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afghan hash

Afghan pure?

Afghan pure?

High all, we have the same slabs with the same stamp and they smell very good and have a good texture, BUT they are of low quality. Taste and smell is good but it is definetely not what I was used to back in the days...It just doesn’t do the trick. The ones I have seen were rigth out of the crate...
The mysteries of the hash world! RR


In my opinion if you haven't tried hash or loved it yet, you have a mental problem.
It's been a long time my sweet lover, even opium can't touch the places you feel me (In fact I am terrified of opium, never had much to smoke and tea is scary).


I found this thread when looking for something else, and saw me saying this in it, and I quote, lol:

The black hash I've made from a cocktail of very potent plants was stronger than any other black hash I've tried, but I'm always ready to be proved wrong, lol

Well, I've got to say that I was proved wrong!

And in fact, only 6 weeks after I wrote that! - it was when I got to try a Nepalese so strong that it beggered belief!

Put it this way, at the 420 Cup this year, I smoked one hell of an array of some of the world's best buds and hash (including real Diesel from the States, some fantastic 1st grades import hashes, and some other very nice buds too :), and was extremely high!

Then I smoked a small pipe of this Nep, and it literally cut through the lot like a hot knife through butter!

In a way I couldn't believe it, but I remember thinking when toking it, that it felt so natural and that why isn't all hash like that?!

LOL - it should be if the world was a just place!



wow! i want some of that Nepalese! sounds like darn treat in my opinion..

i gotto get my ass over to the dam some cup!

peace all


Hi Bone,

Well, I smoked some very special Nepalese at the Cup, but this particular sample that cut through everything was an extremely special example, from a private stash.

Smoking it was a life changing experience for me, as it kicked the door down on the possibilities of hashish! (and that's compared to world-beating 1st grades!!)



its been about 10 years since i was in dam last time hehe - i would go crazy... hehehe


Hi bone, as I've suggested before, we should meet up in NL soon, and I'm sure we'd have a great smoke-out :D


Un - Retired,
can I get in on that party
I also grew up on Border hash, paki, and the fine moroc and even leb
me and Mr Haze got the chance to sample some Red Leb a few years back
man did that bring back some memory's

Oh and that same black hash is in Scotland as well but at silly prices but it is a good smoke
regardless as everything else around is total crap


awesome mate!

hats of for keeping a chunk of hash for 8 years! looks incredible, and definetly of outermost quality.

i can smell it thru the screen. :D

is it still as tasty?

i havent smoked anything asian since i left UK about 8 years ago or so, besides a 10 pound bag my sister once sent me for my birthday :D it was tiny but atleast it was black and spicy and a nice smoke. not the best quality though - but then again - it was a gift so i dont complain hehe :D

propably today i would just fall in coma from a good affy goo

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Active member
oldpink said:
can I get in on that party
I also grew up on Border hash, paki, and the fine moroc and even leb
me and Mr Haze got the chance to sample some Red Leb a few years back
man did that bring back some memory's

Oh and that same black hash is in Scotland as well but at silly prices but it is a good smoke
regardless as everything else around is total crap

you shouldn t be paying more than a 100/oz for it . i m also in the glens , and it s going for less than 2000 kg or 70/oz .

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
justagrower said:
you shouldn t be paying more than a 100/oz for it . i m also in the glens , and it s going for less than 2000 kg or 70/oz .

I sure fucking wish some of it would show up in hudds/leeds.. or at least show up with some ppl who dont iimediately add 60 percent fucking mhendi paste(henna) to it... wankers...was shown some last week, it was half soft, half hard... lol the tossers hadnt evenly mixed it when they were stepping on it.... half the slab was soft-on the top, and the other half was hard...-needless to say i wasnt buying
a few years ago any1 could get fairly decent hash-im not talking top quality but not shitbar either-border hash-ur redseal and such or some morrocan which isnt the best but sure beats whats around mostly now.... These days unless ur a good friend of someone u got no chance...-u didnt used to need to be so connected like now... fuck you used to be able to go to the city centre and buy outside a few different pubs...or go into the bookies and buy...now if ur not part of the clique ur fucked..... its kind of like not being with "the cool kids" at school lol
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