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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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gotta hit another 20 posts mate first.....lol..

good to see ya about my friend......been missing alot of my old Overgrow buddies....times change some move on, some sadly get busted and lie low.....

....and overall this thread has been an eye opener to all that have read it so far, I know that occasionally it gets a bit silly.....but so does life....

.....at least we can agree to disagree.....it's all good...

I was laying low, but I'm back so legal I had the sheriff come out and check the setup:)

I'm still doing the medical thing for patients and that's where my concern centers.

Nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree...it's a healthy thing.


Freedom Fighter
I love it when Members/Owners here suddenly seem Human--
Props to reinstating my belief that friends can disagree...and still be friends-- Others...take notes here-- It is not the end of the world to disagree--
I have been busy out here at the grow....so I didn't come here for a few days...too many pages for me to catch up, but it seems I didn't miss much....til now--
One Love....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Are you for real, seriously? Are you being condescending with your admission that you smoking a bong in the privacy of your house just as dangerous as me doing what I never said? Got you dead to rights on that one. Come on quote me where I said driving 300mph while shooting an automatic weapon out my sunroof. Stop trying to be witty like Racheal Maddow.

You just keep dodging the truth about what I wrote and keep taking things out of context and lying. Its a free country or I mean website and of course you seem to have the ability to call for bans on people so why should you debate me on what I worte in an honest way, you just keep doing what you have been doing for the last couple of posts.

I'm not sure what your even talking about. You keep going on about cars and guns and lost me on whatever point you were trying to make....and I was playing the role of Sean Hannity:wave:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
again....consider the thought process and motivations behind both sides views....still nothing from the no side i see as a valid argument to vote no...valid points made by some antis...some...a few....but nothing to overcome the moral obligation to begin the end of prohibition as soon as possible....
------should i even start in on the newest idiot on the block?...once again im just sitting here stunned....typing and deleting and typing and deleting....nah....he is being handled like a bitch...no need for me to start in...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey highgrade....

from what I can surmise Prop 19 won't effect what you can do under Prop 215......if you are a caregiver under 215, you can still be one under Prop 19.....

....but then thinking about it, what is to stop those that you supply now from just going to the stop&shop to buy some 'erb if cannabis starts to be sold there in the future?..

...It might just come down to quality of bud......and if you can supply a better quality than the commercially grown 'erb then your customers/patients may well stay with you....

.....what I like most about Prop 19 is that it recognizes recreational user and does not criminalize them if they want to use or grow cannabis within certain guidelines......and most cannabis users are recreational, although you could also say that they are using cannabis for therapeutic reasons too.......

I'm sitting here in SEAsia wishing that one-day I could just fire up a spliff without feeling paranoid about it......and maybe soon (if Prop 19 passes and set's a precedent, and the rest of the world follows suit)......that might come about......maybe wishful thinking?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
only wishful that it will pass gypsy....as evidenced by the mmj movement here in the states....where the first one leads(whether cali or another state) the others will follow...money talks louder then anything else in the states...as far as change is concerned...i think when it comes to brass tacks...many undecided and even people thinking 'no' will realize just whats at stake...neither side can say w any certainty we know where we are headed if this passes, but bottom line..aint nuthin gonna change until it changes


so nobody has any idea what kind of increased border security we will be seeing in Cali if this passes?

i'm sure arizona and nevada will no longer be welcoming us with open arms, for starters...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
schrews...ive seen you ask this question a few times...and i swear im not being a smartass, but i must have missed the point of the question...is this relevant to how you are going to vote on prop19? oh..as in people from other states coming here to buy herb? interesting question...what do you think? sorry if i missed it already, if not it seems you want someone to ask so i will bite...


Hey highgrade....

from what I can surmise Prop 19 won't effect what you can do under Prop 215......if you are a caregiver under 215, you can still be one under Prop 19.....

....but then thinking about it, what is to stop those that you supply now from just going to the stop&shop to buy some 'erb if cannabis starts to be sold there in the future?..

...It might just come down to quality of bud......and if you can supply a better quality than the commercially grown 'erb then your customers/patients may well stay with you....

.....what I like most about Prop 19 is that it recognizes recreational user and does not criminalize them if they want to use or grow cannabis within certain guidelines......and most cannabis users are recreational, although you could also say that they are using cannabis for therapeutic reasons too.......

I'm sitting here in SEAsia wishing that one-day I could just fire up a spliff without feeling paranoid about it......and maybe soon (if Prop 19 passes and set's a precedent, and the rest of the world follows suit)......that might come about......maybe wishful thinking?

IMO there's too many ways the municipalities will be able to manipulate the law into cash cows.

