the same tired proclamations that have been refuted endlessly. Is there some specific example of how poorly written it is, or is this just a global condemnation that we should accept at face value because your opinion is so valuable?


Game Bred
Read this sentence from the article. Reading comprehension is your friend:tiphat:

WHEREAS, regardless of whether Proposition 19 is adopted by the voters, the City Council desires to impose a tax as follows: 1) for indoor cultivation, if the Cultivated Area is equal to or less than 25 square feet, $600 per year for each square foot of Cultivated Area, or if the Cultivated Area is over 25 square feet, $900 per year for each square foot of Cultivated Area; and 2) for outdoor cultivation, if the Cultivated Area is equal to or less than 25 square feet, $600 per year for each 12.5 square feet of Cultivated Area, or if the Cultivated Area is over 25 square feet, $900 per year for each 12.5 square feet of Cultivated Area..........

from the actual legislation..

doing independent research and not blindly trusting an article because it supports your predetermined conclusion is your friend ;)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
See, there you go talking out of your :moon: again. How would you even begin to know what my private motives are? And as far as fear mongering goes...:blowbubbles: Being informed as much as possible, and having the ability to look at both the good and bad on any issue, is where people should be striving to be. If you don't see the potential of abuse by municipalities in such a poorly written proposition there is no hope.

Ill tell you what. You NOs love to generalize 19 negatively, so go ahead and make a list of why it's bad( or at least why you think it's bad) and I'll rebute your fears one by one....

I've already done this abou 20x but if it will stop the lies or misconceptions, I'll be happy to do it again and again and again until 19 is passed Nov. 2
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