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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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hell i KNOW im an asshole. that aint new news. in fact im probably the worlds only self proclaimed asshole. that who i am and who i am is that. but at least im real with it. and in this world real talk is worth more than good grammer. shit i could give a fuck if your the finest speaking english professor this planet has seen. its what you say not how you say it. and all you got is some tired ass old fear mongering bull shit. you guys is all the same. in fact im damn near convinced its 1 or 2 people with like 5 different accounts. you all do the same shit. come in here. spew a whole load of shit that i dont even think you believe, but you say it any way. it gets proven as the garbage it is. then yal jump on the defense like were some bully motherfuckers who is here for nothing more than talking shit. i grew up on the street. i dont run my mouth unless theres good reason. and when yal cats come in here reciting some straight fucking nonsense as fact, your damn right ima get heated on it. i talk with hundreds of people damn near everyday about this. the only ones i hear spewing some ignorant bullshit is growers and other dispensary owners. i on the other hand grew up with nothing. never owned a house. never owned a vehicle til i was 22. i can live with nothing. im for the people. i been here and i stay here for them. i love my people and i seen first hand this prohibition destroy lifes. families. and friends. time and time again. everything i have in this life has come from me. ive shed blood sweat and tears and risked everything to get to where im at. you can call me immature. call me an asshole call me whatever the fuck you like but you cant call me wrong. you say im biased? well your god damned right im biased. when you seen the shit i seen its hard not to be. in fact it makes me so fucking angry to even realize theres people who willfully will misguide people so they can continue on with their dirty fucking money. in my opinion you is just as fucking dirty as the people you claim to hate (governemnt + cops + leo + big biz...whatever the fuck it is) if you can justify destroying lifes for money because you dont think this is the right legilature you can go fuck yourselfs and i PRAY i fucking PRAY your ass gets left behind when this thing gets big. because the way you antis act. you dont deserve a fucking thing besides getting your teeth knocked out your fucking mouth for distorting the truth. im done with ya cooter. you can act like your for the people. you can act like your some fucking mother teresa grower who does nothing but grow for sick people. i couldnt give a fuck. to me you just a slimy scum fuck piece of filth who truly dont give a fuck about anyone but yourself. i got my neck on the line voting for this because i know it can mean some groundbreaking shit. imagine if everyone voted no on 215??? where the fuck would we be now?? this is a monumental moment for the movement and im going to do everything in my power to make sure it is a fucking landslide victory come november.


In case you did not read, I am not anti, I am a non voter with a lot of questions that you "self-proclaimed assholes" really don't answer that well except in your own mind. You don't spell or write very well but you are a law expert? The law experts won't give their opinion of what is going to happen because they don't know, but you guys do.

JJ I can understand, and subrob makes some sense, but biggie has done very little to help me believe this thing is going to turn out like you guys imagine it. With all the name calling and alienation of anyone who disagrees with him, it does not help a pessimist believe that the government is really trying to help me.

Like I said biggie, keep polishing the turd. Seems like your parents did a good job of it.



the topic was how dangerous and damaging growing indoors can be, and owners rights and whatever. my point was that safety wasnt the purpose behind 5x5. if it was, then probably they would have only allowed for outdoor grows, or set a different larger square footage for outdoor.

stop one line quoting me and trolling me with your ignorant shit.

this is a proposition created mainly to allow the set up of commercial non med. commercial interests funded it, not pot mother teresa. very simple. too simple for you to comprehend.

you wanna have the, "5x5 is a godsend" argument again and turn more voters? go ahead.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Can't make someone understand what they don't want to hear so I figure I treat you like my dog and just rub your nose in the shit you created.:cathug::cathug::cathug:


ICMag Donor
In case you did not read, I am not anti, I am a non voter with a lot of questions that you "self-proclaimed assholes" really don't answer that well except in your own mind. You don't spell or write very well but you are a law expert? The law experts won't give their opinion of what is going to happen because they don't know, but you guys do.

JJ I can understand, and subrob makes some sense, but biggie has done very little to help me believe this thing is going to turn out like you guys imagine it. With all the name calling and alienation of anyone who disagrees with him, it does not help a pessimist believe that the government is really trying to help me.

Like I said biggie, keep polishing the turd. Seems like your parents did a good job of it.

It's not so much that the Govt wants to help us as much as they want to help themselves. They just have to give a little something in return to get some cash flowing their way.

