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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


Grower of fine herbs...
Looking good Core.. I have to get you a couple shots of my crash test's that I just harvested when I get a cam in a few days. I know you wanted to take a peek at em when they were done. Two very distinct phenos, 1 sativa, 1 indica.. But anyway they caught the axe at day 65 and will be dry in 5 days, hopefully by then I will borrow a working cam...

Your current run is looking really nice, sorry to hear about the thrips in the veg room.. Those fuckers are persistent as hell. If you remember I have been battling this bacterial blight or fungus in my room for the past 2 months. I finally have it more or less under control, with twice weekly sprays of Serenade.. Now I just need to stay on that schedule and I think I can lick it.. Well anyway sorry for the rant. Keep up the hard work.. Peace.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looking awesome brother

Good growth growing, looking like they will be posting some huge buds


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Sup Bro!

Man it's been ages... but I know that we both have had our fair share of thime consuming things to do :dueling:

Anyways, wanted to pass by, give you the props, looks like you're bouncing back :yes:

Them ladies look nice, I like how you get them all nice and thight, arranged in military formation :canabis: I can't wait till they fill up the stalks with frosty nuggets :abduct:

The outdoor season is kinda coming to an end, and I had some time, to drop some pics.

I managed to make f3's of the PB, even tho there was a bad case of brotitis in the GH. Went for the most purplish plants for seeds, and some buds where actually ready by Oct 15th.

Here's a pic of the PB male I used for the pollination

Pics of the mom later.

Here's the cross that I made with what you gave me and Love Potion
Core's x LP

This pics are about 2 months old. The plants produced BIG colas filled with crystals. Will wait till they dry for pics. Sweet candy smell with a skunk in the back. I lost about 1/4 of it to mold, couldn't get to her earlier :yoinks: Pics of that later.

Some purple

Lost the labels :moon: but it's either coming from Spain or Esbe's... possibly the later.

A nice surprice

Guerrilla Gold, haversted 1-15 Sept, with little mold, huge 1 liter bottle like colas.

Take care bro, keep it green!



Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey buddy
I got one female Pollen Chuck of four plants :)
He is the flower for a week to ten days switching to 12/12 :woohoo:



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup Core,:wave: dude how does ur cheese grow so tall like that?mine like spreads out and gets bushy even with like 1 topping...i will show ya some pics next time i take a few...
always lurkin bro fasho...cant wait to see them finish out.


Sup Core..
Update from North and harvest time i think i wont push her further cuz rain and frost comming up




But damn she smells lovly this gal dosent stink at all so gentle :yeahthats


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup brother Core :wave: dude i missed this thread you need to bring us more updates yo....ur public is callin you hehehehe...remember i told ya id drop a pic of my cheese cut so you can see the dif?well i forgot to takeone LMAO ...ill get one in here if you dont mind,they are 12/12 2 weeks now and you should see,its all wide hardly any stretch upwards at all,all out like a bush...mango has me ramblin hehehe...peace-T-


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Family

i know iv'e been MIA but i have come at a turnpoint in my personal life.
no drastic things or so but notthing i can talk about onhere.
i specially woke up early to post up...cuz i realy needed to....ATM its 5 am here. so i have a hour to post :)

hello Jha Ne !
first up welcome to IC mate....its always nice to have new faces around :)
thx for the link i'll try to take a peek if i still have the time:)

NK !!
mmmh lets hope you can borrow one then i would love some pix of the finished CT !
a 65 day flower does't sound bad to me....aslong as they smoke nice your good :)
and thx for the compliment my friend i do have'm thrips under control it seems....i noticed the first bitemarks instanly so i woz at it early...looks like i got'm all...for now that is ;)
Nway i hope you got everything sorted with your problem coz i have't been reading much lately...shame on me !

heya Prof
yea mate they are stunning this round i do have some pix with me
i will post them up :)

heya bro
thx for the compliment Dog!
i woz hoping you where on this minute to talk a bit but the timezones are not making it easy on me. i got a small message last time on Gtalk but i woz't on,pc woz just running while i woz't home
hope to talk soon :wave:

heya B !!

