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i weigh 260 lbs and should weigh

rained all mornin but it's stopped now and the legs are feelin pretty good so i'm gonna go get me about 80 minutes...very nice outside..70 degrees..
just a perfect day to be out in nature..heres what i've learned so far...5 days in a row is too much...2 days on,one day off and then one day on works very well....felt great today...that 24 hours off really made a difference..got in 84 minutes but the key is at the end i wasnt strugglin to finish..will go back out 2mor and see if i get tired early..if i do i'll just keep on truckin..if i dont get tired early i'll know i'm gettin stronger...not goin to do 5 consecutive days again cause i'm not goin to take off consecutive days again...no matter what i'll do what my legs tell me to..


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
awesome dude,i buzzed through my walk to town and back today myself,was nice and cool,perfect weather for motoring! LOL keep it up,i havent owned a car in 5 years now so i have pounded a lot of pavement at this point,only takes me a few months to kill a pair of shoes! it does get easier,my round trip to town is 3.2 miles and i dont even notice it anymore,even loaded with groceries.
awesome dude,i buzzed through my walk to town and back today myself,was nice and cool,perfect weather for motoring! LOL keep it up,i havent owned a car in 5 years now so i have pounded a lot of pavement at this point,only takes me a few months to kill a pair of shoes! it does get easier,my round trip to town is 3.2 miles and i dont even notice it anymore,even loaded with groceries.
unclefishsticks,it's already gettin easier..how often do you walk to town?...i live in the country but the road to walmart doesnt have any room on the side to walk on..tried it a couple times and it's just too dangerous...thats a good distance...not too much but enough..
2 weeks today since i started hikin..it still wears my ass out but it's gettin better.... 58 dgees this mornin and i'm gonna go get it done early... only had 20 hours rest and i'll probably get tired but i want to start walkin earlier than i have been...that middle of the day sun zaps my energy..LETS GO GET SOME ROAD!!!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i try to go to town just about everyday,so at least 5 days a week i make that walk plus hiking on off days
i made 80 minutes but didnt like it..hehehe...was tired the whole time....will probably take 2mor off and go back at it sunday...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
time for me to head off for my walk to town,yup,im taking tomorrow off sort of,prob get in a bike ride in the evening tho,havent been on my bike all summer,cant wait!


Active member
this posts seems to remind me of fishermen s tall tales about the massive fish they pulled out of the water, the 10 pound pike ends up being a half pound eel. just like your average teenagers imaginary 12 inches turn out to be 3 inches in reality. LOL...

Come on now. I have fish stories too... if you want to hear them. But I digress.
it's halftime of the football games..12:30 in the mornin and i'm gettin ready to hit it...like i sais before i dont want to take 2 days off again and i've got a lot of football to watch 2mor..have had about 38 hours rest so the legs should be in good shape..i love gettin out late at night or early in the mornin when everything is quiet and still..LETS GO INTO THAT DARK NIGHT AND GET SOME ROAD!!


Active member
can i join you guys/gals i recentley began drinking again,and im really f'ing sick of it ive quite for about 4-6 months this year cold turkey, im really trying.
umm what im trying to do is go to a facility in china this year or somtime next year it cost 8000 U.S. to go for a year,its called the wugulun achadamey,it teaches a way of life called chan wu yi ,witch ecompases religion-medicine -wushu ,www.shaolinwugulun.com
this is my goal, to live a healthy happy way of life.
before i fell off the wagon i was practicing shaolin qi gong,and begining xinyi chuan,and im very much into tibetan budhisim as well as taoisim.
what i need to begin doing according to the wugulun achademey is start getting up at 5AM,they start training then, most students run,so i have a VERY steep hill outside my building that i can only slightly jog up 5 times and then im done,i do have a community gym no freeweights unfortunatley, their to expensive for me to buy,and i have a jumprope,also a mt.bike.
ive done rigorous training before for races, but now i have back injuries and a reconstructed knee and fibromyagia, and a "chemical imbalance" and ill tell you its a friggin different ball game.
i guess i just need more people like me to have support, i usually dont ask for help on anything but i beleive alcahol is keeping me down.
tommorow im gonna try to wake up at 5 and jog,mabey if i feel all right ill try some qi gong.
wish me luck haha.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
got in 82 min utes of good hikin this mornin...lets go watch some football!!!

awesome,you are doing great,keep that motivation high bro,one step at a time...maybe mixing up the time you spend walking a bit,could be time to start adding some other exercises to your routine,maybe one day with a shorter walk,but carry 10 lbs with you,like a gallon jug of water,do some curls with it as you walk,something like that:) keep on truckin dude!!

can i join you guys/gals i recentley began drinking again,and im really f'ing sick of it ive quite for about 4-6 months this year cold turkey, im really trying.
umm what im trying to do is go to a facility in china this year or somtime next year it cost 8000 U.S. to go for a year,its called the wugulun achadamey,it teaches a way of life called chan wu yi ,witch ecompases religion-medicine -wushu ,www.shaolinwugulun.com
this is my goal, to live a healthy happy way of life.
before i fell off the wagon i was practicing shaolin qi gong,and begining xinyi chuan,and im very much into tibetan budhisim as well as taoisim.
what i need to begin doing according to the wugulun achademey is start getting up at 5AM,they start training then, most students run,so i have a VERY steep hill outside my building that i can only slightly jog up 5 times and then im done,i do have a community gym no freeweights unfortunatley, their to expensive for me to buy,and i have a jumprope,also a mt.bike.
ive done rigorous training before for races, but now i have back injuries and a reconstructed knee and fibromyagia, and a "chemical imbalance" and ill tell you its a friggin different ball game.
i guess i just need more people like me to have support, i usually dont ask for help on anything but i beleive alcahol is keeping me down.
tommorow im gonna try to wake up at 5 and jog,mabey if i feel all right ill try some qi gong.
wish me luck haha.

good luck!! like the commercials say..just do it!! bring that discipline back into your life!!:dance013: if you have done it before,you know how much benefit it will bring to your life,and it will help you kick that demon booze or at least learn to moderate your consumption:)

good luck dude!!


Active member
yup, i know , drink or dont drink.
nam myoho renge kyo.......... ill let ya know when i first seen this phrase i thought it was spanish lol
uclefishsticks,my lungs wont allow me to carry any more than i'm already packin..hehehe..think this week i'm gonna go out every 36 hours and see if i can do that on a regular basis..from what i've learned it all boils down to stress and then rest to get stronger...this monday mornin makes 20 days and i can tell a difference when i walk up the hills..next spring i'll get a bike..