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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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For me as a californian it is not. People are still going to jail if prop19 is voted in... I do not take profit or converting cali into amersterdam over people going to jail.

If people really want to smoke to relax and relieve stress... go get a rec as it offers way more freedoms than prop 19.

Then in 2012 we can vote in Jack herer's prop.

Also people are hoping it will change their states laws... sorry but concervites and the bible belt will not be won over by prop19.

YES!!!!!!! Jack had it right!


I love how everyone is hating on commercial farmers now, no respect for the fact they have been putting pot in your pipes for many years now, risking their freedoms to get you high, now apparently they are all scumbags, to make it worse now everyone is all for some multi-millionaire who already controls Oakland’s marijuana scene to tailor a bill to benefit his pockets is insane to me


Sorcerer's Apprentice
again 12 lbs per year per 25sq' is not average it is super human.

The work of harvesting and manicuring it all at once would require superhuman effort. But I could pull 2 oz a week if I wanted to harvest 8-10 small 14"-16" tall plants a week. 2 oz * 52 weeks = 6.5 lbs per year at 8-10 plants a week.

It would take about hmm. 20 minutes to harvest 8 plants once a week. Another 10 minutes to carefully hang them all to dry so they didn't touch one another. So if I was willing to devote an hour a week to the task I could probably pull off 16-20 plants a week. (So, in a 10 week rotation, you'd have 160 very small plants at any given time, with 10 new clones a week.)

It'd be time consuming, but not superhuman. I'm gonna say less than 10 hours a week. If you have a TV near (or on) your cabinet you could just make it part of your daily tv viewing. (most people spend more than 10 hours a week watching tv.)

That'd give you 13 lbs a year, perpetually. With 4 new ounces every week.

That's assuming each plant is between 5.7g to 7.125g dried weight.

Does it still sound superhuman?

  • Harvest 16-20 small plants a week (1 hour or less), [Basically you just chop the stem at the soil level and hang the whole thing to dry, stripping off fan leaves that have somehow survived defoliation....]
  • Take 16-20 clones a week (1 hour or less),
  • Water 160-200 small plants 2-3 times a week (1-2 hours each time)
(Note: Increasing light penetration/available light intensity would increase yield to a point. The above scenario assumes 125w of CFL per SQ FT at a distance of about 16" from soil.)
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Game Bred
Yep! I don`t live in Amsterdam and this law is not what I have been dreaming of all my life! What I want is all goverment to back off completely when it comes to marijuana! And I won`t take no for an answer!

id love a bill that reads

every human on the planet has the right to grow,possess,process,sell,give,barter any portion,extract,concentrate or any other product containing any portion of the cannabis plant without paying any tax or being subject to any penalty from any federal,state,or local law enforcement agency or be discriminated against by any group,club,business or employer. the use of cannabis is to be allowed in any place public or private.

but i live in the real world and it aint happening.

so you can stand in the way of adults being allowed to grow and smoke in the privacy of their own homes or you can stand for continued prohibition.

but do stop lying about the bill please?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Yep! I don`t live in Amsterdam and this law is not what I have been dreaming of all my life! What I want is all goverment to back off completely when it comes to marijuana! And I won`t take no for an answer!

Thats because your a fucking fool. I hate to resort to telling you people what I think of you, but when you purposely misinterpret some of the easiest laws to comprehend, it's more than obvious what your motives are...

So listen here you little ass clown. Nobody gives a shit enough about you little pricks to vote against this. I honestly can't believe how fuckibg immature you are. Do you really think cannabis can ever become legalized and not taxed in a retail market? How fucking small of an IQ do you have to believe that? Or do you knowingly deny the plausibility because your sone low level middle man slanging grams to your moronic high school flunkies?


Game Bred
I love how everyone is hating on commercial farmers now, no respect for the fact they have been putting pot in your pipes for many years now, risking their freedoms to get you high, now apparently they are all scumbags, to make it worse now everyone is all for some multi-millionaire who already controls Oakland’s marijuana scene to tailor a bill to benefit his pockets is insane to me

i was a commercial grower for a long time...

this bill wont hurt them one little bit.

fact is this bill will allow adults to grow and smoke in the privacy of their own homes.

why is that a threat to you?