But three little steps are the same as a big step. It just takes longer. And you can't step through the door until they open it. But once that little toe gets inside that door it can't close. It will only be pried open further.......


Freedom Fighter
In case you did not read, I am not anti, I am a non voter with a lot of questions that you "self-proclaimed assholes" really don't answer that well except in your own mind.

If you are a Voter, from another State...then at least you are part of the "Process"...if you do not vote, but simply adhere to one Conspiracy Theory after another....you are "Inconsequential"-- :tiphat:


If you are a Voter, from another State...then at least you are part of the "Process"...if you do not vote, but simply adhere to one Conspiracy Theory after another....you are "Inconsequential"-- :tiphat:

In protest of the process, I choose not to support it. "Conspiracy theory" is yet more politicospeak to push an agenda and alient those with different views. Conspiracy, yes, there are people conspiring against the workers. The workers are the only ones producing any wealth. Participating in a rigged system can only produce what the system wants.


Freedom Fighter
In protest of the process, I choose not to support it. "Conspiracy theory" is yet more politicospeak to push an agenda and alient those with different views. Conspiracy, yes, there are people conspiring against the workers. The workers are the only ones producing any wealth. Participating in a rigged system can only produce what the system wants.

Unless you are organized enough, with enough ppl (and balls) to take up Arms against "The Process"...then you are only talking to the ppl who can read these word....you are not doing ANYTHING to change it--
I said "Conspiracy Theory", because you speak of all the things that are holding us down...but it turns out they are invalid arguments...as with your rant about "Landlords"--
They have the $$ to buy it...if you don't, you should keep working for that goal...or accept your Lot in Life--
Isn't "Inactivity" the same as "Acceptance"??:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
I'd like to see any group in America try to take up arms to get what they want.

Do not be fooled, my friend...I don't think there has been a Government/Power that Be that this has not happened to--
When the Government ends up taking the opposite Stance of The People, for long enough...The People will Revolt--
The People are more powerful than The Government....every time--:tiphat:


Unless you are organized enough, with enough ppl (and balls) to take up Arms against "The Process"...then you are only talking to the ppl who can read these word....you are not doing ANYTHING to change it--
I said "Conspiracy Theory", because you speak of all the things that are holding us down...but it turns out they are invalid arguments...as with your rant about "Landlords"--
They have the $$ to buy it...if you don't, you should keep working for that goal...or accept your Lot in Life--
Isn't "Inactivity" the same as "Acceptance"??:tiphat:

Don't mistake movement for action. The political and economic system are designed so the majority do the work while the minority keep the spoils. 10% own 90% of American wealth. This is a result of the system. I choose to participate in this system as little as possible in protest of the fact that this system can only produce too much for the minority and not enough for the majority. Just like Vegas, anyone can win, but the majority will always go home losing because it is a rigged system.


that was all correct 100 years ago when it was necessary to labor on the land to create wealth.

today however

land+labor=taxes and liability.

sorry your stuck in a time when labor on the land mattered...

I am sorry, but Land + Labor + Capital = Wealth is still a valid economic equation. Please read "Progress and Poverty" by Henry George for a more in depth explanation of why lack of land access is our problem. I am not going to go through the definition of land/rent, labor/wage, and capital/interest but semantics is big part of our misunderstandings.


Freedom Fighter
Don't mistake movement for action. The political and economic system are designed so the majority do the work while the minority keep the spoils. 10% own 90% of American wealth. This is a result of the system. I choose to participate in this system as little as possible in protest of the fact that this system can only produce too much for the minority and not enough for the majority. Just like Vegas, anyone can win, but the majority will always go home losing because it is a rigged system.

