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Ideal pH for starting seeds?


I find myself with 20 Chemdawg x Kush, 10 White Satan, and 5 PPP as well as a host of semi-dry root riots.

I would like to rehydrate them by placing them in a bucket of pH adjusted water, such as one would do with rockwool.
I have filtered water in the bucket with a few drops of superthrive added.
My new pH probe is soaking in some pH 4.0 calibration solution as directed by the manufacturer.

To what pH should I adjust my soak water?

These will go from starter plugs -> FF Light Warrior -> FFOF
5.6, it just is the magic number, a rasta dude who has been growing for 2 decades taught me this, he has the most beautiful flawless plats ive ever seen, 5.6 is also the number for clones.


O.K., I'm an old hydro guy and am used to the lower pHes there but always thought soil was higher. Like rockwool for clones or transplant...soak in 5.5 - 5.6. That goes for soil too?

I don't want to come off as doubting you, this answer just seems opposite of what I expected. I was thinking a whole pH point higher and was just double checking...glad I did/am.


Ive always heard 6 on the dot. i want to give the 5.6 thing a try tho.. What if you are doing your clones organic.. should u use 5.6? I forget what is available to plants at 5.6? more p and k then n probly.. thats probly why it works.. N will make the plant want to veg instead of root. so thats my guess. Yup thats it N is available more at higher ph


actually dude I am growing Mandala right now and am pretty sure that one of my safari mix is a straight white satin.. You are in for a treat. and watch ur magnesium mandala strains cant seem to get enough magnesium.. I love ur combo. Im a big fan of the rooter plugs also and FF LW thats all i use.

If i were u do half of them 6.3-6.5 and the other half at 5.6 - 5.8 those root riot are naturaly a little acidic so u might have better luck using 6.3ish with them


Zealious: You make me excited. I have a Safari Mix I am keeping back. I may pop them but 35 seems like enough for now.

I just pHed the water to 5.8 only a few drops of pH down took it from 7.1 to 5.8 and figured I would overshoot it if I added any more.
I will let them soak overnight and then squeeze out and put in the plug tray.

I may run a journal or something. I did get a little scared last time, no more pictures of 300 plants! More than likely I will only be a Q&A man.

I am running Krizznaps Chemdawg x Kush F2's from seedbay.
Any input appreciated

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