Thats because your a fucking fool. I hate to resort to telling you people what I think of you, but when you purposely misinterpret some of the easiest laws to comprehend, it's more than obvious what your motives are...

So listen here you little ass clown. Nobody gives a shit enough about you little pricks to vote against this. I honestly can't believe how fuckibg immature you are. Do you really think cannabis can ever become legalized and not taxed in a retail market? How fucking small of an IQ do you have to believe that? Or do you knowingly deny the plausibility because your sone low level middle man slanging grams to your moronic high school flunkies?

tell us how you feel bro, ICmag doesnt mind when people call name and such, so fuck off ****s, keep em off your chin, vote for a bad bill instead of working on a good one
i've read the bill in its entirety, and i wish the mods would remove all the posts that keep claiming things that are 100% contrary to what the bill says. if the posts are a lie to scare people into voting no, then they should be censored. many people are scanning this thread and getting the wrong idea about this bill because of the outright lies some large growers are saying so they can protect their illegal cash cows. thank you to the mods who are refuting this BS, but i say go ahead and delete the lying posts, they aren't contributing to the debate, they are based on fear mongering and outright lies, and are only further muddying the waters. because of all the BS here i was thinking the bill might be bad at 1st, until i read it. that's when i realized the people who are opposed to this have an AGENDA and do not give a shit about the legalization issues or the average person. they are either large cash croppers who want to continue gouging the little guy, or they are LEO. who gives a shit if some rich fuck who can afford the price of a commercial liscense buys it and makes a fortune. if you live there, you can grow your own and don't have to pay their prices. if you want to go into business for yourself and are good at growing, lobby for local ordinances that allow you to sell, borrow money from an investor or bank, or get several partners together, form a co-op and start selling legal weed. quit the whining about it hurts the little guy, that's an outright lie. this is the best thing to happen to the little guy that will EVER happen. you people are spoiled and don't understand that in some states, 1 plant could get you 10 years with no time off for good behavior. (if you fail drug court, which 85% do fail) child molesters around here get off with 3 years for destroying multiple kids lives, but i will get 10 years for my 2 plants, and the rest of my life is ruined, no legal firearms, no good job, wont be able to vote; i would be destined to hard manual labor just to get by, or risking my freedom to get life in prison growing a commercial sized amount. you people are insane if you believe this bill is bad. some people just will never understand what is being handed to them on a silver platter. that's so typical of this coddled generation that has been given everything yesterday and feels they are "ENTITLED" to everything the rest of us have to bust our ass to get a piece of. So sad is this day in america when you people are this ignorant!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I love how everyone is hating on commercial farmers now, no respect for the fact they have been putting pot in your pipes for many years now, risking their freedoms to get you high

Really? They weren't doing it for the money? Can I have it back then?


Game Bred
maybe your seed sales business would benefit from the slogan "every sale contributes to continued prohibition" mark?

you probably wont do that though?
not proud to stand against your customers are you

Guest 88950

You're retarded. If people are carrying ANYTHING NOW, they are breaking the law. If they are carrying UP TO AN OUNCE once this passes, they will not be breaking the law.

If they CHOOSE to break that law for whatever reason (only realistic reason is street dealing) they will face the consequences... just like now.

In the legal scenario, all you have to do is carry 1 oz or less when you're out and about. Seems reasonable to me. I never carry an ounce NOW. Because I don't want to be hassled or imprisoned. If you aren't afraid to do it now... you won't be afraid to do it then.

So... stupid people will still get locked up.[/QUOTE

What good would it be to be able to carry an oz with you anyway if you can`t smoke it anywhere because minors might be near you?


are you too stupid to smoke away from minors? if so eat edibles.

you still side stepped Anti pointing out that you are comparing Lemons to Lemons. carrying more than an oz will still be illegal IF prop19 passes.

it still sucks but at least under an oz will be Legal.

so can you admit that carrying an oz or more is a non-issue since nothing changes?

anyway, the oz limit is a minimum threshold and it could be established with larger limits by the city or county.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
What good would it be to be able to carry an oz with you anyway if you can`t smoke it anywhere because minors might be near you?