That is inaccurate-- 10% of the Masses have 90% of the wealth (That is true), but it is the small businesses....that keep the Masses working, not the few "Mega Corps"--
Yes, there are a Chosen Few, who have enough $$ to claim "Elitism", but that is, what it is-- You cannot compete with Big Money, for making Big Money--
However, the bulk of America, does not work for them...they work for the Legions of Small Business, that is why it is still a level playing field-- If you have the Mettle to work for and towards your goals...you can do it-- But if you choose to simply work, and spend like you are already "There"....you will prolly stay broke--
It is a choice, my friend....I do not "Hate", for an individual's "Decisions"..but you have to live with them, if you make them--
One of my favorite quotes is, "You can do anything you want to in your life, as long as you are willing to accept the consequences" (That was said by a good friend from AA...when I was trying, thankfully successfully...to get off heroin...14 years ago) --
"Not Voting", is a decision that leaves you with but 1 consequence...your voice will not be heard--:tiphat:



come on man, you took the time to care about 19. you seem to understand politics. if you really didnt want to be a part of the system so bad, then why invest the time and energy to even care what happens inside it? atleast game the system from the inside.

is it that educated participants being a apart of the system and changing it ever so slightly to something tolerable prolongs its life?

i understand the concept of the working class and i see the great illusion that all americans are somehow, "middle class". to me, you either live paycheck to paycheck or you dont. you either have a trust fund, or you dont.

what is your proposal to bring about class awareness in america if you choose not to work at least in part, through the system?


KMK420Kali, cooter:
everyone works for the federal reserve or their nations respective central bank, and subsequently the share holders of said bank.

Do not be fooled, my friend...I don't think there has been a Government/Power that Be that this has not happened to--
When the Government ends up taking the opposite Stance of The People, for long enough...The People will Revolt--
The People are more powerful than The Government....every time--:tiphat:

i want to agree with this sooo bad, but i think the reality now is that they have technology they are testing in iraq and afghanistan that simply would boggle your mind, in fact you would probably say im nuts if i mentioned some of it. they will slaughter us this time, make no mistake about it. 75 years ago or so when they implemented the federal reserve and before they had the technology they have now, that was our window to take our country back. but i really WANT to believe we could do it now, i just think its too late. im saying this in light of hundreds of thousands of hours researching the technologies they are using against us everyday to keep us complacent. i hope above all hope you are right and i am wrong.


look if they couldnt do their thing in afganistan after sooo many years, and if the goal wasnt perpetual war, then they cant do it here. im not worried about the all seeing eye. like mos def said, they cant never really do that.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I am the stone that builder refused
I am the visual
The inspiration
That made lady sing the blues

I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spark
that lights the dark
So that you can know your left from your right

I am the ballot in your box
The bullet in your gun
The inner glow that lets you know
To call your brother son
The story that just begun
The promise of what's to come
And I'm 'a remain a soldier till the war is won


I am the stone that builder refused
I am the visual
The inspiration
That made lady sing the blues

I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spark
that lights the dark
So that you can know your left from your right

I am the ballot in your box
The bullet in your gun
The inner glow that lets you know
To call your brother son
The story that just begun
The promise of what's to come
And I'm 'a remain a soldier till the war is won

asheru is the shit!

Neo 420

Active member
That is inaccurate-- 10% of the Masses have 90% of the wealth (That is true), but it is the small businesses....that keep the Masses working, not the few "Mega Corps"--
Yes, there are a Chosen Few, who have enough $$ to claim "Elitism", but that is, what it is-- You cannot compete with Big Money, for making Big Money--
However, the bulk of America, does not work for them...they work for the Legions of Small Business, that is why it is still a level playing field-- If you have the Mettle to work for and towards your goals...you can do it-- But if you choose to simply work, and spend like you are already "There"....you will prolly stay broke--
It is a choice, my friend....I do not "Hate", for an individual's "Decisions"..but you have to live with them, if you make them--
One of my favorite quotes is, "You can do anything you want to in your life, as long as you are willing to accept the consequences" (That was said by a good friend from AA...when I was trying, thankfully successfully...to get off heroin...14 years ago) --
"Not Voting", is a decision that leaves you with but 1 consequence...your voice will not be heard--:tiphat:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kmk420kali again.

Neo 420

Active member
i want to agree with this sooo bad, but i think the reality now is that they have technology they are testing in iraq and afghanistan that simply would boggle your mind, in fact you would probably say im nuts if i mentioned some of it. they will slaughter us this time, make no mistake about it. 75 years ago or so when they implemented the federal reserve and before they had the technology they have now, that was our window to take our country back. but i really WANT to believe we could do it now, i just think its too late. im saying this in light of hundreds of thousands of hours researching the technologies they are using against us everyday to keep us complacent. i hope above all hope you are right and i am wrong.

I hope the technologies you speak of don't attribute to anything that does mass harm to people. That would turn all USA citizens instantly against the gov't causing a ripple that would affect the world.
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