Hell Gypsy, I've never worried about the qualities of the meds I grow. It's not about losing patients/customers for me. I grow for 2-3 collectives with an agreement they don't gouge actual medical patients. I'm not talking about the ones that work the system, but the legitimate ones that truly are in need of meds and can't grow their own. 20% is donated to those patients with minimum or no funds. I have my day job to pay the bills.

I understand your thoughts on the issue and can agree with your wish to be able to fire up at will without prosecution. I'm all for that if it can be done without .gov regulating the hell out of it.

19 more and I'll PM you:jump:


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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
so nobody has any idea what kind of increased border security we will be seeing in Cali if this passes?

i'm sure arizona and nevada will no longer be welcoming us with open arms, for starters...

Well, I don't know anything about Arizona, but I grew up very near Reno on the California side, and I can assure you that they aren't going to let a little thing like a plant keep them from feeding the gambling machine. 40 years ago, maybe. They were the last state in the union to stop requiring ROTC in schools, and if you were underage with California license plates, you had no business there. On the other hand, they have a very strong history of protecting individual freedoms and letting people do as they please no matter how eccentric. Prostitution has been legal there for a long time now.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I'm done with this prop 19 argument. it has just become a repetitive circle. people are gonna vote what they are gonna vote at this point.

The only thing that remains absolutely true about this situation is that cali is, and will remain a shit storm no matter what happens with this bill.

I have said as much as I can say, have fun:beat-dead


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
IMO there's too many ways the municipalities will be able to manipulate the law into cash cows.

Hell Gypsy, I've never worried about the qualities of the meds I grow. It's not about losing patients/customers for me. I grow for 2-3 collectives with an agreement they don't gouge actual medical patients. I'm not talking about the ones that work the system, but the legitimate ones that truly are in need of meds and can't grow their own. 20% is donated to those patients with minimum or no funds. I have my day job to pay the bills.

I understand your thoughts on the issue and can agree with your wish to be able to fire up at will without prosecution. I'm all for that if it can be done without .gov regulating the hell out of it.

19 more and I'll PM you:jump:
the question i would pose is do you think we will ever get cannabis legalized in the states w out fed regulation? and is it worth giving up the chance at change because we dont like said regulation?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
IMO there's too many ways the municipalities will be able to manipulate the law into cash cows.

Hell Gypsy, I've never worried about the qualities of the meds I grow. It's not about losing patients/customers for me. I grow for 2-3 collectives with an agreement they don't gouge actual medical patients. I'm not talking about the ones that work the system, but the legitimate ones that truly are in need of meds and can't grow their own. 20% is donated to those patients with minimum or no funds. I have my day job to pay the bills.

I understand your thoughts on the issue and can agree with your wish to be able to fire up at will without prosecution. I'm all for that if it can be done without .gov regulating the hell out of it.

19 more and I'll PM you:jump:

Governments seem to want to 'regulate the hell' out of everything man.......don't matter what it is and where you are, if there is money to be made from it....you can be sure it will involve the government in some way or another......So what's the option?......Either keep cannabis illegal as it is and then hundreds or thousands/millions of people have to face the paranoia of the potential penalties.....fines/jail etc......or (for Californian's) vote yes on Prop 19 or not and hope that some other Prop/Bill will come along in the years ahead that will get voted thru....or not...

....meanwhile millions more people will be victimized/criminalized for what we all agree is a victimless crime.....

Whatever each municipality in California will do as far as licencing e.t.c if this Prop 19 passes.....I haven't a clue.....

The main concern to me is that it does pass.......and from that standpoint I think that it's just one big step in approximately the right direction......

I don't care who makes money out of it or not.......I just care about getting it legal and normalized...

...Damn....I can go into any place and order a beer and sit and enjoy that beer without having to worry about a swat team mangling me......why can't I do that with a spliff?


ICMag Donor
wow you really do use the MSNBC / progressive debating strategy.
Where did I every say let me drive 300mph in a school ?
WHERE I ASK YOU?????? I said number one lane. If you are as smart as you say you are then where would the number one lane usually be???? THE FREEWAY maybe????
Where did I say I wanted a missle launcher? Wow you really are the man of misinformation.
SCORE BOARD!!!! I caught you in a flatout lie and misrepresenting my post correct? You should leave according your idealogy.
Does everybosdy have to spell out every detail so you won't take it out of context???

You so smart you fail to see the comparision.
Originally Posted by BiG H3rB Tr3E
...and you really think in this economy every city will turn down the chance to bring millions of dollars of revenue to their community while removing the costs associated with LE having to go after marijuana busts? You may think so, but common sense proves otherwise:

Lets break it down:
You say "why would a city turn down a chance to bring in millions of tax dollars while removing the $$$ associated with enforcing marijuana laws? then there is your "common sense proves otherwise" part.