Well... I don't have any minors in my residence so i'll be happily smoking THERE... and then when I go over to my friend's houses they don't have kids... (and the ones that do probably know how to discretely go in another room (or step outside) away from the kids, since they already do this now...) I'll be smoking THERE... and then when i go to HASH BARS (that will open 2 weeks after this goes into effect) I can smoke it THERE.... and all the places that I currently do it anyway (and get by) I won't have to look over my shoulder because "someone might smell it".

Your continued arguments against these simple realities just look like either troll-bait or intentional deception. If it were not such a serious subject, I would not be feeding these trollish posts.


ok show the wording that says so?


please stop lying?

Why don`t you show me the wording (and the source) for everything you say? Because it`s a lot of work for you? Stop calling be a lier and show some proof if I`m wrong! Where does it say that you can carry any amount of marijuana or grow any amount of marijuana or smoke in public if you have a medical recomendation anywhere? The amounts were a product of Kelly vs. the People and it was stated because 215 didn`t have amounts written in to the law.those parts were thrown out only because 420 was passed by the goverment not the people and 215 could not be abridged by the government.If prop 19 passes it will be a vote of the people and that will effect medical marijuana users because it sets up marijuana limits by the vote of the people and over turns the arguements of the State Supreme court(and 9th district court) in Kelly vs. the People! Not to say that it would conflict at all with 215 as it wouldn`t but again we are not talking about what is in 215 but what is not in 215 and was desided on as a clarification of 215 vs.AB 420.


Well... I don't have any minors in my residence so i'll be happily smoking THERE... and then when I go over to my friend's houses they don't have kids... (and the ones that do probably know how to discretely go in another room (or step outside) away from the kids, since they already do this now...) I'll be smoking THERE... and then when i go to HASH BARS (that will open 2 weeks after this goes into effect) I can smoke it THERE.... and all the places that I currently do it anyway (and get by) I won't have to look over my shoulder because "someone might smell it".

Your continued arguments against these simple realities just look like either troll-bait or intentional deception. If it were not such a serious subject, I would not be feeding these trollish posts.

Sorry but the law only says near minors. It does not define what near is so courts may deside if being in the same house but in different rooms is near or not. Or they may deside near is on the same property? or? Who the F*ck knows what they will deside near means? This is one of the problems of this law is it jumps around and is not clearly written...besides it sucks anyway!


Game Bred
Why don`t you show me the wording (and the source) for everything you say? Because it`s a lot of work for you? Stop calling be a lier and show some proof if I`m wrong! Where does it say that you can carry any amount of marijuana or grow any amount of marijuana or smoke in public if you have a medical recomendation anywhere? The amounts were a product of Kelly vs. the People and it was stated because 215 didn`t have amounts written in to the law.those parts were thrown out only because 420 was passed by the goverment not the people and 215 could not be abridged by the government.If prop 19 passes it will be a vote of the people and that will effect medical marijuana users because it sets up marijuana limits by the vote of the people and over turns the arguements of the State Supreme court(and 9th district court) in Kelly vs. the People! Not to say that it would conflict at all with 215 as it wouldn`t but again we are not talking about what is in 215 but what is not in 215 and was desided on as a clarification of 215 vs.AB 420.

take the simple step of clicking my name and selecting "filter posts"
you will find where i broke down the place where the proposal references H&S 11362.5 and 11362.7-.9 as exempt.

nice try

do stop lying

and ive sourced everything ive said time and again in multiple posts in multiple threads.

do PLEASE stop lying and i wont call you a liar.


Game Bred

im as legal as they come right now.

ive got a rec for my knees and an auto immune skin disease.

prop 19 will have absolutely zero effect in my life whatsoever.
my vehement support is strictly because it is the FUCKING RIGHT THING TO DO!
adults should be allowed to do what they choose in their own homes.
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