i c u still manage to find the time to do all these nice greenery things!
its you that derseves some props....so thanks for them pix bro i realy like and appreciate them!
i like the PB...but you always speak so highly of it.so i can understand why you made f3's hehe. awsome thinking Browser ;)
how did the Core's x LP turn out as a smoke? coz she does have something to her :yummy:
as does the purple on that bud!

heya Rad !!
mmmmh thats not a good ratio my friend...but i'm gladd you atleast have one...its not lightly she will be a keeper but this way you can try some of my work
thanks for the pic my friend i'll should be visiting your thread soon hope i can make some time for it in the evenings :D

damn sorry my friends i cu its 6 am here so i gotte run
Tona,kallen and friends i'll try to be back this evening !
but i'll drop a preview



Grower of fine herbs...
Thanks for the preview homie..

I got all my shit sorted out. Bacterial blight that I was able to take care of with a twice weekly spray of senenade.. I am going to keep it up until the plants have good size buds on them, then i will quit with any spraying..

Here are some shots of the orig CT's that I harvested almost two weeks ago.. First up is the Sativa pheno.. This yielded better than the indica and smells nicer as well. Still have yet to smoke it so I will let you know the verdict as soon as its been puffed.. This is CT#4 sativa pheno..



This next one is the indica pheno of the CT,known here as CT#2.. Has a very short stocky stature. If you noticed the yellow on the leaflets, that is from the blight. I had to trim off almost all the leaflets on every bud to make them look decent.. Cant wait to smoke this one. Grows with an indica stature, but with very spicy sativa scent.. Check her out..


I got 1oz 25g on the sativa pheno and 1.5oz with the indica pheno.. Both taken at 65 days. Cant wait till these clones mature and really show me what they have to offer..



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Kallen BB Sir and Tona

first off thx Kallen i do like the looks of her...with them color's and al....:D
i trudst your judgement mate if you say its time,then its time;)

Heya Sir
thx for the hollar mate but i can't hear it all the time anymore.no biggie though just don't have internet every day.thx for the visit :wave:

heya Brother Bear :D
thats always nice to hear ...pitty i just can't spend as much time as i used to....but i try to manage
thx for comming aorund :D

heya Tona
i'm trying to cope but i can't be on as much as a few years ago....i have few personal projects going on and the are very timeconsumng.....lets say i'm doing some work for my future :)
Nhow like to see them pix :)

Heya Nk !
seems like its nice bud ey?
thanks for them pix i like them dark orange hairs on'm
hope they will tickle your fancy once you smoke'm
props to you my friend i think 1.5 oz is a good yield.
looking forward to a report :D

update just some pix coz i realy need a shower and then do some cooking




that will be it for now i'll try to hurry back :witch:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks for the update Core,i was wondering when you was gonna give us a fix...peace-T-


Active member
They're all getting nice little pompoms going. I love watching them as they fill in. I'll be back a bit later to see how much.


great stuff core.. been a while since i dropped in on ya m8, but its looking stellar in here..

best of karma your way m8


heya Kallen BB Sir and Tona

first off thx Kallen i do like the looks of her...with them color's and al....:D
i trudst your judgement mate if you say its time,then its time;)

Heya Sir
thx for the hollar mate but i can't hear it all the time anymore.no biggie though just don't have internet every day.thx for the visit :wave:

heya Brother Bear :D
thats always nice to hear ...pitty i just can't spend as much time as i used to....but i try to manage
thx for comming aorund :D

heya Tona
i'm trying to cope but i can't be on as much as a few years ago....i have few personal projects going on and the are very timeconsumng.....lets say i'm doing some work for my future :)
Nhow like to see them pix :)

Heya Nk !
seems like its nice bud ey?
thanks for them pix i like them dark orange hairs on'm
hope they will tickle your fancy once you smoke'm
props to you my friend i think 1.5 oz is a good yield.
looking forward to a report :D

update just some pix coz i realy need a shower and then do some cooking




that will be it for now i'll try to hurry back :witch:

:witch2: brining this show whit me to tha new site cuz :woohoo: its hot material .....

i will soon tast the cores ...count on that and then i hopefully can make a smoke report as nice as the shots of her, anyways Ûbermench :woohoo: have a nice weekend...well whats left of it....:woohoo: