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I think I am going to buy ICMAG.


Active member
ICMag Donor
6 people in cal had all the numbers,just missed the powerball...that's gotta be crazy watching all those numbers hit


ICMag Donor
Holy shit!! That's so crazy!! Damn I would sure to get just a small part of that jackpot


I keep jokingly telling people I'll drop them a clean million if I win but I also just read 1984 so my cynical side just says this is a rigged lottery to keep us proles in line :).


Hell if they're letting Canadians play, can Brits get in on it too? Of course that's only 600 million in propper money. Still, worth a dollar through paypal

Apparently it's a complicated process if you want to play, I think you need to fly to the States. So it's not what I thought it was. Figures there would be misinfo put out there on something like this.


Once the novelty of buying big houses and cars wears off people will just inevitably revert back to the basics of crack cocaine and sex toys. Take a lesson from someone who has been there and done that like Whitney Houston. This National Enquirer article outlines what happens when you have more money than God and all the free time in the world.


"Fueled by drugs, she takes part in lesbian sex, chases any man who comes into her house and locks herself for hours on end in her bathroom to use her vast collection of sex toys."

Weather you want to admit it or not your going to eventually end up locked in the bathroom of your mansion for days on end with a bunch of crack and sex toys cuz its friday you aint got no job and you anit got nothing to do!!



if it smells like fish
I bought 5 tickets and only had one number ....yeehaw...I would be out hunting and fishing the world if I won not in some bathroom....


ICMag Donor
Crazy, huh? I bought 3 tickets Saturday's drawing, may try a different lottery game...State lottery....increases chances.

The fools, I mean folks, that win will be broke in a matter of time....too many winners have gone on to ruin or cursed with gluttony & greed...


Active member
Cant win if you dont play, as much as I hate buying these type of tickets I'd feel like a dumbass if I didn't atleast try to win.

I really hope someone actually wins this next drawing, when the jackpot gets high like this I feel compelled to play and I end up buying more tickets than I really should.


The Tri Guy
OK, I'm not buying plane tickets, but the winner could buy me a plane for next time ;)


New member
Cant win if you dont play, as much as I hate buying these type of tickets I'd feel like a dumbass if I didn't atleast try to win.

I really hope someone actually wins this next drawing, when the jackpot gets high like this I feel compelled to play and I end up buying more tickets than I really should.

Yep, me too. I am usually the guy lecturing relatives on the shitty odds, but they always sucker me in to these larger jackpots.


Got the 13, bought a few more, chose the numbers this time instead of quickpick, had to find my center, and realign my chi :chin:
Once the novelty of buying big houses and cars wears off people will just inevitably revert back to the basics of crack cocaine and sex toys. Take a lesson from someone who has been there and done that like Whitney Houston. This National Enquirer article outlines what happens when you have more money than God and all the free time in the world.


"Fueled by drugs, she takes part in lesbian sex, chases any man who comes into her house and locks herself for hours on end in her bathroom to use her vast collection of sex toys."

Weather you want to admit it or not your going to eventually end up locked in the bathroom of your mansion for days on end with a bunch of crack and sex toys cuz its friday you aint got no job and you anit got nothing to do!!

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Ill take my chances with the Half Billion.
Serious answer.

I would put a huge chunk towards Cannabis research and PTSD in vets. As well as CBD research for epilepsy, etc.

Might just open my own lab, and do it myself.

This seems like a good place to set up shop!

4.25M is chump change. Put a MIP on there and a testing facility. AND A SKATE PARK BRAH!

100lbs a month aint too shabby either. Might have to figure out a way to make this happen...



Active member
When I win. 1.4B tomorrow!

Wrong! 1.5 billion!

In my state, after 30 years, the payout after state and federal taxes......exceeds 1 billion by 65 million. That is if only 1 winner and I think 65 million is enough to pay city taxes. If I do win, I will promptly move out of the city!:dance013:

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