I say if that is the case then why not stop regulating my 2nd admendment RIGHTS away and let me buy any gun I want IF I WILLING TO PAY THE TAXES. Taxes that will bring in $$$$$$$ for the state and/or cities, correct? It will also save the city the cost associated with going after people who may own guns that are not curently legal in Cali.

I say let me be free with my privilege to drive fast on the freeway or desiganted areas of road as long as I pay the fee (or taxes), etc. It will also save the city the costs associated with going after people who drive too fast or put illegal parts on their cars.
So why are cities turning down good tax and/or fee money from the gun people?
Why does the state outlaw so many cars and parts that would generate lots of tax revenue and jobs?

I already know what your progressive smart A@@ is going to say MAYBE. Gun kill and cars pollute but marijuana is totally harmless MAN ( in that lame loser hippy tone of voice).

You are so caught up in your own ideology its very interesting.

I could say that you try hard in a indirect way to discredit people with smear tactics just like MSNBC and the progressives. Do you belong to the website ThinkProgress? or doyou work for the Center for American Progressive because you use their talking points very well.
Its alright I have love for you.
For those with your one-sided Fox comments, your full if it. I watch all the cable news programs just to compare the B.S. and I read a lot of sites mostly progressive ones because they are interesting, VERY INTERESTING!

I love it


I have said it many times but the above poster perfectly illustrates this point:

The far right wing are trying desperately to kill this Prop and roll back MJ rights across the country.

Anyone who quotes Fox News Facts is not going to on the side of Cannabis Rights.
They have digested their Ailes flavored Kool Aid long ago. (yes it's a bitter drink)
Do not listen to them.

Anyone who says they are not voting for the bill because it does not grant them unlimited freedoms of one sort or another is disingenuous or uneducated in US history and how rights getting works or both.

Civil rights for any group... wow,
it's a slow long process.

Ask women how quickly the field was leveled for them after they got the vote.

It took African Americans over a hundred years AFTER Slavery ended to make a serious inroad into society rights wise.
The Irish arrived here to signs of "No Irish need apply" signs in store windows hiring.

The Germans were the first
race" that caused an outcry for "English as a National Language" because in 1903 a third of the USA spoke German after so many immigrants arrived.

We rounded up all the Japanese during WWII into interment camps.
Where were their civil rights.
Not one had a trial.

How are the gays doing rights wise?
Civil Rights happened overnight for them right?

Arizona. Nuff said.

And then there's us.

Cannabis users bear the heaviest weight for supporting a prison system currently built for corporate profit.

800,000 arrests every years because Prohibition is a failed public policy.

Ruined lives and family's destroyed every year because Prohibition is a failed public policy.

Prop 19 is a first step. (2nd step really after 215)
Prop 19 isn't about California alone.
Prop 19 is about a Loud Message to our Federal Government from the Voting Public that desperately needs to be sent, received and heard.

Cannabis Prohibition is a failed and costly Public Policy that is detrimental to the national security and economic strength of our country.

If you don't understand the big picture for the political fight for the civil rights of all second class citizen cannabis users then you can take your "unlimited rights, magic wand, wish upon a star, whiny dickhead strategy" and stick it up your stupid ass where it belongs based on it's long term chance of success.

Now you can all return to quarreling over 5x5 grow spaces and a 1 oz carry limit......

But keep the real important point about Prohibition in the back of your mind.

And then Vote Yes.


would there be a way though to prevent dry counties? other than alot of time to see and fully understand the revenue losses? i mean i definitely see certain portions of 19 taking us in the right direction.

it will be interesting as we get closer to the election, if any counties come out against it, or vocalize that their county will not permit cannabis sales etc. i would also like to hear a federal response to 19. you know there has to be reporters dying to ask obama what he will do if cali passes 19. id like to hear what meg whitman plans to do when 19 passes, and jerry browns response.

theres still so much time left. alot of crazy things could happen.


ICMag Donor
Just curious as to how many of the 800,000 are CA residents over the age of 21 with not more than an ounce?

a better question is about the disproportionate number of minorities convicted of cannabis crimes compared to the overall total arrest numbers.

hmmm just realized a lot of the No on Prop 19 whining on these boards may be from white MJ users who have a better chance in a tilted legal system anyway.


A lot of No on Prop 19 have stated that they cannot support a poorly written bill. It is not that they are anti legalization but anti bad legislation. I can't vote yes on this prop because I believe it is too restrictive. Since the government wants in on the cannabis economy in CA it seems that the cannabis community should drive a hard bargain while they still have some politicoeconomic power in the matter. I'll hold out for a better prop.

Keep polishing the turd boys. You're doing a damn fine job. Maybe it won't smell like shit either when you step in it.
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